1 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 |
3 | #include "usart.h"
4 | #include <avr/interrupt.h>
5 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 |
7 | #ifdef USART_USE_RX_IRQ
8 | U08 usart_rx_buffer[USART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
9 | //U08 *usart_rx_buffer_ptr = &usart_rx_buffer[0];
10 | U08 usart_received_chars;
11 | volatile BOOL usart_rx_ready = false;
12 | static U08 usart_rx_buffer_index = 0;
13 | static U08 usart_receive_char;
14 | static BOOL usart_receive_suspended = false;
15 | volatile BOOL ISR_toggle_out = false;
16 | #endif
17 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 |
19 | void usart_init(void)
20 | {
22 |
23 | UCSRA = 0x00;
24 |
25 | UCSRB = 0x00; // Disable receiver and transmitter and interrupts
26 |
27 | #ifdef USART_USE_RX
28 | UCSRB |= (1 << RXEN); // Turn on receiver
29 | DDRD &= ~(1<<PD0); // PD0 is RXD
30 | #endif
31 |
32 | #ifdef USART_USE_RX_IRQ
33 | UCSRB |= (1 << RXCIE); // Enable rx interrupt
34 | #endif
35 |
36 | #ifdef USART_USE_TX
37 | UCSRB |= (1 << TXEN); // Turn on transmitter
38 | DDRD |= 1<<PD1; // PD1 is TXD
39 | #endif
40 |
41 | UCSRC = (1 << URSEL) | (1 << UCSZ1) | (1 << UCSZ0); // 8-Bit character length
42 | }
43 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 |
45 | void usart_write_char(U08 data)
46 | {
47 | // while (!(UCSRA & (1 << UDRE))) ; // Wait until tx register is empty
48 | // UDR = data;
49 |
50 | if ( usart_tx_buffer_index < USART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE-1){
51 | usart_tx_buffer[usart_tx_buffer_index] = data;
52 | ++usart_tx_buffer_index;
53 | } else {
54 | usart_tx_buffer_overflow = true;
55 | }
56 | }
57 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 |
59 | void usart_write_crlf(void)
60 | {
61 | usart_write_char(USART_CHAR_CR);
62 | usart_write_char(USART_CHAR_LF);
63 | }
64 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 |
66 | void usart_write_str(pU08 str)
67 | {
68 | while (*str)
69 | {
70 | usart_write_char(*str++);
71 | }
72 | }
73 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 |
75 | void usart_write_flash_str(fpU08 str)
76 | {
77 | while (*str)
78 | {
79 | usart_write_char(*str++);
80 | }
81 | }
82 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 |
84 | void usart_writeln_flash_str(fpU08 str)
85 | {
86 | while (*str)
87 | {
88 | usart_write_char(*str++);
89 | }
90 |
91 | usart_write_char(USART_CHAR_CR);
92 | usart_write_char(USART_CHAR_LF);
93 | }
94 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 |
96 | void usart_writeln_str(pU08 str)
97 | {
98 | usart_write_str(str);
99 | usart_write_char(USART_CHAR_CR);
100 | usart_write_char(USART_CHAR_LF);
101 | }
102 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 |
104 | void usart_write_U08(U08 value,U08 digits)
105 | {
106 | usart_write_str(nc_U08_to_str(value,digits));
107 | }
108 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 |
110 | void usart_write_S08(S08 value,U08 digits)
111 | {
112 | usart_write_str(nc_S08_to_str(value,digits));
113 | }
114 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 |
116 | void usart_write_U08_hex(U08 value)
117 | {
118 | usart_write_str(nc_U08_to_hex(value));
119 | }
120 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 |
122 | void usart_write_U08_bin(U08 value)
123 | {
124 | usart_write_str(nc_U08_to_bin(value));
125 | }
126 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 |
128 | void usart_write_U16(U16 value,U08 digits)
129 | {
130 | usart_write_str(nc_U16_to_str(value,digits));
131 | }
132 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 |
134 | void usart_write_S16(S16 value,U08 digits)
135 | {
136 | usart_write_str(nc_S16_to_str(value,digits));
137 | }
138 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 |
140 | void usart_write_U16_hex(U16 value)
141 | {
142 | usart_write_str(nc_U16_to_hex(value));
143 | }
144 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 |
146 | void usart_write_U32(U32 value,U08 digits)
147 | {
148 | usart_write_str(nc_U32_to_str(value,digits));
149 | }
150 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 |
152 | void usart_write_S32(S32 value,U08 digits)
153 | {
154 | usart_write_str(nc_S32_to_str(value,digits));
155 | }
156 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 |
158 | void usart_write_U32_hex(U32 value)
159 | {
160 | usart_write_str(nc_U32_to_hex(value));
161 | }
162 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 |
164 | void usart_write_float(float value,U08 decimals,U08 digits)
165 | {
166 | usart_write_str(nc_float_to_str(value,decimals,digits));
167 | }
168 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 |
170 | #ifdef USART_USE_RX_IRQ
171 |
173 | {
174 | if (ISR_toggle_out) PORTB ^= (1<<PB3); // toggle Out2_spare when starting ISR
175 |
176 | usart_receive_char = UDR;
177 |
178 | if (usart_rx_ready) // Exit if ready flag is still set
179 | {
180 | return;
181 | }
182 |
183 | // If CR received, then set ready flag
184 | if (usart_receive_char == USART_CHAR_CR)
185 | {
186 | usart_rx_buffer[usart_rx_buffer_index] = 0; // Terminate input string
187 | usart_received_chars = usart_rx_buffer_index;
188 | usart_rx_buffer_index = 0;
189 | usart_receive_suspended = false;
190 | usart_rx_ready = TRUE;
191 | return;
192 | }
193 |
194 | // Ignore all characters till next CR
195 | if (usart_receive_suspended)
196 | {
197 | return;
198 | }
199 |
200 | // Check for underscore or comment
201 | if (usart_receive_char == '_' || usart_receive_char == ';')
202 | {
203 | usart_receive_suspended = true;
204 |
205 | return;
206 | }
207 |
208 | // If Backspace received, then delete last character
209 | if (usart_receive_char == USART_CHAR_BS && usart_rx_buffer_index)
210 | {
211 | usart_rx_buffer_index--;
212 |
213 | return;
214 | }
215 |
216 | // Ignore invalid characters
217 | if (usart_receive_char < USART_CHAR_SPC)
218 | {
219 | return;
220 | }
221 |
223 | if (usart_receive_char >= 'a' && usart_receive_char <= 'z')
224 | {
225 | usart_receive_char -= 32;
226 | }
227 | #endif
228 |
229 | if (usart_rx_buffer_index < USART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) // Store character
230 | {
231 | usart_rx_buffer[usart_rx_buffer_index++] = usart_receive_char;
232 | usart_writeln_str(usart_rx_buffer);
233 | }
234 |
235 | //usart_write_char(usart_rx_buffer[usart_rx_buffer_index]);
236 | //usart_writeln_str(usart_rx_buffer);
237 | //usart_write_char(usart_rx_buffer[1,2]);
238 | //usart_write_char(usart_rx_buffer[usart_rx_buffer_index]);
239 | //usart_writeln_flash_str(*usart_rx_buffer);
240 | //usart_write_char(usart_rx_buffer);
241 | }
242 | #endif
243 | /*
244 | #define uart_maxstrlen 64
245 |
246 | volatile U8 uart_str_complete=0;
247 | volatile U8 uart_str_count=0;
248 | volatile U8 uart_string[uart_maxstrlen+1]="";
249 |
250 | ISR(USART_RXC_vect)
251 | {
252 | unsigned char buffer = 64;
253 | // Daten aus dem Puffer lesen
254 | buffer = UDR;
255 | UDR = buffer;
256 | if ( uart_str_complete==0 ){ // wenn uart_string gerade in Verwendung, neues Zeichen verwerfen
257 | // Daten werden erst in string geschrieben, wenn nicht String-Ende/max Zeichenlänge erreicht ist/string gerade verarbeitet wird
258 | if (buffer!='\n' && buffer!='\r' && uart_str_count<uart_maxstrlen-1){
259 | uart_string[uart_str_count]=buffer;
260 | uart_str_count++;
261 | } else {
262 | uart_string[uart_str_count]='\0';
263 | uart_str_count=0;
264 | uart_str_complete=1;
265 | }
266 | }
267 | }
268 |
269 | */