#include #include #include "TObjArray.h" #include "rootfilehandler.h" #include using namespace std; /* POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT: creat files on the heap and handover pointers */ void CreateRootFile( TString loc_fname, bool overwrite, int verbosityLevel ) { TFile* output_rootfile; if(!overwrite) { output_rootfile = new TFile(loc_fname); if (output_rootfile->IsZombie()) { cout << "file does not exist...creating file" << endl; delete output_rootfile; output_rootfile = new TFile(loc_fname,"NEW"); } else { cout << "file does exist and will be updated" << endl; output_rootfile->OpenFile(loc_fname,"UPDATE"); } } else if(overwrite) { cout << "overwriting file" << endl; output_rootfile = new TFile(loc_fname,"RECREATE"); } if (output_rootfile->IsZombie()) { cout << "Error opening file" << endl; exit(-1); } else { if (verbosityLevel > 1) cout << "creating root-file...successfull" << endl; output_rootfile->pwd(); output_rootfile->Close(); delete output_rootfile; } } //end of CreateRootFile //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TFile* ChooseRootFileToWrite( TString loc_fname, int verbosityLevel ) { TFile* output_rootfile = new TFile(loc_fname,"UPDATE"); if (output_rootfile->IsZombie()) { cout << "Error opening file" << endl; exit(-1); } else { if (verbosityLevel > 1) { cout << "...opening root-file:" << loc_fname << " successfull" << endl; } } return output_rootfile; } //end of WriteInRootFile //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CloseRootFile( TFile* output_rootfile ) { if (output_rootfile->IsZombie()) { cout << "Error closing file" << endl; exit(-1); } else { output_rootfile->Close(); } delete output_rootfile; } //end of CloseRootFile //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SaveList( TString loc_fname, TString subdirectory, TList* list, bool saveResults, int verbosityLevel ) { if (!saveResults) return; if (list==NULL) return; if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << endl << "...saving pixel's list to subdirectory: " << subdirectory << endl ; TFile* output_rootfile = NULL; output_rootfile = ChooseRootFileToWrite( loc_fname, verbosityLevel); if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << endl << "...writing list to root file " << endl ; gFile->mkdir(subdirectory.Data()); gFile->cd(subdirectory.Data()); if (verbosityLevel > 1) { gDirectory->pwd(); } // cout << list; for ( int idx = 0; idx < list->GetSize(); idx++) { list->At(idx)->Write(); } // gFile->WriteTObject(list, subdirectory); // write the histograms into one Key in the top level directory gFile->cd(".."); if (verbosityLevel > 3) output_rootfile->ls(); CloseRootFile( output_rootfile ); // close the file if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "...done" << endl; } // end of SaveHistograms //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TString CreateSubDirName( int pixel ) { TString path = "Pixel_"; path += pixel; // cout << "path " << path << endl ; return path; } // end of CreateSubDirName //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TString CreateSubDirName( TString title ) { title += "_Pixel"; // cout << "path " << path << endl ; return title; } // end of CreateSubDirName //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TFile* OpenRootFile( TString path, TString filename, int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 1) { cout << "...opening root-file: "; } path += filename; TFile* file = TFile::Open( path ); if (verbosityLevel > 1) { cout << path ; cout << " ...successfull" << endl; } return file; } TFile* LoadRootFile( TString path, TString filename, int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 1) { cout << "...loading root-file: "; } path += filename; TFile* file = TFile::Open( path ); if (file->IsZombie()) { cerr << "file does not exist" << endl; delete file; return NULL; } else if (verbosityLevel > 1) { cout << path ; cout << " ...successfull" << endl; } return file; } TString SetHostsPaths( bool isInHomeDir, TString path ) { TString hostName = gSystem->HostName(); TString dataDirectory; TString homeDirectory; TString temp_filename; if ( hostName.Contains("isdc") ) //IF ONE IS WORKING AT ISDC { cout << "computing site is ISDC" << endl; dataDirectory = "/fact/"; homeDirectory = "/home_nfs/isdc/jbbuss/"; } else if ( hostName.Contains("hpc")||hostName.Contains("node") ) //IF ONE IS WORKING AT PHIDO { cout << "computing site is PhiDO" << endl; dataDirectory = "/fhgfs/groups/app/fact-construction/"; homeDirectory = "/fhgfs/users/jbuss/"; } else { exit(-1); } if (!isInHomeDir) { temp_filename = dataDirectory; temp_filename += path; path = temp_filename; } else if (isInHomeDir) { temp_filename = homeDirectory; temp_filename += path; path = temp_filename; } return path; }