#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "templateextractors.h" using namespace std; using namespace TMath; void CalcMaxPropabilityOfSlice( TH2* inputHisto, TH1* outputHisto, int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << endl << "...calculating slieces value of max. propability" << endl; float sliceMax = 0; TH1D* hTemp = NULL; int nbins = inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "...generating projections" << endl; for (Int_t slice = 1; slice <= nbins; slice++) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "...slice: " << slice; //put maximumvalue of every Y-projection of every slice into vector hTemp = inputHisto->ProjectionY( "", slice,slice); sliceMax = hTemp->GetBinCenter( hTemp->GetMaximumBin() ); if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << " with max value " << sliceMax << endl; outputHisto->SetBinContent(slice, sliceMax ); } if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "\t...done" << endl; } // end of CalcMaxPropabilityOfSlice //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlotMaxPropabilityPulse( Pixel* CurrentPixel, TString overlayType, int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << endl << "...calculating pulse shape of max. propability" << endl; TH2F** hInputHistoArray = NULL; TH1F** hOutputHistoArray = NULL; if (overlayType.Contains("Edge")) { hInputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hEdgeOverlay; hOutputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hPixelEdgeMax; } else if (overlayType.Contains("Maximum")) { hInputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hMaxOverlay; hOutputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hPixelMax; } else { cout << endl << "Unknown Overlay Method-->aborting" << endl; return; } for ( int pulse_order = 0 ; pulse_order < CurrentPixel->mMaxPulseOrder ; pulse_order ++) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "\t...calculation of " << "pulse order " << pulse_order; // vector max_value_of to number of slices in Overlay Spectra CalcMaxPropabilityOfSlice( hInputHistoArray[pulse_order], hOutputHistoArray[pulse_order], verbosityLevel); CalcMaxPropabilityOfSlice( hInputHistoArray[pulse_order], hOutputHistoArray[pulse_order], verbosityLevel); } } // end of PlotMaxPropabilityPulse //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FitMaxPropabilityPulse( TH1F* inputHisto, int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "...fit Landau in histograms" ; if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "\t...calculating Landaufit" ; inputHisto->Fit("landau", "", "", -50, 250); if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "...done" << endl; } // end of FitMaxPropabilityPuls //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- double MedianOfH1 ( //THE PROBLEM MUST BE HERE!!!!!!! TH1D* inputHisto ) { //compute the median for 1-d histogram h1 Int_t nbins = inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); double *x = new double[nbins]; double *y = new double[nbins]; for (Int_t i=0;iGetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); y[i] = inputHisto->GetBinContent(i); } double median = TMath::Median(nbins,x,y); delete [] x; delete [] y; return median; } // end of PlotMedianEachSliceOfPulse //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t MedianOfH1withRndSlices ( TH1* inputHisto, //histogram from which median will be calculated vector* position //array with random slice numbers ) { //compute the median for 1-d histogram h1 Int_t nbins = inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); Double_t *x = new Double_t[nbins]; Double_t *y = new Double_t[nbins]; for (Int_t i=0;iGetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(position->at(i) ); y[i] = inputHisto->GetBinContent(position->at(i) ); } Double_t median = TMath::Median(nbins,x,y); delete [] x; delete [] y; return median; } // end of PlotMedianEachSliceOfPulse //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ExtractTH1EnriesToVector ( TH1* inputHisto, //histogram from which median will be calculated vector* entries //array with random slice numbers ) { //compute number of bins in imput histo Int_t nbins = inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); int quantity; for (Int_t i=0;iGetBinContent(i); for (int j = 0; j < quantity; j++){ entries->push_back(inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i)); } } return entries->size(); } // end of PlotMedianEachSliceOfPulse //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CalculateErrorsWithBootstrapping(TH1* inputHisto, int numIt, double* par, double* parErr) { // cout << "...calculating errors of " << inputHisto->GetName() << endl; Sample sample; double Mean[numIt]; double Median[numIt]; double Max[numIt]; double parameter[3] = {0,0,0}; double parameterErr[3] = {0,0,0}; for (int i = 0; i < numIt; i++) { Mean[i] = 0; Median[i] = 0; Max[i] = 0; } // TCanvas test_canvas; // test_canvas.Divide(2,1); // test_canvas.cd(1); // inputHisto->Draw(); for (int i = 0; i < numIt; i++) { // test_canvas.cd(2); TH1D* tempHisto = (TH1D*)inputHisto->Clone("tempHisto"); // "", // "", // inputHisto->GetNbinsX(), // inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge( inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetFirst() ), // inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge( inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetLast() ) // ); tempHisto->Reset(); sample.SetSeed(sample.GetSeed()+1); sample.BootstrapTH1(inputHisto, tempHisto); Mean[i] = tempHisto->GetMean(); Median[i] = MedianOfH1 ( tempHisto ); Max[i] = tempHisto->GetBinCenter( tempHisto->GetMaximumBin() ); //improved determination of modus // TF1 gaus("fgaus", "gaus", Max[i]-10, Max[i]+10); // tempHisto->Fit("fgaus", "WWQRN0"); // Max[i] = gaus.GetParameter(1); // sample.SetSeed(sample.GetSeed() + 1); /* //Process gui events asynchronously during input tempHisto->Draw(); test_canvas.Modified(); test_canvas.Update(); cout << endl; TTimer timer("gSystem->ProcessEvents();", 50, kFALSE); timer.TurnOn(); TString input = Getline("Type 'q' to exit, to go on: "); timer.TurnOff(); if (input=="q\n") { return; } */ delete tempHisto; } parameter[0] = TMath::Mean( numIt, Max); parameterErr[0] = TMath::RMS( numIt, Max); parameter[1] = TMath::Mean( numIt, Median); parameterErr[1] = TMath::RMS( numIt, Median); parameter[2] = TMath::Mean( numIt, Mean); parameterErr[2] = TMath::RMS( numIt, Mean); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (&par[i] != NULL) { par[i] = parameter[i]; } else cout << "par[" << i << "] array to small" << endl; if (&par[i] != NULL) { parErr[i] = parameterErr[i]; } else cout << "parErr[" << i << "] array to small" << endl; } return; } void PlotMedianOfSlice( Pixel* CurrentPixel, TString overlayType, int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << endl << "...calculating pulse shape of slice's Median" << endl; TH2F** hInputHistoArray = NULL; TH1F** hOutputHistoArray = NULL; // TH1* hTempHisto = NULL; // float median = 0; if (overlayType.Contains("Edge")) { hInputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hEdgeOverlay; hOutputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hPixelEdgeMean; } else if (overlayType.Contains("Maximum")) { hInputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hMaxOverlay; hOutputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hPixelMedian; } else { cout << endl << "Unknown Overlay Method-->aborting" << endl; return; } for (int pulse_order = 0 ; pulse_order < CurrentPixel->mMaxPulseOrder ; pulse_order ++) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "\t...calculation of " << "pulse order " << pulse_order; MedianOfTH2Slices( hInputHistoArray[pulse_order], hOutputHistoArray[pulse_order], verbosityLevel ); ErrorMedianOfTH2Slices( hInputHistoArray[pulse_order], hOutputHistoArray[pulse_order], 5, //numIterations verbosityLevel ); // Int_t nbins = hInputHistoArray[pulse_order]->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); // for (Int_t slice=1;slice<=nbins;slice++) { // hTempHisto = hInputHistoArray[pulse_order]->ProjectionY("",slice,slice); // median = MedianOfH1(hTempHisto); // if (verbosityLevel > 2) printf("Median of Slice %d, Median=%g\n",slice,median); // hOutputHistoArray[pulse_order]->SetBinContent(slice, median ); //// delete h1; // } if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "\t...done" << endl; } } // end of PlotMedianEachSliceOfPulse //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MedianOfTH2Slices( TH2* inputHisto, TH1* outputHisto, int verbosityLevel ) { Int_t nbins = inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); float median = 0; for (Int_t slice=1;slice<=nbins;slice++) { median = MedianOfH1( inputHisto->ProjectionY("",slice,slice) ); if (verbosityLevel > 2) printf("Median of Slice %d, Median=%g\n",slice,median); outputHisto->SetBinContent(slice, median ); // delete h1; } return; } // end of MedianOfTH2Slices //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- double ErrorMedianOfH1( TH1* inputHisto, int numIterations, int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 5) cout << "...calculating errors of median" << endl; // float MedianOfSliceMean; double medianRMS = 0; int sample_min = inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); int sample_max = inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetLast(); int sample_size = inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); // int sample_size = sample_max - sample_min; // cout << "sample_min " << sample_min // << ", sample_max " << sample_max // << ", sample_size " << sample_size // << endl; double median[numIterations]; vector rndList; Sample sample(sample_size); for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) { sample.SetSeed(sample.GetSeed() + 1); sample.BootstrapSample(&rndList, sample_min, sample_max, sample_size); median[i] = MedianOfH1withRndSlices( inputHisto, &rndList ); } // MedianOfSliceMean = TMath::Mean(numIterations, median); medianRMS = RMS(numIterations, median); // if (verbosityLevel > 2) printf("Mean Median=%g\n",MedianOfSliceMean); if (verbosityLevel > 5) printf("medianRMS=%g\n",medianRMS); return medianRMS; } void ErrorMedianOfTH2Slices( TH2* inputHisto, TH1* outputHisto, int numIterations, int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "...calculating errors of median" << endl; Int_t nbins = inputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); cout << "nbins " << nbins << endl; float MedianOfSliceMean[nbins]; float MedianOfSliceRMS[nbins]; float median[numIterations]; vector rndList; // rndList->clear(); TH1 *htemp = NULL; for (Int_t slice=1;slice<=nbins;slice++) { htemp = inputHisto->ProjectionY("",slice,slice); int sample_min = htemp->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); int sample_max = htemp->GetXaxis()->GetLast(); int sample_size = htemp->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); // cout << "sample_min " << sample_min // << ", sample_max " << sample_max // << ", sample_size " << sample_size // << endl; Sample sample(sample_size); for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) { sample.SetSeed(sample.GetSeed() + 1); sample.BootstrapSample(&rndList, sample_min, sample_max, sample_size); median[i] = MedianOfH1withRndSlices( htemp, &rndList ); } MedianOfSliceMean[slice] = TMath::Mean(numIterations, median); MedianOfSliceRMS[slice] = TMath::RMS(numIterations, median); outputHisto->SetBinError(slice, MedianOfSliceRMS[slice]); // outputHisto->SetBinError(slice, RMS(numIterations, median) ); if (verbosityLevel > 2) printf("Mean Median of Slice %d, Mean Median=%g\n",slice,MedianOfSliceMean[slice]); if (verbosityLevel > 2) printf("RMS of Median of Slice %d, MedianRMS=%g\n",slice,MedianOfSliceRMS[slice]); // outputHisto->SetBinContent(slice, median ); // delete h1; } return; } // end of ErrorMedianOfTH2Slices //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlotMeanOfSlice( Pixel* CurrentPixel, TString overlayType, int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << endl << "...calculating pulse shape of slice's Mean" << endl; TH2F** hInputHistoArray = NULL; TH1F** hOutputHistoArray = NULL; TH1* hTempHisto = NULL; float mean = 0; if (overlayType.Contains("Edge")) { hInputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hEdgeOverlay; hOutputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hPixelEdgeMean; } else if (overlayType.Contains("Maximum")) { hInputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hMaxOverlay; hOutputHistoArray = CurrentPixel->hPixelMean; } else { cout << endl << "Unknown Overlay Method-->aborting" << endl; return; } for (int pulse_order = 0 ; pulse_order < CurrentPixel->mMaxPulseOrder ; pulse_order ++) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "\t...calculation of " << "pulse order " << pulse_order; Int_t nbins = hInputHistoArray[pulse_order]->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); for (Int_t slice=1;slice<=nbins;slice++) { hTempHisto = hInputHistoArray[pulse_order]->ProjectionY("",slice,slice); mean = hTempHisto->GetMean(); if (verbosityLevel > 2) printf("Mean of Slice %d, Mean=%g\n",slice,mean); hOutputHistoArray[pulse_order]->SetBinContent(slice, mean ); // delete h1; } if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "\t...done" << endl; } } // end of CalcMeanOfSlice //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ExtractPulseTemplate( Pixel* CurrentPixel, TString overlayType, int pulse_order, int numBootstrapIt,// = 10, //number of iterations for bootstrapping int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << endl << "...calculating pulse shape" << " of max. propability" << " of " << overlayType << " Overlay" << endl; TH2F* hInputHisto = NULL; TH1F* hOutputMaxHisto = NULL; TH1F* hOutputMeanHisto = NULL; TH1F* hOutputMedianHisto = NULL; TH1D* hTempHisto = NULL; double max_prop = 0; double median = 0; double mean = 0; double max_prop_err = 0; double median_err = 0; double mean_err = 0; if (verbosityLevel > 3) { cout << "...setting pointers to histogramm arrays "; cout << " for " << overlayType << "Overlay" << endl; } if (overlayType.Contains("Edge")) { hInputHisto = (CurrentPixel->hEdgeOverlay[pulse_order]); //Maximum Propability of Slices hOutputMaxHisto = (CurrentPixel->hPixelEdgeMax[pulse_order]); //Mean of Slices hOutputMeanHisto = (CurrentPixel->hPixelEdgeMean[pulse_order]); //Median of Slices hOutputMedianHisto = (CurrentPixel->hPixelEdgeMedian[pulse_order]); } else if (overlayType.Contains("Maximum")) { hInputHisto = (CurrentPixel->hMaxOverlay[pulse_order]); //Maximum Propability of Slices hOutputMaxHisto = (CurrentPixel->hPixelMax[pulse_order]); //Mean of Slices hOutputMeanHisto = (CurrentPixel->hPixelMean[pulse_order]); //Median of Slices hOutputMedianHisto = (CurrentPixel->hPixelMedian[pulse_order]); } else { cout << endl << overlayType << "Unknown Overlay Method-->aborting" << endl; return; } if (verbosityLevel > 3) { cout << "...done " << endl; } if (verbosityLevel > 2) { cout << "\t...calculation of " << "pulse order " << pulse_order << endl; } // if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "\t...# slices processed " << nbins << endl; int slice_min = hInputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); int slice_max = hInputHisto->GetXaxis()->GetLast(); if (verbosityLevel > 2) { cout << "\t...looping over slice range " << slice_min << " to " << slice_max << endl; } for (Int_t slice=slice_min;slice<=slice_max;slice++) { hTempHisto = hInputHisto->ProjectionY("",slice,slice,"o"); //containers for errors double slMean[3] ={0,0,0}; double slError[3] ={0,0,0}; //calculate Errors with bootstrapping CalculateErrorsWithBootstrapping(hTempHisto, numBootstrapIt, slMean, slError); if (verbosityLevel > 3) { cout << "\t\t...calculating maxProb of slice " << slice << endl; } //Get maximum of slice's distribution // max_prop = hTempHisto->GetBinCenter( hTempHisto->GetMaximumBin() ); max_prop = slMean[0]; //improve result by< fitting gaussian to slices distribution // TF1 gaus("fgaus", "gaus", max_prop-30, max_prop+30); // hTempHisto->Fit("fgaus", "QRN0"); // max_prop = gaus.GetParameter(1); //calculate error of max prop // max_prop_err = gaus.GetParameter(2); //RMS of gaus fit of slices distribution max_prop_err = slError[0]; //error calculated with bootstrapping // max_prop_err = hTempHisto->GetRMS(); //RMS of slice if (verbosityLevel > 3) { cout << "\t\t...calculating Median of slice " << slice << endl; } // median = MedianOfH1(hTempHisto); median = slMean[1]; median_err = slError[1]; //error from bootstraping if (verbosityLevel > 3) cout << "\t\t...calculating Mean of slice " << slice << endl; // mean = hTempHisto->GetMean(); mean = slMean[2]; // mean_err = hTempHisto->GetRMS()/hTempHisto->GetEntries(); //RMS of slice mean_err = slError[2]; //error from bootstraping if (verbosityLevel > 4) cout << "\t\t\t\t MaxProb of Slice " << slice << ": " << max_prop << endl; hOutputMaxHisto->SetBinContent(slice, max_prop ); hOutputMaxHisto->SetBinError( slice, max_prop_err); if (verbosityLevel > 4) cout << "\t\t\t\t Mean of Slice " << slice << ": " << mean << endl; hOutputMeanHisto->SetBinContent(slice, mean ); hOutputMeanHisto->SetBinError( slice, mean_err); if (verbosityLevel > 4) cout << "\t\t\t\t Median of Slice " << slice << ": " << median << endl; hOutputMedianHisto->SetBinContent( slice, median ); hOutputMedianHisto->SetBinError( slice, median_err); delete hTempHisto; }//Loop over slices // ErrorMedianOfTH2Slices( // hInputHisto, // hOutputMedianHisto, // 100, //numIterations // verbosityLevel // ); // hOutputMaxHisto->GetXaxis()->SetLimits( // 0, // 300 // ); // hOutputMeanHisto->GetXaxis()->SetLimits( // 0, // 300 // ); // hOutputMedianHisto->GetXaxis()->SetLimits( // 0, // 300 // ); ShiftStartOfHistoInXTo( hOutputMaxHisto, 0 ); ShiftStartOfHistoInXTo( hOutputMeanHisto, 0 ); ShiftStartOfHistoInXTo( hOutputMedianHisto, 0 ); ShiftStartOfHistoInXTo( hInputHisto, 0 ); } // end of PlotMaxPropabilityPulse //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool WritePixelTemplateToCsv( Pixel* CurrentPixel, TString path, TString overlayMethod, int order, int verbosityLevel ) { // TSystem this_system(); // this_system.cd(path); // cout << this_system.pwd(); // this_system.mkdir("CSV"); path = CurrentPixel->CsvFileName( path, overlayMethod, order); TH1F* Max_histo = NULL; TH1F* Median_histo = NULL; TH1F* Mean_histo = NULL; if (overlayMethod.Contains("Maximum")) { Max_histo = CurrentPixel->hPixelMax[order]; Median_histo = CurrentPixel->hPixelMedian[order]; Mean_histo = CurrentPixel->hPixelMean[order]; } else if (overlayMethod.Contains("Edge")) { Max_histo = CurrentPixel->hPixelMax[order]; Median_histo = CurrentPixel->hPixelMedian[order]; Mean_histo = CurrentPixel->hPixelMean[order]; } else { cout << endl << "Unknown Overlay Method-->aborting" << endl; return 1; } Int_t nbins = Max_histo->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); if (verbosityLevel > 2) { cout << "writing point-set to csv file: " ; cout << path << endl; cout << "...opening file" << endl; } if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "...number of bins " << nbins << endl; ofstream out; out.open( path ); out << "### point-set of a single photon pulse template" << endl; out << "### template determined with pulse overlay at: " << overlayMethod << endl; out << "### Slice's Amplitude determined by calculating the " << endl << "### value of maximum propability of slice -> AmplitudeMax " << endl << "### mean of slice -> AmplitudeMean " << endl << "### median of slice -> AmplitudeMedian " << endl << "### for each slice" << endl; out << "### Pixel number (CHid): " << CurrentPixel->mChid << endl << endl; out << "time [slices],AmplitudeMax [mV],AmplitudeMean [mV],AmplitudeMedian [mV]" << endl; for (int slice=1;slice<=nbins;slice++) { out << slice << "," ; out << Max_histo->GetBinContent(slice) << ","; out << Mean_histo->GetBinContent(slice) << ","; out << Median_histo->GetBinContent(slice) << endl; } out.close(); if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "...csv file closed" << endl; return 0; } void FitMaxPropabilityPuls( TH1F* hMaximumTemp, int verbosityLevel ) { if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "...fit Landau in histograms" ; if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "\t...calculating Landaufit" ; hMaximumTemp->Fit("landau", "", "", -50, 250); if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "...done" << endl; } //void //FitFallingEdge( // TString name, // TH1F* histo, // double xMin, // double xMax, // double* parameters // ) //{ // TF1* polExpFit = new TF1(name, PolExp, xMin, xMax, 3 ); // polExpFit->SetParNames("Pol0", "Slope", "Shift"); // polExpFit->SetLineColor(kGreen); // histo->Fit(polExpFit, "+RWM"); // polExpFit->GetParameters(parameters); //} //void //FitRisingEdge( // TString name, // TH1F* histo, // double xMin, // double xMax, // double* parameters // ) //{ // TF1* polExpFit = new TF1(name, NegPolExp, xMin, xMax, 3 ); // polExpFit->SetParNames("Pol0", "Slope", "Shift"); // polExpFit->SetLineColor(kRed); // histo->Fit(polExpFit, "+RWWM"); // polExpFit->GetParameters(parameters); //} //double //NegPolExp( // double* x, // double* par // ) //{ // return par[0]+(-1)*TMath::Exp(par[1]+par[2]*x[0]); //} //double //PolExp( // double* x, // double* par // ) //{ // return //// par[0]+ // TMath::Exp(par[1]+par[2]*x[0]); //} //double //ChargeDiode( // double time, // double chargeVoltage, // double impedance, // double capacity // ) //{ // return chargeVoltage*(1 - TMath::Exp(time/(impedance*capacity))); //} //double //UnChargeDiode( // double* time, // double* chargeVoltage, // double* timeConstant // ) //{ // return chargeVoltage[0]+TMath::Exp(chargeVoltage[1]+timeConstant[2]*time[0]); //// return chargeVoltage[0] * (TMath::Exp(time[0]/timeConstant[0])); //} //double //template_function( // double* input_x, // double* par) //{ // double returnval = 0.0; // // I introduce a few names // // double shift = par[0]; // double bsl = par[0]; // double beginOfRisingEdge = par[1]; // double p0RisingEdge = par[6]; // double p1RisingEdge = par[7]; // double p2RisingEdge = par[8]; // double p3RisingEdge = par[9]; // double endOfRisingEdge = par[2]; //// double pOFallingEdge = par[3]; //// double expPar1FallingEdge = par[4]; //// double expPar1FallingEdge = par[5]; // /* // bool couted_once = false; // if not couted_once // { // couted_once = true; // cout << "shift:" << shift << endl; // cout << "bsl:" << bsl << endl; // cout << "expars:" << endl; // cout << "\t factor:" << exppar[0] << endl; // cout << "\t tau:" << exppar[1] << endl; // cout << "\t t0:" << exppar[2] << endl; // cout << "pol3pars:" << endl; // cout << "p[0] + x p[1] + x^2 p[2] + x^3 p[3]" << endl; // cout << pol3par[0] << "\t" << pol3par[1] << "\t" << pol3par[2] << "\t" << pol3par[3] << endl; // cout << "ranges:" << endl; // cout << "begin of pol3: " << range[0] << endl; // cout << "begin of exp: " << range[1] << endl; // } // */ // double x = input_x[0]; // // the baseline is added everywhere. // returnval += bsl; // if ( (x > beginOfRisingEdge) && (x <= endOfRisingEdge) ) // { // // from this point on the pol3 is added // returnval += p0RisingEdge; // returnval += p1RisingEdge * x; // returnval += p2RisingEdge * x*x; // returnval += p3RisingEdge * x*x*x; // } // else if ( x > endOfRisingEdge ) // { // // from this point on the exp-func is added //// returnval += exppar[0] * TMath::Exp( exppar[1] * ( x - exppar[2] ) ); // returnval += PolExp(input_x, par+3); // } // return returnval; //} void ShiftHistoInX( TH1* histo, float shift ) { histo->GetXaxis()->SetLimits( histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge( histo->GetXaxis()->GetFirst() ) + shift, histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge( histo->GetXaxis()->GetLast() ) + shift ); } void ShiftStartOfHistoInXTo( TH1* histo, float value ) { float min = histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge( histo->GetXaxis()->GetFirst() ); float shift = value - min; ShiftHistoInX( histo, shift); }