1 | #include "SpikeRemoval.h"
2 |
3 | #include <iostream>
4 | using namespace std;
5 |
6 | // compute the mean of the left and right neighbors of a channel
7 | vector<float> * computeN1mean( vector<float> &src)
8 | {
9 | vector<float> * dest = new vector<float>;
10 |
11 | dest->push_back(src[1]);
12 |
13 | for(unsigned int i = 1; i < src.size() - 1; i++){
14 | /* if (i == 0){ // use right sample es mean
15 | N1mean[i] = Ameas[i+1];
16 | }
17 | else if ( i == Samples-1 ){ //use left sample as mean
18 | N1mean[i] = Ameas[i-1];
19 | }
20 | else{
21 | N1mean[i] = ( Ameas[i-1] + Ameas[i+1] ) / 2.;
22 | }
23 | */
24 | dest->push_back( ( src[i-1] + src[i+1] ) / 2. );
25 | }
26 |
27 | dest->push_back(src[src.size() - 1]);
28 | return dest;
29 | } // end of computeN1mean computation
30 |
31 | void removeSpikes(
32 | vector<float> &src,
33 | vector<float> &dest,
34 | const float SingleCandidateTHR,
35 | const float DoubleCandidateTHR,
36 | const float nextDiffTHR
37 | //const float nextNextDiffTHR
38 | ){
39 | vector<float> * NextNeighborMean = computeN1mean(src);
40 |
41 | if (src.size() != NextNeighborMean->size())
42 | //TODO .. if verbositylevel .. say something, use the return code to tell the caller..
43 | dest.clear();
44 | dest = src;
45 |
46 | float diff, nextDiff, nextNextDiff;
47 | int checkDouble;
48 |
49 | // find the spike and replace it by mean value of neighbors
50 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) {
51 |
52 | diff = src[i] - (*NextNeighborMean)[i];
53 | checkDouble = 0;
54 | if ( diff < SingleCandidateTHR ){ // a single spike candidate
55 | // check consistency with a single channel spike
56 | nextDiff = src[i+1] - (*NextNeighborMean)[i+1];
57 | if ( nextDiff > -1.6 * diff )
58 | {
59 | dest[i+1] = ( src[i] + src[i+3] )/2.;
60 | i = i + 2;
61 | printf("single spike\n");
62 | }
63 | else{
64 | // do notthing - not really a single spike, but check if it is a double
65 | checkDouble = 1;
66 | }
67 | }
68 | if (diff < DoubleCandidateTHR || checkDouble == 1) { // a double spike candidate
69 | nextDiff = src[i+1] - (*NextNeighborMean)[i+1];
70 | nextNextDiff = src[i+2] - (*NextNeighborMean)[i+2];
71 | //printf("double spike candidate\n");
72 | // printf("%d %f %f %f\n", i, diff, nextDiff, nextNextDiff);
73 | // printf("%f %f %f\n", DoubleCandidateTHR, nextDiffTHR, nextNextDiffTHR);
74 | // check the consistency with a double spike
75 | if ( ( nextDiff > nextDiffTHR * DoubleCandidateTHR * -1. ) && ( nextNextDiff > nextDiffTHR * DoubleCandidateTHR * -1. ) ){
76 | dest[i+1] = (src[i] + src[i+3]) / 2. ;
77 | dest[i+2] = (src[i] + src[i+3]) / 2.;
78 | //(*NextNeighborMean)[i+2] = (src[i+1] - src[i+3] / 2.);
79 | i = i + 3; //do not care about the next sample it was the spike
80 | printf("double spike\n");
81 | }
82 | // treatment for the end of the pipeline must be added !!!
83 | }
84 | } // end of spike search and correction
85 | delete NextNeighborMean;
86 | return;
87 | }