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7 | var $jq = jQuery.noConflict();
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9 | $.configureBoxes();
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18 | <input type="text" size="18" id="box1Filter" placeholder="Search Here" />
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23 | <table>
24 | <tbody><tr>
25 | <td width="192"><label>Source List</label>
26 | <select id="box1View" multiple="multiple" style="height:180px;width:115px;">
27 | <?php
28 | $con=mysql_connect("localhost","scheduletest","t3stsched");
29 | mysql_select_db("sandboxschedule",$con);
30 | $query=mysql_query("SELECT*FROM source");
31 | while($rs=mysql_fetch_array($query)){
32 | ?>
33 | <option value="<?php echo $rs['fSourceKEY']; ?>"><?php echo $rs['fSourceName']; ?></option>
34 | <?php
35 | }
36 | ?>
37 | </select>
38 | <!-- <span id="box1Counter"s class="countLabel">Showing 0 of 0</span>-->
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52 | <label>Displayed</label>
53 | <select id="box2View" multiple="multiple" style="height:180px;width:115px;"></select>
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58 | <!--<span id="box2Counter" class="countLabel">Showing 16 of 16</span>-->
59 | <select id="box2Storage" style="display: none;">
60 | </select>
61 | </td>
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