1 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 |
3 | #include "application.h"
4 | #include <avr/wdt.h>
5 |
6 | //
7 |
8 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 |
10 | volatile U08 app_reset_source;
11 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 |
13 | void app_init(void)
14 | {
15 | app_reset_source = MCUSR; // Save last reset source
16 | MCUSR = 0x00; // Clear reset source for next reset cycle
17 |
18 | // The watchdog timer is disabled by default ("startup.asm")
19 | #ifdef USE_WATCHDOG
20 | WDTCSR = WDTOE | (1 << WDE); // Enable watchdog reset (~16ms)
21 | #endif
22 |
23 | #ifndef F_CPU
24 | #define F_CPU 8000000UL //cpu frequency
25 | #endif
26 |
27 | //#ifdef (F_CPU == 16000000UL)
28 | /*#else
29 | #warning *** Compiling for _MCU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_ Hz
30 | #error *** Invalid clock selected! ***
31 | #endif*/
32 | // Tell the user the operating frequency
33 | //#warning *** Compiling for DF_CPU Hz
34 | /*
35 | // Set selected CPU clock
36 | #if (_MCU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_ == 16000000)
37 | CLKPR = CLKPCE; // Enable clock prescaler by writing 0x80 to CLKPR
38 | CLKPR = 0; // Set clock prescaler to division by 1 (16MHz clock with 16MHz crystal)
39 | #elif (_MCU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_ == 8000000)
40 | CLKPR = CLKPCE; // Enable clock prescaler by writing 0x80 to CLKPR
41 | CLKPR = 1; // Set clock prescaler to division by 2 (8MHz clock with 16MHz crystal)
42 | #elif (_MCU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_ == 4000000)
43 | CLKPR = CLKPCE; // Enable clock prescaler by writing 0x80 to CLKPR
44 | CLKPR = 2; // Set clock prescaler to division by 4 (4MHz clock with 16MHz crystal)
45 | #elif (_MCU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_ == 2000000)
46 | CLKPR = CLKPCE; // Enable clock prescaler by writing 0x80 to CLKPR
47 | CLKPR = 3; // Set clock prescaler to division by 8 (2MHz clock with 16MHz crystal)
48 | #elif (_MCU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_ == 1000000)
49 | CLKPR = CLKPCE; // Enable clock prescaler by writing 0x80 to CLKPR
50 | CLKPR = 4; // Set clock prescaler to division by 16 (1MHz clock with 16MHz crystal)
51 | #else
52 | #warning *** Compiling for _MCU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_ Hz
53 | #error *** Invalid clock selected! ***
54 | #endif
55 |
56 | // Tell the user the operating frequency
57 | #warning *** Compiling for _MCU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_ Hz
58 |
59 | */
60 |
61 | /* (ATmega32 has no prescaler)
62 | // Set selected CPU clock
63 | #if (F_CPU == 16000000)
64 | CLKPR = CLKPCE; // Enable clock prescaler by writing 0x80 to CLKPR
65 | CLKPR = 0; // Set clock prescaler to division by 1 (16MHz clock with 16MHz crystal)
66 | #elif (F_CPU == 8000000)
67 | CLKPR = CLKPCE; // Enable clock prescaler by writing 0x80 to CLKPR
68 | CLKPR = 1; // Set clock prescaler to division by 2 (8MHz clock with 16MHz crystal)
69 | #elif (F_CPU == 4000000)
70 | CLKPR = CLKPCE; // Enable clock prescaler by writing 0x80 to CLKPR
71 | CLKPR = 2; // Set clock prescaler to division by 4 (4MHz clock with 16MHz crystal)
72 | #elif (F_CPU == 2000000)
73 | CLKPR = CLKPCE; // Enable clock prescaler by writing 0x80 to CLKPR
74 | CLKPR = 3; // Set clock prescaler to division by 8 (2MHz clock with 16MHz crystal)
75 | #elif (F_CPU == 1000000)
76 | CLKPR = CLKPCE; // Enable clock prescaler by writing 0x80 to CLKPR
77 | CLKPR = 4; // Set clock prescaler to division by 16 (1MHz clock with 16MHz crystal)
78 | #else
79 | #warning *** Compiling for F_CPU Hz
80 | #error *** Invalid clock selected! ***
81 | #endif
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 | // Tell the user the operating frequency
86 | #warning *** Compiling for F_CPU Hz
87 |
88 |
89 | // Turn off unused modules for this application
90 | PRR =
91 | (
92 | #ifndef USE_TWI
93 | TWEN // I2C module
94 | #warning *** Module "TWI" not enabled!
95 | #endif
96 |
97 | (ATmega32 Can't disable TIMER modules)
98 | #ifndef USE_TIMER2
99 | | PRTIM2 // Timer2
100 | #warning *** Module "TIMER2" not enabled!
101 | #endif
102 | #ifndef USE_TIMER1
103 | | PRTIM1 // Timer1
104 | #warning *** Module "TIMER1" not enabled!
105 | #endif
106 | #ifndef USE_TIMER0
107 | | PRTIM0 // Timer0
108 | #warning *** Module "TIMER0" not enabled!
109 | #endif
110 |
111 | #ifndef USE_USART0
112 | | PRUSART0 // USART0
113 | #warning *** Module "USART0" not enabled!
114 | #endif
115 |
116 | #ifndef USE_SPI
117 | | SPE // SPI
118 | #warning *** Module "SPI" not enabled!
119 | #endif
120 |
121 | #ifndef USE_ADC
122 | | ADEN // ADC
123 | #warning *** Module "ADC" not enabled!
124 | #endif
125 | );
126 |
127 | #ifndef USE_ACO // Analog comparator
128 | ACSR = ACME;
129 | #warning *** Module "ACO" not enabled!
130 | #endif
131 |
132 | PORTC |= PC6; // Enable pullup for PC6_RESET
133 |
134 | // Initialize switches S1, S2 and S3
135 | //S1_INIT(); // Set S1 pin to input
136 | //S2_INIT(); // Set S2 pin to input
137 | //S3_INIT(); // Set S3 pin to input
138 | */
139 | }
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 |
145 | void app_set_watchdog_prescaler(tWDT_PRESCALE wdt_prescale) // Set watchdog prescale
146 | {
147 | U08 sreg_backup = SREG; // Copy status register to variable
148 | U08 wdtcsr_value = WDE + wdt_prescale; // Set new prescale value to variable
149 |
150 | cli(); // Disable interrups
151 | wdt_reset(); // Reset watchdog
152 |
153 | WDTCR |= (1 << WDTOE) | (1 << WDE); // Unlock register access, 4 cycles to store new value
154 | WDTCR = wdtcsr_value; // Set new watchdog prescaler
155 | SREG = sreg_backup; // Restore status register
156 | }