1 | #ifndef MARS_MReportCamera
2 | #define MARS_MReportCamera
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MReport
5 | #include "MReport.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | class MCameraCooling;
9 | class MCameraLids;
10 | class MCameraHV;
11 | class MCameraDC;
12 | class MCameraLV;
13 | class MCameraAUX;
14 | class MCameraCalibration;
15 | class MCameraActiveLoad;
16 | class MCameraCentralPix;
17 |
18 | class MReportCamera : public MReport
19 | {
20 | private:
21 | Byte_t fStatus; // CaCo monitored status of the sentinel (0-9), Sentinel_state
22 |
23 | MCameraCooling *fCooling; //!
24 | MCameraLids *fLids; //!
25 | MCameraAUX *fAUX; //!
26 | MCameraHV *fHV; //!
27 | MCameraDC *fDC; //!
28 | MCameraLV *fLV; //!
29 | MCameraActiveLoad *fActiveLoad; //!
30 | MCameraCalibration *fCalibration; //!
31 | MCameraCentralPix *fCentralPix; //!
32 |
33 | Bool_t SetupReading(MParList &plist);
34 |
35 | Bool_t InterpreteCamera(TString &str, Int_t ver);
36 | Bool_t InterpreteDC(TString &str);
37 | Bool_t InterpreteHV(TString &str);
38 | Bool_t InterpreteCOOL(TString &str);
39 | Bool_t InterpreteLID(TString &str);
40 | Bool_t InterpreteHVPS(TString &str);
41 | Bool_t InterpreteLV(TString &str);
42 | Bool_t InterpreteAUX(TString &str);
43 | Bool_t InterpreteCAL(TString &str);
44 | Bool_t InterpreteHOT(TString &str);
45 | Bool_t InterpreteActiveLoad(TString &str);
46 | Bool_t InterpreteCentralPix(TString &str, Int_t ver);
47 | Bool_t InterpreteCHTEMP(TString &str);
48 | Bool_t InterpreteHVFIL(TString &str);
49 | Bool_t InterpretePSSEN(TString &str);
50 | Bool_t InterpreteLIQ(TString &str);
51 |
52 | Int_t InterpreteBody(TString &str, Int_t ver);
53 |
54 | public:
55 | MReportCamera();
56 |
57 | Byte_t GetStatus() const { return fStatus; }
58 |
59 | ClassDef(MReportCamera, 2) // Class for CAMERA-REPORT information
60 | };
61 |
62 | #endif