1 | #!/usr/bin/python -i
2 | #
3 | # Dominik Neise
4 | #
5 | # cleaning a small step towards the truth
6 | from pyfact_rename import *
7 | import os.path
8 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
9 | import numpy as np
10 | from fir_filter import *
11 | from extractor import *
12 | from drs_spikes import *
13 | from plotters import *
14 | import time as t
15 | from cleaners import AmplitudeCleaner
16 | confirm_next_step = False# this is for user interaction
17 |
18 | data_file_name = '/media/daten_platte/FACT/data/20120229_144.fits.gz'
19 | calib_file_name = '/media/daten_platte/FACT/data/20120229_132.drs.fits.gz'
20 | if not os.path.isfile(data_file_name):
21 | print 'not able to find file:', data_file_name
22 | sys.exit(-1)
23 | if not os.path.isfile(calib_file_name ):
24 | print 'not able to find file:', calib_file_name
25 | sys.exit(-1)
26 |
27 | run = RawData(data_file_name, calib_file_name)
28 | despike = DRSSpikes()
29 | smooth = SlidingAverage(8)
30 | extract = GlobalMaxFinder(40,200)
31 | cleaner = AmplitudeCleaner(45,18)
32 |
33 | #plotA = CamPlotter('amplitudes')
34 | #plotT = CamPlotter('times')
35 | #plotCA = CamPlotter('cleaned amplitudes')
36 |
37 | #plotArea = HistPlotter('area', 1440, (0,1440) )
38 | #plotSize = HistPlotter('size', 1000, (0,10000) )
39 |
40 |
41 | areas = []
42 | sizes = []
43 | for data,startcell,tt in run:
44 | if tt==4:
45 | data = despike(data)
46 | data = smooth(data)
47 | amplitude, time_of_max = extract(data)
48 | clean_mask = cleaner(amplitude)
49 | #plotA.name='amplitudes EvtID:' + str(run.event_id.value) + ' TT:' + str(tt)
50 | #plotA(amplitude)
51 | #plotT(time_of_max)
52 | #plotCA(data=amplitude, mask=clean_mask)
53 |
54 | survivors = np.where( clean_mask)[0]
55 | size = 0
56 | for pixel in survivors:
57 | size += amplitude[pixel]
58 |
59 | if len(survivors) > 0:
60 | areas.append( len(survivors) )
61 | sizes.append( size )
62 |
63 |
64 | #plotArea(areas, 'areas of ' + str(run.event_id.value) + 'events')
65 | #plotSize(sizes, 'sizes of ' + str(run.event_id.value) + 'events')
66 |
67 | if confirm_next_step:
68 | user_input = raw_input("'q'-quit, 'r'-run, anything else goes one step")
69 | number=None
70 | try:
71 | number=int(user_input)
72 | except:
73 | number=None
74 | if user_input.find('q') != -1:
75 | sys.exit(0)
76 | elif user_input.find('r') != -1:
77 | confirm_next_step = False
78 | elif number!=None:
79 | run += number
80 |
81 |
82 | plt.ion()
83 | myfig = plt.figure()
84 | myn = myfig.number
85 | logsize = np.log10(np.array(sizes))
86 | areas = np.array(areas)
87 |
88 | plt.figure(myn)
89 | plt.title('area vs. log10(size) of '+ str(run.event_id.value) + 'events')
90 | plt.xlabel('log10(size/1mV)')
91 | plt.ylabel('area [#pixel]')
92 | plt.plot( logsize,areas, '.')