1 | #ifndef MARS_MCalibrateData
2 | #define MARS_MCalibrateData
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MTask
5 | #include "MTask.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef MARS_MArrayF
9 | #include "MArrayF.h"
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class MGeomCam;
13 | class MBadPixelsCam;
14 | class MPedestalCam;
15 | class MCalibrationChargeCam;
16 | class MCalibrationQECam;
17 | class MExtractedSignalCam;
18 |
19 | class MPedPhotCam;
20 | class MSignalCam;
21 | class MCalibConstCam;
22 |
23 | class MCalibrateData : public MTask
24 | {
25 | public:
26 | enum CalibrationMode_t
27 | {
28 | kSkip = 0,
29 | kNone = 1,
30 | kFlatCharge = 2,
31 | kBlindPixel = 3,
32 | kFfactor = 4,
33 | kPinDiode = 5,
34 | kCombined = 6,
35 | kDummy = 7
36 | };
37 |
38 | enum PedestalType_t
39 | {
40 | kNo = BIT(0),
41 | kRun = BIT(1),
42 | kEvent = BIT(2)
43 | };
44 |
45 | enum SignalType_t
46 | {
47 | kPhe,
48 | kPhot
49 | };
50 |
51 | static const CalibrationMode_t gkDefault;
52 |
53 | private:
54 | static const Float_t gkCalibConvMinLimit; //! Minimum limit for conv. factor
55 | static const Float_t gkCalibConvMaxLimit; //! Maximum limit for conv. factor
56 |
57 | Float_t fCalibConvMinLimit; // Minimum limit for conv. factor
58 | Float_t fCalibConvMaxLimit; // Maximum limit for conv. factor
59 |
60 | MGeomCam *fGeomCam; //! Camera geometry container
61 | MBadPixelsCam *fBadPixels; //! Bad Pixels information
62 | MCalibrationChargeCam *fCalibrations; //! Calibration constants
63 | MCalibrationQECam *fQEs; //! Quantum efficiencies
64 | MExtractedSignalCam *fSignals; //! Integrated charge in FADCs counts
65 | MSignalCam *fCerPhotEvt; //! Cerenkov Photon Event used for calculation
66 | MCalibConstCam *fCalibConstCam; //! Temporary calib consts storage
67 |
68 | CalibrationMode_t fCalibrationMode; // Flag defining the calibration mode (CalibrationMode_t)
69 | Byte_t fPedestalFlag; // Flags defining to calibrate the pedestal each event or each run
70 | Byte_t fSignalType; // Flag defining the signal type (kphot or kphe)
71 |
72 | Float_t fRenormFactor; // Possible renormalization factor for signals (-> phes)
73 | Float_t fScaleFactor; // Possible scale factor for signals
74 |
75 | TList fNamesPedestal; // Names of input and output pedestal conatainer
76 | TList fPedestalCams; //! List of pointers to input MPedestalCam
77 | TList fPedPhotCams; //! List of pointers to corresponding output MPedPhotCam
78 |
79 | MArrayF fCalibConsts; //! Array of calibration constants for each pixel, calculated only once!
80 | MArrayF fCalibFFactors; //! Array of calibration F-Factors for each pixel, calculated only once!
81 | MArrayF fHiLoConv; //! Array of calibration constants for each pixel, calculated only once!
82 | MArrayF fHiLoConvErr; //! Array of calibration F-Factors for each pixel, calculated only once!
83 |
84 | Int_t Calibrate(Bool_t data, Bool_t pedestal) const;
85 |
86 | Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList);
87 | Bool_t ReInit(MParList *pList);
88 | Int_t Process();
89 | Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print);
90 | void StreamPrimitive(ofstream &out) const;
91 |
92 | public:
93 | MCalibrateData(CalibrationMode_t calmode=gkDefault,
94 | const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
95 |
96 | void AddPedestal(const char *name="Cam");
97 | void AddPedestal(const char *pedestal, const char *pedphot);
98 |
99 | void EnablePedestalType(PedestalType_t i) { fPedestalFlag |= i; }
100 |
101 | Int_t GetSize() const { return fCalibConsts.GetSize(); }
102 |
103 | void Print(Option_t *o="") const;
104 |
105 | void SetPedestalFlag(PedestalType_t i=kRun) { fPedestalFlag = i; }
106 | Bool_t TestPedestalFlag(PedestalType_t i) const { return fPedestalFlag&i ? kTRUE : kFALSE; }
107 |
108 | void SetCalibrationMode ( CalibrationMode_t calmode=gkDefault) { fCalibrationMode=calmode; }
109 | void SetSignalType ( SignalType_t sigtype=kPhe ) { fSignalType =sigtype; }
110 |
111 | void SetCalibConvMinLimit( const Float_t f=gkCalibConvMinLimit ) { fCalibConvMinLimit = f; }
112 | void SetCalibConvMaxLimit( const Float_t f=gkCalibConvMaxLimit ) { fCalibConvMaxLimit = f; }
113 |
114 | void SetScaleFactor(const Float_t f=1) { fScaleFactor=1; }
115 |
116 | Bool_t UpdateConversionFactors( const MCalibrationChargeCam *updatecam=NULL);
117 |
118 | ClassDef(MCalibrateData, 1) // Task to calibrate FADC counts into photons or photo-electrons
119 | };
120 |
121 | #endif /* MCalibrateData */