1 | #!/usr/bin/python -tti
2 |
3 | from pyfact import RawData
4 | from drs_spikes import DRSSpikes
5 | import sys
6 | import numpy as np
7 | from ctypes import *
8 | import os
9 | import os.path as path
10 | from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, TH2F, TTree, TStyle, TObject
11 | import time
12 |
13 | dfn = sys.argv[1]
14 | cfn = sys.argv[2]
15 | run = RawData( dfn, cfn)
16 |
17 |
18 | file_base_name = path.splitext(path.basename(dfn))[0]
19 | root_filename = '/home_nfs/isdc/neise/' + file_base_name + '_' + time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') +'_spikeana.root'
20 |
21 | rootfile = TFile(root_filename, "RECREATE")
22 |
23 | baum = TTree('spiketree', 'spike ana tree')
24 |
25 | # prepare some vars for the tree
26 | chid = c_int(0)
27 | startcell = c_int(0)
28 | number_of_singles = c_int(0)
29 | position_of_spikes_in_logical_pipeline = np.zeros(100, np.int32)
30 | position_of_spikes_in_physical_pipeline = np.zeros(100, np.int32)
31 | time_to_previous = c_long(0)
32 |
33 |
34 | baum.Branch('chid',chid,'chid/I')
35 | baum.Branch('sc',startcell,'sc/I')
36 | baum.Branch('n',number_of_singles,'n/I')
37 | baum.Branch('logpos',position_of_spikes_in_logical_pipeline,'logpos[n]/I')
38 | baum.Branch('physpos',position_of_spikes_in_physical_pipeline,'physpos[n]/I')
39 | baum.Branch('time',time_to_previous,'time/I')
40 |
41 |
42 | def spikecallback(candidates, singles, doubles, data, ind):
43 | if len(singles) >0 :
44 | for s in singles:
45 | s = np.unravel_index(s, data.shape)
46 | hs.Fill( s[0], s[1])
47 | if len(doubles) >0 :
48 | for d in doubles:
49 | d = np.unravel_index(d, data.shape)
50 | hd.Fill( d[0], d[1])
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 | despike = DRSSpikes(user_action = spikecallback)
55 |
56 | def mars_spikes( data ):
57 | """
58 | should search for spikes, just as it is implemented in
59 | mcore/DrsCalib.h in DrsCalib::RemoveSpikes
60 | static void RemoveSpikes(float *vec, uint32_t roi)
61 | {
62 | if (roi<4)
63 | return;
64 |
65 | for (size_t ch=0; ch<1440; ch++)
66 | {
67 | float *p = vec + ch*roi;
68 |
69 | for (size_t i=1; i<roi-2; i++)
70 | {
71 | if (p[i]-p[i-1]>25 && p[i]-p[i+1]>25)
72 | {
73 | p[i] = (p[i-1]+p[i+1])/2;
74 | }
75 |
76 | if (p[i]-p[i-1]>22 && fabs(p[i]-p[i+1])<4 && p[i+1]-p[i+2]>22)
77 | {
78 | p[i] = (p[i-1]+p[i+2])/2;
79 | p[i+1] = p[i];
80 | }
81 | }
82 | }
83 | }
84 |
85 | """
86 |
87 | #: list, conaining the (chid,slice) tuple of the single spike positions
88 | singles = []
89 | #: list, conaining the (chid,slice) tuple of the 1st double spike positions
90 | doubles = []
91 |
92 | for chid, pdata in enumerate(data):
93 | single_cand = np.where( np.diff(pdata[:-1]) > 25)[0]
94 | for cand in single_cand:
95 | if -np.diff(pdata[1:])[cand] > 25:
96 | singles.append( (chid, cand) )
97 |
98 | double_cand = np.where( np.diff(pdata[:-1]) > 22 )[0]
99 | for cand in double_cand:
100 | if cand+1 < len(np.diff(pdata[1:])):
101 | if abs(-np.diff(pdata[1:])[cand])<4 and -np.diff(pdata[1:])[cand+1] > 22:
102 | doubles.append( (chid, cand) )
103 |
104 |
105 | return singles, doubles
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 | event = run.next()
112 | bt_old = event['board_times'].copy
113 |
114 | for event in run:
115 | data = event['data']
116 | s, d = mars_spikes(data)
117 | sc = event['start_cells']
118 | bt = event['board_times'].copy()
119 |
120 | if len(s) >0 :
121 | chid.value = s[0][0]
122 | startcell.value = sc[ chid.value ]
123 | number_of_singles.value = len(s)
124 | time.value = bt[s[0][0]/9]-bt_old[s[0][0]/9]
125 | for i in s:
126 | log = i[1]
127 | phys = (startcell.value+log)%1024
128 | position_of_spikes_in_logical_pipeline[i] = log
129 | position_of_spikes_in_physical_pipeline[i] = phys
130 | baum.Fill()
131 |
132 | bt_old = event['board_times'].copy()
133 |
134 | baum.Write()
135 |
136 | rootfile.Close() |