#include #include using namespace std; // this function reads a (hopefully smoothed, and baseline corrected) DRS pipeline and produces // The DRs pipiline is given as a vector. // // the Output is a vector of Over-Threshold-Regions, which are described by // * the index of its start // * the index of its Maximum // * the index of its end // * the height of its Maximum // // it needs a threshold and the length of the falling edge #include "discriminator.h" vector * discriminator( vector& input, // vector of floats, the discriminator acts on float thr, // threshold bool clean, // choose here, if the discriminator should already discard Regions, which are assumend to sit on the predessesors falling edge int fallingEdge, // number of slices, after the maximum, which should be discarded... bool debug ){ //----- start of function discrimnator-------- // this vector will contain the Region, found by the simple // discriminator vector * uncleaned = new vector; // The former vector will be cleaned, by checking the distance of the // position of the Maxima .... Maxima, sitting on // falling edges of other pulses, should be discarded. vector * Cleaned = new vector; Region currentRegion; currentRegion.begin = 0; currentRegion.end = 0; currentRegion.maxPos = 0; currentRegion.maxVal = 0.; bool over_thr_found = false; for ( unsigned int sl = 0; sl < input.size() ; sl++ ){ if ( input[sl] > thr ) { // mark as -start- if ( !over_thr_found ) { over_thr_found = true; currentRegion.begin = sl; } // Find the -Maximum- in this Region if ( input[sl] > currentRegion.maxVal) { currentRegion.maxVal = input[sl]; currentRegion.maxPos = sl; } } else if ( input[sl] < thr ) { // mark the -end- if ( over_thr_found ) { over_thr_found = false; currentRegion.end = sl; // store the region in a vector. uncleaned->push_back(currentRegion); currentRegion.begin = 0; currentRegion.end = 0; currentRegion.maxPos = 0; currentRegion.maxVal = 0.; } } } // end of for loop over all slices if (debug){ // output the vector cout << "------------Discriminator Debug Output:" <<"----------------" << endl; cout << "\t uncleaned Over Threshold Regions found: " << uncleaned->size() << endl; for (unsigned int p=0 ; p < uncleaned->size() ; p++ ){ cout << p << ":\t"; cout << uncleaned->at(p).begin << "\t"; cout << uncleaned->at(p).end << "\t"; cout << uncleaned->at(p).maxPos << "\t"; cout << uncleaned->at(p).maxVal << endl; } } if (clean){ cleanRegionsOnFallingEdge ( *Cleaned, *uncleaned, fallingEdge, debug); delete uncleaned; return Cleaned; } else return uncleaned; } // end of function - discriminator /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// Cleaning Funcs //////////// int cleanRegionsOnFallingEdge ( vector &dest, vector &src, int fallingEdgeLen, bool debug ){ // This function scans the src-vector for Maxima, sitting on its predesessors falling edge. // the out vector is cleaned from these regions. // note: the cleaned regions are appended to the dest-vector. // // // note further: in case pulses pile up to form a broad Region over threshold // the maximum of this region is caused by pile up, even though is is far away from the next region. // TODO // write another cleaning function - or implement into this function a check, // if the maximum the first of all local maxima in the region. // maybe the search for the maximum should be oursourced and not be done in the first // discrimnator loop in line 51ff... if (dest.size() > 0 && debug) cout << "discriminator::cleanRegionsOnFallingEdge: destination vector.size()=" << dest.size() << endl; // if nothing to do if (src.size() == 0){ if (debug) cout << "discriminator::cleanRegionsOnFallingEdge: src vector empty" << endl; return -1; } // local copy of source vector localSrc(src); // last Region in (local)-src Region last; while (!localSrc.empty()){ last = localSrc.back(); localSrc.pop_back(); // last.begin = result->back().begin; // last.end = result->back().end; // last.maxPos = result->back().maxPos; // last.maxVal = result->back().maxVal; // if localSrc is _now_ empty, then there was no predecessor if (localSrc.empty()){ dest.push_back(last); break; } if (last.maxPos - localSrc.back().maxPos > fallingEdgeLen) dest.push_back(last); } if (debug){ // output the vector cout << "------------Discriminator::CleanRegionsOnFallingEdge - Debug Output:----------------" << endl; cout << "\t Cleaned Regions found: " << dest.size() << endl; for (unsigned int p=0 ; p < dest.size() ; p++ ){ cout << p << ":\t"; cout << dest.at(p).begin << "\t"; cout << dest.at(p).end << "\t"; cout << dest.at(p).maxPos << "\t"; cout << dest.at(p).maxVal << endl; } } return 0; } ////// alternative loop, but it didn't work //////////////// /* vector::iterator> toBeDeleted; for (vector::iterator it=result->begin(); it != result->end()-1; ++it ){ if ( (*it).begin==0 ){ toBeDeleted.push_back(it); } if ( ((*(it+1)).maxPos - (*it).maxPos) < fallingEdge ){ toBeDeleted.push_back(it); } } for (int i=0; ierase(toBeDeleted[i]); if (debug) cout << "erased peak at:" << (*toBeDeleted[i]).maxPos << endl; } */