1 | #ifndef MARS_MAvalanchePhotoDiode
2 | #define MARS_MAvalanchePhotoDiode
3 |
4 | #ifndef ROOT_TH2
5 | #include <TH2.h>
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TSortedList
9 | #include <TSortedList.h>
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class APD : public TObject // FIXME: Derive from TH2?
13 | {
14 | friend class Afterpulse;
15 |
16 | private:
17 | TH2F fHist;
18 |
19 | TSortedList fAfterpulses; //! List of produced afterpulses
20 |
21 | Float_t fCrosstalkProb; // Probability that a converted photon creates another one in a neighboring cell
22 | Float_t fDeadTime; // Deadtime of a single cell after a hit
23 | Float_t fRecoveryTime; // Recoverytime after Deadtime (1-exp(-t/fRecoveryTime)
24 | Float_t fAfterpulseProb[2]; // Afterpulse probabilities
25 | Float_t fAfterpulseTau[2]; // Afterpulse time constants
26 |
27 | Float_t fTime; // A user settable time of the system
28 |
29 | // The implementation of the cell behaviour (crosstalk and afterpulses)
30 | Float_t HitCellImp(Int_t x, Int_t y, Float_t t=0);
31 |
32 | // Processing of afterpulses
33 | void GenerateAfterpulse(UInt_t cell, Int_t idx, Double_t charge, Double_t t);
34 | void ProcessAfterpulses(Float_t time, Float_t dt);
35 | void DeleteAfterpulses(Float_t time);
36 |
37 | public:
38 | APD(Int_t n, Float_t prob=0, Float_t dt=0, Float_t rt=0);
39 |
40 | // --- Setter and Getter ----
41 |
42 | // Set the afterpulse probability and time-constant of distribution 1 and 2
43 | void SetAfterpulse1(Double_t p, Double_t tau) { fAfterpulseProb[0]=p; fAfterpulseTau[0]=tau; }
44 | void SetAfterpulse2(Double_t p, Double_t tau) { fAfterpulseProb[1]=p; fAfterpulseTau[1]=tau; }
45 |
46 | // Set the afterpulse probability for distribution 1 and 2
47 | void SetAfterpulseProb(Double_t p1, Double_t p2) { fAfterpulseProb[0]=p1; fAfterpulseProb[1]=p2; }
48 |
49 | // Getter functions
50 | Float_t GetCellContent(Int_t x, Int_t y) const { return fHist.GetBinContent(x, y); }
51 | Int_t GetNumCellsX() const { return fHist.GetNbinsX(); }
52 |
53 | Float_t GetCrosstalkProb() const { return fCrosstalkProb; }
54 | Float_t GetDeadTime() const { return fDeadTime; }
55 | Float_t GetRecoveryTime() const { return fRecoveryTime; }
56 | Float_t GetTime() const { return fTime; }
57 |
58 | Float_t GetRelaxationTime(Float_t threshold=0.001) const;
59 |
60 | Float_t GetLastHit() const { return fHist.GetMaximum(); }
61 |
62 | TSortedList &GetListOfAfterpulses() { return fAfterpulses; }
63 |
64 | // Functions for easy production of statistics about the cells
65 | Int_t CountDeadCells(Float_t t=0) const;
66 | Int_t CountRecoveringCells(Float_t t=0) const;
67 |
68 | // --- Lower level user interface ---
69 |
70 | // Implementation to hit a specified or random cell
71 | Float_t HitCell(Int_t x, Int_t y, Float_t t=0);
72 | Float_t HitRandomCell(Float_t t=0);
73 |
74 | // Functions to produce virgin chips or just effected by constant rates
75 | void FillEmpty(Float_t t=0);
76 | void FillRandom(Float_t rate, Float_t t=0);
77 |
78 | // Produce random pulses with the given rate over a time dt.
79 | // Processes afterpulses until the new time and deletes previous
80 | // afterpulses.
81 | Float_t Evolve(Double_t freq, Double_t dt);
82 |
83 | // Delete Afterpulses before fTime. This might be wanted after
84 | // a call to Evolve or Relax to maintain memeory usage.
85 | void DeleteAfterpulses() { DeleteAfterpulses(fTime); }
86 |
87 | // --- High level user interface ---
88 |
89 | // This fills a G-APD with a rough estimated state at a given time
90 | // T=0. It then evolves the time over the ralaxation time. If the
91 | // chip is not virgin (i.e. fTime<0) the random filling is omitted
92 | void Init(Float_t rate) { if (fTime<0) FillRandom(rate); Relax(rate); ShiftTime(); }
93 |
94 | // Shifts all times including fTime by dt backwards (adds -dt)
95 | // This is convenient because you can set the current time (fTime) to 0
96 | void ShiftTime(Double_t dt);
97 | void ShiftTime() { ShiftTime(fTime); }
98 |
99 | // Functions producing photons hitting cells. It is meant to add
100 | // many photons with an arrival time t after fTime. The photons
101 | // must be sorted in time first to ensure proper treatment of the
102 | // afterpulses.
103 | Float_t HitRandomCellRelative(Float_t t=0) { ProcessAfterpulses(fTime, t); return HitRandomCell(fTime+t); }
104 |
105 | // Produce random pulses with a given frequency until the influence
106 | // of the effects of the G-APD (relaxation time, afterpulses) are
107 | // below the given threshold. (Calls Evolve())
108 | // FIXME: Maybe the calculation of the relaxation time could be optimized?
109 | Float_t Relax(Double_t freq, Float_t threshold=0.001) { return Evolve(freq, GetRelaxationTime(threshold)); }
110 |
111 | // Issue afterpulses until fTime+dt and set fTime to fTime+dt
112 | // This is needed to create all afterpulses from external pulses
113 | // and afterpulses until the time fTime+dt. This makes mainly
114 | // the list of afterpulses complete until fTime+dt
115 | void IncreaseTime(Float_t dt) { ProcessAfterpulses(fTime, dt); fTime += dt; }
116 |
117 | // TObject
118 | void Draw(Option_t *o="") { fHist.Draw(o); }
119 | void DrawCopy(Option_t *o="") { fHist.DrawCopy(o); }
120 |
121 | ClassDef(APD, 1) // An object representing a Geigermode APD
122 | };
123 |
124 | class Afterpulse : public TObject
125 | {
126 | private:
127 | UInt_t fCellIndex; // Index of G-APD cell the afterpulse belongs to
128 |
129 | Float_t fTime; // Time at which the afterpulse avalanch broke through
130 | Float_t fAmplitude; // Amplitude (crosstalk!) the pulse produced
131 |
132 | Int_t Compare(const TObject *obj) const
133 | {
134 | return static_cast<const Afterpulse*>(obj)->fTime>fTime ? -1 : 1;
135 | }
136 |
137 | Bool_t IsSortable() const { return kTRUE; }
138 |
139 | public:
140 | Afterpulse(UInt_t idx, Float_t t) : fCellIndex(idx), fTime(t), fAmplitude(0) { }
141 |
142 | UInt_t GetCellIndex() const { return fCellIndex; }
143 |
144 | Float_t GetTime() const { return fTime; }
145 | Float_t GetAmplitude() const { return fAmplitude; }
146 |
147 | Float_t Process(APD &apd)
148 | {
149 | // Do not process afterpulses twice (e.g. HitRelative + IncreaseTime)
150 | // This should not happen anyway
151 | // if (fAmplitude>0)
152 | // return fAmplitude;
153 |
154 | const UInt_t nx = apd.GetNumCellsX()+2;
155 |
156 | const UInt_t x = fCellIndex%nx;
157 | const UInt_t y = fCellIndex/nx;
158 |
159 | fAmplitude = apd.HitCellImp(x, y, fTime);
160 |
161 | return fAmplitude;
162 | }
163 | ClassDef(Afterpulse, 1) // An Afterpulse object
164 | };
165 |
166 | #endif