#ifndef __PARSER_H #define __PARSER_H #include "typedefs.h" void parse_ascii(); void MSR_parser() ; // all allowed non readable commands are listed here // this is not used at all right? #define SET_ENABLES 0x01 // sets all enables -- needs 8 + 11 bytes of data #define SW_TO_HUMAN 0xFF // SWITCH_TO_HUMAN_READABLE_INTERFACE void parse_w5300_incoming( U08 bytes_in_w5100_rx_buffer ); void write_FSC_register(); void read_FSC_register(); void reset_resistance_done(); void reset_resistance_values(); void reset_voltage_done(); void reset_voltage_values(); void reset_done(); void simple_acknowledge(); // this function will loop over the entire FSC register and output it in a human readable form. // I hope this is convenient. void write_status_via_eth(); void eth_write_stuff(void); #endif