1 | #!/usr/bin/python
2 | #
3 | #
4 |
5 | import glob
6 | from os import system
7 |
8 | # zipped or unzipped data ?
9 | zip = '.gz' # set to '' for unzipped data
10 |
11 | # path to the raw data: zipped /data00 unzipped /data03 !!!
12 | path = '/data00/fact-construction/raw/'
13 |
14 | # where to store the results and how to tag them
15 | respath = '../res/' # the path to the store for the results
16 | restag = 'bsl' # the tag for identifying the type of analysis run on the data
17 | rmname = 'fbsl.C' # the root macro to run for the analysis
18 | rmpath = '../rootmacros/' # path to the root macro
19 | rmacro = rmpath + rmname + '++' # compose the macro name (++ instructs root to compile it first)
20 |
21 | # the list of runs which should be processed ( could later be read from a file...)
22 | # format: ( 'drsfileID = BBB', 'datafileid = AAA', 'DD', 'MM', 'YYYY' )
23 | # example: 20111109_003.fits = YYYYMMDD_AAA.fits
24 | # example: 20111109_003.drs.fits = YYYYMMDD_BBB.fits
25 |
26 | runlist = []
27 |
28 | #runlist.append( ( '003', '003', '09', '11', '2011') )
29 | #runlist.append( ( '003', '004', '09', '11', '2011') )
30 | #runlist.append( ( '003', '005', '09', '11', '2011') )
31 | runlist.append( ( '003', '006', '09', '11', '2011') )
32 | runlist.append( ( '003', '007', '09', '11', '2011') )
33 | runlist.append( ( '017', '008', '09', '11', '2011') )
34 | runlist.append( ( '017', '010', '09', '11', '2011') )
35 | runlist.append( ( '017', '011', '09', '11', '2011') )
36 | runlist.append( ( '017', '012', '09', '11', '2011') )
37 | runlist.append( ( '017', '013', '09', '11', '2011') )
38 | runlist.append( ( '017', '014', '09', '11', '2011') )
39 | runlist.append( ( '017', '017', '09', '11', '2011') )
40 | runlist.append( ( '017', '018', '09', '11', '2011') )
41 |
42 | # iterate over the list of runs
43 | for run in runlist:
44 |
45 | # decompose the run info
46 | drs, data, day, month, year = run
47 |
48 | # set the path to the data
49 | dpath = path + year +'/' + month + '/' + day + '/'
50 | print 'working on datapath: ', dpath
51 |
52 | # generate the input file names (data and drs calibration)
53 | dfname = year + month + day + '_' + data
54 | drsfname = year + month + day + '_' + drs
55 | dfile = dpath + dfname + '.fits' + zip
56 | drsfile = dpath + drsfname +'.drs.fits' + zip
57 | print 'data file: ', dfile
58 | print 'drs file : ', drsfile
59 |
60 | # generate the file names for stroning the results
61 | resdfile = respath + dfname + '_' + restag + '.txt'
62 | reshfile = respath + dfname + '_' + restag + '.root'
63 | print 'result data file: ', resdfile
64 | print 'result historgram file: ', reshfile
65 |
66 | # compose the command and run it
67 | cmd = 'root -b -q \'' + rmacro + '(\"' + dfile + '\", \"' + drsfile + '\", 0, -1, 0, -1, \"' + resdfile + '\", \"' + reshfile + '\") \' '
68 | print 'execution cmd: ', cmd
69 | system( cmd )
70 |