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37 | \begin{document}
38 | \title{FACT Arduino ethernet communication Interface }
39 | \author{D.Neise}
40 | \maketitle
41 | \tableofcontents
42 | \newpage
43 |
44 | \section{Introduction}
45 | Arduino is the name of a series of open source
46 | microcontroller equipped boards. The
47 | microcontroller in use is out of Atmels ATmega family.
48 | The FACT telescope uses mostly the Arduino Ethernet board to
49 | monitor and control certain auxiliary systems like the motors of the camera
50 | shutter.
51 | This board was chosen since the needed hardware for ethernet access,
52 | like a dedicated ethernet controller (Wiznet W5100) and the jack, are already
53 | in place. In addition the programming of the board as comparably easy.
54 | Setting up a TCP/IP server (using either a fix IP or a DHCP server) as well as
55 | raw byte-stream communication with clients is handled by the Ethernet library,
56 | which comes with the Arduino IDE.
57 | There is a variety of open source extension boards available for the Arduino,
58 | both from the Arduino group as well as from unrelated developers. These
59 | extension boards are usually called shields.
60 | The shields can be connected to the ATmega port pins via 100mil headers,
61 | which can be used to quickly connect custom peripherals as well.
62 | Typical ATmega digital outputs can drive up to 10mA at 5.0V and thus allow for
63 | quick connection of LEDs for software tests or similar quick hacks.
64 | There exists an open source C cross compiler for ATmega MCUs as well a std-lib
65 | implementation. The Arduino group created not only a user friendly
66 | (maybe not power user friendly) IDE but also supplies the beginner with a
67 | bunch of useful libraries from serial communication to LCD interfacing.
68 |
69 | \newpage
70 | \subsection{std C vs. Arduinos C++ dialect}
71 | The Arduino IDE provides the beginner with a simple programming enviroment.
72 | While a standard microcontroller program usually is composed of an init section
73 | and a never ending while loop which contains the actual job of the microcontroller,
74 | e.g. like this:
75 | \begin{lstlisting}
76 | void main (void){
77 |
78 | // set up peripherals and I/O pins
79 | // e.g:
80 | DDRD |= 1<<PD6; // define pin PD6 to be an output
81 |
82 | // here the actual 'job' is performed
83 | while(1){
84 | // toggle the output
85 | PORTD ^= 1<<PD6;
86 | }
87 | }
88 | \end{lstlisting}
89 |
90 | This would look like this in the Arduino C++ dialect:
91 | \begin{lstlisting}
92 | // On the Arduino board there are numbers printed
93 | // next to the 100mil header sockets.
94 | // The ATmega pin PD6 is named '6' on the Arduino board.
95 | const int my_output_pin = 6;
96 | boolean output_pin_state = false;
97 |
98 | setup(){
99 | pinMode( my_output_pin , OUTPUT);
100 | }
101 |
102 | loop(){
103 | // toggle the variable...
104 | output_pin_state = !output_pin_state;
105 | // write the value of the variable, to the pin
106 | digitalWrite( my_output_pin , output_pin_state);
107 | }
108 | \end{lstlisting}
109 |
110 | In many cases, the code written in the Arduino-C++ dialect does not
111 | produce the optimal binary, but one can always fall back to standard C
112 | or even inline assembler, if needed.
113 |
114 | \subsection{ scheduling on microcontrollers }
115 | There is nothing like a scheduler running on a microcontroller, so one can not
116 | produce concurrent running code by using threads. The developer needs
117 | in such a case to implement a form of time sharing himself.
118 | (Although there might be libraries easing the pain a little.)
119 |
120 | %Assume the following task:
121 | %The ATmegas internal ADC should be used to measure a voltage as soon
122 | %as an attached button is pressed. Since we expect some noise, the ADC should
123 | %sample the voltage 100 times and return the mean and the std deviation.
124 | %Since the user is expected to be slow, when pressing a button, 50 of the samples
125 | %shoule be taken, before the user pressed the button.
126 | %We assume the CPU frequency is 16MHz. And the serial communication to run at
127 | %9600 baud.
128 | %The ADC needs about 130us for a conversion.
129 |
130 | \subsubsection{simple time sharing}
131 |
132 | The most prominent solution maybe looks like this
133 | \begin{lstlisting}
134 | loop(){
135 | check_if_a_button_was_pressed(); // < 1us
136 | check_if_the_ADC_has_a_valid_reading(); // < 1us
137 | calculate_something(); // approx 1ms
138 | communicate(); //9600 baud // 1ms per byte
139 | }
140 | \end{lstlisting}
141 | Each of these functions \emph{might} run for a well know and limited amount
142 | of time.
143 | This is important in case one wants to ensure, the user experience is immediate.
144 | As an example, one might assume the button, which is checked in the first function, is a kind of emergency
145 | shutdown button. In this case, one has to ensure, that the communicate function
146 | will never block and thus inhibit the checking of the button and so inhibit
147 | the emergency shutdown.
148 |
149 |
150 | \subsubsection{Interrupts}
151 | Another solution is the use of hardware interrupts. The ATmega comes
152 | with quite a lot of interrupt routines, such as:
153 | \begin{itemize}
154 | \item ADC ready
155 | \item timer overflow \\there are typically 3 timers
156 | \item timer reached certain value \\typically 2 values per timer
157 | \item special interrupt pin state changed \\good for emergency buttons
158 | \item serial transfer complete (USART) \\i.e. the Arduino USB connection
159 | \item SPI transfer complete \\the W5100 is connected via SPI
160 | \end{itemize}
161 |
162 | Each of these interrupt sources can stop the running program and let the controller
163 | jump to a special, often very tiny, so called interrupt service routine.
164 | In case the developer connected the emergency button to one of the dedicated
165 | interrupt pins, the program might look like this:
166 | \newpage
167 | \begin{lstlisting}
168 | // global variables for data transfer
169 | // between interrupt service routines
170 | // and 'normal' user code
171 | volatile boolean got_enough_adc_readings = false;
172 | char adc_buffer[ADC_BUFFER_SIZE];
173 | char adc_value_counter = 0;
174 |
175 | setup(){
176 | enable_external_pin_irq();
177 | enable_adc_irq();
178 | }
179 |
180 | loop(){
181 | // this might take about 1ms
182 | if (got_enough_adc_readings == true){
183 | calculate_something();
184 | enable_adc_irq();
185 | }
186 | // this might take several 10ms, since 9600 baud is so slow.
187 | communicate(); //9600 baud serial communication
188 | }
189 |
190 | // this should take less than 16 cycles = 1us
191 | adc_interrupt_service_routine(){
192 | short reading = ADC_REGISTER;
193 | adc_buffer[adc_value_counter] = reading;
194 | adc_value_counter++;
195 | if (adc_value_counter == ADC_BUFFER_SIZE){
196 | got_enough_adc_readings = true;
197 | disable_adc_irq();
198 | }
199 | }
200 | // this should also take hardly any time ...
201 | external_pin_toggle_service_routine(){
202 | do_emergency_stuff();
203 | }
204 | \end{lstlisting}
205 |
206 | Writing the code in this manner does ensure, that even in case of very
207 | long communication of several hundred bytes, the emergency button press is immediately
208 | reacted on. In addition, the ADC samples are aquired faster than in the previous
209 | solution, since the ADC is read when ever it finished a conversion (about every 100us)
210 | and not after each communication.
211 |
212 | This solution is not very complicated, however the use of interrupts is connected
213 | to some caveats, which are connected to non atomic access of 2-byte variables,
214 | and compiler optimizations.
215 |
216 | In addition this solution is clearly to be used, in case a developer needs to ensure
217 | a certain action is performed with a fixed rate, like monitoring the status
218 | of a certain peripheral. This can be easily acomplished using one of the hardware
219 | timer overflow interrupts.
220 |
221 | \section{Reliability}
222 | Having the previous considerations in mind, one should also not forget,
223 | that a remote device might not even have an emergency button, since the
224 | ethernet connection is the only way for the user to interact with the deivce.
225 | In such a case, the ethernet communication should be realiable and quick.
226 |
227 | Consider the flodding case:\\
228 | Flodding might be caused by impatient users or buggy client software.
229 | In such a case, the requests might come in faster, than they can be reacted on,
230 | so the ethernet input buffer starts to fill up.
231 |
232 | In such a case, the device should at least, realize that the client is flodding
233 | and in addition to the normal command execution answer, send a warning, that
234 | the input buffer is e.g. 50\% filled.
235 |
236 | The client software should at least understand such a warning and stop sending
237 | requests for a while.
238 |
239 | \section{Protocol}
240 | In order to be quick and reliable, the protocol should be fairly easy.
241 | Thus I recommend a fixed size binary, with unequal message sizes
242 | for client to server requests and server to client messages.
243 |
244 | \subsection{client to server}
245 | While the client to server communication is merely used
246 | to send commands and settings,
247 | the messages can be rather short. For example
248 |
249 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
250 | \hline
251 | desc. & content & size \\
252 | \hline
253 | header & 0xF1 & 1 char\\
254 | address & & 1 char\\
255 | access type & \verb=SET|NAND|OR|XOR|READ= & 1 char\\
256 | data & & 1 char\\
257 | footer & 0xB4 & 1 char\\
258 | \hline
259 | \end{tabular}
260 |
261 | All commands and other requests are handled via access to some (virtual) registers.
262 | Which are further pointed out in chapter \ref{sec_registers}. The registers space
263 | is devided into com-registers, which are used to control the communication interface
264 | itself, like activating automatic messaging or request certain register content,
265 | and user-registers.
266 | The address space looks like this
267 |
268 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
269 | \hline
270 | 0x00 & CSTR \\ \hline
271 | 0x01 & CTDR \\ \hline
272 | 0x02 & URNR \\ \hline
273 | 0x03 & URCR \\ \hline
274 | 0x04 & URER \\ \hline
275 | 0x05 & CMDR \\ \hline
276 | 0x06 & CSTR \\ \hline
277 | 0x07 & start of user register address space \\
278 | ... & ... \\
279 | 0xFF & end of user register address space \\ \hline
280 | \end{tabular}\\
281 |
282 | The access type may be used by the client to make sure not to accidentally
283 | alter registers content, which was not itendet to be changed. \\
284 |
285 | \textbf{examples:}
286 |
287 | \begin{tabular}{ll}
288 | \verb= 0xF1 0x06 OR 0x02 0xB4= & set only bit 2 in CSTR register \\
289 | \verb= 0xF1 0x01 NAND 0x40 0xB4 = & clear only bit 7 in CTDR register \\
290 | \verb= 0xF1 0x0A XOR 0xC0 0xB4 = & toggle only bit 3 and 4 in a user register \\
291 | \verb= 0xF1 0x00 SET 0x00 0xB4 = & set the entire CSTR register to zeros \\
292 | \verb= 0xF1 0x02 READ 0x12 0xB4 = & read the URNR register \\
293 | \end{tabular}\\
294 |
295 | To encode the different register access types I propose:
296 |
297 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
298 | \hline
299 | SET & 0x00 \\ \hline
300 | NAND & 0x01 \\ \hline
301 | OR & 0x02 \\ \hline
302 | XOR & 0x03 \\ \hline
303 | READ & 0x05 \\ \hline
304 | n/a & the rest \\ \hline
305 | \end{tabular}
306 |
307 | In case unknown codes are submitted for the access type, the request is discarded.
308 | the data field, for a READ access is discarded.
309 | Each of the register access requests, triggers an answer, as long as the
310 | request response (RR) bit in CPMR is set.
311 |
312 | \subsection{server to client}
313 | Server to client communication on the other hand is meant to be rather informative.
314 | The client is not only interested whether the last command which was sent, was received
315 | and successfully executed, but also whether any other system status might have changed
316 | unforseen.
317 | Thus the client might be interested in:
318 | \begin{itemize}
319 | \item service messages, i.e. messages, which are sent in regular intervals
320 | \item process messages, i.e. messages, which are sent upon certain events like:
321 | \begin{itemize}
322 | \item request reception
323 | \item successfull command execution
324 | \item error occurenaces(?)
325 | \end{itemize}
326 | \end{itemize}
327 |
328 | And in addition for the sake of speed, one might consider to define different sizes
329 | for different messages. While process messages might be rather short, service messages
330 | might be the entire register content, at least in case one wants to debug something.
331 |
332 | \subsubsection{request response}
333 | The request response is a special form of a process message.
334 | Process message in this context mean, any message send from the server
335 | to the client, because something happened.
336 | The request response is send back to the client automatically in order
337 | to inform it about the reception of the request. The mere request response
338 | does not mean, that the associated user command (in case there was one) execution
339 | started.
340 |
341 | The request response protocol might look like this.
342 |
343 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
344 | \hline
345 | start byte & content & size (byte)\\ \hline
346 | 0x00 & general header & 1 \\ \hline
347 | 0x01 & special request response header & 1 \\ \hline
348 | 0x02 & request counter & 2 byte\\ \hline
349 | 0x04 & real time in ms& 4 byte \\ \hline
350 | 0x08 & address & 1 byte \\ \hline
351 | 0x09 & data & 1 byte \\ \hline
352 | 0x0A & crc(?) & 1 byte \\ \hline
353 | 0x0B & footer & 1 byte \\ \hline
354 | \end{tabular}
355 |
356 | I am not sure what kind of crc I would like to implement or if I should
357 | implement one at all, but the experience with the FSC shows ... I should.
358 |
359 | \subsubsection{ process message protocol}
360 | A process message can be send, because something happened.
361 | I guess in the most cases, the message is send, because the user code started
362 | executing a user command, or the user code finished executing a user command.
363 | Or in more technical terms,
364 | a process message is sent, in case either the user command register (UCR) or the
365 | user execution registers(UER) are altered by the user code.
366 | In addition a process message is send, in case the FACT++Interface detected an error.
367 |
368 | So for these process message I propose this protocol
369 |
370 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
371 | \hline
372 | start byte & content & size (byte)\\ \hline
373 | 0x00 & general header & 1 \\ \hline
374 | 0x01 & special process message header & 1 \\ \hline
375 | 0x02 & real time in ms & 4 byte \\ \hline
376 | 0x06 & address & 1 byte \\ \hline
377 | 0x07 & data & 1 byte \\ \hline
378 | 0x08 & crc(?) & 1 byte \\ \hline
379 | 0x09 & footer & 1 byte \\ \hline
380 | \end{tabular}
381 |
382 | The address points to the register, which was altered an so caused
383 | the sending of this message.
384 | The data contains the data of that particular register.
385 | I guess counting these messages makes no sense.
386 |
387 |
388 | \subsubsection{service message protocol}
389 |
390 | The term service message referes to a form of message that is send in
391 | regular time intervals (as regular as possible). These messages are send in
392 | order to inform the client about the system status.
393 | In addition by monitoring the system status carefully one might be
394 | able to track down bugs in the program.
395 | So it seems feasible to sent down the entire register content.
396 |
397 | The protocol I propose is this
398 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
399 | \hline
400 | start byte & content & size (byte)\\ \hline
401 | 0x00 & general header & 1 \\ \hline
402 | 0x01 & special service message header & 1 \\ \hline
403 | 0x02 & real time in ms & 4 byte \\ \hline
404 | 0x07 & com registers & 7 byte \\ \hline
405 | 0x0E & user registers & URNR byte \\ \hline
406 | 0x08 & crc(?) & 1 byte \\ \hline
407 | 0x09 & footer & 1 byte \\ \hline
408 | \end{tabular}
409 |
410 | The length depends on the user code.
411 |
412 |
413 | \section{Registers}
414 | \label{sec_registers}
415 |
416 | The registers are implemented as \\
417 | \verb=char register[NUMBER_OF_REGISTERS]=.
418 | There are two types of registers. The com-registers are members of the
419 | Interface described in this document and the user-registers are entirely
420 | in the hand of the user code. The interface just gets a pointer to the beginning
421 | of the user-register space and its size. In addidtion the interface is informed
422 | which of the user-registers are write-only, read-only and read-write registers.
423 | I currently do not support 2byte registers, because in case the client wants
424 | to read a 2byte register, the interface would need to make a copy first,
425 | to ensure integrity at least to some extend.
426 |
427 | \subsection{Com Registers}
428 | The following com-registers exists
429 |
430 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
431 | \hline
432 | CSTR & R & com status register \\ \hline
433 | CTDR & R & com time delay register \\ \hline
434 | CSMR & W & com service message register \\ \hline
435 | CPMR & R & com process message register \\ \hline
436 | URNR & R & user register number register \\ \hline
437 | URCR & R & address of user command register \\ \hline
438 | URER & R & address of user execution register \\ \hline
439 |
440 | \end{tabular}
441 |
442 |
443 |
444 | \subsubsection{CSTR - com status register(R)}
445 | The com status register contains information about the status of the
446 | communication interface
447 |
448 | \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
449 | \hline
450 | 7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0 \\ \hline
451 | \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{NWR} & unused & unused & unused& unused& unused \\ \hline
452 | \end{tabular}
453 |
454 | \subsubsection{CTDR - com time delay register(R)}
455 | The com time delay register can be used, to find out, how much
456 | time went by between two consecutive calls of FACT++Interface::com().
457 | This might help debugging user code.
458 |
459 | \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
460 | \hline
461 | 7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0 \\ \hline
462 | \multicolumn{8}{|c|}{TIME} \\ \hline
463 | \end{tabular}
464 |
465 | TIME is in units of 5ms.
466 |
467 | \subsubsection{CSMR - com servive message register(RW)}
468 | The com servive message register controls the behaviour of the interface
469 | regarding service messages
470 |
471 | \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
472 | \hline
473 | 7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0 \\ \hline
474 | SME & \multicolumn{7}{|c|}{SM\_INT} \\ \hline
475 | \end{tabular}
476 | \\
477 | details
478 |
479 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
480 | \hline
481 | abbr & description & default value \\ \hline
482 | SME & service message enable & 1 \\ \hline
483 | SM\_INT & service message interval (unit 0.1 seconds) & 50 \\ \hline
484 | \end{tabular}
485 |
486 | \subsubsection{CPMR - com process message register(RW)}
487 |
488 | The com process message register controls the behaviour regarding
489 | process messages
490 |
491 | \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
492 | \hline
493 | 7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0 \\ \hline
494 | PME & CRME & CEME & RRME & unused&unused&unused&unused \\ \hline
495 | \end{tabular}
496 | \\
497 | details
498 |
499 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
500 | \hline
501 | abbr & description & default value \\ \hline
502 | PME & process message enable & 1 \\ \hline
503 | CRME & command received message enable & 1 \\ \hline
504 | CEME & command executed message enable & 1 \\ \hline
505 | RRME & request response message enable & 1 \\ \hline
506 | \end{tabular}
507 |
508 | \subsubsection{URNR - user register number register(R)}
509 | The user-register number register stores the number of user registers
510 |
511 | \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
512 | \hline
513 | 7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0 \\ \hline
514 | \multicolumn{8}{|c|}{number of user registers} \\ \hline
515 | \end{tabular}
516 |
517 | \subsubsection{URCR - user command register address(R)}
518 | The user-register number register stores the address of the user command register
519 |
520 | \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
521 | \hline
522 | 7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0 \\ \hline
523 | \multicolumn{8}{|c|}{address} \\ \hline
524 | \end{tabular}
525 |
526 | \subsubsection{URER - user-execute register address(R)}
527 | The user-register number register stores the address of the user execute register
528 |
529 | \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
530 | \hline
531 | 7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0 \\ \hline
532 | \multicolumn{8}{|c|}{address} \\ \hline
533 | \end{tabular}
534 |
535 |
536 |
537 |
538 | \subsection{User Registers}
539 | The user registers are implemented outside of the scope of the FACT++Interface
540 | class. When constructed, the class gets a pointer to the beginning and the number
541 | of user registers.
542 |
543 | The User may define special user registers. The \emph{User Command Register} and
544 | the \emph{User Execution Register}.
545 |
546 | \subsubsection{User Command Register - UCR}
547 | Every User Register can be used to inform the user code, about a request
548 | by the client. Since the FACT++Interface cannot know, when and if the User code
549 | starts to react on that command, in cannot inform the client about it.
550 |
551 | The special User Command register(UCR) ist monitored by the FACT++interface.
552 | Assume the client requested to set a bit in the UCR.
553 | Then the FACT++Interface sets this bit and makes an internal copy of the UCR.
554 | In each call of FACT++Interface::com() is checked, if the user code changed the UCR.
555 | In case the bit is cleared the FACT++Interface can inform the client, about the
556 | starting execution of the requested command.
557 |
558 | \subsubsection{User Execute Register- UER}
559 | The User Execute Register(EUR) is used to inform the FACT++Interface about the
560 | execution of a command. In this case the client gets a meesage about this,
561 | and the FACT++Interface cleares the bit, in order to inform the user code
562 | and get a clean interface again.
563 |
564 |
565 | \section{Usage}
566 |
567 | Here I will give an example, which methods should be called when.
568 | It will look a little bit like this:
569 | \newpage
570 | \begin{lstlisting}
571 | #define NUMBER_OF_REGS 7
572 |
573 | byte mac[] = { 0xFA, 0xC7, 0xFC, 0xB1, 0x00, 0x01 };
574 | EthernetServer server(80);
575 |
576 | // this set of registers provides the interface
577 | // between the FACT++interface class
578 | // and the user code.
579 | volatile char register[NUMBER_OF_REGISTERS];
580 |
581 | // set up the interface
582 | FACT++Interface interface(server, register, NUMBER_OF_REGS);
583 | // enable the sending of service messages
584 | interface.service_msg(true);
585 | // set the delay between service messages to 100, i.e. 10sec
586 | interface.set_service_msg_delay(100);
587 |
588 | // inform the interface, that reg[6] & reg[7] serve as
589 | // command interface between user code and FACT++Interface class
590 | interface.set_command_register(6,7);
591 |
592 | setup(){
593 | Ethernet.begin(mac);
594 | server.begin();
595 | interface.begin();
596 | }
597 |
598 | loop(){
599 | // here the ethernet communication takes place
600 | // the method is ensured to take <100ms ... or so.
601 | interface.com();
602 | }
603 |
604 | // ensured to run every 10ms
605 | timer_overflow_ISR(){
606 |
607 | // the user code checks certain registers
608 | // to find out, if the client send a command
609 | if(register[6]&(1<<4)){
610 | register[6] &= ~(1<<4); // clear the command bit
611 | // other registers can be used, to return values to the client.
612 | register[2] = do_someting();
613 | register[7] |= 1<<4; // set the execution bit
614 | }
615 |
616 | if( !motors_ok() ){
617 | stop_motors();
618 | register[3] |= 1<<5;
619 | }
620 | }
621 | \end{lstlisting}
622 |
623 | \section{Implementation}
624 |
625 | Here I will explain a little more about certain details of the
626 | implementation, in case I feel this is needed.
627 |
628 | Definitely I will say how the files are named, and how to get them...
629 |
630 |
631 | %\section{Summary}
632 |
633 | \end{document} |