1 | --
2 | -- VHDL Architecture FACT_FAD_lib.rs485_interface.beha
3 | --
4 | -- Created:
5 | -- by - Benjamin Krumm.UNKNOWN (EEPC8)
6 | -- at - 13:24:23 08.06.2010
7 | --
8 | -- using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2009.1 (Build 12)
9 | --
10 | --
11 | -- modified by Q. Weitzel, 30 July 2010
12 | -- modified by Patrick Vogler, 21 October 2010
13 | --
14 | LIBRARY ieee;
15 | USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
16 | USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
17 |
18 | ENTITY FTM_test8_rs485_interface IS
20 | CLOCK_FREQUENCY : integer := 50000000; -- Hertz
21 | BAUD_RATE : integer := 250000 -- bits / sec
22 | );
23 | PORT(
24 | clk : IN std_logic;
25 | -- RS485
26 | rx_d : IN std_logic;
27 | rx_en : OUT std_logic;
28 | tx_d : OUT std_logic;
29 | tx_en : OUT std_logic;
30 | -- FPGA
31 | rx_data : OUT std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);
32 | rx_busy : OUT std_logic := '0';
33 | rx_valid : OUT std_logic := '0';
34 | tx_data : IN std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);
35 | tx_busy : OUT std_logic := '0';
36 | tx_start : IN std_logic
37 | );
38 |
39 | -- Declarations
40 |
41 | END FTM_test8_rs485_interface;
42 |
43 | ARCHITECTURE beha OF FTM_test8_rs485_interface IS
44 |
45 | signal tx_start_f : std_logic := '0';
46 | signal tx_sr : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- start bit, 8 data bits, 2 stop bit
47 | signal tx_bitcnt : integer range 0 to 11 := 11;
48 | signal tx_cnt : integer range 0 to ((CLOCK_FREQUENCY / BAUD_RATE) - 1);
49 |
50 | signal flow_ctrl : std_logic := '0'; -- '0' -> RX enable, '1' -> TX enable
51 |
52 | signal rx_dsr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '1');
53 | signal rx_sr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
54 | signal rx_bitcnt : integer range 0 to 11 := 11;
55 | signal rx_cnt : integer range 0 to ((CLOCK_FREQUENCY / BAUD_RATE) - 1);
56 |
57 | BEGIN
58 |
59 |
60 | -- Senden
61 | tx_data_proc: process(clk)
62 | begin
63 | if rising_edge(clk) then
64 | tx_start_f <= tx_start;
65 | if (tx_start = '1' or tx_bitcnt < 11) then
66 | flow_ctrl <= '1';
67 | else
68 | flow_ctrl <= '0';
69 | end if;
70 | if (tx_start = '1' and tx_start_f = '0') then -- steigende Flanke, los gehts
71 | tx_cnt <= 0; -- Zaehler initialisieren
72 | tx_bitcnt <= 0;
73 | tx_sr <= "11" & tx_data & '0'; -- 2 x Stopbit, 8 Datenbits, Startbit, rechts gehts los
74 | else
75 | if (tx_cnt < (CLOCK_FREQUENCY/BAUD_RATE) - 1) then
76 | tx_cnt <= tx_cnt + 1;
77 | else -- naechstes Bit ausgeben
78 | if (tx_bitcnt < 11) then
79 | tx_cnt <= 0;
80 | tx_bitcnt <= tx_bitcnt + 1;
81 | tx_sr <= '1' & tx_sr(tx_sr'left downto 1);
82 | end if;
83 | end if;
84 | end if;
85 | end if;
86 | end process;
87 |
88 | tx_en <= flow_ctrl;
89 | tx_d <= tx_sr(0); -- LSB first
90 | tx_busy <= '1' when (tx_start = '1' or tx_bitcnt < 11) else '0';
91 |
92 | -- Empfangen
93 | rx_data_proc: process(clk)
94 | begin
95 | if rising_edge(clk) then
96 | rx_dsr <= rx_dsr(rx_dsr'left - 1 downto 0) & rx_d;
97 | if (rx_bitcnt < 11) then -- Empfang laeuft
98 | if (rx_cnt < (CLOCK_FREQUENCY/BAUD_RATE) - 1) then
99 | rx_cnt <= rx_cnt + 1;
100 | else
101 | rx_cnt <= 0;
102 | rx_bitcnt <= rx_bitcnt + 1;
103 | if (rx_bitcnt < 9) then
104 | rx_sr <= rx_dsr(rx_dsr'left - 1) & rx_sr(rx_sr'left downto 1); -- rechts schieben, weil LSB first
105 | else
106 | rx_valid <= '1';
107 | end if;
108 | end if;
109 | else
110 | if (rx_dsr(3 downto 2) = "10") then -- warten auf Start bit
111 | rx_valid <= '0';
112 | rx_cnt <= ((CLOCK_FREQUENCY / BAUD_RATE) - 1) / 2;
113 | rx_bitcnt <= 0;
114 | end if;
115 | end if;
116 | end if;
117 | end process;
118 |
119 | rx_en <= flow_ctrl;
120 | rx_data <= rx_sr;
121 | rx_busy <= '1' when (rx_bitcnt < 11) else '0';
122 |
124 |