1 | README of FACT svntools/rootmacros
2 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 |
4 |
5 | ROOT version on ISDC fact cluster: /opt/root5.18.x86_64/bin/root for testing.
6 |
7 | ROOT macros:
8 | ============
9 |
10 | fana2.C view the DRS data of a pixel, before and after various filter algorithms
11 | fbsl.C compute the baseline for all pixels, save the values in a txt file
12 | and the histograms in a ROOT file
13 | fpeak_cdf.C extract the single photon spectra
14 | gainfit.C analyses the amplitude spektra of fpeak_cfd.C
15 |
16 | flightpulser.C ROOT macro for plotting the amplitudes of the external lightpulser
17 | tpeak.C ROOT macros to produce overlays of data around a found peak in a given window.
18 |
19 | GetDrsOffset.C ROOT macro calculating the DRS Offset calibration constants
20 |
21 |
22 | Calling root in batch mode (helpful for automatization):
23 | ========================================================
24 |
25 | root -l -q fbsl.C++'("/data00/fact-construction/raw/2011/10/26/20111026_036.fits.gz",
26 | "/data00/fact-construction/raw/2011/10/26/20111026_031.drs.fits.gz",
27 | "./fbsl.txt", "./20111026_036.root")'
28 |
29 | see run.py for an example on how to run for instance fbsl.C on a list of data + calibration files
30 |
31 |
32 | Detailed Description of macros
33 | ==============================
34 |
35 | fana2.C ROOT macro for viewing pipeline data
36 |
37 | function declaration:
38 |
39 | int fana2(
40 | char *datafilename = "../raw/20110916_025.fits", // input file fits or fits.gz
41 | const char *drsfilename = "../raw/20110916_024.drs.fits", // DRS calibration file drs.fits or drs.fits.gz
42 | int pixelnr = 0, // which pixel in range(1440)
43 | int firstevent = 0, // first event to display
44 | int nevents = -1 ) // number of events to display
45 |
46 | description:
47 |
48 | the raw data are read and the drs calibration is applied
49 | spikes (DRS feature) are removed (replaced by the average of the neighboring channels
50 | a sliding average filter is applied, default length: 16 slices
51 | a constant fraction disciminator filter is applied
52 |
53 | online display:
54 |
55 | canvas 1: DRS Waveform
56 | 1) raw DRS pipeline
57 | 2) estimator for spike detection DRS pipeline
58 | 3) correct raw data (spikes removed)
59 |
60 | canvas 2: filtered DRS Waveform
61 | 1) sliding average FIR filter response
62 | 2) 1) + constant fraction discriminator FIR filter respones
63 | 3) 2) + sliding average FIR filter respone
64 | ( not used just left for historical reasons )
65 |
66 | remarks:
67 |
68 | region of interest of the data file and the drs calibration file must agree
69 |
70 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 |
72 | fbsl.C ROOT Macro computing the baseline for each pixel
73 |
74 | function declaration:
75 |
76 | int fbsl(
77 | const char *datafilename = "path-to-datafile.fits.gz",
78 | const char *drsfilename = "path-to-calibfile.drs.fits.gz",
79 | const char *TextOutFileName = "./appendfile.txt",
80 | const char *RootOutFileName = "./datafile.root",
81 | int firstevent = 0,
82 | int nevents = -1,
83 | int firstpixel = 0,
84 | int npixel = -1,
85 | bool produceGraphic = false
86 | )
87 |
88 | description:
89 |
90 | estimatin of the baseline (following T. Ph. Kraehenbuehl:
91 | histogram the concents of all slices and all events individually for each pixel
92 | the value with the maximum bin content corresponds to the baseline
93 |
94 | create summary histograms with the estimated baselines
95 |
96 | create summary histograms with the rms values of the single pixel histo's
97 |
98 | output:
99 |
100 | text file with the estimated baseline values
101 |
102 | root file containing
103 |
104 | summary histograms for baseline estimates and rms
105 | individual histogram of each single pixel
106 |
107 | remarks:
108 |
109 | the rms is not the rms of the baseline, but the rms of the complete pixel histograms
110 |
111 | the 4 ints: firstevent, nevents, firstpixel, npixel can be used to
112 | perform the calculatation on a subset
113 |
114 | if produceGraphic == true, two Canvases with overview histograms are opened
115 |
116 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 |
118 | fpeak_cfd.C ROOT macro creating an amplitude spektrum for each pixel
119 |
120 | function declaration:
121 |
122 | int fpeak(
123 | char *datafilename = "data/20111016_013.fits.gz",
124 | const char *drsfilename = "../../20111016_011.drs.fits.gz",
125 | const char *OutRootFileName = "../analysis/fpeak_cdf.Coutput.root",
126 | int firstevent = 0,
127 | int nevents = -1,
128 | int firstpixel = 0,
129 | int npixel = -1,
130 | bool spikeDebug = false,
131 | int avg1 = 14,
132 | int avg2 = 8,
133 | int verbosityLevel = 1, // different verbosity levels can be implemented here
134 | bool ProduceGraphic = true
135 | )
136 |
137 | description:
138 |
139 | 1) using the constant fraction discriminator FIR filtered data peaks of single photons are searched
140 | 2) a negative slope zero crossings indicates the position of a peak
141 | 3) additional cuts confirm the single photon peak and verify irs separation from other peask
142 | in order to avoid overlaps of several pulses
143 | 4) the amplitudes of the identified peaks are histogrammed in a 2d histo ( amplitude vs pixel )
144 |
145 | outputs:
146 |
147 | root file containing the 2d histogram of the amplitudes vs pixel
148 |
149 | remark:
150 | the two integers 'avg1' and 'avg2' are still present for debugging...
151 | two sliding average filters are used, and these are the HALFwidths of these filters.
152 |
153 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 |
155 | gainfit.C ROOT macro for analysing the amplitude spektra of fpeak_cfd.C
156 |
157 | this is far from beeing any good, but have a look yourself.
158 |
159 | call it like this:
160 | gainfit("rootfilename.root", "textoutfilename.txt" , false);
161 |
162 | its short ... so I'd rather not explain it here.
163 | I guess one can try for many other fit functions, and play with Parameter
164 | bounds, but I had no time yet.
165 | Thomas Krähenbühl once send me a mail containing a lot of ideas, and I guess
166 | in gainanalysis.C there is a lot more ...
167 | these scripts should maybe be joined soon ...somehow.
168 | D.Neise 20111104
169 |
170 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
171 |
172 | flightpulser.C ROOT macro for plotting the amplitudes of the external lightpulser
173 |
174 | call it e.g. like this
175 | root
176 | flightpulser.C+'("data/20111029_017.fits.gz","data/20111029_013.drs.fits.gz","../analysis/20111029_017-013_fpeak_cfd.root",
177 | 0, 100, 0,-1)'
178 |
179 | to look at the amplitudes of all camera pixel for 100 events.
180 | you get a color coded TH2F so you can look at the amplitude distribution
181 | yourself.
182 |
183 | this macro is based on fpeak_cdf.C pretty much.
184 | I basically use the same steps, but in the end I just fill the absolute
185 | maximum into the TH2F.
186 |
187 | The macro is pretty slow (about 1.5 min for 100 full camera events) so I
188 | switched off the sliding averages...
189 |
190 | but it didn't help much...
191 |
192 | I am still not sure how to improve the speed of these macros.....
193 |
194 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 |
196 | tpeak.C ROOT macros to produce overlays of data around a found peak in a given window.
197 |
198 | int tpeak(
199 | char *datafilename = "data/20111016_013.fits.gz",
200 | const char *drsfilename = "../../20111016_011.drs.fits.gz",
201 | const char *OutRootFileName = "../analysis/fpeak_cdf.Coutput.root",
202 | int firstevent = 0,
203 | int nevents = -1,
204 | int firstpixel = 0,
205 | int npixel = -1,
206 | bool spikeDebug = false,
207 | int avg1 = 14,
208 | int avg2 = 8,
209 | int OverlayWindowLeft = 50,
210 | int OverlayWindowRight = 150,
211 | int verbosityLevel = 1, // different verbosity levels can be implemented here
212 | bool ProduceGraphic = true
213 | )
214 |
215 | call it like this, if you want to overlay a certain number of peaks for a single channel
216 | tpeak("data/20111029_017.fits.gz","data/20111029_013.drs.fits.gz","test.root",0,1000,333,1,true,0,0,50,150,1,true)
217 |
218 | set the first bool 'spikeDebug' to false in order to overlay quicker ... every 50th event the canvas is updated.
219 | depending on what kind of peaks you like to detect the sliding average filters
220 | should be set to e.g. 14,8 for singles in a quiet G-APD pedestal run
221 | or 0,0 if you want to see just every thing that might be a signal...
222 |
223 | the window size 50,150 means .. 50 slices to the left of the maximum and 150
224 | to the right.
225 |
226 | there is a bit of cleaning included in the file, maybe you want to switch it
227 | off, then just search for the calls of these methods...
228 | removeMaximaBelow( *zXings, 3.0);
229 | removeRegionWithMaxOnEdge( *zXings, 2);
230 | removeRegionOnFallingEdge( *zXings, 100);
231 |
232 | and comment them out or play with the settings.
233 |
234 | they are defined in zerosearch.C, which is maybe a bad choice...
235 |
236 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 |
238 | GetDrsOffset.C ROOT macro calculating the DRS Offset calibration constants
239 |
240 | -- TESTING --
241 |
242 | In case you have taken a file, which is good for calibrating the DRS Offset,
243 | then you can calculate the offset using this macro.
244 | It just calculates the mean value and the RMS for all DRS bins of all pixels
245 | in the file, for the number of events you like.
246 |
247 | The output is two TH2Fs, which contain all requested data on the one hand and
248 | on the other hand are good for having an overview.
249 |
250 | call it like this:
251 | GetDrsOffset("path/20111111_001.fits.gz")
252 |
253 | GetDrsOffset("path/20111111_001.fits.gz", "foo/output.root")
254 | saves the output to a root file
255 |
256 | GetDrsOffset("path/20111111_001.fits.gz", "", "bar/test.bin")
257 | saves the output to a binary file.
258 |
259 | GetDrsOffset("path/20111111_001.fits.gz", "foo/out.root", "bar/test.bin", false, -1)
260 | produces all output, but does not open a ROOT Canvas.
261 | -1 : means process all events in the given file.
262 | |