1 | --
2 | -- VHDL Architecture FACT_FAD_lib.spi_distributor.beha
3 | --
4 | -- Created:
5 | -- by - Benjamin Krumm.UNKNOWN (EEPC8)
6 | -- at - 09:24:21 23.04.2010
7 | --
8 | -- using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2009.1 (Build 12)
9 | --
10 | LIBRARY ieee;
11 | USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
12 | USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
13 | USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
15 | USE FACT_FAD_lib.fad_definitions.all;
16 |
17 | ENTITY spi_distributor IS
18 |
19 | -- TEMP_MEASUREMENT_BEAT * clk ist the measurement period of the
20 | -- Temperature measurement
21 | -- e.g. 5*10**6 means every second
22 |
24 | TEMP_MEASUREMENT_BEAT : integer := 5*10**6
25 | );
26 |
27 | PORT(
28 | clk : IN std_logic;
29 |
30 | -- interface nach aussen
31 | config_start : IN std_logic;
32 | config_ready : OUT std_logic := '1';
33 |
34 | dac_array : IN dac_array_type;
35 | current_dac_array : OUT dac_array_type := ( others => 0);
36 | sensor_array : OUT sensor_array_type;
37 | sensor_valid : OUT std_logic := '0';
38 |
39 |
40 | sensor_read_start : OUT std_logic := '0';
41 | sensor_read_valid : IN std_logic;
42 | dac_config_start : OUT std_logic := '0';
43 | dac_config_ready : IN std_logic;
44 | spi_channel_ready : IN std_logic;
45 |
46 | sclk_enable_override : OUT std_logic := '0';
47 | dac_id : OUT std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0');
48 | sensor_id : OUT std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
49 | data : INOUT std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => 'Z');
50 | measured_temp_data : IN std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
51 | );
52 | END ENTITY spi_distributor;
53 |
54 | ARCHITECTURE beha OF spi_distributor IS
55 |
63 |
64 | signal spi_distr_state : TYPE_SPI_DISTRIBUTION_STATE := INIT;
65 | signal int_sensor_read_start : std_logic := '0';
66 | signal int_sensor_valid : std_logic := '0';
67 | signal int_sensor_array : sensor_array_type;
68 | signal sensor_id_cnt : integer range 0 to 4 := 0;
69 | signal dac_id_cnt : integer range 0 to 7 := 0;
70 |
71 | signal internal_dac_array : dac_array_type;
72 | signal sclk_enable_override_sig : std_logic := '0';
73 |
74 | -- synching signals
75 | signal config_start_sr : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00";
76 |
77 |
78 | signal sensor_read_valid_sr : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00";
79 | signal dac_config_ready_sr : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00";
80 | signal spi_channel_ready_sr : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00";
81 |
82 | BEGIN
83 | sclk_enable_override <= sclk_enable_override_sig;
84 |
85 | spi_distribute_proc: process (clk)
86 | begin
87 |
88 |
89 | if rising_edge(clk) then
90 | sensor_read_valid_sr <= sensor_read_valid_sr(0) & sensor_read_valid;
91 | dac_config_ready_sr <= dac_config_ready_sr(0) & dac_config_ready;
92 | spi_channel_ready_sr <= spi_channel_ready_sr(0) & spi_channel_ready;
93 | -- synch in
94 | config_start_sr <= config_start_sr(0) & config_start;
95 |
96 | data <= (others => 'Z');
97 | case spi_distr_state is
98 | when INIT =>
99 | data <= (others => 'Z');
100 | int_sensor_valid <= '0';
101 | spi_distr_state <= PRE_READ_SENSOR;
102 |
103 | when IDLE =>
104 | sclk_enable_override_sig <= '0';
105 | if (int_sensor_valid = '1') then
106 | sensor_array <= int_sensor_array;
107 | sensor_valid <= '1';
108 | end if;
109 | data <= (others => 'Z');
110 | -- start DAC configuration
111 | if (config_start_sr(1) = '1' AND int_sensor_valid = '1') then
112 | internal_dac_array <= dac_array;
113 | spi_distr_state <= PRE_CONFIG_DAC;
114 | -- start temperature sensor reading
115 | elsif (dac_config_ready <= '1' AND int_sensor_read_start = '1' ) then
116 | spi_distr_state <= PRE_READ_SENSOR;
117 | end if;
118 |
119 | when PRE_READ_SENSOR =>
120 |
121 | int_sensor_valid <= '0';
122 | sensor_read_start <= '1';
123 | sensor_id <= conv_std_logic_vector(sensor_id_cnt, sensor_id'length);
124 | spi_distr_state <= SENSOR_READ_START_ACK;
125 |
127 | if (spi_channel_ready_sr(1) = '0') then
128 | sensor_read_start <= '0';
129 | spi_distr_state <= READ_SENSOR;
130 | end if;
131 |
132 | when PRE_CONFIG_DAC =>
133 | config_ready <= '0';
134 | sclk_enable_override_sig <= '1';
135 | dac_config_start <= '1';
136 | dac_id <= conv_std_logic_vector(dac_id_cnt, dac_id'length);
137 | data <= conv_std_logic_vector(internal_dac_array(dac_id_cnt),data'length);
138 | spi_distr_state <= DAC_CONFIG_START_ACK;
139 |
140 |
141 | when DAC_CONFIG_START_ACK =>
142 | dac_id <= conv_std_logic_vector(dac_id_cnt, dac_id'length);
143 | data <= conv_std_logic_vector(internal_dac_array(dac_id_cnt),data'length);
144 |
145 | if (spi_channel_ready_sr(1) = '0') then
146 | dac_config_start <= '0';
147 | spi_distr_state <= CONFIG_DAC;
148 | end if;
149 |
150 | -- sensor reading
151 | when READ_SENSOR =>
152 |
153 | if (sensor_read_valid_sr(1) = '1') then
154 | int_sensor_array(sensor_id_cnt) <= conv_integer(measured_temp_data);
155 | --sensor_read_start <= '0';
156 | if (sensor_id_cnt < 3) then
157 | sensor_id_cnt <= sensor_id_cnt + 1;
158 | --sensor_read_start <= '1';
159 | spi_distr_state <= PRE_READ_SENSOR;
160 | else
161 | sensor_id_cnt <= 0;
162 | sensor_valid <= '0';
163 | int_sensor_valid <= '1';
164 | spi_distr_state <= IDLE;
165 | end if;
166 | end if;
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 | -- DAC configuration
172 | when CONFIG_DAC =>
173 | --dac_config_start <= '1';
174 | --dac_id <= conv_std_logic_vector(dac_id_cnt, dac_id'length);
175 | --data <= conv_std_logic_vector(internal_dac_array(dac_id_cnt),data'length);
176 | --if (dac_config_ready = '1') then
177 | if (spi_channel_ready_sr(1) = '1') then
178 | --dac_config_start <= '0';
179 | if (dac_id_cnt < 7) then
180 | dac_id_cnt <= dac_id_cnt + 1;
181 | --dac_config_start <= '1';
182 | spi_distr_state <= PRE_CONFIG_DAC;
183 | else
184 | dac_id_cnt <= 0;
185 | config_ready <= '1';
186 | current_dac_array <= internal_dac_array;
187 | spi_distr_state <= IDLE;
188 | end if;
189 | end if;
190 | end case;
191 | end if;
192 |
193 | end process spi_distribute_proc;
194 |
195 | sensor_tmr_proc: process (clk)
196 | variable Z: integer range 0 to (TEMP_MEASUREMENT_BEAT - 1);
197 | begin
198 | if rising_edge(clk) then
199 | int_sensor_read_start <= '0';
200 | if (Z < TEMP_MEASUREMENT_BEAT - 1) then
201 | Z := Z + 1;
202 | else
203 | Z := 0;
204 | end if;
205 | if (Z = 0) then
206 | int_sensor_read_start <= '1';
207 | end if;
208 | end if;
209 | end process sensor_tmr_proc;
210 |
211 |
213 |