Line | |
3 |
4 | #include <TROOT.h>
5 | #include <TMath.h>
6 | #include <TProfile.h>
7 | #include <TH2F.h>
8 | #include <TH1I.h>
9 | #include <TH1F.h>
10 | #include <TF1.h>
11 | #include <TString.h>
12 | #include <TSystem.h>
13 |
14 | #include "pixel.h"
15 |
16 | /** Assignment operator.
17 | * @todo do me
18 | * @warning not implemented
19 | * @param from THe value to assign to this object.
20 | *
21 | * @return A reference to this object.
22 | */
23 |
24 | /** CalcMaxPropabilityOfSlice(
25 | TH2* inputHisto,
26 | TH1* outputHisto,
27 | int verbosityLevel
28 | );
29 | * Generates a Y-Projection for each slice of a TH2 histogram
30 | * Then calls the Value of the bin with Maximum Value and puts it
31 | * into the corresponding bin of a TH1 histogram
32 | * @see Event::CalibrateAllPixel()
33 | * @see Event::CalculatePhotonCharge()
34 | */
35 | void
36 | CalcMaxPropabilityOfSlice(
37 | TH2* inputHisto,
38 | TH1* outputHisto,
39 | int verbosityLevel
40 | );
41 |
42 | void
43 | PlotMaxPropabilityPulse(
44 | Pixel* CurrentPixel,
45 | TString overlayType,
46 | int verbosityLevel
47 | );
48 |
49 | void
50 | FitMaxPropabilityPulse(
51 | TH1F* inputHisto,
52 | int verbosityLevel
53 | );
54 |
55 | Double_t MedianOfH1 (
56 | TH1* inputHisto
57 | );
58 |
59 | void
60 | PlotMedianOfSlice(
61 | Pixel* CurrentPixel,
62 | TString overlayType,
63 | int verbosityLevel
64 | );
65 |
66 | void
67 | PlotMeanOfSlice(
68 | Pixel* CurrentPixel,
69 | TString overlayType,
70 | int verbosityLevel
71 | );
72 |
73 | void
74 | ExtractPulseTemplate(
75 | Pixel* CurrentPixel,
76 | TString overlayType,
77 | int order,
78 | int verbosityLevel
79 | );
80 |
81 | bool
82 | WritePixelTemplateToCsv(
83 | Pixel* CurrentPixel,
84 | TString path,
85 | TString overlayMethod,
86 | int order,
87 | int verbosityLevel
88 | );
89 |
90 | //void
91 | //FitMaxPropabilityPuls(
92 | // TH1F* hMaximumTemp,
93 | // int verbosityLevel
94 | // );
95 |
96 | //double
97 | //PolExp(
98 | // double* x,
99 | // double* par
100 | // );
101 |
102 | //void
103 | //FitFallingEdge(
104 | // TString name,
105 | // TH1F* histo,
106 | // double xMin,
107 | // double xMax,
108 | // double* parameters
109 | // );
110 |
111 | //double
112 | //template_function(
113 | // double* input_x,
114 | // double* par);
115 |
116 | //double
117 | //NegPolExp(
118 | // double* x,
119 | // double* par
120 | // );
121 |
122 | //void
123 | //FitRisingEdge(
124 | // TString name,
125 | // TH1F* histo,
126 | // double xMin,
127 | // double xMax,
128 | // double* parameters
129 | // );
130 |
131 | //double
132 | //ChargeDiode(
133 | // double time,
134 | // double chargeVoltage,
135 | // double impedance,
136 | // double capacity
137 | // );
138 |
139 | //double
140 | //UnChargeDiode(
141 | // double* time,
142 | // double* chargeVoltage,
143 | // double* timeConstant
144 | // );
145 |
147 |
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