1 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 |
3 | #include "application.h"
4 | #include "usart.h"
5 | #include <avr/wdt.h>
6 |
7 |
8 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 |
10 | volatile U08 app_reset_source;
11 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 |
13 | void app_init(void) {
14 | app_reset_source = MCUSR; // Save last reset source
15 | MCUSR = 0x00; // Clear reset source for next reset cycle
16 |
17 |
18 | // Dangerous here: I still do not know much about the watchdog.
19 | // This code is still from Udo Juerss.
20 |
21 | // The watchdog timer is disabled by default ("startup.asm")
22 | #ifdef USE_WATCHDOG
23 | WDTCSR = WDTOE | (1 << WDE); // Enable watchdog reset (~16ms)
24 | #endif
25 |
26 | // define PORTS
27 | // USART
28 | DDRD &= ~(1<<PD0); // PD0 = RXD is input
29 | DDRD |= 1<<PD1; // PD1 = TXD is output
30 |
31 |
33 | DDRB |= (1<<PB2) | (1<<PB3); // set Out1_spare & out2_spare as outputs
34 | DDRA &= ~(1<<PA7); // set In1_spare as input
35 | DDRC &= ~(1<<PC7); // set In2_spare as input
36 | //PORTA |= (1<<PA7); // swtich on pullup on In1_spare
37 | //PORTC |= (1<<PC7); // swtich on pullup on In2_spare
38 |
39 | // ATmega internal ADC input
40 | DDRA &= ~(1<<PA6);
41 |
43 | DDRA |= 0x3F; // SA-pins -> output
44 | DDRC |= 0x7F; // SB-pins -> output
45 |
46 | // SPI
47 | // set all CS's: output
48 | DDRB |= (1 << SPI_E_CS);
49 | DDRD |= (1 << SPI_AD_CS) |(1 << SPI_M_CS) |(1 << SPI_A_CS);
50 |
51 | // set all Chips selects HIGH
52 | PORTB |= (1 << SPI_E_CS);
53 | PORTD |= (1 << SPI_AD_CS) |(1 << SPI_M_CS) |(1 << SPI_A_CS);
54 |
55 | // set MOSI and SCK: output & // set MISO: input
56 | SPI_DDR |= (1 << SPI_MOSI);
57 | SPI_DDR |= (1 << SPI_SCLK);
58 | SPI_DDR &= ~(1 << SPI_MISO);
59 |
60 | // set MOSI, SCK: HIGH. MISO leave alone.
61 | SPI_PRT |= (1 << SPI_MOSI);
62 | SPI_PRT |= (1 << SPI_SCLK);
63 | //SPI_PRT |= (1 << SPI_MISO);
64 |
65 | // ADC
66 | DDRD &= ~(1<<PD6); // PD6 is AD_READY input
67 | DDRD |= 1<<PD7; // PD7 is AD_RESET output
68 |
70 | DDRD &= ~(1<<PD2); // PD2 is ACC_READY input
71 |
72 | //MAX6662 <--- not assembled
73 | // DDRB &= ~(1<<PB0); // PB0 is over temperature alert input
74 | // DDRB &= ~(1<<PB1); // PB1 is general temperature altert input
75 | }
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 |
81 | void app_set_watchdog_prescaler(tWDT_PRESCALE wdt_prescale) // Set watchdog prescale
82 | {
83 | U08 sreg_backup = SREG; // Copy status register to variable
84 | U08 wdtcsr_value = WDE + wdt_prescale; // Set new prescale value to variable
85 |
86 | cli(); // Disable interrups
87 | wdt_reset(); // Reset watchdog
88 |
89 | WDTCR |= (1 << WDTOE) | (1 << WDE); // Unlock register access, 4 cycles to store new value
90 | WDTCR = wdtcsr_value; // Set new watchdog prescaler
91 | SREG = sreg_backup; // Restore status register
92 | }
93 |
94 | void set_ad7719_enable_register() {
95 |
96 | usart_write_str((pU08)"\n set enable bits of AD7719 Port ");
97 | if ((usart_received_chars>=5) &&
98 | (usart_rx_buffer[2] >= 'A' && usart_rx_buffer[2] <= 'H'))
99 | {
100 | usart_write_char(usart_rx_buffer[2]);
101 | usart_write_str((pU08)" to ");
102 | usart_write_U08_hex(usart_rx_buffer[4]);
103 | usart_write_char('\n');
104 | ad7719_enables[usart_rx_buffer[2]-'A']=usart_rx_buffer[4];
105 | ad7719_channels_ready[usart_rx_buffer[2]-'A']=0x00;
106 | }
107 | else if ((usart_received_chars=3) &&
108 | (usart_rx_buffer[1] >= 'A' && usart_rx_buffer[1] <= 'H'))
109 | {
110 | usart_write_char(usart_rx_buffer[1]);
111 | if (usart_rx_buffer[2]!='0') {
112 | usart_write_str((pU08)" to 0xFF\n");
113 | ad7719_enables[usart_rx_buffer[1]-'A']=0xFF;
114 | } else
115 | {
116 | usart_write_str((pU08)" to 0x00\n");
117 | ad7719_enables[usart_rx_buffer[1]-'A']=0x00;
118 | }
119 | ad7719_channels_ready[usart_rx_buffer[1]-'A']=0x00;
120 | }
121 | else
122 | {
123 | usart_write_str((pU08)"\n something wrong\n");
124 | usart_write_str((pU08)"usart_rx_buffer_index: ");
125 | usart_write_U08(usart_received_chars, 3);
126 | usart_write_str((pU08)"\n usart_rx_buffer[2]: ");
127 | usart_write_char(usart_rx_buffer[2]);
128 | usart_write_str((pU08)"\n usart_rx_buffer[4]: ");
129 | usart_write_U08_hex(usart_rx_buffer[4]);
130 | usart_write_char('\n');
131 | }
132 | }
133 |
134 | void set_adc_enable_register() {
135 | // TODO
136 | usart_write_str((pU08)"setting of ATmega internal ADC enable registers is not supported. yet.\n");
137 | }
138 |
139 | U08 increase_adc (U08 channel){
140 | U08 effective_channel;
141 | for ( U08 increase = 1 ; increase <= V_CHANNELS + I_CHANNELS + H_CHANNELS; increase++)
142 | {
143 | effective_channel = (channel + increase) % (V_CHANNELS + I_CHANNELS + H_CHANNELS);
144 | if (adc_enables[effective_channel/8] & (1<<effective_channel%8))
145 | return effective_channel;
146 | }
147 | return channel;
148 | } // end if increase_adc;
149 |
150 | U08 increase_ad7719 (U08 channel){
151 | U08 effective_channel;
152 | for ( U08 increase = 1 ; increase <= TEMP_CHANNELS; increase++)
153 | {
154 | effective_channel = (channel + increase) % (TEMP_CHANNELS);
155 | if (ad7719_enables[effective_channel/8] & (1<<effective_channel%8))
156 | return effective_channel;
157 | }
158 | return channel;
159 | } // end if increase_adc;
160 |
161 | void check_if_measured_all() {
162 | adc_measured_all = true;
163 | for ( U08 i=0; i<V_BITMAP + I_BITMAP + H_BITMAP; ++i ) {
164 | if ((adc_enables[i] ^ adc_channels_ready[i]) != 0x00) {
165 | adc_measured_all = false;
166 | break;
167 | }
168 | }
169 | ad7719_measured_all = true;
170 | for ( U08 i=0; i<CHANNEL_BITMAP; ++i ) {
171 | if ((ad7719_enables[i] ^ ad7719_channels_ready[i]) != 0x00) {
172 | ad7719_measured_all = false;
173 | break;
174 | }
175 | }
176 |
177 |
178 | }