1 | #include <TFile.h>
2 | #include <TH2F.h>
3 | #include <TH1D.h>
4 | #include <TROOT.h>
5 | #include <TF1.h>
6 | #include <TTimer.h>
7 | #include <TString.h>
8 | #include <Getline.h>
9 | #include <TCanvas.h>
10 | #include <TGraph.h>
11 | #include <TMultiGraph.h>
12 |
13 | #include <iostream>
14 | #include <fstream>
15 | using namespace std;
16 |
17 | int gainfit(
18 | const char * InputRootFileName,
19 | const char * OutTextFileName,
20 | bool debug = false
21 | ) {
22 |
23 | TFile * tf = TFile::Open( InputRootFileName );
24 | TH2F *h = (TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hAmplSpek_cfd");
25 |
26 | TH1D *p1 = NULL;
27 | TH1D *p2 = NULL;
28 |
29 | TF1 *f_peaks = new TF1("total","[2]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[0])*(x-[0])/(2*[3]*[3])) "
30 | "+ [4]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[0]-[1])*(x-[0]-[1])/(2*[5]*[5])) "
31 | "+ [6]*TMath::Exp((-x-[7])/[8])", 3, 23);
32 | Double_t par_init[9] = {8, 8, 1000 , 1 , 190 , 2, 30 , 5 , 10};
33 | f_peaks->SetParameters(par_init);
34 |
35 | Int_t n = 1440;
36 | Double_t simple_gain[n];
37 | Double_t gain[n];
38 | Double_t pixelvec[n];
39 | for (int i=0; i<1440; i++){
40 | pixelvec[i]=i;
41 | simple_gain[i]=0;
42 | gain[i]=0;
43 | }
44 | TGraph *gr1 = new TGraph(n,pixelvec,simple_gain);
45 | TGraph *gr2 = new TGraph(n,pixelvec,gain);
46 |
47 | gr1->SetMarkerStyle(5);
48 | gr2->SetMarkerStyle(2);
49 | gr1->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
50 | gr2->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
51 | gr1->SetMarkerSize(0.3);
52 | gr2->SetMarkerSize(0.3);
53 | TMultiGraph *mg = new TMultiGraph();
54 | mg->Add(gr1);
55 | mg->Add(gr2);
56 |
57 |
58 | TCanvas *cGainFit = new TCanvas("cGainFit", "Fit of Amplitude Spektra", 0,0, 1000,500);
59 | cGainFit->Divide(1,2);
60 |
61 | // bad conding ... 1440 shouldn be hardcoded here
62 | for ( int pixelid =0; pixelid < 1440; pixelid++){
63 | cout << "PID: " << pixelid << endl;
64 | p1 = h->ProjectionY("p1",pixelid+1, pixelid+1);
65 | p2 = (TH1D*) p1->Clone("p2");
66 |
67 |
68 | cGainFit->cd(1);
69 | p1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser( 5, 25);
70 | p1->Draw();
71 |
72 | Double_t peak[2];
73 | Double_t rms[2];
74 |
75 | peak[0]= p1->GetBinCenter(p1->GetMaximumBin());
76 | rms[0] = p1->GetRMS();
77 | cout << "1st position:" << peak[0] << endl;
78 | cout << "1st rms:" << rms[0] << endl;
79 | f_peaks->SetParameters(par_init);
80 | p1->Fit(f_peaks, "RQ");
81 |
82 | p2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser( peak[0] + 1.5*rms[0] , 25);
83 |
84 | peak[1] = p2->GetBinCenter(p2->GetMaximumBin());
85 | rms[1] = p2->GetRMS();
86 | cout << "2nd position:" << peak[1] << endl;
87 | cout << "2nd rms:" << rms[1] << endl;
88 | cout << "easy gain" << peak[1]-peak[0] << "\t\t";
89 | cout << "fittet gain" << f_peaks->GetParameter(1) << endl;
90 |
91 | simple_gain[pixelid]=peak[1]-peak[0];
92 | gain[pixelid] = f_peaks->GetParameter(1);
93 | gr1->SetPoint(pixelid, pixelvec[pixelid], simple_gain[pixelid]);
94 | gr2->SetPoint(pixelid, pixelvec[pixelid], gain[pixelid]);
95 |
96 | cGainFit->cd(2);
97 | mg->Draw("AP");
98 | if (pixelid % 50 ==0){
99 | cGainFit->Modified();
100 | cGainFit->Update();
101 | }
102 | if(debug){
103 | cGainFit->Modified();
104 | cGainFit->Update();
105 | TTimer timer("gSystem->ProcessEvents();", 50, kFALSE);
106 | timer.TurnOn();
107 | TString input = Getline("Type 'q' to exit, <return> to go on: ");
108 | timer.TurnOff();
109 | if (input=="q\n") {
110 | break;
111 | }
112 | }
113 | }
114 |
115 | //tf->Close();
116 | string filename = InputRootFileName;
117 | size_t lastslash = filename.find_last_of('/');
118 | filename = filename.substr(lastslash+1);
119 | size_t firstdot = filename.find_first_of('.');
120 | filename = filename.substr(0, firstdot);
121 |
122 | string::iterator it;
123 | for (it=filename.begin(); it < filename.end(); ){
124 |
125 | if (!isdigit(*it)){
126 | it=filename.erase(it);
127 | }
128 | else
129 | ++it;
130 | }
131 | cout << filename << endl;
132 |
133 |
134 | ofstream out;
135 | out.open( OutTextFileName );
136 | out << "pixelID/I:gain/F:fitgain:filename/l" << endl;
137 | out << "# ---- the 1st line helps to use TTree::ReadFile, for reading again this txt file with root. " << endl;
138 | out << "#" << InputRootFileName << endl;
139 | out << "# PixelID : simple_gain : gain " << endl;
140 | out << "# simple_gain is just the distance of the local maxima in the amplitude spektra " << endl;
141 | out << "# gain is derived from a fit of two gaussians " << endl;
142 | for (int i=0; i<1440; i++){
143 | out << pixelvec[i] << "\t" << simple_gain[i] << "\t" << gain[i] << "\t" << filename << endl;
144 |
145 | }
146 | out.close();
147 |
148 | return 0;
149 | }