1 | #include <TROOT.h>
2 | #include <TCanvas.h>
3 | #include <TProfile.h>
4 | #include <TH1.h>
5 | #include <TH2.h>
6 | #include <TF1.h>
7 |
8 | #include <stdint.h>
9 | #include <cstdio>
10 |
11 | #include "fits.h"
12 | #include "FOpenDataFile.c"
13 | #include "FOpenCalibFile.c"
14 | #include "FPedestal.c"
15 | #include "FOscilloscope.c"
16 |
17 | #define n_peaks 4
18 |
19 | int peakfinderscope(const char *name, const char *drsname, size_t eventnr, size_t pixelnr)
20 | {
21 | //******************************************************************************
22 | //Read a datafile and plot the DRS-calibrated data
23 | //ATTENTION: only works for ROI=1024
24 | // (array indices of the calibration wrong otherwise)
25 | //******************************************************************************
26 |
27 | gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
28 |
29 | //-------------------------------------------
30 | //Define the data variables
31 | //-------------------------------------------
32 | vector<int16_t> data;
33 | vector<int16_t> data_offset;
34 | unsigned int data_num;
35 | size_t data_n;
36 | UInt_t data_px;
37 | UInt_t data_roi;
38 |
39 | //-------------------------------------------
40 | //Get the DRS calibration
41 | //-------------------------------------------
42 | size_t drs_n;
43 | vector<float> drs_basemean;
44 | vector<float> drs_gainmean;
45 | vector<float> drs_triggeroffsetmean;
46 | FOpenCalibFile(drsname, drs_basemean, drs_gainmean, drs_triggeroffsetmean, drs_n);
47 |
48 | //-------------------------------------------
49 | //Check the sizes of the data columns
50 | //-------------------------------------------
51 | // if(drs_n!=data_n)
52 | // {
53 | // cout << "Data and DRS file incompatible (Px*ROI disagree)" << endl;
54 | // return 1;
55 | // }
56 |
57 | //-------------------------------------------
58 | //Create the canvas, plot and title
59 | //-------------------------------------------
60 | char title[500];
61 | std::sprintf(title,"Data: %s, DRS: %s, Px %i Ev %i",name,drsname,pixelnr,eventnr);
62 | TCanvas *canv = new TCanvas( "canv", "Waveform", 200, 10, 700, 500 );
63 | // TProfile *pulseshape = new TProfile("pulseshape", title, 70, -10.5, 59.5);
64 | TH2F *pulseshape = new TH2F("pulseshape",title,70,-10.5,59.5,350,-10.5,59.5);
65 | pulseshape->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time after trigger (bins @2 GHz)");
66 | pulseshape->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Amplitude (mV)");
67 |
68 | char title_base[500];
69 | std::sprintf(title_base,"All samples of Px %i (data: %s, DRS: %s)",pixelnr,name,drsname);
70 |
71 | char title_spect[500];
72 | std::sprintf(title_spect,"Spectrum of all pixels (data: %s, DRS: %s)",name,drsname);
73 | TCanvas *canv_spect = new TCanvas( "canv_spect", "Spectrum", 950, 10, 700, 500 );
74 | TH1F *spectrum = new TH1F("spectrum", title_spect,300,0,600);
75 | spectrum->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pulse size (a.u.)");
76 | spectrum->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
77 |
78 | //-------------------------------------------
79 | //Define the fit
80 | //-------------------------------------------
81 | int fit_start = 30;
82 | int fit_end = 380;
83 | TF1 *f_peaks = new TF1("total","[2]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[0])*(x-[0])/(2*[3]*[3])) + [4]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[0]-[1])*(x-[0]-[1])/(2*[5]*[5])) + [6]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[0]-2*[1])*(x-[0]-2*[1])/(2*[7]*[7])) + [8]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[0]-3*[1])*(x-[0]-3*[1])/(2*[9]*[9])) + [10]*TMath::Exp((-x-[11])/[12])",fit_start,fit_end);
84 | Double_t par[5+2*n_peaks] = {70,90,500000,15,50000,15,5000,15,500,15,10000,30,30};
85 | // TF1 *f_peaks = new TF1("total","[2]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[0])*(x-[0])/(2*[3]*[3])) + [4]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[0]-[1])*(x-[0]-[1])/(2*[5]*[5])) + [6]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[0]-2*[1])*(x-[0]-2*[1])/(2*[7]*[7])) + [8]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[0]-3*[1])*(x-[0]-3*[1])/(2*[9]*[9])) + [10]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[12])*(x-[12])/(2*[11]*[11]))",fit_start,fit_end);
86 | // Double_t par[3+2*n_peaks] = {70,90,500000,15,50000,15,5000,15,500,15,800000,20,0};
87 | f_peaks->SetParameters(par);
88 | f_peaks->SetLineColor(2);
89 |
90 | TF1 *f_pedestal = new TF1("pedestal","[0]*TMath::Exp((-x-[1])/[2])",fit_start,fit_end);
91 | f_pedestal->SetLineColor(2);
92 | f_pedestal->SetLineWidth(1);
93 |
94 | TF1* f_peak[n_peaks];
95 | for(int i=0; i<n_peaks; i++) {
96 | f_peak[i] = new TF1("peak","gaus",fit_start,fit_end);
97 | f_peak[i]->SetLineColor(2);
98 | f_peak[i]->SetLineWidth(1);
99 | }
100 |
101 | //-------------------------------------------
102 | //Open the file
103 | //-------------------------------------------
104 | fits datafile(name);
105 | if (!datafile)
106 | {
107 | cout << "Couldn't properly open the datafile." << endl;
108 | return 1;
109 | }
110 | FOpenDataFile(datafile, data, data_offset, data_num, data_n, data_roi, data_px);
111 |
112 | //-------------------------------------------
113 | //Find the baseline
114 | //-------------------------------------------
115 | float pedestal_mean, pedestal_rms;
116 | // FPedestal(title_base, datafile, data, data_offset, drs_basemean, drs_gainmean, drs_triggeroffsetmean, data_roi, pixelnr, pedestal_mean, pedestal_rms);
117 | //Return values
118 | //Value of maximal probability: -2.225 +- 4.3144
119 | pedestal_mean = -2.225;
120 | pedestal_rms = 4.3144;
121 |
122 | //-------------------------------------------
123 | //Oscilloscope
124 | //-------------------------------------------
125 | // float threshold = pedestal_mean+pedestal_rms;
126 | float threshold = 2.5;
127 |
128 | //***********************
129 | FOscilloscope(datafile, data, data_offset, data_num, data_px, drs_basemean, drs_gainmean, drs_triggeroffsetmean, data_roi, threshold, pulseshape, spectrum);
130 | canv->cd();
131 | pulseshape->Draw();
132 | canv->Modified();
133 | canv->Update();
134 |
135 | canv_spect->cd();
136 | spectrum->Draw();
137 | canv_spect->Modified();
138 | canv_spect->Update();
139 | //***********************
140 | fits datafile2("20110804_025.fits");
141 | if (!datafile2)
142 | {
143 | cout << "Couldn't properly open the datafile2." << endl;
144 | return 1;
145 | }
146 | FOpenDataFile(datafile2, data, data_offset, data_num, data_n, data_roi, data_px);
147 | FOscilloscope(datafile2, data, data_offset, data_num, data_px, drs_basemean, drs_gainmean, drs_triggeroffsetmean, data_roi, threshold, pulseshape, spectrum);
148 |
149 | canv->cd();
150 | pulseshape->Draw();
151 | canv->Modified();
152 | canv->Update();
153 |
154 | canv_spect->cd();
155 | spectrum->Draw();
156 | canv_spect->Modified();
157 | canv_spect->Update();
158 | //***********************
159 | fits datafile3("20110804_026.fits");
160 | if (!datafile3)
161 | {
162 | cout << "Couldn't properly open the datafile3." << endl;
163 | return 1;
164 | }
165 | FOpenDataFile(datafile3, data, data_offset, data_num, data_n, data_roi, data_px);
166 | FOscilloscope(datafile3, data, data_offset, data_num, data_px, drs_basemean, drs_gainmean, drs_triggeroffsetmean, data_roi, threshold, pulseshape, spectrum);
167 |
168 | canv->cd();
169 | pulseshape->Draw();
170 | canv->Modified();
171 | canv->Update();
172 |
173 | canv_spect->cd();
174 | spectrum->Draw();
175 | canv_spect->Modified();
176 | canv_spect->Update();
177 | //***********************
178 | fits datafile4("20110804_027.fits");
179 | if (!datafile4)
180 | {
181 | cout << "Couldn't properly open the datafile4." << endl;
182 | return 1;
183 | }
184 | FOpenDataFile(datafile4, data, data_offset, data_num, data_n, data_roi, data_px);
185 | FOscilloscope(datafile4, data, data_offset, data_num, data_px, drs_basemean, drs_gainmean, drs_triggeroffsetmean, data_roi, threshold, pulseshape, spectrum);
186 |
187 | canv->cd();
188 | pulseshape->Draw();
189 | canv->Modified();
190 | canv->Update();
191 |
192 | canv_spect->cd();
193 | spectrum->Draw();
194 | canv_spect->Modified();
195 | canv_spect->Update();
196 | //***********************
197 | spectrum->Fit(f_peaks,"R+");
198 | f_peaks->GetParameters(&par[0]);
199 |
200 | f_peak[0]->SetParameters(par[2],par[0],par[3]);
201 | f_peak[1]->SetParameters(par[4],par[0]+par[1],par[5]);
202 | f_peak[2]->SetParameters(par[6],par[0]+2*par[1],par[7]);
203 | f_peak[3]->SetParameters(par[8],par[0]+3*par[1],par[9]);
204 | // f_peak[4]->SetParameters(par[10],par[12],par[11]);
205 | f_pedestal->SetParameters(par[10],par[11],par[12]);
206 |
207 | std::cout << "Crosstalk propability approx. " << ((par[4]*par[5])/(par[2]*par[3]+par[4]*par[5])) << std::endl;
208 | //-------------------------------------------
209 | //Draw the data
210 | //-------------------------------------------
211 | canv->cd();
212 | pulseshape->Draw();
213 | canv->Modified();
214 | canv->Update();
215 |
216 | canv_spect->cd();
217 | canv_spect->SetLogy();
218 | spectrum->Draw();
219 | f_peaks->Draw("same");
220 |
221 | for(int i=0; i<n_peaks; i++) {
222 | f_peak[i]->Draw("same");
223 | }
224 |
225 | f_pedestal->Draw("same");
226 |
227 | canv_spect->Modified();
228 | canv_spect->Update();
229 |
230 | return 0;
231 | }