source: fact/tools/pyscripts/sandbox/dneise/ 13418

Last change on this file since 13418 was 13415, checked in by neise, 13 years ago
exchanged naming of cols, such that it fits to the way TB does it.
File size: 8.8 KB
1#!/usr/bin/python -tti
3# calculation of DRS Time Calibration constants
4# initial implementation by Remo Dietlicher and Werner Lustermann (ETH Zurich)
5# based on C++ classes by Oliver Grimm (ETH Zurich)
7# this python implementation was coded by
8# D. Neise (TU Dortmund) April 2012
10import numpy as np
11from pyfact import RawData
12from drs_spikes import DRSSpikes
13from extractor import ZeroXing
14class CalculateDrsTimeCalibrationConstants( object ):
15 """ basic analysis class for the calculation of DRS time aperture jitter calibration constants
16 """
18 def __init__(self, dpath, cpath):
19 """
20 *dpath*: data file path, file should contain a periodic signal in eahc 9th channel
21 *cpath*: std DRS amplitude calibration path
22 """
23 #dfname = '/data00/fact-construction/raw/2011/11/24/20111124_113.fits.gz'
24 #calfname = '/data00/fact-construction/raw/2011/11/24/20111124_111.drs.fits.gz'
25 self.data_path = dpath
26 self.calib_path = cpath
27 = RawData(dpath, cpath, return_dict = True)
29 if != 1024:
30 raise TypeError('Time Calibration Data must have ROI=1024, ROI of '+dpath+' is: '+str(
32 self.despike = DRSSpikes()
33 self.zero_crossing_finder = ZeroXing(slope = -1) # -1 means falling edge
34 self.fsampling = 2. # sampling frequency
35 self.freq = 250. # testfrequency
36 self.P_nom = 1000./self.freq # nominal Period due to testfrequency
37 self.DAMPING = 0.02 # Damping applied to correction
39 # this ndarray will contain the best estimate of the true width of each slice after a __call__
40 # but it is used to determine the current best estimate inside the __call__ as well,
41 # since the algorithm is iteratively implemented
42 #self.time_calib = np.linspace( 0. , 512, num=1024, endpoint=False).repeat(run.npix/9).reshape( (1024,run.npix/9) ).transpose()
43 self.time_calib = np.ones( (, 1024) )/self.fsampling
44 def __call__(self):
45 """ the class-call method performs the actual calculation based on the input data
46 returns: tuple of length 160 containing tuples of length 1024 containing the length of each cell in ns
47 the class contains self.result after the call.
48 """
49 # loop over events
50 counter = 0
51 for event in
52 print 'counter', counter
53 counter +=1
54 # in the next() method, which is called during looping,
55 # the data is automatically amplitude calibrated.
56 # we just need every 9th pixel, so this is a place
57 # for optimization
58 data = event['acal_data']
60 # slice out every 9th channel
61 niners_ids = range(8,,9) # [8, 17, 26, ..., 1430, 1439]
62 data = data[niners_ids,:]
63 start_cell = event['start_cells'][niners_ids,:]
65 data = self.despike( data )
67 # shift data down by the mean # possible in one line
68 # calculate mean
69 mean = data.mean(1)
70 # make mean in the same shape as data, for elementwise subtraction
71 mean = mean.repeat(data.shape[1]).reshape(data.shape)
72 # subtraction
73 data = data - mean
75 # find zero crossings with falling edge
76 # the output is a list, of lists, of slices.
77 # each slice, shows a zero crossing. in fact, is is the slice where
78 # the data is still positive ... in the next slice it is negative, (or just zero).
79 # This was called 'MeanXing' before
80 all_crossings = self.zero_crossing_finder(data)
82 # now we have to calculate the exact time of the crossings
83 # but in units of nanoseconds therefor we use self.time_calib
84 # rolled appropriately, and summed up in order to have the integral timing calibration
85 #
86 #the list, 'time_of_all_crossings' will contain sublists,
87 # which in turn will contain the times, in ns, for each zero-crossing
88 time_of_all_crossings = []
89 # the list, 'float_slice_of_all_crossings'
90 # is similar to the list above, but i just contains the position of the crossings
91 # in the pipeline, but more precisely than 'all_crossings', the position is linear interpolated
92 float_slice_of_all_crossings = []
94 for chip_id,crossings in enumerate(all_crossings):
95 time_of_all_crossings.append([])
96 float_slice_of_all_crossings.append([])
97 time = np.roll(self.time_calib[chip_id], -start_cell[chip_id]).cumsum()
98 for crossing in crossings:
99 # performing linear interpolation of time of zero crossing
100 # what fraction of a slide is the interpolated crossing away from the integral slice id
101 fraction_of_slice = data[chip_id,crossing] / (data[chip_id,crossing]-data[chip_id,crossing+1])
102 float_slice_of_all_crossings[-1].append(fraction_of_slice + crossing)
103 slope = time[crossing+1] - time[crossing]
104 time_of_crossing = time[crossing] + slope * fraction_of_slice
105 time_of_all_crossings[-1].append(time_of_crossing)
107 # Now one can use those two lists, which were just created
108 # to calculate the number(float) of slices between two consecutive crossings
109 # as well as the *measured* time between two crossings.
110 # on the other hand, the period of the test signal is known to be self.P_nom
111 # so in case the measured time is longer or shorter than the known Period
112 # the associated time of all involved slices
113 # is assumed to be a bit longer or short than 1./self.fsampling
115 # first we make the sublists of the lists to be numpy.arrays
116 for i in range(len(float_slice_of_all_crossings)): #both list have equal length
117 float_slice_of_all_crossings[i] = np.array(float_slice_of_all_crossings[i])
118 time_of_all_crossings[i] = np.array(time_of_all_crossings[i])
120 # now we can easily calculate the measured periods using np.diff()
121 all_measured_periods = []
122 for chip_times in time_of_all_crossings:
123 all_measured_periods.append(np.diff(chip_times))
125 for chip,chip_periods in enumerate(all_measured_periods):
127 for i,period in enumerate(chip_periods):
128 #shortcuts to the involved slices
129 start = all_crossings[chip][i]
130 end = all_crossings[chip][i+1]
131 interval = end-start
132 rest = 1024-interval
134 delta_period = (self.P_nom - period) * self.DAMPING
135 # nominal_number_of_slices
136 nom_num_slices = period * self.fsampling
138 # now the delta_period is distributed to all slices
139 # I do not exactly understand the +1 here ... error prone!!!
140 # the following explanation assumes delta_period is positive
141 # the slices between start and end get a positive correction value
142 # This correction value is given by delta_period / nom_num_slices
143 pos_fraction = delta_period / nom_num_slices
144 # the total positive correction sums up to
145 total_positive_correction = interval * pos_fraction
146 # the total negative correction must sum up to the sampe value
147 total_negative_correction = rest * (interval * (pos_fraction/rest))
148 # so we can call the product following 'rest' the 'neg_fraction
149 neg_fraction = -1 * interval/rest * pos_fraction
150 #print '1. should be zero', total_positive_correction - total_negative_correction
151 #assert total_positive_correction - total_negative_correction == 0
153 correction = np.zeros(1024)
154 correction[start+1:end+1] = pos_fraction
155 correction[:start+1] = neg_fraction
156 correction[end+1:] = neg_fraction
157 #print '2. should be zero', correction.sum()
158 #assert correction.sum() == 0
160 # now we have to add these correction values to self.time_calib
161 self.time_calib[chip,:] += np.roll(correction, start_cell[chip])
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