1 | //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 | //+ Root Macro: GainFit2 for FACT +
3 | //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 | //+ by: jens.buss@tu-dortmund.de +
5 | //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
6 | //
7 | // - analyse gain of pixels from Dark-Count-Photon-Spektrum (pedestal on)
8 | // - read a root-file produced by "fpeak.C" and get Amplitudespektrum
9 | // of all pixel
10 | // - read a root-file produced by "fbsl.C" and get baseline
11 | // - calculate pixelgain from multi-gaussian-fit
12 | // over each pixels amplitudespektrum
13 | // - draw distribution of gains
14 | // - draw gain vs. pixel
15 | // - find Pixels with deviating gainvalue (e.g. dead , crazy Pixels)
16 | // and write their number to txt-file (e.g. date_run_gainfit.txt)
17 | // - save histograms into root-file (e.g. date_run_gainfit.root)
18 | // - Works also with ROI 300
19 | //
20 | //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
21 |
22 | #include <TFile.h>
23 | #include <TH2F.h>
24 | #include <TH1D.h>
25 | #include <TROOT.h>
26 | #include <TF1.h>
27 | #include <TTimer.h>
28 | #include <TString.h>
29 | #include <Getline.h>
30 | #include <TCanvas.h>
31 | #include <TGraph.h>
32 | #include <TMath.h>
33 | #include <TMultiGraph.h>
34 | #include <TH1.h>
35 | #include <TProfile.h>
36 | #include <TStyle.h>
37 |
38 | #include <iostream>
39 | #include <fstream>
40 | using namespace std;
41 |
42 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 | // Decleration of variables
44 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 | UInt_t NumberOfPixels;
46 |
47 | typedef struct{
48 | UInt_t PID;
49 | vector<float> fitParameters[9];
50 | Double_t amplSD;
51 | Double_t amplDT;
52 | Double_t cross;
53 | Double_t ampl_fspek_fit;
54 | Double_t ampl_fspek_fit2;
55 | Double_t bsl;
56 | bool crazy;
57 | } proj;
58 | vector<proj> channel;
59 |
60 | typedef struct{
61 | Double_t constant;
62 | Double_t mean;
63 | Double_t sigma;
64 | } dist_t;
65 | dist_t distribution;
66 |
67 | //Verbosity for Histograms
68 | TString verbos[4]={"0Q","Q", "", "V"};
69 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 | // Decleration of Histograms
71 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 |
73 | //Amplification Distribution
74 | TH1F *hAmplDistribution = NULL;
75 | TH1F *hAmplDistribution2 = NULL;
76 | TH1F *hGainFitBsl = NULL;
77 |
78 | //Lists of Histograms that have to be saved
79 | TObjArray hList;
80 | TObjArray hListPeakSpektra;
81 | TObjArray hListCrazy;
82 |
83 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 | // Functions
85 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 | Double_t spek_fit(Double_t *, Double_t *);
87 | Double_t spek_fit2(Double_t *, Double_t *);
88 |
89 | void BookHistos();
90 | void SaveHistograms(const char * );
91 | bool SearchAnormal(UInt_t, Double_t, int verbosityLevel );
92 |
93 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 | // Main function
95 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 |
97 |
98 | int gainfit2(
99 | const char * InputRootFileName = "../analysis/fpeak/20111110_005/20111110_005_fpeak.root",
100 | const char * InputBaselineFileName = "../analysis/fpeak/20111110_005/20111110_005_fbsl.root",
101 | const char * OutTextFileName = "../analysis/fpeak/20111110_005/20111110_005_gainfit.txt",
102 | const char * RootOutFileName = "../analysis/fpeak/20111110_005/20111110_005_gainfit.root",
103 | bool showHistos = true,
104 | bool debug = true,
105 | int verbosityLevel = 2)
106 | {
107 |
108 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 | // Fit Verbosity
110 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 |
112 | UInt_t fitverb = verbosityLevel;
113 | if (verbosityLevel >= 3) fitverb =3;
114 |
115 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 | // Histograms, Canvases and Fit Functions
117 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 |
119 | //Open Rootfiles Files
120 | TFile * baseline = TFile::Open( InputBaselineFileName );
121 | TFile * file = TFile::Open( InputRootFileName );
122 |
123 | //Baseline
124 | TH2F * hbaseline = (TH2F*)baseline->Get("histo_mean");
125 | //Amplitude spectrum
126 | TH2F *hAmplSpek = (TH2F*)file->Get("hAmplSpek_cfd");
127 | NumberOfPixels = hAmplSpek->GetNbinsX();
128 | channel.resize(hAmplSpek->GetNbinsX());
129 |
130 | //Amplitude Spectrum of a Pixel
131 | TH1D* hPixelAmplSpek[1440]; ///++++ TODO: Warning hardcoded pixelnumber, change that +++
132 |
133 | //Book Histograms
134 | BookHistos();
135 |
136 | //Define Fit Functions
137 | Double_t par[6];
138 | Double_t par2[6];
139 | TF1 *g1 = new TF1("g1","gaus",5,15);
140 | TF1 *g2 = new TF1("g2","gaus",15,25);
141 | //TF1 *g3 = new TF1("g3","gaus",-5,5);
142 | TF1 *g4 = new TF1("g4","gaus");
143 | //TF1 *total = new TF1("total","gaus(0)+gaus(3)+gaus(6)",7,60);
144 | TF1 *fspek_fit = new TF1("fspek_fit", spek_fit, 5, 60, 6);
145 | fspek_fit->SetParNames("1.Max", "Gain", "Sigma", "2.Max", "Baseline", "Xtalk");
146 | TF1 *fspek_fit2 = new TF1("fspek_fit2g3", spek_fit2, 5, 60, 4);
147 | fspek_fit2->SetParNames("1.Max", "Gain", "Sigma", "2.Max");
148 | //Create Canvases
149 | TCanvas *cGainFit = new TCanvas("cGainFit", "Fit of Amplitude Spektra", 0,0, 1200,400);
150 | cGainFit->Clear();
151 | cGainFit->Divide(3, 2);
152 |
153 | TCanvas *cGraphs = new TCanvas("cGraphs", "gain vs. channel", 0,401, 1200,400);
154 | cGraphs->Clear();
155 | cGraphs->Divide(1, 2);
156 |
157 | //Draw imported Histograms
158 | cGainFit->cd(1);
159 | gStyle->SetPalette(1,0);
160 | gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
161 | hAmplSpek->SetTitle("Amplitude Spectrum of all Pixels");
162 | hAmplSpek->SetAxisRange(0, 100, "Y");
163 | hAmplSpek->Draw("COLZ");
164 |
165 |
166 | cGainFit->cd(3);
167 | hbaseline->SetTitle("Baselinedistribution of all Pixels");
168 | Double_t Xrange = hbaseline->GetMean(1);
169 | hbaseline->SetAxisRange(Xrange-1.5, Xrange + 1.5, "X");
170 | hbaseline->SetAxisRange(0, (hbaseline->GetBinContent(hbaseline->GetMaximumBin())+300), "Y");
171 | hbaseline->Draw();
172 |
173 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
174 | // Graphs
175 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
176 |
177 | Double_t simple_gain[NumberOfPixels];
178 | Double_t gain[NumberOfPixels];
179 | Double_t pixelvec[NumberOfPixels];
180 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<NumberOfPixels; i++){
181 | pixelvec[i]=i;
182 | simple_gain[i]=0;
183 | gain[i]=0;
184 | }
185 |
186 | TGraph *gr1 = new TGraph(NumberOfPixels,pixelvec,simple_gain);
187 | TGraph *gr2 = new TGraph(NumberOfPixels,pixelvec,gain);
188 |
189 | gr1->SetMarkerStyle(5);
190 | gr2->SetMarkerStyle(2);
191 | gr1->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
192 | gr2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
193 | gr1->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
194 | gr2->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
195 | gr1->SetTitle("G-APD Amplification vs. Channel (with Baseline Parameter)");
196 | gr2->SetTitle("G-APD Amplification vs. Channel (without Baseline Parameter)");
197 | TMultiGraph *mg = new TMultiGraph();
198 | mg->Add(gr1);
199 | mg->Add(gr2);
200 |
201 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 | // Loop over all Pixels and fit Distribution of singles, doubles and tripples
203 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 |
205 | if (verbosityLevel > 1) cout << "Number of Pixels: " << NumberOfPixels << endl;
206 | // Begin of Loop
207 | for (UInt_t pixel = 0; pixel < NumberOfPixels; pixel++){
208 |
209 | channel[ pixel ].PID = pixel+0;
210 |
211 | //Title
212 | TString histotitle;
213 | histotitle += "hPixelPro_";
214 | histotitle += pixel+0 ;
215 |
216 | if (verbosityLevel > 1){
217 | cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
218 | cout << " PID: " << pixel+0 << endl;
219 | cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
220 | }
221 | //Amplitude Spectrum of a Pixel
222 | hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ] = new TH1D;
223 | hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ] = hAmplSpek->ProjectionY( histotitle , pixel+1, pixel+1); //Projectipon of each Pixel out of Ampl.Spectrum
224 | hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]->SetAxisRange(0, 60, "X");
225 |
226 | histotitle = "Amplitude Spectrum of Pixel #";
227 | histotitle += pixel+0 ;
228 |
229 | hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]->SetTitle(histotitle);
230 | hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]->SetYTitle("Counts [a.u.]");
231 | hListPeakSpektra.Add(hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]);
232 |
233 |
234 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 | // Single Gaussian Fits and Tripple-Gaussian Fit Funciton
236 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 |
238 | //total->SetLineColor(2);
239 | fspek_fit->SetLineColor(kRed);
240 | fspek_fit2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
241 | fspek_fit2->SetLineStyle(2);
242 |
243 | cGainFit->cd(4);
244 | gPad->SetLogy(1);
245 |
246 | hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]->Fit(g1,verbos[fitverb]+"R");
247 | hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]->Fit(g2,verbos[fitverb]+"0R+");
248 | //hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]->Fit(g3,verbos[fitverb]+"0R+");
249 | g1->GetParameters(&par[0]);
250 | g1->GetParameters(&par2[0]);
251 | g2->GetParameters(&par[3]);
252 | g2->GetParameters(&par2[3]);
253 |
254 | //g3->GetParameters(&par[6]);
255 |
256 | //total->SetParameters(par);
257 |
258 | //hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]->Fit(total,verbos[fitverb]+"R+");
259 | //channel[ pixel ].amplSD = total->GetParameter(4) - total->GetParameter(1);
260 | //channel[ pixel ].amplDT = total->GetParameter(7) - total->GetParameter(4);
261 | //channel[ pixel ].amplMean = fspek_fit->GetParameter(1);
262 |
263 | par2[4]=par[4] = hbaseline->GetMean();
264 | cout << "starvalue of Baseline:" << par[4] << endl;
265 | fspek_fit->SetParameters(par);
266 | if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "spek_fit" << endl;
267 | hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]->Fit(fspek_fit,verbos[fitverb]+"R+");
268 | channel[ pixel ].ampl_fspek_fit = fspek_fit->GetParameter(1);
269 | channel[ pixel ].bsl = fspek_fit->GetParameter(4);
270 | if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "Baseline:" << channel[ pixel ].bsl << endl;
271 |
272 | fspek_fit2->SetParameters(par2);
273 | if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "fspek_fit2" << endl;
274 | hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]->Fit(fspek_fit2,verbos[fitverb]+"R+");
275 | channel[ pixel ].ampl_fspek_fit2 = fspek_fit2->GetParameter(1);
276 |
277 | if( showHistos ){
278 | hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]->Draw();
279 | }
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
287 | // Draw Histograms
288 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 |
290 | cGainFit->cd(2);
291 | gPad->SetLogy(1);
292 | g4->SetLineColor(2);
293 | hAmplDistribution->Fill( channel[ pixel ].ampl_fspek_fit ) ;
294 | hAmplDistribution->Fit(g4, verbos[fitverb]);
295 | distribution.sigma = g4->GetParameter(2);
296 | distribution.mean = g4->GetParameter(1);
297 | distribution.constant = g4->GetParameter(0);
298 |
299 | cGainFit->cd(5);
300 | gPad->SetLogy(1);
301 | g4->SetLineColor(kBlue);
302 | hAmplDistribution2->Fill(channel[ pixel ].ampl_fspek_fit2) ;
303 | hAmplDistribution2->Fit(g4, verbos[fitverb]);
304 |
305 | cGainFit->cd(3);
306 | hGainFitBsl->Fill(channel[ pixel ].bsl);
307 | hGainFitBsl->Draw("same");
308 | if( showHistos ){
309 | if (pixel%40==0){
310 | cGainFit->cd(2);
311 | hAmplDistribution->Draw();
312 | cGainFit->cd(5);
313 | hAmplDistribution2->Draw();
314 | }
315 |
316 | cGainFit->cd(6);
317 | hGainFitBsl->Draw();
318 | }
319 |
320 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 | // Draw Graphs of Distributions
322 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 |
324 | gr1->SetPoint(pixel, channel[pixel].PID, channel[pixel].ampl_fspek_fit);
325 | gr2->SetPoint(pixel, channel[pixel].PID, channel[pixel].ampl_fspek_fit2);
326 |
327 |
328 | if( showHistos ){
329 | if (pixel%60==0){
330 | cGraphs->cd(1);
331 | gr2->Draw("APL");
332 | cGraphs->cd(2);
333 | gr1->Draw("APL");
334 | }
335 |
336 | cGainFit->Modified();
337 | cGainFit->Update();
338 | cGraphs->Modified();
339 | cGraphs->Update();
340 | }
341 |
342 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
343 | // Debug Modus
344 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
345 | if(debug){
346 |
347 | TTimer timer("gSystem->ProcessEvents();", 50, kFALSE);
348 | timer.TurnOn();
349 | TString input = Getline("Type 'q' to exit, <return> to go on: ");
350 | timer.TurnOff();
351 | if (input=="q\n") {
352 | break;
353 | }
354 | }
355 | }
356 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
357 | // End of Loop
358 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
359 |
360 |
361 | // ( cGainFit->cd(4);
362 | // hPixelAmplSpek[ NumberOfPixels ]->Draw();
363 |
364 | cGainFit->cd(2);
365 | hAmplDistribution->Draw();
366 |
367 | cGainFit->cd(5);
368 | hAmplDistribution2->Draw();
369 |
370 | cGainFit->cd(6);
371 | hGainFitBsl->Draw();
372 | hbaseline->Draw("same");
373 |
374 | cGainFit->Modified();
375 | cGainFit->Update();
376 |
377 | cGraphs->cd(1);
378 | gr2->Draw("APL");
379 | cGraphs->cd(2);
380 | gr1->Draw("APL");
381 | cGraphs->Modified();
382 | cGraphs->Update();
383 |
384 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
385 | // Write into logfile
386 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 | string filename = InputRootFileName;
388 | size_t lastslash = filename.find_last_of('/');
389 | filename = filename.substr(lastslash+1);
390 | size_t firstdot = filename.find_first_of('.');
391 | filename = filename.substr(0, firstdot);
392 |
393 | string::iterator it;
394 | for (it=filename.begin(); it < filename.end(); ){
395 |
396 | if (!isdigit(*it)){
397 | it=filename.erase(it);
398 | }
399 | else
400 | ++it;
401 | }
402 | if (verbosityLevel > 0) cout << filename << endl;
403 |
404 | ofstream out;
405 | out.open( OutTextFileName );
406 | out << "pixelID/I:gainSD/F:gainDT:filename/l" << endl;
407 | out << "# ---- the 1st line helps to use TTree::ReadFile, for reading again this txt file with root. " << endl;
408 | out << "#" << InputRootFileName << endl;
409 | out << "# PixelID : gain between Single and Double Peak : gain between Double and Tripple Peak " << endl;
410 | out << "# gain is derived from the parameters of a three gaussian fit function " << endl;
411 | for (UInt_t pixel=0; pixel<NumberOfPixels; pixel++){
412 | out << channel[ pixel ].PID << ";\t" ;
413 | out << channel[ pixel ].ampl_fspek_fit << ";\t" ;
414 | // out << channel[ pixel ].amplDT << ";\t" ;
415 | out << channel[ pixel ].ampl_fspek_fit2 << "\t" ;
416 |
417 | //check if pixel gain is compareable to gain of the others and save result to logfile
418 | channel[ pixel ].crazy = SearchAnormal(pixel, 4, verbosityLevel);
419 | if (channel[ pixel ].crazy) hListCrazy.Add(hPixelAmplSpek[ pixel ]);
420 | out << channel[ pixel ].crazy << "\t" ;
421 |
422 | out << filename << endl;
423 |
424 | }
425 | out.close();
426 | SaveHistograms( RootOutFileName );
427 | return( 0 );
428 | }
429 |
430 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 | // End of Main
432 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 | //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
438 | //+ +
439 | //+ Function definitions +
440 | //+ +
441 | //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
442 |
443 |
444 |
445 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
446 | // Function: Book Histograms
447 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
448 |
449 | void BookHistos(){
450 |
451 | //Amplification Distribution - Single2Double
452 | hAmplDistribution = new TH1F("hAmplDistribution","Distribution of G-APD Amplification (with Baseline Parameter)", 500, 0 , 20 );
453 | hAmplDistribution->SetXTitle("Amplification [mV]");
454 | hAmplDistribution->SetYTitle("Counts");
455 | hAmplDistribution->SetAxisRange(7.5, 12.5, "X");
456 | hList.Add( hAmplDistribution );
457 |
458 | //Amplification Distribution2 - Double2Tripple
459 | hAmplDistribution2 = new TH1F("hAmplDistribution2","Distribution of G-APD Amplification(without Baseline Parameter)", 500, 0 , 20 );
460 | hAmplDistribution2->SetXTitle("Amplification [mV]");
461 | hAmplDistribution2->SetYTitle("Counts");
462 | hAmplDistribution2->SetAxisRange(7.5, 12.5, "X");
463 | hList.Add( hAmplDistribution2 );
464 |
465 | //cross vs Channels
466 | hGainFitBsl = new TH1F("hGainFitBsl","BaselineDistribution from plot", 400,-99.5,100.5);
467 | hGainFitBsl->SetYTitle("Counts");
468 | hGainFitBsl->SetXTitle("Voltage [mV]");
469 | hGainFitBsl->SetLineColor(2);
470 | hList.Add( hGainFitBsl );
471 |
472 | }
473 |
474 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
475 | // Save Histograms
476 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
477 |
478 | void SaveHistograms( const char * loc_fname){
479 | // create the histogram file (replace if already existing)
480 | TFile tf( loc_fname, "RECREATE");
481 |
482 | hList.Write(); // write the major histograms into the top level directory
483 | tf.mkdir("PeakSpektra"); tf.cd("PeakSpektra"); // go to new subdirectory
484 | hListPeakSpektra.Write(); // write histos into subdirectory
485 | tf.mkdir("CrazyPixels"); tf.cd("CrazyPixels"); // go to new subdirectory
486 | hListCrazy.Write(); // write histos into subdirector
487 | tf.Close(); // close the file
488 | }
489 |
490 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
491 | // Fit-Function: Sum of several Gauß-Function with falling Maximum Amplitude
492 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
493 |
494 | Double_t spek_fit(Double_t *x, Double_t *par){
495 | Double_t arg = 0;
496 | Double_t arg2 = 0;
497 | Double_t arg3 = 0;
498 | Double_t arg4 = 0;
499 | Double_t cross = 0;
500 | if (par[0] != 0) cross = par[3]/par[0];
501 | if (par[2] != 0) arg = (x[0] - par[1]-par[4])/par[2];
502 | if (par[2] != 0) arg2 = (x[0] - 2*par[1]-par[4])/par[2];
503 | if (par[2] != 0) arg3 = (x[0] - 3*par[1]-par[4])/par[2];
504 | if (par[2] != 0) arg4 = (x[0] - 4*par[1]-par[4])/par[2];
505 | Double_t peak1 = par[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5 * arg * arg);
506 | Double_t peak2 = cross*par[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5 * arg2 * arg2 /2);
507 | Double_t peak3 = cross*cross*par[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5 * arg3 * arg3 /3);
508 | Double_t peak4 = cross*cross*cross*par[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5 * arg4 * arg4 /4);
509 | par[5]=cross;
510 | return peak1 + peak2 + peak3 + peak4;
511 | }
512 |
513 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
514 | // Fit-Function: Sum of several Gauß-Function with overlying potential decay
515 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
516 |
517 | Double_t spek_fit2(Double_t *x, Double_t *par2){
518 |
519 | Double_t arg = 0;
520 | Double_t arg2 = 0;
521 | Double_t arg3 = 0;
522 | Double_t arg4 = 0;
523 | Double_t cross = 0;
524 | if (par2[0] != 0) cross = par2[3]/par2[0];
525 | if (par2[2] != 0) arg = (x[0] - par2[1])/par2[2];
526 | if (par2[2] != 0) arg2 = (x[0] - 2*par2[1])/par2[2];
527 | if (par2[2] != 0) arg3 = (x[0] - 3*par2[1])/par2[2];
528 | if (par2[2] != 0) arg4 = (x[0] - 4*par2[1])/par2[2];
529 | Double_t peak1 = par2[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5 * arg * arg);
530 | Double_t peak2 = cross*par2[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5 * arg2 * arg2 /2);
531 | Double_t peak3 = cross*cross*par2[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5 * arg3 * arg3 /3);
532 | Double_t peak4 = cross*cross*cross*par2[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5 * arg4 * arg4 /4);
533 | return peak1 + peak2 + peak3 + peak4;
534 | }
535 |
536 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
537 | // Function: Search for Pixel that do not have a compareable gain to the Other
538 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
539 |
540 | bool SearchAnormal(UInt_t pixel, Double_t distance, int verbosityLevel){
541 | Double_t check = channel[ pixel ].ampl_fspek_fit;
542 | check = TMath::Sqrt(check*check);
543 | if (check < (distance * distribution.sigma + distribution.mean)){
544 | return false;
545 | }
546 | else{
547 | if (verbosityLevel > 2) cout << "Not normal behaviour in Pixel: " << pixel +1 << endl;
548 | return true;
549 | }
550 | }
551 |