8/7/2009 Changed path to pixelmap in ProcessIO.h to stay within repository Removed unused makefiles Moved config file to config directory of repository Removed writing of config file Removed several unused functions Removed command to switch off logging 9/7/2009 Implemented readline library for command-line editing Included logging functions in main class (solved lockfile problem) Only a single log file is written 10/7/2009 Removed reference voltage related code (not supported by hardware) 17/7/2009 Communication with FDTI now with Linux kernel driver (virtual com port) instead of FTDI library (Standard open()/read()/write() system calls can be used). 20/7/2009 Reading with time-out from tty uses now select() 22/7/2009 Combined code of 'hv' and 'hvdiff' commands. With either one, pixel id, channel number of keyword 'all' can be used. Removed configuration option to set usage of DAC values. Instead, a third parameter 'dac' to the 'hv' and 'hvdiff' commands chooses DAC values. 24/7/2009 Lockfile is deleted if configuration file cannot be read 27/7/2009 Slow data is written for every HV ramp to file given in configuration 29/7/2009 Fixed bug with loading HV settings. No error is produced on negative DAC values (the value is set to zero). 3/8/2009 Removed explicit test mode. Commands 'hv' and 'hvdiff' will simply return OK if no HV boards available. Number of HV boards is not limited anymore. 24/9/2009 Program is terminated if too many errors are encountered by the monitor thread 8/12/2009 Implemented DIM servers 15/12/2009 Removed local log file and implemented logging via DColl 17/12/2009 Implemented DIM command handling and 'Textout' DIM service 8/1/2010 Removed locale slow data writing, now handled by Evidence 13/1/2010 Only important messages are written to log file 20/1/2010 Removed local configuration, now dependent on Evidence configuration server 29/1/2010 DAC value 0 is now equivilant to calibrated voltage value 0 4/6/2010 Command 'hv' allows an array of pixel IDs/voltages (used by feedback) 15/6/2010 'Channels' now is counted continously from 0 to NUM_CHAINS*NUM_CHANNELS, removed 'chain' command. 24/6/2010 Removed 'Target' from PrintMessage (can now use SendToLog() if needed) 20/7/2010 Removed all mutex locking. Communicate() uses now lockf() to serialize access.