1 | # Programm zur Bestimmung der Genauigkeit des konvergierten Algorithmus
2 | #
3 | # Remo Dietlicher
4 | #
5 | #
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7 | from optparse import OptionParser
8 | import pyfact
9 | from myhisto import *
10 | from hist import *
11 | import numpy as np
12 | import numpy.random as rnd
13 | from ROOT import *
14 | from time import time
15 |
16 | def periods2(Data, CellTime, h):
17 |
18 | NROI = 1024 # length of the DRS pipeline
19 | fsampling = 2. # sampling frequency
20 | freq = 250. # testfrequency
21 | P_nom = 1000./freq # nominal Period due to testfrequency
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23 |
24 | nomCellTime = np.linspace(0., 1024., 1025)/fsampling
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28 |
29 | def Crossing(Mean, rCellTime):
30 | TimeXing = np.zeros(NROI)
31 | MeanXing = np.zeros(NROI)
32 | NumXing = 0
33 |
34 | for i in range(NROI-1):
35 | if ((Data[i] > Mean) & (Data[i+1] < Mean)):
36 | MeanXing[NumXing] = i
37 |
38 | FirstCell = rCellTime[i]
39 | SecondCell = rCellTime[i+1]
40 |
41 | TimeXing[NumXing] = FirstCell+(SecondCell-FirstCell)/(1.-Data[i+1]/(Data[i]))*(1.-Mean/(Data[i]))
42 | NumXing += 1
43 |
44 | return MeanXing, TimeXing
45 |
46 | def CalculatePeriods(rCellTime, name):
47 |
48 | Period = np.zeros(126)
49 |
50 | MeanXing, TimeXing = Crossing(np.average(Data), rCellTime)
51 |
52 | for i in range(int(126)):
53 | Period[i] = TimeXing[i+1] - TimeXing[i]
54 |
55 | for val in Period:
56 | h.dict[str(name)].Fill(val)
57 |
58 | return
59 |
60 | CalculatePeriods(CellTime, "avperiods")
61 | CalculatePeriods(nomCellTime, "avperiods0")
62 |
63 | return
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