1 | #ifndef MARS_MHCalibrationCam
2 | #define MARS_MHCalibrationCam
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MArrayI
5 | #include "MArrayI.h"
6 | #endif
7 | #ifndef MARS_MArrayF
8 | #include "MArrayF.h"
9 | #endif
10 | #ifndef MARS_MH
11 | #include "MH.h"
12 | #endif
13 | #ifndef MARS_MCamEvent
14 | #include "MCamEvent.h"
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | #ifndef MARS_MBadPixelsPix
18 | #include "MBadPixelsPix.h"
19 | #endif
20 |
21 | #ifndef MARS_MCalibrationCam
22 | #include "MCalibrationCam.h"
23 | #endif
24 |
25 | class TText;
26 | class TOrdCollection;
27 |
28 | class MHCalibrationPix;
29 | class MGeomCam;
30 | class MRawRunHeader;
31 | class MCalibrationIntensityCam;
32 | class MCalibrationCam;
33 | class MCalibrationPix;
34 | class MBadPixelsIntensityCam;
35 | class MBadPixelsCam;
36 | class MBadPixelsPix;
37 |
38 | class MHCalibrationCam : public MH, public MCamEvent
39 | {
40 |
41 | private:
42 | static const Double_t fgLowerFitLimitHiGain; //! The default for fLowerFitLimitHiGain (now at: 0)
43 | static const Double_t fgUpperFitLimitHiGain; //! The default for fUpperFitLimitHiGain (now at: 0)
44 | static const Double_t fgLowerFitLimitLoGain; //! The default for fLowerFitLimitLoGain (now at: 0)
45 | static const Double_t fgUpperFitLimitLoGain; //! The default for fUpperFitLimitLoGain (now at: 0)
46 |
47 | static const Int_t fgPulserFrequency; //! The default for fPulserFrequency (now set to: 500)
48 | static const Float_t fgProbLimit; //! The default for fProbLimit (now set to: 0.0001)
49 | static const Float_t fgOverflowLimit; //! The default for fOverflowLimit (now at: 0.005)
50 |
51 | static const TString gsHistName; //! Default Histogram names
52 | static const TString gsHistTitle; //! Default Histogram titles
53 | static const TString gsHistXTitle; //! Default Histogram x-axis titles
54 | static const TString gsHistYTitle; //! Default Histogram y-axis titles
55 |
56 | protected:
57 |
58 | Int_t fNbins; // Number of bins
59 | Axis_t fFirst; // Lower histogram limit
60 | Axis_t fLast; // Upper histogram limit
61 |
62 | Float_t fProbLimit; // Limit for acceptance of probability of Gauss-Fit
63 | Float_t fOverflowLimit; // Part of maximum allowed overflow events
64 |
65 | Double_t fLowerFitLimitHiGain; // Lower limit for the fit range for the hi-gain hist
66 | Double_t fUpperFitLimitHiGain; // Upper limit for the fit range for the hi-gain hist
67 | Double_t fLowerFitLimitLoGain; // Lower limit for the fit range for the lo-gain hist
68 | Double_t fUpperFitLimitLoGain; // Upper limit for the fit range for the lo-gain hist
69 |
70 | Bool_t fIsHiGainFitRanges; // Are high-gain fit ranges defined?
71 | Bool_t fIsLoGainFitRanges; // Are low-gain fit ranges defined?
72 |
73 | TString fHistName; //! Histogram names
74 | TString fHistTitle; //! Histogram titles
75 | TString fHistXTitle; //! Histogram x-axis titles
76 | TString fHistYTitle; //! Histogram y-axis titles
77 |
78 | Float_t fNumHiGainSaturationLimit; // Rel. amount sat. higain FADC slices until pixel is called saturated
79 | Float_t fNumLoGainSaturationLimit; // Rel. amount sat. logain FADC slices until pixel is called saturated
80 |
81 | MArrayI fRunNumbers; // Numbers of runs used
82 |
83 | MArrayF fAverageAreaRelSigma; // Re-normalized relative sigmas in average pixels per area
84 | MArrayF fAverageAreaRelSigmaVar; // Variance Re-normalized relative sigmas in average pixels per area
85 | MArrayI fAverageAreaSat; // Number of saturated slices in average pixels per area
86 | MArrayF fAverageAreaSigma; // Re-normalized sigmas in average pixels per area
87 | MArrayF fAverageAreaSigmaVar; // Variance Re-normalized sigmas in average pixels per area
88 | MArrayI fAverageAreaNum; // Number of pixels in average pixels per area
89 | MArrayI fAverageSectorNum; // Number of pixels in average pixels per sector
90 |
91 | TOrdCollection *fAverageHiGainAreas; // Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel area
92 | TOrdCollection *fAverageHiGainSectors; // Array of calibration pixels, one per camera sector
93 | TOrdCollection *fAverageLoGainAreas; // Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel area
94 | TOrdCollection *fAverageLoGainSectors; // Array of calibration pixels, one per camera sector
95 |
96 | MCalibrationCam::PulserColor_t fColor; // Colour of the pulsed LEDs
97 |
98 | MBadPixelsIntensityCam *fIntensBad; //! Bad Pixels intensity calibration storage container
99 | MBadPixelsCam *fBadPixels; //! Bad Pixels storage container
100 | MCalibrationIntensityCam *fIntensCam; //! Intensity Calibration Cam with the results
101 | MCalibrationCam *fCam; //! Calibration Cam with the results
102 | MGeomCam *fGeom; //! Camera geometry
103 | MRawRunHeader *fRunHeader; //! Run Header
104 |
105 | TOrdCollection *fHiGainArray; // Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel
106 | TOrdCollection *fLoGainArray; // Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel
107 |
108 | Int_t fPulserFrequency; // Light pulser frequency
109 |
110 | enum { kDebug, kLoGain, kAverageing,
111 | kOscillations, kSizeCheck }; // Possible global flags
112 |
113 | Byte_t fFlags; // Bit-field to hold the global flags
114 |
115 | virtual Bool_t SetupHists ( const MParList *pList ) { return kTRUE; }
116 | virtual Bool_t ReInitHists( MParList *pList ) { return kTRUE; }
117 | virtual Bool_t FillHists ( const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1) { return kTRUE; }
118 | virtual Bool_t FinalizeHists() { return kTRUE; }
119 |
120 | virtual void FinalizeBadPixels() { }
121 |
122 | virtual void CalcAverageSigma();
123 |
124 | virtual void InitHiGainArrays( const Int_t npix, const Int_t nareas, const Int_t nsectors );
125 | virtual void InitLoGainArrays( const Int_t npix, const Int_t nareas, const Int_t nsectors );
126 |
127 | virtual void ResetHistTitles();
128 |
129 | void DrawAverageSigma( Bool_t sat, Bool_t inner,
130 | Float_t sigma, Float_t sigmaerr,
131 | Float_t relsigma, Float_t relsigmaerr) const;
132 |
133 | void FitHiGainArrays ( MCalibrationCam &calcam, MBadPixelsCam &badcam,
134 | MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp,
135 | MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp);
136 |
137 | void FitHiGainHists ( MHCalibrationPix &hist,
138 | MCalibrationPix &pix,
139 | MBadPixelsPix &bad,
140 | MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp,
141 | MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp);
142 |
143 | void FitLoGainArrays ( MCalibrationCam &calcam, MBadPixelsCam &badcam,
144 | MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp,
145 | MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp);
146 |
147 | void FitLoGainHists ( MHCalibrationPix &hist,
148 | MCalibrationPix &pix,
149 | MBadPixelsPix &bad,
150 | MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp,
151 | MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp);
152 |
153 | void InitHists ( MHCalibrationPix &hist, MBadPixelsPix &bad, const Int_t i);
154 | Bool_t InitCams ( MParList *plist, const TString name );
155 |
156 | Bool_t IsAverageing () const { return TESTBIT(fFlags,kAverageing); }
157 | Bool_t IsDebug () const { return TESTBIT(fFlags,kDebug); }
158 | Bool_t IsLoGain () const { return TESTBIT(fFlags,kLoGain); }
159 | Bool_t IsOscillations() const { return TESTBIT(fFlags,kOscillations); }
160 | Bool_t IsSizeCheck () const { return TESTBIT(fFlags,kSizeCheck); }
161 |
162 | void Remove ( TOrdCollection *col );
163 |
164 | Int_t ReadEnv ( const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print );
165 |
166 | public:
167 |
168 | MHCalibrationCam(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
169 | virtual ~MHCalibrationCam();
170 |
171 | Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *pList);
172 | Bool_t ReInit ( MParList *pList);
173 | Bool_t Fill (const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1);
174 | Bool_t Finalize ( );
175 |
176 | virtual void ResetHists();
177 |
178 | // Draw
179 | void Draw(const Option_t *opt); // *MENU*
180 |
181 | Bool_t GetPixelContent ( Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type=0) const { return kTRUE; }
182 | void DrawPixelContent( Int_t num ) const {}
183 |
184 | const Int_t GetAverageAreas () const;
185 | MHCalibrationPix &GetAverageHiGainArea (UInt_t i);
186 | const MHCalibrationPix &GetAverageHiGainArea (UInt_t i) const;
187 | MHCalibrationPix &GetAverageLoGainArea (UInt_t i);
188 | const MHCalibrationPix &GetAverageLoGainArea (UInt_t i) const;
189 | MHCalibrationPix &GetAverageHiGainSector(UInt_t i);
190 | const MHCalibrationPix &GetAverageHiGainSector(UInt_t i) const;
191 | MHCalibrationPix &GetAverageLoGainSector(UInt_t i);
192 | const MHCalibrationPix &GetAverageLoGainSector(UInt_t i) const;
193 | const Int_t GetAverageSectors () const;
194 | const MCalibrationCam::PulserColor_t GetColor () const { return fColor; }
195 | const Float_t GetNumHiGainSaturationLimit() const { return fNumHiGainSaturationLimit; }
196 | const Float_t GetNumLoGainSaturationLimit() const { return fNumLoGainSaturationLimit; }
197 | const MArrayI &GetRunNumbers () const { return fRunNumbers; }
198 | const Int_t GetSize () const;
199 |
200 | MHCalibrationPix &operator[] (UInt_t i);
201 | const MHCalibrationPix &operator[] (UInt_t i) const;
202 | MHCalibrationPix &operator() (UInt_t i);
203 | const MHCalibrationPix &operator() (UInt_t i) const;
204 |
205 | void SetColor ( const MCalibrationCam::PulserColor_t color) { fColor = color; }
206 | void SetAverageing ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { b
207 | ? SETBIT(fFlags,kAverageing)
208 | : CLRBIT(fFlags,kAverageing); }
209 | void SetDebug ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { b
210 | ? SETBIT(fFlags,kDebug)
211 | : CLRBIT(fFlags,kDebug); }
212 | void SetLoGain ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { b
213 | ? SETBIT(fFlags,kLoGain)
214 | : CLRBIT(fFlags,kLoGain); }
215 | void SetOscillations ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { b
216 | ? SETBIT(fFlags,kOscillations)
217 | : CLRBIT(fFlags,kOscillations); }
218 | void SetSizeCheck ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE ) { b
219 | ? SETBIT(fFlags,kSizeCheck)
220 | : CLRBIT(fFlags,kSizeCheck); }
221 | void SetHistName ( const char *name ) { fHistName = name; }
222 | void SetHistTitle ( const char *name ) { fHistTitle = name; }
223 | void SetHistXTitle( const char *name ) { fHistXTitle = name; }
224 | void SetHistYTitle( const char *name ) { fHistYTitle = name; }
225 |
226 | void SetLowerFitLimitHiGain( const Double_t d=fgLowerFitLimitHiGain) { fLowerFitLimitHiGain = d; }
227 | void SetUpperFitLimitHiGain( const Double_t d=fgUpperFitLimitHiGain) { fUpperFitLimitHiGain = d; }
228 | void SetLowerFitLimitLoGain( const Double_t d=fgLowerFitLimitLoGain) { fLowerFitLimitLoGain = d; }
229 | void SetUpperFitLimitLoGain( const Double_t d=fgUpperFitLimitLoGain) { fUpperFitLimitLoGain = d; }
230 |
231 | void SetNbins ( const Int_t i ) { fNbins = i; }
232 | void SetFirst ( const Axis_t f ) { fFirst = f; }
233 | void SetLast ( const Axis_t f ) { fLast = f; }
234 |
235 | void SetProbLimit ( const Float_t f=fgProbLimit) { fProbLimit = f; }
236 |
237 | void SetNumLoGainSaturationLimit( const Float_t lim ) { fNumLoGainSaturationLimit = lim; }
238 | void SetNumHiGainSaturationLimit( const Float_t lim ) { fNumHiGainSaturationLimit = lim; }
239 | void SetOverflowLimit ( const Float_t f=fgOverflowLimit ) { fOverflowLimit = f; }
240 | void SetPulserFrequency ( const Int_t i=fgPulserFrequency ) { fPulserFrequency = i; }
241 |
242 | ClassDef(MHCalibrationCam, 5) // Base Histogram class for Calibration Camera
243 | };
244 |
245 | #endif