1 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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3 | -- File: spi_rcv_shift_reg_16.vhd
4 | --
5 | --
6 | -- Original file: spi_rcv_shift_reg.vhd
7 | --
8 | -- Created: 9-6-00 ALS
9 | -- SPI shift register that shifts data in on MISO. No data is shifted out.
10 | -- This is an 8-bit register clocked on the outgoing SCK. The data input
11 | -- on the MISO pin is first clocked by two registers - one on the rising edge
12 | -- of SCK and one on the falling edge of SCK. The data selected to be input into the
13 | -- shift register is determined by a control bit in the control register (RCV_CPOL).
14 | -- When all bits have been shifted in, the data is loaded into the uC SPI Receive Data
15 | -- register.
16 | --
17 | -- Revised: 9-11-00 ALS
18 | -- Revised: 10-17-00 ALS
19 | -- Revised: 12-12-02 JRH
20 |
21 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 | -- Modified from 8 to 16 bit word size by Patrick Vogler
24 | -- 18th November 2009
25 | --
26 | -- Modifications are marked by: *Mod: <modification>
27 | --
28 | -- Cleaned up by Quirin Weitzel
29 | -- 21th January 2010
30 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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32 | library IEEE;
33 | use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
34 | use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
35 |
36 | entity spi_rcv_shift_reg is
37 | port(
38 | -- shift control and data
39 | miso : in STD_LOGIC; -- Serial data in
40 | shift_en : in STD_LOGIC; -- Active low shift enable
41 |
42 | -- parallel data out
43 | data_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); -- Shifted data, *Mod: 15 instead of 7, parallel output extended from 8 to 16 bit
44 |
45 | rcv_load : out std_logic; -- load signal to uC register
46 |
47 | -- rising edge and falling SCK edges
48 | sck_re : in std_logic; -- rising edge of SCK
49 | sck_fe : in std_logic; -- falling edge of SCK
50 |
51 | -- uC configuration for receive clock polarity
52 | rcv_cpol : in STD_LOGIC; -- receive clock polarity
53 | cpol : in std_logic; -- spi clock polarity
54 |
55 | ss_in_int : in STD_LOGIC; -- signal indicating another master is on the bus
56 |
57 | reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- reset
58 | sclk : in STD_LOGIC -- clock
59 | );
60 | end spi_rcv_shift_reg;
61 |
62 | architecture DEFINITION of spi_rcv_shift_reg is
63 |
64 | --******************************** Constants ***********************
65 | constant RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0';
66 |
67 | --******************************** Signals *************************
68 | signal data_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);-- *Mod: 15 instead of 7, extension form 8 to 16 bit
69 | signal shift_in : STD_LOGIC; -- data to be shifted in
70 | signal miso_neg : STD_LOGIC; -- data clocked on neg SCK
71 | signal miso_pos : STD_LOGIC; -- data clocked on pos SCK
72 |
73 | signal rcv_bitcnt_int : unsigned(2 downto 0); -- internal bit count
74 | signal rcv_bitcnt : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- bit count
75 |
76 | begin
77 |
78 | --******************************** SPI Receive Shift Register ***********************
79 | -- This shift register is clocked on the SCK output from the CPLD
80 |
81 | rcv_shift_reg: process(sclk, reset, ss_in_int)
82 | begin
83 | -- Clear output register
84 | if (reset = RESET_ACTIVE or ss_in_int = '0') then
85 | data_int <= (others => '0');
86 |
87 | -- On rising edge of spi clock, shift in data
88 | elsif sclk'event and sclk = '1' then
89 |
90 | -- If shift enable is high
91 | if shift_en = '0' then
92 |
93 | -- Shift the data
94 | data_int <= data_int(14 downto 0) & shift_in; -- *Mod: 14 instead of 6
95 |
96 | end if;
97 |
98 | end if;
99 |
100 | end process;
101 |
102 | --******************************** MISO Input Registers ***********************
103 | -- The MISO signal is clocked on both the rising and falling edges of SCK. The output
104 | -- of both these registers is then multiplexed with the RCV_CPOL control bit choosing
105 | -- which data is the valid data for the system. This data is then the input to the
106 | -- shift register.
107 |
108 | -- SCK rising edge register
109 | inreg_pos: process (sclk, reset, ss_in_int)
110 | begin
111 | if reset = RESET_ACTIVE or ss_in_int = '0' then
112 | miso_pos <= '0';
113 | elsif sclk'event and sclk = '1' then
114 | miso_pos <= miso;
115 | end if;
116 | end process;
117 |
118 | -- SCK falling edge register
119 | inreg_neg: process (sclk, reset, ss_in_int)
120 | begin
121 | if reset = RESET_ACTIVE or ss_in_int = '0' then
122 | miso_neg <= '0';
123 | elsif sclk'event and sclk = '0' then
124 | miso_neg <= miso;
125 | end if;
126 | end process;
127 |
128 | -- RCV_CPOL multiplexor to determine shift in data
129 | miso_mux: process (miso_neg, miso_pos, rcv_cpol)
130 | begin
131 | if rcv_cpol = '1' then
132 | shift_in <= miso_pos;
133 | else
134 | shift_in <= miso_neg;
135 | end if;
136 | end process;
137 |
138 | --******************************** Parallel Data Out ***********************
139 |
140 | data_out <= data_int(14 downto 0) & shift_in; --*Mod: 14 instead of 6
141 |
142 | --******************************** Receive Bit Counter ***********************
143 | -- Count bits loading into the SPI receive shift register based on SCK
144 | -- assert RCV_LOAD when bit count is 0
145 | RCV_BITCNT_PROC: process(sclk, reset, shift_en)
146 | begin
147 | if reset = RESET_ACTIVE or shift_en = '1' then
148 | rcv_bitcnt_int <= (others => '0');
149 | elsif sclk'event and sclk = '1' then
150 | rcv_bitcnt_int <= rcv_bitcnt_int + 1;
151 | end if;
152 | end process;
153 |
154 | rcv_bitcnt <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(rcv_bitcnt_int);
155 |
156 | --******************************** Receive Load ***********************
157 | -- If RCV_CPOL = '0', want to assert RCV_LOAD with falling edge of SCK
158 | -- If RCV_CPOL = '1', want to assert RCV_LOAD with rising edge of SCK
159 | -- only want RCV_LOAD to be 1 system clock pulse in width
160 | rcv_load <= '1' when ( shift_en = '0' and
161 | ( (rcv_bitcnt="000" and cpol='0' and rcv_cpol='1' and sck_re='1')
162 | or (rcv_bitcnt="000" and cpol='1' and rcv_cpol='1' and sck_re='1')
163 | or (rcv_bitcnt="000" and cpol='0' and rcv_cpol='0' and sck_fe='1')
164 | or (rcv_bitcnt="111" and cpol='1' and rcv_cpol='0' and sck_fe='1') )
165 | )
166 | else '0';
167 |
168 | end DEFINITION;