Line | |
1 | #include "TRandom2.h"
2 | #include "TH1F.h"
3 | #include "TCanvas.h"
4 |
5 | #include <stdio.h>
6 | #include <iostream>
7 |
8 |
9 | #define FAD_MAX_SAMPLES 1024
10 |
11 | vector<float> Vmeas(FAD_MAX_SAMPLES);
12 | vector <float> Vfir(FAD_MAX_SAMPLES);
13 | vector <float> Vpulse(FAD_MAX_SAMPLES);
14 | #include "factfir.C"
15 |
16 |
17 | #define k 16
18 | double a[k];
19 | double b=k;
20 |
21 | void testfir(){
22 |
23 | for (int j=0; j<k; j++){
24 | a[j]=1;
25 | }
26 |
27 | TRandom2 myrandom;
28 | myrandom.RndmArray(1024,Vmeas);
29 |
30 | int pulse_start=350;
31 | float pulse_height=0.6;
32 | int pulse_len = 60;
33 | for (int i = pulse_start; i<pulse_start + pulse_len; i++){
34 | Vpulse[i] += pulse_height/pulse_len * (pulse_len-(i-pulse_start));
35 | // in cas e you want the pulse in the data
36 | Vmeas[i] += Vpulse[i];
37 | }
38 |
39 |
40 | factfir(b,a,k, Vfir);
41 |
42 | TH1F *meas = new TH1F("Vmeas","Vmeas test",FAD_MAX_SAMPLES, -0.5 , FAD_MAX_SAMPLES-0.5);
43 | TH1F *fir = new TH1F("Vfir","Vfir test",FAD_MAX_SAMPLES, -0.5 , FAD_MAX_SAMPLES-0.5);
44 | TH1F *pulse = new TH1F("Vpulse","Vpulse test",FAD_MAX_SAMPLES, -0.5 , FAD_MAX_SAMPLES-0.5);
45 |
46 | for (int i=0; i<FAD_MAX_SAMPLES; i++){
47 | meas->SetBinContent(i,Vmeas[i]);
48 | fir->SetBinContent(i,Vfir[i]);
49 | pulse->SetBinContent(i,Vpulse[i]);
50 | }
51 |
52 | TCanvas *c = new TCanvas();
53 | c->Divide(1,3);
54 | c->cd(1);
55 | meas->Draw("HIST");
56 | c->cd(2);
57 | fir->Draw("HIST");
58 | c->cd(3);
59 | pulse->Draw("HIST");
60 |
61 |
62 | }
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