1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Keiichi Mase 09/2004 <mailto:mase@mppmu.mpg.de>
19 | ! Markus Meyer 09/2004 <mailto:meyer@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
20 | !
21 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
22 | !
23 | !
24 | \* ======================================================================== */
25 |
26 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 | //
28 | // MMuonSearchPar
29 | //
30 | // Storage Container for muon
31 | //
32 | // This class is the container for muon parameters. Actually, in this class,
33 | // muons are searched by fitting the image with a circle. (This function will
34 | // be called by using the class of MMuonSearchParCalc.) This container
35 | // especially holds the information of the results of the search (fit of
36 | // a image by a circle).
37 | //
38 | // In order to use further information of muons such as the width of arcs,
39 | // the arc length along it, the muons size. Use the infomation stored in
40 | // MMuonCalibPar. The information will be available by using the task of
41 | // MMuonCalibParCalc.
42 | //
43 | //
44 | // --- How to search muons ---
45 | // (This information is a little bit technical. You can skip to read if you
46 | // don't need the technical information.)
47 | //
48 | // 1. A temporal center position of a circle is determined by using
49 | // the Hillas parameters. Assumed that the center position will be on the
50 | // line which is perpendicular to the longitudinal image axis and the
51 | // distance from the gravity center of the image to the center position of
52 | // a ring is approximately 1 deg. (corresponding to the Cherenkov angle.).
53 | // Therefore, we will have two candidates of the center positions.
54 | // 2. Find the ring radius which gives the minimum RMS between the camera
55 | // images and the estimated circle.
56 | // 3. Select one temporal position which gives smaller RMS as a true temporal
57 | // center position.
58 | // 4. Changing the center position of a circle on the camera plane from the
59 | // determined temporal center position, find the position which gives the
60 | // minimum RMS of the fit.
61 | //
62 | //
63 | // --- Remark ---
64 | // This method to search for muons is not fully optimized yet. However,
65 | // it is good idea to use the temporal estimated center position from
66 | // the Hillas parameters in order to reduce time to search. In addition,
67 | // This method is faster than the MINUIT.
68 | //
69 | //
70 | // Input Containers:
71 | // [MGeomCam]
72 | // [MHillas]
73 | // [MCerPhotEvt]
74 | //
75 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
76 | #include "MMuonSearchPar.h"
77 |
78 | #include <fstream>
79 |
80 | #include "MLog.h"
81 | #include "MLogManip.h"
82 | #include "MHillas.h"
83 | #include "MGeomCam.h"
84 | #include "MGeomPix.h"
85 | #include "MCerPhotEvt.h"
86 | #include "MCerPhotPix.h"
87 | #include "MBinning.h"
88 |
89 | using namespace std;
90 |
91 | ClassImp(MMuonSearchPar);
92 |
93 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 | //
95 | // Default constructor.
96 | //
97 | MMuonSearchPar::MMuonSearchPar(const char *name, const char *title)
98 | {
99 | fName = name ? name : "MMuonSearchPar";
100 | fTitle = title ? title : "Muon search parameters";
101 | }
102 |
103 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 | //
105 | void MMuonSearchPar::Reset()
106 | {
107 | fRad = -1.;
108 | fDev = -1.;
109 | fCenX = 0.;
110 | fCenY = 0.;
111 | fNoMuon = kFALSE;
112 | }
113 |
114 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 | //
116 | // Get the tempolary center of a ring from the Hillas parameters.
117 | // Two candidates of the position is returened.
118 | //
119 | void MMuonSearchPar::CalcTempCenter(const MHillas &hillas,
120 | Float_t *xtmp1, Float_t *ytmp1, Float_t *xtmp2, Float_t *ytmp2)
121 | {
122 | Float_t a,dx,dy;
123 | Float_t tmp_r = 300.; // assume that the temporal cherenkov angle is 1 deg. (300 mm).
124 |
125 | a = tan(hillas.GetDelta());
126 |
127 | dx = a/sqrt(tmp_r+a*a)/3.;
128 | dy = -tmp_r/sqrt(1+a*a)/3.;
129 |
130 | *xtmp1 = hillas.GetMeanX() + dx;
131 | *ytmp1 = hillas.GetMeanY() + dy;
132 | *xtmp2 = hillas.GetMeanX() - dx;
133 | *ytmp2 = hillas.GetMeanY() - dy;
134 | }
135 |
136 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 | //
138 | // This function gives you the ring radius fitted best to the camera image
139 | // and its RMS for the input position.
140 | //
141 | Bool_t MMuonSearchPar::CalcRadius(const MGeomCam &geom, const MCerPhotEvt &evt,
142 | Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t *r, Float_t *sigma)
143 | {
144 | Float_t mean_r=0., dev_r=0., sums=0., tmp=0.;
145 |
146 | const Int_t entries = evt.GetNumPixels();
147 |
148 | for (Int_t i=0; i<entries; i++ ){
149 | const MCerPhotPix &pix = evt[i];
150 |
151 | if (!pix.IsPixelUsed())
152 | continue;
153 |
154 | const MGeomPix &gpix = geom[pix.GetPixId()];
155 |
156 | tmp=TMath::Sqrt((gpix.GetX()-x)*(gpix.GetX()-x)
157 | +(gpix.GetY()-y)*(gpix.GetY()-y));
158 |
159 | mean_r += pix.GetNumPhotons()*tmp;
160 | dev_r += pix.GetNumPhotons()*tmp*tmp;
161 | sums += pix.GetNumPhotons();
162 | }
163 |
164 | if(sums<1.E-10)
165 | return kFALSE;
166 |
167 | *r = mean_r/sums;
168 |
169 | if(dev_r/sums-(*r)*(*r)<1.E-10)
170 | return kFALSE;
171 |
172 | *sigma = TMath::Sqrt(dev_r/sums-(*r)*(*r));
173 |
174 | return kTRUE;
175 | }
176 |
177 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 | //
179 | // This function finds the center position of the circle which gives minimum
180 | // RMS of the fit, changing the center position of the circle.
181 | //
182 | void MMuonSearchPar::CalcMinimumDev
183 | ( const MGeomCam &geom, const MCerPhotEvt &evt, Float_t x, Float_t y,
184 | Float_t xcog, Float_t ycog, Float_t sigma, Float_t *opt_rad,
185 | Float_t *new_sigma, Float_t *newx, Float_t *newy )
186 | {
187 | Float_t delta = 3.; // 3 mm (1/10 of an inner pixel size) Step to move.
188 | Float_t rad_tmp,sig_tmp;
189 | Float_t r2;
190 |
191 | while(1)
192 | {
193 | r2=(xcog-x)*(xcog-x)+(ycog-y)*(ycog-y);
194 | // Exit if the new estimated radius is above 2 deg. (600 mm).
195 | if(r2 > 360000.)
196 | {
197 | *new_sigma=sigma;
198 | *opt_rad=rad_tmp;
199 | *newx=x; *newy=y;
200 | fNoMuon = kTRUE;
201 | break;
202 | }
203 | if(CalcRadius(geom,evt,x,y+delta,&rad_tmp,&sig_tmp))
204 | {
205 | if(sig_tmp<sigma)
206 | {
207 | sigma=sig_tmp; *opt_rad=rad_tmp;
208 | y=y+delta;
209 | continue;
210 | }
211 | }
212 | if(CalcRadius(geom,evt,x-delta,y,&rad_tmp,&sig_tmp))
213 | {
214 | if(sig_tmp<sigma)
215 | {
216 | sigma=sig_tmp; *opt_rad=rad_tmp;
217 | x=x-delta;
218 | continue;
219 | }
220 | }
221 | if(CalcRadius(geom,evt,x+delta,y,&rad_tmp,&sig_tmp))
222 | {
223 | if(sig_tmp<sigma)
224 | {
225 | sigma=sig_tmp; *opt_rad=rad_tmp;
226 | x=x+delta;
227 | continue;
228 | }
229 | }
230 | if(CalcRadius(geom,evt,x,y-delta,&rad_tmp,&sig_tmp))
231 | {
232 | if(sig_tmp<sigma)
233 | {
234 | sigma=sig_tmp; *opt_rad=rad_tmp;
235 | y=y-delta;
236 | continue;
237 | }
238 | }
239 | *new_sigma=sigma;
240 | *newx=x; *newy=y;
241 | break;
242 | }
243 | }
244 |
245 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
246 | //
247 | // Calculation of muon parameters
248 | //
249 | void MMuonSearchPar::Calc
250 | (const MGeomCam &geom, const MCerPhotEvt &evt, const MHillas &hillas)
251 | {
252 | Reset();
253 |
254 | Float_t xtmp1,xtmp2,ytmp1,ytmp2;
255 | Float_t rad,dev,rad2,dev2;
256 | Float_t opt_rad,new_sigma,newx,newy;
257 |
258 | // gets temporaly center
259 | CalcTempCenter(hillas,&xtmp1,&ytmp1,&xtmp2,&ytmp2);
260 |
261 | // determine which position will be the true position. Here mainly
262 | // the curvature of a muon arc is relied on.
263 | CalcRadius(geom, evt, xtmp1,ytmp1,&rad,&dev);
264 | CalcRadius(geom, evt, xtmp2,ytmp2,&rad2,&dev2);
265 | if(dev2<dev){
266 | xtmp1=xtmp2; ytmp1=ytmp2; dev=dev2; rad=rad2;
267 | }
268 |
269 | // find the best fit.
270 | CalcMinimumDev(geom, evt, xtmp1,ytmp1,hillas.GetMeanX(),hillas.GetMeanY(),
271 | dev, &opt_rad, &new_sigma, &newx, &newy);
272 |
273 | fRad = opt_rad;
274 | fDev = new_sigma;
275 |
276 | fCenX = newx;
277 | fCenY = newy;
278 |
279 | SetReadyToSave();
280 | }
281 |
282 | void MMuonSearchPar::Print(Option_t *) const
283 | {
284 | *fLog << all;
285 | *fLog << "Muon Parameters (" << GetName() << ")" << endl;
286 | *fLog << " - Est. Rad. [mm] = " << fRad << endl;
287 | *fLog << " - Dev. [mm] = " << fDev << endl;
288 | *fLog << " - Cen. Pos. X [mm] = " << fCenX << endl;
289 | *fLog << " - Cen. Pos. Y [mm] = " << fCenY << endl;
290 | }
291 |
292 | void MMuonSearchPar::Print(const MGeomCam &geom, Option_t *) const
293 | {
294 | *fLog << all;
295 | *fLog << "Muon Parameters (" << GetName() << ")" << endl;
296 | *fLog << " - Est. Rad. [deg.] = " << fRad*geom.GetConvMm2Deg() << endl;
297 | *fLog << " - Dev. [deg.] = " << fDev*geom.GetConvMm2Deg() << endl;
298 | *fLog << " - Cen. Pos. X [deg.] = " << fCenX*geom.GetConvMm2Deg() << endl;
299 | *fLog << " - Cen. Pos. Y [deg.] = " << fCenY*geom.GetConvMm2Deg() << endl;
300 | }
301 |
302 |
303 |