Line | |
1 |
2 | Hi,
3 |
4 | in order to get the data out of these root files I did:
5 |
6 | open root file on the command line
7 | :~> root filename.root
8 |
9 | in root I checked the contents of the file using
10 | .ls
11 |
12 | I see that there is a TH1F inside and I can also see its name --> histname
13 | then I get a pointer to that histo
14 |
15 | TH1F *h = _file0.Get("histname");
16 |
17 | then I open an output text file:
18 |
19 | ofstream myfile;
20 |"output_file_name.txt");
21 |
22 | now just loop over the histogram bins...
23 | for (int i = 1; 1<301; i++) {
24 | myfile << i << "\t" << h->GetBinContent(i) << endl;
25 | }
26 | myfile.close();
27 |
28 |
29 | that's it ...
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