1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | #
3 | # ========================================================================
4 | #
5 | # *
6 | # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
7 | # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
8 | # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
9 | # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
10 | # *
11 | # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
12 | # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
13 | # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
14 | # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
15 | # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
16 | # * or implied warranty.
17 | # *
18 | #
19 | #
20 | # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 05/2005 <mailto:dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
21 | #
22 | # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2006
23 | #
24 | #
25 | # ========================================================================
26 | #
27 | # This a resource file for the scripts, in which the standard paths and
28 | # functions, which are needed more often are stored.
29 | # Only constant variables are stored here, changing variables are stored
30 | # in datacenter/scripts/setup
31 | #
32 |
33 | source `dirname $0`/setup
34 |
35 | mars=`dirname $0 | sed -e 's/\/datacenter\/scripts//'`
36 | macrospath=$mars/datacenter/macros
37 | scriptspath=$mars/datacenter/scripts
38 |
39 | webpath=/www/htdocs/datacenter
40 |
41 | datetime=`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`
42 |
43 |
44 | # function to make sure that a directory is made
45 | function makedir()
46 | {
47 | if [ ! -d $@ ]
48 | then
49 | mkdir -pv $@
50 | if [ ! -d $@ ]
51 | then
52 | echo "could not make dir "$@
53 | rm -v $todofile
54 | rm -v $lockfile
55 | date
56 | exit
57 | fi
58 | fi
59 | }
60 |
61 | # logging paths for runlogs and processlog
62 | runlogpath=$logpath/run/`date +%Y/%m/%d`
63 | processlogpath=$logpath/processlog
64 | makedir $runlogpath
65 | makedir $processlogpath
66 | processlog=$processlogpath/process`date +%F`.log
67 |
68 |
69 | # set checkvalue to ok at the beginning of the scripts
70 | check="ok"
71 |
72 | #failed codes
73 | #sequence build status
74 | Fbuildsequ=1
75 | Fdoexcl=2
76 | #run process status
77 | Ftimecorr=3
78 | Ffillraw=4
79 | Fsinope=5
80 | Ffillsinope=6
81 | Fresetexcl=7
82 | #sequence process status
83 | Fwritesequfile=8
84 | Ffilesavail=9
85 | Fnoccfile=10
86 | Fnocacofile=11
87 | Fmerppcc=12
88 | Fmerppcaco=13
89 | Fcallisto=14
90 | Ffillcalib=15
91 | Ffillsignal=16
92 | Fstar=17
93 | Ffillstar=18
94 | #dataset process status
95 | Fstardone=19
96 | Fganymed=20
97 | Ffillganymed=21
98 |
99 |
100 | # setup for jobmanager:
101 | # log files (can't be defined in script itself, as script can run longer
102 | # than one day
103 | jmerrorlog=$runlogpath/jobmanager-error`date +%F`.log
104 | jmscriptlog=$runlogpath/jobmanager`date +%F`.log
105 | steps=$mars/steps.rc
106 | # resetting values
107 | pno=0
108 | totalpno=0
109 | running=0
110 | queued=0
111 | runningscript=0
112 | queuedscript=0
113 | stillinqueue=0
114 |
115 |
116 | # alias (we cannot check the beginning of the line due to
117 | # color codes in filldotraw.C)
118 | alias 'intgrep'='grep -E -o \\\(int\\\)[0-9]+$'
119 |
120 | # in the following the functions, which are needed by several scripts, are
121 | # defined
122 |
123 | function printprocesslog
124 | {
125 | makedir $processlogpath
126 | echo `date +%F\ %T`" "`whoami`"@"$HOSTNAME" "`basename $0`"["$$"] "$@ >> $processlog
127 | }
128 |
129 | # function to exit a script properly
130 | function finish()
131 | {
132 | rm -v $todofile
133 | rm -v $lockfile
134 | date
135 | printprocesslog "INFO finished $0"
136 | exit
137 | }
138 |
139 | # function to do continue in a loop and produce according logging
140 | function cont()
141 | {
142 | date
143 | echo ""
144 | continue
145 | }
146 |
147 | # function to check if a process is already locked
148 | function checklock()
149 | {
150 | date > $lockfile
151 | checklock0=$?
152 | case $checklock0 in
153 | 0) echo " checklock0=$checklock0 -> continue " ;;
154 | 1) echo " checklock0=$checklock0 -> file $lockfile exists -> exit"
155 | date
156 | exit;;
157 | *) echo " checklock0=$checklock0 -> something went completely wrong" ;;
158 | esac
159 | }
160 |
161 | # function calling the macro, which is producing the todo-list
162 | function getdolistroot()
163 | {
164 | datetime=`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`
165 | year=`date +%Y`
166 | date=NULL
167 |
168 | getstatuslogpath=$logpath/getstatus/$program/$year
169 | getstatuslog=$getstatuslogpath/getstatus-$table-$column-$datetime.log
170 | makedir $getstatuslogpath
171 |
172 | # get todo list
173 | echo "getting todo list..."
174 | check0=`root -q -b $macrospath/getdolist.C+\("\"$table\""\,"\"$column\""\,"\"$date\""\,"\"$listpath\""\) | tee $getstatuslog | grep int | sed -e 's/(int)//'`
175 |
176 | case $check0 in
177 | 1) echo " check0=$check0 -> everything ok, got todo list -> run $program";;
178 | *) echo " check0=$check0 -> ERROR -> could not get todo list -> exit"
179 | finish ;;
180 | esac
181 |
182 | }
183 |
184 | function resetstatusvalues()
185 | {
186 | statustime=NULL
187 | starttime=NULL
188 | returncode=NULL
189 | failedcode=NULL
190 | failedcodeadd=NULL
191 | failedtime=NULL
192 | }
193 |
194 | function printstatusvalues()
195 | {
196 | echo "the current values are:"
197 | echo " statustime=$statustime"
198 | echo " starttime=$starttime"
199 | echo " returncode=$returncode"
200 | echo " failedcode=$failedcode"
201 | echo " failedcodeadd=$failedcodeadd"
202 | echo " failedtime=$failedtime"
203 | echo "-- check: -$check-"
204 | echo ""
205 | }
206 |
207 | # function evaluating the statusvalues
208 | function evalstatus()
209 | {
210 | case $@ in
211 | start) echo "setstatus start"
212 | starttime="Now()"
213 | ;;
214 | stop) case $check in
215 | ok) echo "setstatus stop - ok"
216 | statustime="Now()"
217 | ;;
218 | no) echo "setstatus stop - nothing new"
219 | check="ok"
220 | ;;
221 | *) echo "setstatus stop - failed"
222 | starttime=noreset
223 | returncode=$check
224 | failedcode=$com
225 | if ! [ "$comadd" = "" ]
226 | then
227 | failedcodeadd=$comadd
228 | fi
229 | failedtime="Now()"
230 | check="ok"
231 | ;;
232 | esac
233 | ;;
234 | *) echo "error -> exit"
235 | printprocesslog "ERROR function evalstatus got wrong variable"
236 | finish
237 | ;;
238 | esac
239 | }
240 |
241 | # function calling the macro to set the status, after a process has finished
242 | function setstatusroot()
243 | {
244 | # set status values
245 | resetstatusvalues
246 | evalstatus $@
247 |
248 | # printstatusvalues
249 | # set status
250 | setstatuslogpath=$logpath/setstatus/$program/$var1
251 | makedir $setstatuslogpath
252 | setstatuslog=$setstatuslogpath/setstatus-$@-$program-$var2.log
253 | checkstatus=`root -q -b $macrospath/setstatus.C+\("\"$var2\""\,"\"$table\""\,"\"$column\""\,"\"$statustime\""\,"\"$returncode\""\,"\"$failedcode\""\,"\"$failedcodeadd\""\,"\"$starttime\""\,"\"$failedtime\""\) | tee $setstatuslog | grep int | sed -e 's/(int)//'`
254 | case $checkstatus in
255 | 1) echo " checkstatus=$checkstatus -> everything ok, status has been set";;
256 | *) echo " checkstatus=$checkstatus -> ERROR -> step could not be set -> exit"
257 | finish ;;
258 | esac
259 | }
260 |
261 | function getdbsetup()
262 | {
263 | db=`grep Database $mars/sql.rc | grep -v '#' | sed -e 's/Database: //' -e 's/ //g'`
264 | pw=`grep Password $mars/sql.rc | grep -v '#' | sed -e 's/Password: //' -e 's/ //g'`
265 | us=`grep User $mars/sql.rc | grep -v '#' | sed -e 's/User: //' -e 's/ //g'`
266 | # echo "setup: "
267 | # echo " db: "$db
268 | # echo " pw: "$pw
269 | # echo " us: "$us
270 | }
271 |
272 | function getstepinfo()
273 | {
274 | table=`grep "$column:" $steps | sed -e "s/[.]$column://" -e 's/#//' -e 's/ //g'`
275 | coltab=`grep "$column:" $steps | sed -e 's/://' -e 's/#//' -e 's/ //g'`
276 | needs=`grep "$coltab[.]Needs:" $steps | sed -e "s/$coltab[.]Needs://"`
277 | influences=`grep "$coltab[.]Influences:" $steps | sed -e "s/$coltab[.]Influences://"`
278 | primary=`grep "$table[.]Primary:" $steps | sed -e "s/$table[.]Primary://"`
279 | # echo " column $column - table $table - coltab $coltab"
280 | # echo " needs: $needs"
281 | # echo " influences: $influences"
282 | # echo " primary: $primary"
283 | }
284 |
285 | # function to get todolist
286 | function getdolist()
287 | {
288 | echo "getting todolist..."
289 | getdbsetup
290 | getstepinfo
291 | # get query
292 | query=" select $primary from $table where "
293 | if ! echo $needs | grep '#' > /dev/null
294 | then
295 | for need in $needs
296 | do
297 | query=$query" not isnull($need) and"
298 | done
299 | fi
300 | query=$query" isnull($column) "
301 | query=$query" and isnull(fStartTime) and isnull(fFailedTime) and isnull(fFailedCode) and isnull(fFailedCodeAdd) and isnull(fReturnCode) "
302 | query=$query" order by $primary desc "
303 | # echo " QUERY: "$query
304 | if ! process=`mysql -s -u $us --password=$pw --host=hercules $db -e " $query "`
305 | then
306 | echo "ERROR could not query processes from db -> exit"
307 | printprocesslog "ERROR could not query processes from db (program: $program, function getdolist)"
308 | finish
309 | fi
310 |
311 | if [ "$process" = "" ]
312 | then
313 | echo " => nothing to do"
314 | finish
315 | else
316 | todofile=$listpath/ToDo-$table-$column.txt
317 |
318 | if ls $todofile > /dev/null 2>&1
319 | then
320 | echo "$todofile exists already"
321 | printprocesslog "WARN $todofile exists already (program: $program, function getdolist)"
322 | finish
323 | fi
324 | echo "found processes, writing todofile..."
325 | echo $process > $todofile
326 | fi
327 | }
328 |
329 | # function to get todo (process)
330 | function gettodo()
331 | {
332 | process=
333 | echo "getting todo..."
334 | getdbsetup
335 | getstepinfo
336 | # get query
337 | query=" select $primary from $table where "
338 | if ! echo $needs | grep '#' > /dev/null
339 | then
340 | for need in $needs
341 | do
342 | query=$query" not isnull($need) and"
343 | done
344 | fi
345 | query=$query" isnull($column) "
346 | query=$query" and isnull(fStartTime) and isnull(fFailedTime) and isnull(fFailedCode) and isnull(fFailedCodeAdd) and isnull(fReturnCode) "
347 | query=$query" order by $primary desc "
348 | query=$query" limit 0, 1 "
349 | # echo " QUERY: "$query
350 | if ! process=`mysql -s -u $us --password=$pw --host=hercules $db -e " $query "`
351 | then
352 | echo "ERROR could not query process from db -> exit"
353 | printprocesslog "ERROR could not query process from db (program: $program, function gettodo)"
354 | finish
355 | fi
356 |
357 | if [ "$process" = "" ]
358 | then
359 | echo " => nothing to do -> exit"
360 | finish
361 | fi
362 | }
363 |
364 | # function to get the number of processes which still have to be done
365 | function getstatus()
366 | {
367 | numproc=
368 | # echo "getting status..."
369 | getdbsetup
370 | column=${scriptscolname[$i]}
371 | getstepinfo
372 | # get query
373 | query=" select count(*) from $table where "
374 | if ! echo $needs | grep '#' > /dev/null
375 | then
376 | for need in $needs
377 | do
378 | query=$query" not isnull($need) and"
379 | done
380 | fi
381 | query=$query" isnull($column) "
382 | query=$query" and isnull(fStartTime) and isnull(fFailedTime) and isnull(fFailedCode) and isnull(fFailedCodeAdd) and isnull(fReturnCode) "
383 | query=$query" group by $column "
384 | # echo " QUERY: "$query
385 | numproc=0
386 | if ! numproc=`mysql -s -u $us --password=$pw --host=hercules $db -e " $query "`
387 | then
388 | echo "ERROR could not query number of todo proceses from db -> continue"
389 | printprocesslog "ERROR could not query number of processes from db (program: $program, function getstatus)"
390 | cont
391 | fi
392 | }
393 |
394 | # function to set status of a process in the db
395 | function setstatus()
396 | {
397 | resetstatusvalues
398 | evalstatus $@
399 | getdbsetup
400 | getstepinfo
401 | # get query
402 | reset=`grep "$coltab[.]Reset:" $steps | sed -e "s/$coltab[.]Reset://" -e 's/ //g'`
403 | if [ "$reset" = "no" ]
404 | then
405 | echo "YOU CAN'T RESET $column for $var2!!!"
406 | printprocesslog "ERROR you can't reset $column for $var2"
407 | finish
408 | fi
409 | query=" update $table set $column=$statustime"
410 | if ! echo $influences | grep '#' > /dev/null
411 | then
412 | for influence in $influences
413 | do
414 | query=$query", $influence=NULL"
415 | done
416 | fi
417 | if ! [ "$starttime" = "noreset" ]
418 | then
419 | query=$query", fStartTime=$starttime"
420 | fi
421 | query=$query", fFailedTime=$failedtime, fFailedCode=$failedcode, fFailedCodeAdd=$failedcodeadd, fReturnCode=$returncode "
422 | query=$query" where $primary='$var2'"
423 | echo " QUERY: "$query
424 | if ! mysql -s -u $us --password=$pw --host=hercules $db -e " $query "
425 | then
426 | echo "ERROR could not insert status into db -> exit"
427 | printprocesslog "ERROR could not set status in db (program: $program, function setstatus)"
428 | finish
429 | fi
430 |
431 | }
432 |