1 | library IEEE;
2 | use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
5 | library fact_fad_lib;
6 | use fact_fad_lib.fad_definitions.all;
7 |
8 | -- -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
9 | -- -- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
10 | -- library UNISIM;
11 | -- use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
12 |
13 | entity data_generator is
14 | generic(
15 | RAM_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 12
16 | );
17 | port(
18 | -- for debugging
19 | state : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
20 | is_idle : out std_logic;
21 |
22 | clk : in std_logic; -- CLK_25.
23 | data_out : out std_logic_vector (63 downto 0);
24 | addr_out : out std_logic_vector (RAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
25 | dataRAM_write_ea_o : out std_logic_vector (0 downto 0) := "0";
26 | ram_start_addr : in std_logic_vector (RAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
27 | ram_write_ea : in std_logic;
28 | ram_write_ready : out std_logic := '0';
29 |
30 | roi_array : in roi_array_type;
31 | roi_max : in roi_max_type;
32 | sensor_array : in sensor_array_type;
33 | sensor_ready : in std_logic;
34 | dac_array : in dac_array_type;
35 |
36 | config_start : in std_logic;
37 | config_done : out std_logic := '0';
38 |
39 | -- EVT HEADER - part 1
40 | package_length : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
41 | pll_lock : in std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0);
42 | dwrite_enable_in : in std_logic;
43 | denable_enable_in : in std_logic;
44 | busy_enable_in : in std_logic;
45 | trigger_enable_in : in std_logic;
46 | cont_trigger_en_in : in std_logic;
47 | socket_send_mode_in : in std_logic;
48 | busy_manual_in : in std_logic;
49 |
50 |
51 | -- EVT HEADER - part 2 --> FTM trigger informaton, comes in late ...
52 | -- during EVT header wrinting, this field is left out ... and only written into event header,
53 | -- when the DRS chip were read out already.
54 | FTM_RS485_ready : in std_logic;
55 | FTM_trigger_info : in std_logic_vector (55 downto 0); --7 byte
56 | FTM_receiver_status : in std_logic;
57 |
58 | -- EVT HEADER - part 3
59 | fad_event_counter : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
60 | refclk_counter : in std_logic_vector (11 downto 0);
61 | refclk_too_high : in std_logic;
62 | refclk_too_low : in std_logic;
63 |
64 | -- EVT HEADER - part 4
65 | board_id : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
66 | crate_id : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
67 | DCM_PS_status : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
68 | DCM_locked_status : in std_logic;
69 | DCM_ready_status : in std_logic;
70 | SPI_SCLK_enable_status : in std_logic;
71 | TRG_GEN_div : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
72 |
73 | -- EVT HEADER - part 5
74 | dna : in std_logic_vector (63 downto 0);
75 |
76 | -- EVT HEADER - part 6
77 | runnumber : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
78 | timer_value : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); -- time in units of 100us
79 |
80 | hardware_trigger_in : in std_logic;
81 | software_trigger_in : in std_logic;
82 |
83 | adc_data_array : in adc_data_array_type;
84 | adc_output_enable_inverted : out std_logic := '1';
85 | adc_clk_en : out std_logic := '0';
86 | adc_otr : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
87 | drs_channel_id : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
88 |
89 | --drs_dwrite : out std_logic := '1';
90 | drs_readout_ready : out std_logic := '0';
91 | drs_readout_ready_ack : in std_logic;
92 | drs_clk_en : out std_logic := '0';
93 | start_read_drs_stop_cell: out std_logic := '0';
94 |
95 | drs_srin_write_8b : out std_logic := '0';
96 | drs_srin_write_ack : in std_logic;
97 | drs_srin_data : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
98 | drs_srin_write_ready : in std_logic;
99 |
100 | drs_read_s_cell_ready : in std_logic;
101 | drs_s_cell_array : in drs_s_cell_array_type;
102 |
103 | drs_readout_started : out std_logic := '0';
104 | trigger_veto : out std_logic := '1'
105 | );
106 | end data_generator ;
107 |
108 | architecture Behavioral of data_generator is
109 |
110 | type state_generate_type is (
111 | CONFIG, -- IDLE branches into this state, if needed.
112 | CONFIG_DRS_01, -- these four states configure the DRS shift registers,
113 | CONFIG_DRS_02, -- the make great use of the drs_pulser entity.
114 | CONFIG_DRS_03, -- maybe they should be moved into the drs_pulser entity.
116 |
117 | IDLE,
129 | );
130 |
131 | -- configuration stuff:
132 | -- this flag is set, when ever a rising edge on 'config_start' is detected.
133 | -- this flag is cleared only, when a configuration was successfully processed
134 |
135 | signal state_sig : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
136 |
137 | signal state_generate : state_generate_type := CONFIG;
138 | signal start_addr : std_logic_vector (RAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
139 |
140 | signal data_cntr : integer range 0 to 1024 := 0;
141 | signal addr_cntr : integer range 0 to RAM_SIZE_64B := 0; -- counts 64 bit words
142 | signal channel_id : integer range 0 to 9 := 0;
143 | signal adc_wait_cnt : integer range 0 to 7 := 0;
144 |
145 | signal hardware_trigger_sr :std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
146 | signal software_trigger_sr :std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
147 |
148 | signal ram_write_ea_flag : std_logic := '0';
149 | signal new_config_int : std_logic := '0';
150 |
151 | -- internal signal: to be sampled once and used instead of inputs!
152 | signal roi_max_int : roi_max_type;
153 | signal package_length_sig : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
154 | signal sig_drs_readout_started : std_logic := '0';
155 |
156 | signal FTM_trigger_info_local_copy : std_logic_vector (55 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --7 byte
157 | signal runnumber_local_copy : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
158 |
159 | -- self configuration signals:
160 | signal internal_roi_array : roi_array_type;
161 | signal internal_roi_max : roi_max_type;
162 |
163 | signal config_start_sr : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
164 |
165 | signal adc_data_sig : adc_data_array_type;
166 | signal adc_otr_sig : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ;
167 | type adc_data_16bit_t is array (3 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
168 | signal data_16bit : adc_data_16bit_t;
169 |
170 | begin
171 | drs_readout_started <= sig_drs_readout_started;
172 | state <= state_sig;
173 | generate_data : process (clk)
174 | begin
175 | if rising_edge (clk) then
176 | is_idle <= '0';
177 | -- synch
178 | config_start_sr <= config_start_sr(0) & config_start;
179 |
180 |
181 | hardware_trigger_sr <= hardware_trigger_sr(0) & hardware_trigger_in; --synching in of asynchrounous trigger signal.
182 | software_trigger_sr <= software_trigger_sr(0) & software_trigger_in; --synching in of asynchrounous trigger signal.
183 | addr_out <= start_addr + conv_std_logic_vector(addr_cntr, RAM_ADDR_WIDTH);
184 |
185 | case state_generate is
186 |
187 |
188 | when CONFIG =>
189 | state_sig <= X"01";
190 | internal_roi_array <= roi_array;
191 | package_length_sig <= package_length;
192 | internal_roi_max <= roi_max;
193 | state_generate <= CONFIG_DRS_01;
194 | -- configure DRS
195 | -- all this might be done in the drs_pulser entity
196 | when CONFIG_DRS_01 => -- BEGIN CONFIG DRS
197 | state_sig <= X"02";
198 | drs_channel_id <= DRS_WRITE_SHIFT_REG;
199 | drs_srin_data <= "11111111";
200 | drs_srin_write_8b <= '1';
201 | if (drs_srin_write_ack = '1') then
202 | drs_srin_write_8b <= '0';
203 | state_generate <= CONFIG_DRS_02;
204 | end if;
205 | when CONFIG_DRS_02 =>
206 | state_sig <= X"03";
207 | if (drs_srin_write_ready = '1') then
208 | state_generate <= CONFIG_DRS_03;
209 | end if;
210 | when CONFIG_DRS_03 =>
211 | state_sig <= X"04";
212 | drs_channel_id <= DRS_WRITE_CONFIG_REG;
213 | drs_srin_data <= "11111111";
214 | drs_srin_write_8b <= '1';
215 | if (drs_srin_write_ack = '1') then
216 | drs_srin_write_8b <= '0';
217 | state_generate <= WAIT_FOR_DRS_CONFIG_READY;
218 | end if;
219 |
220 | -- last state of CONFIG:
221 | -- here the input roi_max is sampled
222 | -- all other interesting input signals should be sampled here as well!
224 | state_sig <= X"05";
225 | if (drs_srin_write_ready = '1') then
226 | drs_channel_id <= DRS_ADDR_IDLE; -- to make sure not to write accidentally into DRS shift registers
227 | roi_max_int <= internal_roi_max;
228 | config_done <= '1';
229 | state_generate <= IDLE;
230 | end if;
231 | -- end configure DRS
232 |
233 |
234 | when IDLE =>
235 | is_idle <= '1';
236 | state_sig <= X"10";
237 | state_generate <= IDLE;
238 | trigger_veto <= '0';
239 | if (config_start_sr(1) = '1') then
240 | state_generate <= CONFIG;
241 | config_done <= '0';
242 | end if;
243 |
244 |
245 | if (ram_write_ea = '1' and ( hardware_trigger_sr(1) = '1' or software_trigger_sr(1) = '1') ) then
246 | sig_drs_readout_started <= '1'; -- is set to '0' in next state ... just a pulse.
247 | runnumber_local_copy <= runnumber;
248 | trigger_veto <= '1';
249 | start_read_drs_stop_cell <= '1';
250 | adc_output_enable_inverted <= '0';
251 | -- at this moment the ADC ist beeing clocked.
252 | -- this is not the start of the readout.
253 | -- the DRS needs to be clocked as well.
254 | adc_clk_en <= '1';
255 | start_addr <= ram_start_addr;
256 | state_generate <= WRITE_HEADER;
257 | end if;
258 |
259 |
260 | when WRITE_HEADER =>
261 | state_sig <= X"11";
262 | sig_drs_readout_started <= '0'; -- is set to '1' in state IDLE
263 | dataRAM_write_ea_o <= "1";
264 | data_out <=
265 | -- the first word contains a lot of single status bits.
266 | pll_lock & -- 4 bits
267 | denable_enable_in & -- 1 bit
268 | dwrite_enable_in & -- 1 bit
269 | '0' & -- 1 bit
270 | refclk_too_low & -- 1 bit
271 | DCM_locked_status & -- 1 bit
272 | DCM_ready_status & -- 1 bit
273 | SPI_SCLK_enable_status &-- 1 bit
274 | busy_enable_in &
275 | trigger_enable_in &
276 | cont_trigger_en_in &
277 | socket_send_mode_in&
278 | busy_manual_in &
280 | package_length_sig &
281 | X"FB01";
282 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
283 | state_generate <= WRITE_FTM_INFO;
284 |
285 | when WRITE_FTM_INFO =>
286 | state_sig <= X"12";
287 | -- THIS is just a dummy STATE just to make reading easier.
288 | -- at this point normally the FTM RS485 data would be written .. but we do not know it
289 | -- so here we do not write the FTM info ... just jump over it.
290 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
292 |
294 | state_sig <= X"13";
295 | data_out <=
296 | "0000" & refclk_counter &
297 | X"0000" &
298 | fad_event_counter(15 downto 0) &
299 | fad_event_counter(31 downto 16) ;
300 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
301 | state_generate <= WRITE_BOARD_ID;
302 |
303 | when WRITE_BOARD_ID =>
304 | state_sig <= X"14";
305 | data_out <= TRG_GEN_div & -- this is a kind of prescaler for the continouus trigger generator
306 | X"0000" & -- this might be the number of soft triggers beeing generated in a 'burst' not implemented yet
307 | X"00" & DCM_PS_status & -- number of steps, the phase shifter was shifted...
308 | "000000" & crate_id & "0000" & board_id; -- position of the board inside the camera
309 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
310 | state_generate <= WRITE_DNA;
311 |
312 | when WRITE_DNA =>
313 | state_sig <= X"15";
314 | data_out <=
315 | dna(55 downto 48) & dna(63 downto 56) &
316 | dna(39 downto 32) & dna(47 downto 40) &
317 | dna(23 downto 16) & dna(31 downto 24) &
318 | dna(7 downto 0) & dna(15 downto 8);
319 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
320 | state_generate <= WRITE_TIMER;
321 |
322 | when WRITE_TIMER =>
323 | state_sig <= X"16";
324 | data_out <=
325 | runnumber_local_copy(15 downto 0) & -- 2times 16bit reserved for additional status info
326 | runnumber_local_copy(31 downto 16) &
327 | timer_value(15 downto 0) &
328 | timer_value(31 downto 16);
329 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
330 | state_generate <= WRITE_TEMPERATURES;
331 |
332 | -- DANGER: thist state can wait endlessly, if somethings wrong.
333 | when WRITE_TEMPERATURES => -- temperatures
334 | state_sig <= X"17";
335 | if (sensor_ready = '1') then
336 | data_out <=
337 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (3), 16)(15) &
338 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (3), 16)(15) &
339 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (3), 16)(15) &
340 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (3), 16)(15 downto 3) &
341 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (2), 16)(15) &
342 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (2), 16)(15) &
343 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (2), 16)(15) &
344 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (2), 16)(15 downto 3) &
345 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (1), 16)(15) &
346 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (1), 16)(15) &
347 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (1), 16)(15) &
348 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (1), 16)(15 downto 3) &
349 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (0), 16)(15) &
350 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (0), 16)(15) &
351 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (0), 16)(15) &
352 | conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_array (0), 16)(15 downto 3) ;
353 | -- conv_std_logic_vector (sensor_array (2), 16) &
354 | -- conv_std_logic_vector (sensor_array (1), 16) &
355 | -- conv_std_logic_vector (sensor_array (0), 16);
356 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
357 | state_generate <= WRITE_DAC1;
358 | end if;
359 |
360 | when WRITE_DAC1 =>
361 | state_sig <= X"18";
362 | data_out <= conv_std_logic_vector (dac_array (3), 16) &
363 | conv_std_logic_vector (dac_array (2), 16) &
364 | conv_std_logic_vector (dac_array (1), 16) &
365 | conv_std_logic_vector (dac_array (0), 16);
366 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
367 | state_generate <= WRITE_DAC2;
368 | when WRITE_DAC2 =>
369 | state_sig <= X"19";
370 | data_out <= conv_std_logic_vector (dac_array (7), 16) &
371 | conv_std_logic_vector (dac_array (6), 16) &
372 | conv_std_logic_vector (dac_array (5), 16) &
373 | conv_std_logic_vector (dac_array (4), 16);
374 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
375 | state_generate <= WAIT_FOR_STOP_CELL;
376 |
377 | when WAIT_FOR_STOP_CELL =>
378 | state_sig <= X"1A";
379 | start_read_drs_stop_cell <= '0';
380 | if (drs_read_s_cell_ready = '1') then
381 | state_generate <= START_DRS_READING;
382 | end if;
383 |
384 | when START_DRS_READING =>
385 | --drs channel number
386 | drs_channel_id <= conv_std_logic_vector (channel_id, 4);
387 |
388 | --adc_output_enable_inverted <= '0'; -- nur für Emulator ??????????????????
389 | -- this has been done earlier already ... why does it need to be repeated?
390 |
391 | --starte drs-clocking
392 | -- this is an interesting point:
393 | -- here the DRS clock starts to tick. but only some states later
394 | -- the ADC data is actually read out.
395 | -- the reason is, that the ADC has a latency of 7 clock cycles, which means,
396 | -- when the next rising edge of the DRS clock is produced.
397 | -- an analog value is put out.
398 | -- when the next rising edge of the ADC clock is produced.
399 | -- this very analog value is sampled.
400 | -- but only seven clock ticks later, the degital result is available.
401 | -- from that point on, every clock tick produces a valid digital result.
402 | drs_clk_en <= '1';
403 | adc_wait_cnt <= 0;
404 | state_generate <= WRITE_CHANNEL_ID;
405 |
406 | when WRITE_CHANNEL_ID => -- write DRS and Channel IDs
407 | state_sig <= X"1B";
408 | data_out <= conv_std_logic_vector(3,12) & conv_std_logic_vector(channel_id,4) &
409 | conv_std_logic_vector(2,12) & conv_std_logic_vector(channel_id,4) &
410 | conv_std_logic_vector(1,12) & conv_std_logic_vector(channel_id,4) &
411 | conv_std_logic_vector(0,12) & conv_std_logic_vector(channel_id,4);
412 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
413 | state_generate <= WRITE_START_CELL;
414 | when WRITE_START_CELL => -- write start cells
415 | state_sig <= X"1C";
416 | data_out <= "000000" & drs_s_cell_array (3) &
417 | "000000" & drs_s_cell_array (2) &
418 | "000000" & drs_s_cell_array (1) &
419 | "000000" & drs_s_cell_array (0);
420 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
421 | state_generate <= WRITE_ROI;
422 |
423 | when WRITE_ROI => -- write ROI
424 | state_sig <= X"1D";
425 | data_out <= "00000" & conv_std_logic_vector (internal_roi_array((3) * 9 + channel_id), 11) &
426 | "00000" & conv_std_logic_vector (internal_roi_array((2) * 9 + channel_id), 11) &
427 | "00000" & conv_std_logic_vector (internal_roi_array((1) * 9 + channel_id), 11) &
428 | "00000" & conv_std_logic_vector (internal_roi_array((0) * 9 + channel_id), 11);
429 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
430 | state_generate <= WRITE_FILLING;
431 |
432 | when WRITE_FILLING => -- write FILLING
433 | state_sig <= X"1E";
434 | data_out <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,64); -- filling
435 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
436 | state_generate <= WAIT_FOR_ADC;
437 |
438 | when WAIT_FOR_ADC =>
439 | state_sig <= X"1F";
440 | -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
441 | if (adc_wait_cnt < 4 ) then -- anpassen!!!! -- 3 für Simulation, 4 für FPGA???
442 | adc_wait_cnt <= adc_wait_cnt + 1;
443 | else
444 | state_generate <= WRITE_ADC_DATA;
445 | end if;
446 |
447 | -- when CATCH_ADC_DATA =>
448 | -- adc_data_sig <= adc_data_array;
449 | -- adc_otr_sig <= adc_otr;
450 | -- state_generate <= PREPARE_ADC_DATA_01;
451 | --
452 | -- when PREPARE_ADC_DATA_01 =>
453 | -- for i in 3 downto 0 loop
454 | -- if (adc_otr_sig(i)='1') then
455 | -- if (adc_data_sig(i)(11)='1') then
456 | -- data_16bit(i) = X"8000" --this is decimal -1
457 | -- else -- adc_data_sig(i)(11)='0'
458 | -- data_16bit(i) = X"1001" --this is decimal +4097
459 | -- end if;
460 | -- else -- no over/underflow
461 | -- data_16bit(i) =
462 | -- end loop;
463 |
464 |
465 |
466 | when WRITE_ADC_DATA =>
467 | state_sig <= X"20";
468 | if (data_cntr < roi_max_int (channel_id)) then
469 | data_out <=
470 | --DRS chip 3 LOW BYTE
471 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(7)) &
472 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(6)) &
473 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(5)) &
474 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(4)) &
475 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(3)) &
476 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(2)) &
477 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(1)) &
478 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(0)) &
479 | --DRS chip 3 HIGH BYTE
480 | adc_data_array(3)(11) &
481 | adc_data_array(3)(11) &
482 | adc_data_array(3)(11) &
483 | adc_data_array(3)(11) &
484 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(11)) &
485 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(10)) &
486 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(9)) &
487 | (adc_otr(3) xor adc_data_array(3)(8)) &
488 | --DRS chip 2 LOW BYTE
489 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(7)) &
490 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(6)) &
491 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(5)) &
492 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(4)) &
493 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(3)) &
494 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(2)) &
495 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(1)) &
496 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(0)) &
497 | --DRS chip 2 HIGH BYTE
498 | adc_data_array(2)(11) &
499 | adc_data_array(2)(11) &
500 | adc_data_array(2)(11) &
501 | adc_data_array(2)(11) &
502 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(11)) &
503 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(10)) &
504 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(9)) &
505 | (adc_otr(2) xor adc_data_array(2)(8)) &
506 | --DRS chip 1 LOW BYTE
507 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(7)) &
508 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(6)) &
509 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(5)) &
510 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(4)) &
511 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(3)) &
512 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(2)) &
513 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(1)) &
514 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(0)) &
515 | --DRS chip 1 HIGH BYTE
516 | adc_data_array(1)(11) &
517 | adc_data_array(1)(11) &
518 | adc_data_array(1)(11) &
519 | adc_data_array(1)(11) &
520 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(11)) &
521 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(10)) &
522 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(9)) &
523 | (adc_otr(1) xor adc_data_array(1)(8)) &
524 | --DRS chip 0 LOW BYTE
525 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(7)) &
526 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(6)) &
527 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(5)) &
528 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(4)) &
529 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(3)) &
530 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(2)) &
531 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(1)) &
532 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(0)) &
533 | --DRS chip 0 HIGH BYTE
534 | adc_data_array(0)(11) &
535 | adc_data_array(0)(11) &
536 | adc_data_array(0)(11) &
537 | adc_data_array(0)(11) &
538 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(11)) &
539 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(10)) &
540 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(9)) &
541 | (adc_otr(0) xor adc_data_array(0)(8)) ;
542 |
543 | --adc_data_array(3)(7 downto 0) & "000" & adc_otr(3) & adc_data_array(3)(11 downto 8) &
544 | --adc_data_array(2)(7 downto 0) & "000" & adc_otr(2) & adc_data_array(2)(11 downto 8) &
545 | --adc_data_array(1)(7 downto 0) & "000" & adc_otr(1) & adc_data_array(1)(11 downto 8) &
546 | --adc_data_array(0)(7 downto 0) & "000" & adc_otr(0) & adc_data_array(0)(11 downto 8) ;
547 |
548 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
549 | state_generate <= WRITE_ADC_DATA;
550 | data_cntr <= data_cntr + 1;
551 | else
552 | drs_clk_en <= '0';
553 | --adc_output_enable_inverted <= '1'; -- nur für Emulator
554 | if (channel_id = 8) then
555 | state_generate <= WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_READY;
556 | adc_output_enable_inverted <= '1';
557 | -- switch off ADC_CLK
558 | adc_clk_en <= '0';
559 | else
560 | channel_id <= channel_id + 1; -- increment channel_id
561 | state_generate <= START_DRS_READING;
562 | data_cntr <= 0;
563 | end if;
564 | end if;
565 |
567 | state_sig <= X"21";
568 | state_generate <= WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_READY;
569 | if (FTM_RS485_ready = '1') then
570 | --make local copy and proceed
571 | FTM_trigger_info_local_copy <= FTM_trigger_info;
572 | state_generate <= WRITE_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER;
573 | end if;
574 |
575 |
576 | when WRITE_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER => -- external trigger ID
577 | state_sig <= X"22";
578 | addr_out <= start_addr + conv_std_logic_vector(1, RAM_ADDR_WIDTH);
579 | data_out <= FTM_trigger_info_local_copy(15 downto 0) &
580 | FTM_trigger_info_local_copy(31 downto 16) &
581 | FTM_trigger_info_local_copy(47 downto 32) &
582 | "0000000"& FTM_receiver_status & FTM_trigger_info_local_copy(55 downto 48);
583 | state_generate <= WRITE_END_FLAG;
584 |
585 | when WRITE_END_FLAG =>
586 | state_sig <= X"23";
587 | data_out <= conv_std_logic_vector(0, 32) & X"04FE" & X"4242";
588 | addr_cntr <= addr_cntr + 1;
589 | state_generate <= WRITE_DATA_END;
590 | when WRITE_DATA_END =>
591 | state_sig <= X"24";
592 | dataRAM_write_ea_o <= "0";
593 | --information to: memory manager.
594 | -- one Event was completely written into dataRAM.
595 |
596 | -- post writing handshake with MM:
597 | -- if 'write_enable' = '1' everything is normal and DG informs MM
598 | -- about finished write process by raising 'write_ready'
599 | -- if 'write_enable' = '0'
600 | -- something strange happened and waiting for 'write_enable' going '1' might cause a dead lock.
601 | -- so the reaction is to go back to IDLE state without informing MM.
602 | -- this means actually discarding the event.
603 | if ( ram_write_ea ='1' ) then
604 | ram_write_ready <= '1';
605 | state_generate <= WRITE_DATA_END_WAIT;
606 | else
607 | state_generate <= WRITE_DATA_STOP;
608 | end if;
609 |
610 | when WRITE_DATA_END_WAIT =>
611 | state_sig <= X"25";
612 | if (ram_write_ea = '0') then
613 | state_generate <= WRITE_DATA_STOP;
614 | ram_write_ready <= '0';
615 | end if;
616 | when WRITE_DATA_STOP =>
617 | state_sig <= X"26";
618 | drs_readout_ready <= '1'; --info to: trigger manager.
619 | data_cntr <= 0;
620 | addr_cntr <= 0;
621 | channel_id <= 0;
622 | state_generate <= WRITE_DATA_STOP1;
623 |
624 | when WRITE_DATA_STOP1 =>
625 | state_sig <= X"27";
626 | if (drs_readout_ready_ack = '1') then
627 | drs_readout_ready <= '0';
628 | state_generate <= IDLE;
629 | end if;
630 | when others =>
631 | null;
632 | end case; -- state_generate
633 | end if; -- rising_edge (clk)
634 | end process generate_data;
635 | end Behavioral; |