1 | #!/usr/bin/python -itt
2 |
3 | import sys
4 | import numpy as np
5 | import rlcompleter
6 | import readline
7 | readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
8 |
9 | from readcorsika import read_corsika_file
10 | import fact_spline_interpolations as fact_si
11 | from Turnable import *
12 |
13 | absorbtion_coeff = fact_si.interpolate_from_files(
14 | fact_si.Wavelength_dependency_description_files )
15 |
16 | angular_acceptance = fact_si.interpolate_from_files(
17 | fact_si.angular_acceptance_files)
18 |
19 |
20 | run = read_corsika_file(sys.argv[1])
21 |
22 | print "photons = ", run.table.shape[0]
23 |
24 | wavelength = run.table[:,9]
25 | efficiencies = absorbtion_coeff(wavelength)
26 | # get uniform randomvalues between 0.0 and 1.0
27 | rndm = np.random.rand(wavelength.shape[0])
28 |
29 | # if the randomvalue is larger than the efficiency, the photon is absorbed
30 | # if the randomvalue is smaller, the photon survives
31 | run.not_absorbed = run.table[rndm < efficiencies,:]
32 |
33 | print "photons not absorbed = ", run.not_absorbed.shape[0],
34 | print float(run.not_absorbed.shape[0])/run.table.shape[0]*100, "%"
35 |
36 | distance = np.sqrt((run.not_absorbed[:,0:3]**2).sum(axis=1))
37 | run.inside = run.table[distance<210,:]
38 |
39 | print "photons inside = ", run.inside.shape[0],
40 | print float(run.inside.shape[0])/run.not_absorbed.shape[0]*100, "%"
41 |
42 | tm = run.inside[:,6].mean()
43 | pm = run.inside[:,7].mean()
44 | print "theta mean = ", tm
45 | print " phi mean = ", pm
46 | # now I can turn the photons such that the photons come from directly above
47 |
48 | # lets turn the world around the z-axis, so that phi mean becomes zero.
49 | Rphi = make_rotation_matrix( [0,0,1], pm)
50 |
51 | new_cosines = np.dot( run.inside[:,3:6],Rphi)
52 | new_theta = np.arccos(new_cosines[:,2])
53 | new_phi = np.arctan2(new_cosines[:,1], new_cosines[:,0])
54 |
55 | print "new theta mean", new_theta.mean()
56 | print "new phi mean", new_phi.mean()
57 |
58 | # now I think we need to turn around the y-axis
59 | Rtheta = make_rotation_matrix( [0,1,0], tm)
60 |
61 | new_cosines = np.dot( new_cosines,Rtheta)
62 | new_theta = np.arccos(new_cosines[:,2])
63 | new_phi = np.arctan2(new_cosines[:,1], new_cosines[:,0])
64 |
65 | print "new theta mean", new_theta.mean()
66 | print "new phi mean", new_phi.mean()
67 |