1 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | -- Company: ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics
3 | -- Engineer: Q. Weitzel, P. Vogler
4 | --
5 | -- Create Date: 09/13/2010
6 | -- Design Name:
7 | -- Module Name: FTU_rs485_interpreter - Behavioral
8 | -- Project Name:
9 | -- Target Devices:
10 | -- Tool versions:
11 | -- Description: command interpreter of FTU RS485 module
12 | --
13 | -- Dependencies:
14 | --
15 | -- Revision:
16 | -- Revision 0.01 - File Created
17 | -- Additional Comments:
18 | --
19 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 |
21 | library IEEE;
22 | use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
25 |
26 | library ftu_definitions;
27 | USE ftu_definitions.ftu_array_types.all;
28 | USE ftu_definitions.ftu_constants.all;
29 |
30 | ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
31 | ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
32 | --library UNISIM;
33 | --use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
34 |
35 | entity FTU_rs485_interpreter is
36 | port(
37 | clk : IN std_logic;
38 | data_block : IN std_logic_vector(RS485_BLOCK_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
39 | block_valid : IN std_logic;
40 | brd_add : IN std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
41 | int_new_DACs : OUT std_logic := '0';
42 | int_new_enables : OUT std_logic := '0';
43 | int_new_prescaling : OUT std_logic := '0';
44 | int_read_rates : OUT std_logic := '0';
45 | int_read_DACs : OUT std_logic := '0';
46 | int_read_enables : OUT std_logic := '0';
47 | int_read_prescaling : OUT std_logic := '0';
48 | int_ping_pong : OUT std_logic := '0';
49 | dac_array_rs485_out : OUT dac_array_type;
50 | enable_array_rs485_out : OUT enable_array_type;
51 | prescaling_rs485_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0)
52 | );
53 | end FTU_rs485_interpreter;
54 |
55 | architecture Behavioral of FTU_rs485_interpreter is
56 |
57 | signal block_valid_sr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
58 |
59 | signal dac_array_rs485_out_sig : dac_array_type := DEFAULT_DAC;
60 | signal enable_array_rs485_out_sig : enable_array_type := DEFAULT_ENABLE;
61 | signal prescaling_rs485_out_sig : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(DEFAULT_PRESCALING,8);
62 |
63 | type FTU_rs485_interpreter_StateType is (WAIT_FOR_DATA, CHECK_HEADER, DECODE);
64 | signal FTU_rs485_interpreter_State : FTU_rs485_interpreter_StateType;
65 |
66 | begin
67 |
68 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_FSM: process (clk)
69 | begin
70 | if Rising_edge(clk) then
71 | case FTU_rs485_interpreter_State is
72 |
73 | when WAIT_FOR_DATA => -- default state, waiting for valid 16-byte block
74 | block_valid_sr <= block_valid_sr(2 downto 0) & block_valid;
75 | int_new_DACs <= '0';
76 | int_new_enables <= '0';
77 | int_new_prescaling <= '0';
78 | int_read_rates <= '0';
79 | int_read_DACs <= '0';
80 | int_read_enables <= '0';
81 | int_read_prescaling <= '0';
82 | int_ping_pong <= '0';
83 | if (block_valid_sr(3 downto 2) = "01") then -- rising edge of valid signal
84 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= CHECK_HEADER;
85 | else
86 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
87 | end if;
88 |
89 | when CHECK_HEADER => -- check start delimiter and addresses
90 | int_new_DACs <= '0';
91 | int_new_enables <= '0';
92 | int_new_prescaling <= '0';
93 | int_read_rates <= '0';
94 | int_read_DACs <= '0';
95 | int_read_enables <= '0';
96 | int_read_prescaling <= '0';
97 | int_ping_pong <= '0';
98 | if (data_block(7 downto 0) = RS485_START_DELIM) and
99 | (data_block(15 downto 8) = ("00" & brd_add)) and
100 | (data_block(23 downto 16) = FTM_ADDRESS) then
101 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= DECODE;
102 | else
103 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
104 | end if;
105 |
106 | when DECODE => -- decode instruction
107 | if(data_block(31 downto 24) = "00000000") then -- set DACs
108 | int_new_DACs <= '1';
109 | int_new_enables <= '0';
110 | int_new_prescaling <= '0';
111 | int_read_rates <= '0';
112 | int_read_DACs <= '0';
113 | int_read_enables <= '0';
114 | int_read_prescaling <= '0';
115 | int_ping_pong <= '0';
116 | dac_array_rs485_out_sig <= (conv_integer(unsigned(data_block(43 downto 32))),
117 | conv_integer(unsigned(data_block(59 downto 48))),
118 | conv_integer(unsigned(data_block(75 downto 64))),
119 | conv_integer(unsigned(data_block(91 downto 80))),
120 | DEFAULT_DAC(4),
121 | DEFAULT_DAC(5),
122 | DEFAULT_DAC(6),
123 | conv_integer(unsigned(data_block(107 downto 96)))
124 | );
125 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
126 | elsif (data_block(31 downto 24) = "00000001") then -- read DACs
127 | int_new_DACs <= '0';
128 | int_new_enables <= '0';
129 | int_new_prescaling <= '0';
130 | int_read_rates <= '0';
131 | int_read_DACs <= '1';
132 | int_read_enables <= '0';
133 | int_read_prescaling <= '0';
134 | int_ping_pong <= '0';
135 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
136 | elsif (data_block(31 downto 24) = "00000010") then -- read rates
137 | int_new_DACs <= '0';
138 | int_new_enables <= '0';
139 | int_new_prescaling <= '0';
140 | int_read_rates <= '1';
141 | int_read_DACs <= '0';
142 | int_read_enables <= '0';
143 | int_read_prescaling <= '0';
144 | int_ping_pong <= '0';
145 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
146 | elsif (data_block(31 downto 24) = "00000011") then -- set enables
147 | int_new_DACs <= '0';
148 | int_new_enables <= '1';
149 | int_new_prescaling <= '0';
150 | int_read_rates <= '0';
151 | int_read_DACs <= '0';
152 | int_read_enables <= '0';
153 | int_read_prescaling <= '0';
154 | int_ping_pong <= '0';
155 | enable_array_rs485_out_sig <= (data_block(47 downto 32),
156 | data_block(63 downto 48),
157 | data_block(79 downto 64),
158 | data_block(95 downto 80)
159 | );
160 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
161 | elsif (data_block(31 downto 24) = "00000100") then -- read enables
162 | int_new_DACs <= '0';
163 | int_new_enables <= '0';
164 | int_new_prescaling <= '0';
165 | int_read_rates <= '0';
166 | int_read_DACs <= '0';
167 | int_read_enables <= '1';
168 | int_read_prescaling <= '0';
169 | int_ping_pong <= '0';
170 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
171 | elsif (data_block(31 downto 24) = "00000110") then -- set counter mode
172 | int_new_DACs <= '0';
173 | int_new_enables <= '0';
174 | int_new_prescaling <= '1';
175 | int_read_rates <= '0';
176 | int_read_DACs <= '0';
177 | int_read_enables <= '0';
178 | int_read_prescaling <= '0';
179 | int_ping_pong <= '0';
180 | prescaling_rs485_out_sig <= data_block(39 downto 32);
181 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
182 | elsif (data_block(31 downto 24) = "00000111") then -- read counter mode
183 | int_new_DACs <= '0';
184 | int_new_enables <= '0';
185 | int_new_prescaling <= '0';
186 | int_read_rates <= '0';
187 | int_read_DACs <= '0';
188 | int_read_enables <= '0';
189 | int_read_prescaling <= '1';
190 | int_ping_pong <= '0';
191 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
192 | elsif (data_block(31 downto 24) = "00000101") then -- ping pong
193 | int_new_DACs <= '0';
194 | int_new_enables <= '0';
195 | int_new_prescaling <= '0';
196 | int_read_rates <= '0';
197 | int_read_DACs <= '0';
198 | int_read_enables <= '0';
199 | int_read_prescaling <= '0';
200 | int_ping_pong <= '1';
201 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
202 | else
203 | int_new_DACs <= '0';
204 | int_new_enables <= '0';
205 | int_new_prescaling <= '0';
206 | int_read_rates <= '0';
207 | int_read_DACs <= '0';
208 | int_read_enables <= '0';
209 | int_read_prescaling <= '0';
210 | int_ping_pong <= '0';
211 | FTU_rs485_interpreter_State <= WAIT_FOR_DATA;
212 | end if;
213 |
214 | end case;
215 | end if;
216 | end process FTU_rs485_interpreter_FSM;
217 |
218 | dac_array_rs485_out <= dac_array_rs485_out_sig;
219 | enable_array_rs485_out <= enable_array_rs485_out_sig;
220 | prescaling_rs485_out <= prescaling_rs485_out_sig;
221 |
222 | end Behavioral;