/** a sum of attributes and histograms of several pixels. * * #include "XX.h"
* -llib * * A longer description. * * @see pixel.h */ #ifndef PIXELSUM_H #define PIXELSUM_H // SYSTEM INCLUDES #include using namespace std; // // PROJECT INCLUDES #include "pixel.h" // // LOCAL INCLUDES // // FORWARD REFERENCES // class PixelSum : public Pixel { public: // LIFECYCLE /** Default constructor. */ // /** Copy constructor. // * // * @param from The value to copy to this object. // */ PixelSum( TString pixelname, int pixelID, int maxPulsorder, int verbosityLevel, bool stats, TString options, int pixelOverlayXaxisLeft, int pixelOverlayXaxisRight, float bSLMean, float gainMean, TFile* filename ); /** Destructor. */ ~PixelSum(); // OPERATORS // /** Assignment operator. // * // * @param from THe value to assign to this object. // * // * @return A reference to this object. // */ // XX& operator=(const XX& from); // OPERATIONS //Histogram Booking void BookSumHistos(); void BookSumDistributionHistos(); void DeleteSumHistos(); void DeleteSumDistributionHistos(); TString CsvFileName(TString, TString, int ); // ACCESS // INQUIRY TString mName; //Pixel Histos TH2F** mhMaxByChid; TH2F** mhMeanByChid; TH2F** mhMedianByChid; //Distribution Histos TH1F** mhDistAmplitude; TH1F** mhDistSlopeRiseEdge; TH1F** mhDistSlopeFallEdge; }; // INLINE METHODS // // EXTERNAL REFERENCES // #endif // PIXELSUM_H