1 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | -- Company: ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics
3 | -- Engineer: Patrick Vogler
4 | --
5 | -- Create Date: March 11 2011
6 | -- Design Name:
7 | -- Module Name: FTM Timing counter
8 | -- Project Name:
9 | -- Target Devices:
10 | -- Tool versions:
11 | -- Description: 48 bit counter for time stamping and on-time counting
12 | --
13 | -- Dependencies:
14 | --
15 | -- Revision:
16 | -- Revision 0.01 - File Created
17 | -- Additional Comments:
18 | --
19 | --
20 | -- modifications:
21 | --
22 | -- April 12 2011 by Patrick Vogler
23 | --
24 | -- May 18 2011 by Patrick Vogler
25 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 |
27 | library IEEE;
28 | use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
31 |
33 |
34 | ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
35 | ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
36 | library UNISIM;
37 | use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
38 |
39 | library ftm_definitions;
40 | USE ftm_definitions.ftm_array_types.all;
41 | USE ftm_definitions.ftm_constants.all;
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 | entity Timing_counter is
46 | port(
47 |
48 | -- Clock
49 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 | clk : in STD_LOGIC; -- 50 MHz system clock
51 |
52 | enable : in STD_LOGIC; -- enable counter
53 | reset : in Std_LOGIC; -- reset counter
54 |
55 | -- handshake signal
56 | read_counter : in STD_LOGIC; -- read counter
57 | reading_started : out STD_LOGIC;
58 | reading_valid : out STD_LOGIC; -- counter reading at output ready
59 |
60 | -- counter reading
61 | counter_reading : out std_logic_vector (TC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0)
62 | );
63 | end Timing_counter;
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 | architecture Behavioral of Timing_counter is
68 |
69 | type type_read_counter_state is (IDLE, COPY, SET_VALID, RESET_STARTED);
70 | signal read_counter_state : type_read_counter_state := IDLE;
71 |
72 | signal counting : std_logic_vector (TC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
73 | signal counter_reading_sig : std_logic_vector (TC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
74 | signal precounting : std_logic_vector (PRECOUNT_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
75 |
76 |
77 | begin
78 | -- counting
79 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 | count : process (clk, reset, enable)
81 | begin
82 | if reset = '1' then
83 | counting <= (others => '0');
84 | precounting <= (others => '0');
85 |
86 | elsif rising_edge(clk) then
87 | if enable = '1' then
88 | precounting <= precounting + 1;
89 | if (precounting = PRECOUNT_DIVIDER) then
90 | counting <= counting + 1;
91 | precounting <= (others => '0');
92 | end if;
93 | end if;
94 | end if;
95 | end process count;
96 |
97 |
98 | -- read counter
99 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 | readout_counter : process (clk, read_counter)
101 | begin
102 | if rising_edge(clk) then
103 | case read_counter_state is
104 |
105 | when IDLE =>
106 | if read_counter = '1' then
107 | reading_valid <= '0';
108 | reading_started <= '1';
109 | read_counter_state <= COPY;
110 | end if;
111 |
112 | when COPY =>
113 | counter_reading_sig <= counting;
114 | read_counter_state <= SET_VALID;
115 |
116 | when SET_VALID =>
117 | read_counter_state <= RESET_STARTED;
118 |
119 | when RESET_STARTED =>
120 | if read_counter = '0' then
121 | reading_started <= '0';
122 | reading_valid <= '1';
123 | read_counter_state <= IDLE;
124 | end if;
125 |
126 | end case;
127 | end if;
128 | end process readout_counter;
129 |
130 | counter_reading <= counter_reading_sig;
131 |
132 | end Behavioral;
133 |
134 |