1 | /*
2 | GetDrsOffset.C - a ROOT macro calculating the DRS Offset calibration constants
3 |
4 | -- TESTING --
5 |
6 | In case you have taken a file, which is good for calibrating the DRS Offset,
7 | then you can calculate the offset using this macro.
8 | It just calculates the mean value and the RMS for all DRS bins of all pixels
9 | in the file, for the number of events you like.
10 |
11 | The output is two TH2Fs, which contain all requested data on the one hand and
12 | on the other hand are good for having an overview.
13 |
14 | call it like this:
15 | GetDrsOffset("path/20111111_001.fits.gz")
16 |
17 | GetDrsOffset("path/20111111_001.fits.gz", "foo/output.root")
18 | saves the output to a root file
19 |
20 | GetDrsOffset("path/20111111_001.fits.gz", "", "bar/test.bin")
21 | saves the output to a binary file.
22 |
23 | GetDrsOffset("path/20111111_001.fits.gz", "foo/out.root", "bar/test.bin", false, -1)
24 | produces all output, but does not open a ROOT Canvas.
25 | -1 : means process all events in the given file.
26 |
27 | */
28 |
29 |
30 | #include <TROOT.h>
31 | #include <TCanvas.h>
32 | #include <TH2F.h>
33 | #include <Getline.h>
34 | #include <TFile.h>
35 | #include <TStyle.h>
36 |
37 | #include <stdio.h>
38 | #include <stdint.h>
39 | #include <cstdio>
40 | #include <fstream>
41 | #include <string.h>
42 |
43 | #define HAVE_ZLIB
44 | #include "fits.h"
45 |
46 | #include "openFits.h"
47 | #include "openFits.c"
48 |
49 |
50 | int NEvents;
51 | vector<int16_t> AllPixelDataVector;
52 | vector<int16_t> StartCellVector;
53 | unsigned int CurrentEventID;
54 | size_t PXLxROI;
55 | UInt_t RegionOfInterest;
56 | UInt_t NumberOfPixels;
57 |
58 | TH2F * hOffset;
59 | TH2F * hOffsetRMS;
60 | double mean[1440][1024]={{0}};
61 | int n[1440][1024]={{0}};
62 | double rms[1440][1024]={{0}};
63 | TObjArray hList;
64 |
65 |
66 | int GetDrsOffset(
67 | char *datafilename = "data/20111016_013.fits.gz",
68 | const char *RootFileName = "",
69 | const char *OutFileName = "",
70 | bool graphic = true,
71 | int nevents = -1,
72 | int verbosityLevel = 1
73 | )
74 | {
75 | gStyle->SetPalette(1,0);
76 |
77 |
78 | fits * datafile;
79 | NEvents = openDataFits( datafilename, &datafile,
80 | AllPixelDataVector, StartCellVector, CurrentEventID,
81 | RegionOfInterest, NumberOfPixels, PXLxROI, verbosityLevel);
82 | if (NEvents == 0){
83 | cout << "return code of OpenDataFile:" << datafilename<< endl;
84 | cout << "is zero -> aborting." << endl;
85 | return 1;
86 | }
87 |
88 | if (verbosityLevel > 0)
89 | cout <<"number of events in file: "<< NEvents << "\t";
90 | if ( nevents == -1 || nevents > NEvents ) nevents = NEvents; // -1 means all!
91 | if (verbosityLevel > 0)
92 | cout <<"of, which "<< nevents << " will be processed"<< endl;
93 |
94 | int npixel = -1;
95 | if (verbosityLevel > 0)
96 | cout <<"Total # of Pixel: "<< NumberOfPixels << "\t";
97 | if ( npixel == -1 || npixel > (int)NumberOfPixels ) npixel = (int)NumberOfPixels; // -1 means all!
98 | if (verbosityLevel > 0)
99 | cout <<"of, which "<< npixel << " will be processed"<< endl;
100 |
101 |
102 | if (verbosityLevel > 0)
103 | cout <<" The ROI of this datafile is:" << RegionOfInterest << endl;
104 |
105 | double cur;
106 | // -------------------- OFFSET --------------------------------------------
107 | for ( int ev = 0; ev < nevents; ev++) {
108 | printf("%5d / %5d\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b",ev,nevents);
109 | datafile->GetRow( ev );
110 | for ( int pix = 0 ; pix < npixel; pix++ ){
111 | for (unsigned int sl=0; sl< RegionOfInterest; sl++){
112 | cur = AllPixelDataVector[pix * RegionOfInterest + sl];
113 | mean[pix][(sl+StartCellVector[pix])%1024] += cur;
114 | ++n[pix][(sl+StartCellVector[pix])%1024];
115 | rms[pix][(sl+StartCellVector[pix])%1024] += cur * cur;
116 | }
117 | }
118 | }
119 | for (int p=0; p<1440; p++)
120 | for (int s=0; s<1024; s++){
121 | if (n[p][s]==0){
122 | cout << "Error: no data for pixel:" << p <<" slice:" << s << endl;
123 | return 1;
124 | }
125 | mean[p][s]/=n[p][s];
126 | rms[p][s]/=n[p][s];
127 | rms[p][s]-=mean[p][s]*mean[p][s];
128 | rms[p][s]=sqrt(rms[p][s]);
129 | }
130 |
131 |
132 | // ----------------- For plotting only -------------------
133 | if (graphic){
134 |
135 | TCanvas *cOffset = NULL;
136 | cOffset = new TCanvas("cOffset","Offset",10,10,800,400);
137 | cOffset->Divide(1, 2);
138 |
139 | hOffset = new TH2F("hOffset","Offset",1440,-0.5,1439.5, 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
140 | hOffset->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "pixel" );
141 | hOffset->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "slice" );
142 | hList.Add( hOffset );
143 |
144 | hOffsetRMS = new TH2F("hOffsetRMS","Offset RMS",1440,-0.5,1439.5, 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
145 | hOffsetRMS->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "pixel" );
146 | hOffsetRMS->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "slice" );
147 | hList.Add( hOffsetRMS );
148 |
149 | for ( int pix = 0 ; pix < 1440; pix++ ){
150 | for (unsigned int sl=0; sl< 1024; sl++){
151 | hOffset->Fill(pix,sl,mean[pix][sl]);
152 | hOffsetRMS->Fill(pix,sl,rms[pix][sl]);
153 | }
154 | }
155 | cOffset->cd(1);
156 | hOffset->Draw("COLZ");
157 | cOffset->cd(2);
158 | hOffsetRMS->Draw("COLZ");
159 | cOffset->Modified();
160 | cOffset->Update();
161 | }
162 |
163 | if ( strlen(OutFileName) > 0 ) {
164 | ofstream out(OutFileName, ios::out | ios::binary);
165 | if(!out) {
166 | cout << "Cannot open file." << OutFileName << endl;
167 | return 1;
168 | }
169 | out.write((char *) &mean, sizeof mean);
170 | out.write((char *) &rms, sizeof rms);
171 | out.close();
172 | cout << "binary output written to \"" << OutFileName << "\"" << endl;
173 | }else
174 | cout << "no output generated" << endl;
175 |
176 | /*
177 | double offset[1440][1024];
178 | ifstream in(OutFileName, ios::in | ios::binary);
179 | in.read((char*) &offset, sizeof offset);
180 | in.close();
181 |
182 |
183 | for ( int pix = 0 ; pix < 1440; pix++ ){
184 | for (unsigned int sl=0; sl< 1024; sl++){
185 | cout << offset[pix][sl] << endl;
186 | }
187 | }
188 | */
189 |
190 | TFile tf( RootFileName, "RECREATE");
191 | hList.Write(); // write the major histograms into the top level directory
192 | tf.Close(); // close the file
193 | return( 0 );
194 | }
195 |