1 | #include <TROOT.h>
2 | #include <TCanvas.h>
3 | #include <TProfile.h>
4 | #include <TH2.h>
5 | #include <stdint.h>
6 | #include <cstdio>
7 | #include "fits.h"
8 |
9 | int calscope_persistent(const char *name, const char *drsname, size_t pixelnr, UInt_t maxevents)
10 | {
11 | //******************************************************************************
12 | //Read a datafile and plot the DRS-calibrated data
13 | //ATTENTION: only works for ROI=1024
14 | // (array indices of the calibration wrong otherwise)
15 | //Example call in ROOT:
16 | //root [74] .x calscope.C++("20110804_024.fits","20110804_023.drs.fits",10,1348)
17 | //T. Krähenbühl, August 2011, tpk@phys.ethz.ch
18 | //******************************************************************************
19 |
20 | gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
21 |
22 | //-------------------------------------------
23 | //Open the files
24 | //-------------------------------------------
25 | fits datafile(name);
26 | fits drsfile(drsname);
27 |
28 | if (!datafile)
29 | {
30 | cout << "Couldn't properly open the datafile." << endl;
31 | return 1;
32 | }
33 |
34 | if (!drsfile)
35 | {
36 | cout << "Couldn't properly open the drsfile." << endl;
37 | return 1;
38 | }
39 |
40 | //-------------------------------------------
41 | //Print the headers
42 | //-------------------------------------------
43 | cout << "-------------------- Data Header -------------------" << endl;
44 | datafile.PrintKeys();
45 | cout << "----------------- DRS Calib Header -----------------" << endl;
46 | drsfile.PrintKeys();
47 | cout << "------------------- Data Columns -------------------" << endl;
48 | datafile.PrintColumns();
49 | cout << "---------------- DRS Calib Columns -----------------" << endl;
50 | drsfile.PrintColumns();
51 | cout << "--------------------- Data --------------------" << endl;
52 |
53 | //-------------------------------------------
54 | //Get the sizes of the data columns
55 | //-------------------------------------------
56 | const size_t data_n = datafile.GetN("Data"); //Size of column "Data" = #Pixel x ROI
57 | const size_t drs_n = drsfile.GetN("BaselineMean");
58 | if(drs_n!=data_n)
59 | {
60 | cout << "Data and DRS file incompatible (Px*ROI disagree)" << endl;
61 | return 1;
62 | }
63 |
64 | const UInt_t data_roi = datafile.GetUInt("NROI"); // Value from header
65 | const UInt_t data_px = datafile.GetUInt("NPIX");
66 |
67 | //-------------------------------------------
68 | //Link the data to variables
69 | //-------------------------------------------
70 | unsigned int data_num;
71 | datafile.SetRefAddress("EventNum", data_num);
72 | vector<int16_t> data(data_n);
73 | datafile.SetVecAddress("Data", data);
74 | vector<int16_t> dataOffset(data_px);
75 | datafile.SetVecAddress("StartCellData", dataOffset);
76 |
77 | vector<float> drs_basemean(drs_n);
78 | drsfile.SetVecAddress("BaselineMean", drs_basemean);
79 | vector<float> drs_gainmean(drs_n);
80 | drsfile.SetVecAddress("GainMean", drs_gainmean);
81 | vector<float> drs_triggeroffsetmean(drs_n);
82 | drsfile.SetVecAddress("TriggerOffsetMean", drs_triggeroffsetmean);
83 | drsfile.GetRow(0); //Read the calibration data
84 |
85 | //-------------------------------------------
86 | //Create the canvas, plot and title
87 | //-------------------------------------------
88 | char title[500];
89 | std::sprintf(title,"Data: %s, DRS: %s, Px %i",name,drsname,pixelnr);
90 | TCanvas *canv = new TCanvas( "canv", "Mean values of the first event", 100, 10, 700, 500 );
91 | TProfile *pix = new TProfile("pix", title, 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
92 | pix->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("DRS bin (@2 GHz)");
93 | pix->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Amplitude (mV)");
94 |
95 | char ptitle[500];
96 | std::sprintf(ptitle,"Data: %s, DRS: %s, Px %i",name,drsname);
97 | TCanvas *pcanv = new TCanvas( "pcanv", title, 800, 10, 700, 500 );
98 | TH2F *pers = new TH2F("pers",ptitle,1024,-0.5,1023.5,200,-49.5,150.5);
99 | pers->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("DRS bin (@2 GHz)");
100 | pers->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Amplitude (mV)");
101 |
102 | //-------------------------------------------
103 | //Iterate over the events
104 | //-------------------------------------------
105 | if(maxevents==0) maxevents = datafile.GetNumRows();
106 | // for (size_t i=0; i<datafile.GetNumRows(); i++)
107 | for (size_t i=0; i<maxevents; i++)
108 | {
109 | // size_t i=eventnr; //Fix the Event
110 | datafile.GetRow(i);
111 | cout << "Event number: " << data_num << endl;
112 |
113 | //-------------------------------------------
114 | //Iterate over the pixels
115 | //-------------------------------------------
116 | // for (int j=0; j<data_px; j++)
117 | // {
118 | size_t j=pixelnr; //Fix the Pixel to a SoftID
119 |
120 | //-------------------------------------------
121 | //Iterate over the slices
122 | //-------------------------------------------
123 | for (UInt_t k=0; k<data_roi; k++)
124 | {
125 | UInt_t drs_calib_offset = (k+dataOffset[j])%data_roi;
126 | //Example values for the various datasets (20110803_015 / 018?9)
127 | //data = -1856 +- 30.76
128 | //drs_basemean = -906.6 +- 14.73
129 | //drs_gainmean = 1696 +- 4
130 | //drs_triggeroffsetmean = -0.01 +- 1.532
131 |
132 | //Gain calibration to mV: 50000(DAC) / drs_gainmean(ADC) * 2500(mV) / 65536(DAC)
133 | //Target value: 1.907 V für DRS-Calib files beim DAC-Wert 50000
134 | float sample = (data[j*data_roi+k]*2000/4096.-drs_basemean[j*data_roi+drs_calib_offset]-drs_triggeroffsetmean[j*data_roi+k])/drs_gainmean[j*data_roi+drs_calib_offset]*1907.35;
135 | pix->Fill(k,sample);
136 | pers->Fill(k,sample);
137 | }
138 | // }
139 | }
140 |
141 | //-------------------------------------------
142 | //Draw the data
143 | //-------------------------------------------
144 | canv->cd();
145 | pix->Draw();
146 | canv->Modified();
147 | canv->Update();
148 | pcanv->cd();
149 | pers->Draw("col");
150 | pcanv->Modified();
151 | pcanv->Update();
152 | return 0;
153 | }