1 | #!/usr/bin/python
2 | #
3 | # Remo Dietlicher
4 | # ETH Zurich
5 | # Semesterarbeit
6 | #
7 | import pyfact
8 | from myhisto import *
9 | from hist import *
10 | import numpy as np
11 | import numpy.random as rnd
12 | from scipy import interpolate as ip
13 | from ROOT import *
14 | from time import time
15 | from optparse import OptionParser
16 |
17 | def ftcal(NChip, NEventsp, h,
18 | dfname = '/data00/fact-construction/raw/2011/11/24/20111124_014.fits.gz',
19 | calfname = '/data00/fact-construction/raw/2011/11/24/20111124_012.drs.fits.gz'):
20 |
21 | rd = pyfact.rawdata( dfname, calfname )
22 |
23 | fsampling = 1024./512. # sampling frequency
24 | freq = 250. # testfrequency
25 | P_nom = 1000./freq # nominal Period due to testfrequency
26 | DAMPING = 0.02 # Damping applied to correction
27 |
28 |
29 | # Functions needed for calibration
30 | # find negative-going crossings of mean value
31 | def Crossing(Data, Mean, t_nom, Start, Chip):
32 | TimeXing = np.zeros(rd.NROI)
33 | MeanXing = np.zeros(rd.NROI)
34 | NumXing = 0
35 | CellTime = CellTimef(np.roll(t_nom, -Start))
36 |
37 | for i in range(rd.NROI-1):
38 | if ((Data[i] > Mean) & (Data[i+1] < Mean)):
39 | MeanXing[NumXing] = i
40 |
41 | FirstCell = CellTime[i]
42 | SecondCell = CellTime[i+1]
43 |
44 | TimeXing[NumXing] = FirstCell+(SecondCell-FirstCell)/(1.-Data[i+1]/(Data[i]))*(1.-Mean/(Data[i]))
45 | NumXing += 1
46 |
47 | # calculate the frequency of the testwave
48 | freqp = fsampling*NumXing*1000./1024
49 | if(np.abs(freqp-freq) > 20):
50 | print "This is not a timecalibration run!!"
51 | raise SystemExit
52 |
53 | return MeanXing, TimeXing, NumXing
54 |
55 | # Determine time between crossings and apply correction
56 | def Corr(MeanXing, NumXing, TimeXing, t_nom, Start, Chip, Event):
57 |
58 | Ctot = np.zeros(NumXing)
59 |
60 | # loop over mean crossings
61 | for i in range(int(NumXing-1)):
62 | I1 = MeanXing[i]
63 | I2 = MeanXing[i+1]
64 | Period = TimeXing[i+1] - TimeXing[i]
65 |
66 |
67 | if(np.abs(1-Period/P_nom) > 0.2):
68 | continue
69 |
70 |
71 | if(Event == NEvents-1):
72 | h.list[Chip].dict["periods"].Fill(Period)
73 | if(Event == 0):
74 | h.list[Chip].dict["periods0"].Fill(Period)
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 | # calculate the frequency of the testwave
79 | freqp = 1000./Period
80 |
81 | C = (P_nom-Period)*DAMPING
82 | Ctot[i] = P_nom-Period
83 |
84 |
85 | numnom = Period*fsampling
86 | Correction = np.zeros(rd.NROI)
87 | Correction[I1+1:I2+1] += C/numnom
88 | Correction[:I1+1] -= (I2-I1)*C/(numnom*(rd.NROI-(I2-I1)))
89 | Correction[I2+1:] -= (I2-I1)*C/(numnom*(rd.NROI-(I2-I1)))
90 |
91 | Correction = np.roll(Correction, Start)
92 | t_nom += Correction
93 |
94 |
95 | if(Event > 200):
96 | h.list[Chip].dict["perioddevproj"].Fill(np.average(Ctot))
97 | h.list[Chip].dict["perioddev"].SetBinContent(Event+1, np.average(np.abs(Ctot)))
98 |
99 | return t_nom
100 |
101 |
102 | # Summing up the nominal times for each cell to the total cell time.
103 | def CellTimef(t_nom):
104 | CellTime = np.zeros(rd.NROI+1)
105 | for i in range(rd.NROI):
106 | CellTime[i+1] = CellTime[i] + t_nom[i]
107 |
108 | return CellTime
109 |
110 | # getting t_nom from CellTime
111 | def t_nomf(CellTime):
112 | t_nom = np.zeros(rd.NROI)
113 | for i in range(rd.NROI):
114 | t_nom[i] = CellTime[i+1]-CellTime[i]
115 |
116 | return t_nom
117 |
118 |
119 | rd.next()
120 | NPIX = NChip*9
121 | NEvents = NEventsp
122 |
123 | # create array to put the calibrated times for each cell in
124 | t_nom = np.ones([NPIX, rd.NROI])/fsampling
125 | DataTot = np.zeros([NEvents, NChip, rd.NROI])
126 |
127 | # loop over events
128 | for Event in range( NEvents ):
129 | print "Event ", Event
130 | Chip = 0
131 |
132 | # loop over every 9th channel in Chip
133 | for Pix in range(NPIX)[8::9]:
134 | print "Pix ", Pix
135 |
136 | # calculate t_nom for each pixel
137 | MeanXing, TimeXing, NumXing = Crossing(rd.acalData[Pix], np.average(rd.acalData[Pix]), t_nom[Pix], rd.startCells[Pix], Chip)
138 | t_nom[Pix] = Corr(MeanXing, NumXing, TimeXing, t_nom[Pix], rd.startCells[Pix], Chip, Event)
139 |
140 | DataTot[Event][Chip] = np.roll(rd.acalData[Pix], rd.startCells[Pix])
141 |
142 | Chip += 1
143 |
144 | rd.next()
145 |
146 | CellTime = np.zeros([NPIX, rd.NROI+1])
147 |
148 | DataMean = np.average(DataTot, 0)
149 |
150 | for Pix in range(NPIX):
151 | CellTime[Pix] = CellTimef(t_nom[Pix])
152 |
153 | t_nom = t_nom[8::9]
154 | CellTime = CellTime[8::9]
155 |
156 |
157 | return CellTime, DataMean
158 |