1 | <?php
2 | {
3 | function CreateQuery($_GET, $alias, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup)
4 | {
5 | $fromtable="RunData";
6 |
7 | $groups = 0;
8 | foreach ($checkgroup as $element)
9 | if ($element==-1)
10 | $groups++;
11 |
12 | $statusgroups = 0;
13 | foreach ($checkstatusgroup as $element)
14 | if ($element==-1)
15 | $statusgroups++;
16 |
17 | $query0 = "SELECT ";
18 |
19 | if ($groups>0)
20 | {
21 | foreach ($checkgroup as $key => $element)
22 | if ($element==-1)
23 | $query0 .= $key . " as '" . $alias[$key] . "' " . ", ";
24 | //--------------------------------------------------
25 | //$query0 .= " TIMEDIFF(fRunStop, fRunStart), ";
26 | // Only available in MySQL>4.1.1
27 | $query0 .= "SUM(if(TIME_TO_SEC(fRunStop)-TIME_TO_SEC(fRunStart)<0, " .
28 | "TIME_TO_SEC(fRunStop)-TIME_TO_SEC(fRunStart)+24*60*60, " .
29 | "TIME_TO_SEC(fRunStop)-TIME_TO_SEC(fRunStart)))/3600 as '" . $alias["SUM(fRunTime)/3600"] . "', ";
30 | //--------------------------------------------------
31 | $query0 .= " SUM(fNumEvents) as '" . $alias["SUM(fNumEvents)"] . "', ";
32 | $query0 .= " Min(fZenithDistance) as '" . $alias["Min(fZenithDistance)"] . "', ";
33 | $query0 .= " Max(fZenithDistance) as '" . $alias["Max(fZenithDistance)"] . "', ";
34 | $query0 .= " COUNT(*) as 'Runs#' ";
35 | }
36 | else
37 | {
38 | if ($statusgroups>0)
39 | {
40 | foreach ($checkstatusgroup as $key => $element)
41 | if ($element==-1)
42 | $query0 .= " (if(IsNull(" . $key . "), 'not done' ,if(" . $key . "='1970-01-01 00:00:00','dont do','done'))) as '" . $alias[$key] . "', ";
43 |
44 | $query0 .= " count(*) as 'Run#'";
45 |
46 | }
47 | else
48 | {
49 | $query0 .= " RunData.fRunNumber as 'Run#' ";
50 |
51 | foreach ($_GET as $key => $element)
52 | if ($_GET[$key]=="On" && $key!="fTest")
53 | if (empty($checkwhere[$key]) || $checkwhere[$key]==0)
54 | $query0 .= ", " . $key . " as '" . $alias[$key] . "' ";
55 | }
56 | }
57 |
58 | $query0 .= " FROM RunData ";
59 |
60 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN RunProcessStatus ON RunData.fRunNumber=RunProcessStatus.fRunNumber ";
61 |
62 | foreach ($_GET as $key => $element)
63 | if (($_GET[$key]=="On" || $groups>0))// && !empty($joins[$key]))
64 | $query0 .= GetJoin($fromtable,$key);
65 |
66 | if ($_GET["fTest"]!="On")
67 | {
68 | if ($_GET["fSource"]!="On")
69 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN Source ON Sequences.fSourceKEY=Source.fSourceKEY ";
70 | $query0 .= " WHERE fTest='no'";
71 | }
72 |
73 | foreach ($checkwhere as $key => $element)
74 | {
75 | if (empty($element) || $element<=0)
76 | continue;
77 |
78 | if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE)
79 | $query0 .= " WHERE ";
80 | else
81 | if ($element!=-1)
82 | if (strrpos($query0, " AND ")!=strlen($query0)-5)// this if clause doesn't work
83 | $query0 .= " AND ";
84 |
85 | if ($element!=-1)
86 | $query0 .= GetCheck($fromtable, $key) . "=" . $element;
87 | }
88 |
89 | if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE)
90 | $query0 .= " WHERE ";
91 | else
92 | $query0 .= " AND ";
93 |
94 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fCCFileAvail");
95 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fCaCoFileAvail");
96 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fCaCoFileFound");
97 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fRawFileAvail");
98 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fDataCheckDone");
99 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fTimingCorrection");
100 |
101 | if (!empty($_GET["fRunMin"]) && !empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
102 | $query0 .= "RunData.fRunNumber BETWEEN " . $_GET["fRunMin"] . " AND " . $_GET["fRunMax"] . " ";
103 |
104 | /*
105 | if (!empty($_GET["fDate"]))
106 | $query0 .= " AND fRunStart REGEXP \"^" . $_GET["fDate"] . "\" ";
107 | */
108 |
109 | if (!empty($_GET["fSourceN"]))
110 | $query0 .= " AND fSourceName REGEXP \"^" . $_GET["fSourceN"] . "\" ";
111 |
112 | if (!empty($_GET["fStartDate"]))
113 | {
114 | if (strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA ")!=0)
115 | $query0 .= " AND ";
116 |
117 | $startdate=substr($_GET["fStartDate"], 0, 10);
118 | if ($startdate=="0000-00-00")
119 | $query0 .=" fRunStart >= '" . $startdate . " 00:00:00' ";
120 | else
121 | $query0 .= " fRunStart >= ADDDATE('" . $startdate . " 13:00:00', INTERVAL -1 DAY) ";
122 | }
123 |
124 | if (!empty($_GET["fStopDate"]))
125 | {
126 | if (strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA ")!=0)
127 | $query0 .= " AND ";
128 |
129 | $stopdate=substr($_GET["fStopDate"], 0, 10);
130 | $query0 .= " fRunStart < '" . $stopdate . " 13:00:00' ";
131 | }
132 |
133 | if (!empty($_GET["fSequenceNo"]) || $_GET["fSequenceNo"]=="0")
134 | {
135 | if (strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA ")!=0)
136 | $query0 .= " AND ";
137 |
138 | $query0 .= " fSequenceFirst = '" . $_GET["fSequenceNo"] . "' ";
139 | }
140 |
141 |
142 | if ($groups>0)
143 | {
144 | $query0 .= " GROUP BY ";
145 | $num = $groups;
146 | foreach ($checkgroup as $key => $element)
147 | if ($element==-1)
148 | {
149 | $query0 .= GetCheck($fromtable,$key);
150 | if ($num-->1)
151 | $query0 .= ", ";
152 | }
153 | }
154 |
155 | if ($statusgroups>0)
156 | {
157 | $query0 .= " GROUP BY ";
158 | $num = $statusgroups;
159 | foreach ($checkstatusgroup as $key => $element)
160 | if ($element==-1)
161 | {
162 | $query0 .= $alias[$key];
163 | if ($num-->1)
164 | $query0 .= ", ";
165 | }
166 | }
167 |
168 | if (!empty($_GET["fSortBy"]))
169 | {
170 | $val=substr($_GET["fSortBy"], 0, -1);
171 | $query0 .= " ORDER BY " . GetTable($fromtable, $val) . " ";
172 | if (substr($_GET["fSortBy"], -1)=="-")
173 | $query0 .= "DESC";
174 | }
175 |
176 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStart"]))
177 | $_GET["fNumStart"]=0;
178 |
179 | if (empty($_GET["fSendTxt"]))
180 | $query0 .= " LIMIT " . $_GET["fNumStart"] . ", " . $_GET["fNumResults"];
181 |
182 | return $query0;
183 | }
184 |
185 | function InitGet($_GET)
186 | {
187 | /*
188 | if (empty($_GET["fRawFileKEY"]))
189 | $_GET["fRawFileKEY"]="Off";
190 | */
191 |
192 | // Find out whether it is the first call to the php script
193 | $first = empty($_GET["fRunMin"]) && empty($_GET["fRunMax"]);
194 |
195 | if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"]))
196 | $_GET["fNumResults"]="20";
197 |
198 | if (empty($_GET["fLastUpdate"]))
199 | $_GET["fLastUpdate"]="Off";
200 |
201 | if (empty($_GET["fTest"]))
202 | $_GET["fTest"]=$first?"On":"";
203 |
204 | if (empty($_GET["fFormatVersion"]))
205 | $_GET["fFormatVersion"]="Off";
206 |
207 | if (empty($_GET["fNumEvents"]))
208 | $_GET["fNumEvents"]=$first?"On":"";
209 |
210 | if (empty($_GET["fRunStart"]))
211 | $_GET["fRunStart"]=$first?"On":"";
212 |
213 | if (empty($_GET["fRunStop"]))
214 | $_GET["fRunStop"]="Off";
215 |
216 | if (empty($_GET["fAzimuth"]))
217 | $_GET["fAzimuth"]="Off";
218 |
219 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistance"]))
220 | $_GET["fZenithDistance"]=$first?"On":"";
221 |
222 | if (empty($_GET["fRunTypeName"]))
223 | $_GET["fRunTypeName"]=$first?"On":"";
224 |
225 | if (empty($_GET["fMagicNumberName"]))
226 | $_GET["fMagicNumberName"]="Off";
227 |
228 | if (empty($_GET["fSourceName"]))
229 | $_GET["fSourceName"]=$first?"On":"";
230 |
231 | if (empty($_GET["fProjectName"]))
232 | $_GET["fProjectName"]="Off";
233 |
234 | if (empty($_GET["fL1TriggerTableName"]))
235 | $_GET["fL1TriggerTableName"]="Off";
236 |
237 | if (empty($_GET["fL2TriggerTableName"]))
238 | $_GET["fL2TriggerTableName"]="Off";
239 |
240 | if (empty($_GET["fMeanTriggerRate"]))
241 | $_GET["fMeanTriggerRate"]=$first?"On":"";
242 |
243 | if (empty($_GET["fHvSettingsName"]))
244 | $_GET["fHvSettingsName"]="Off";
245 |
246 | if (empty($_GET["fCalibrationScriptName"]))
247 | $_GET["fCalibrationScriptName"]="Off";
248 |
249 | if (empty($_GET["fDiscriminatorThresholdTableName"]))
250 | $_GET["fDiscriminatorThresholdTableName"]="Off";
251 |
252 | if (empty($_GET["fTriggerDelayTableName"]))
253 | $_GET["fTriggerDelayTableName"]="Off";
254 |
255 | if (empty($_GET["fLightConditionsName"]))
256 | $_GET["fLightConditionsName"]="Off";
257 |
258 | if (empty($_GET["fTestFlagName"]))
259 | $_GET["fTestFlagName"]="Off";
260 |
261 | if (empty($_GET["fDaqStoreRate"]))
262 | $_GET["fDaqStoreRate"]="Off";
263 |
264 | if (empty($_GET["fDaqTriggerRate"]))
265 | $_GET["fDaqTriggerRate"]="Off";
266 |
267 | if (empty($_GET["fL2RatePresc"]))
268 | $_GET["fL2RatePresc"]="Off";
269 |
270 | if (empty($_GET["fL2RateUnpresc"]))
271 | $_GET["fL2RateUnpresc"]="Off";
272 |
273 | if (empty($_GET["fExcludedFDAName"]))
274 | $_GET["fExcludedFDAName"]=$first?"On":"";
275 |
276 | if (empty($_GET["fSequenceFirst"]))
277 | $_GET["fSequenceFirst"]="Off";
278 |
279 | if (empty($_GET["fSequenceNo"]))
280 | $_GET["fSequenceNo"]="";
281 |
282 | if (empty($_GET["fDataCheckDone"]))
283 | $_GET["fDataCheckDone"]="Off";
284 |
285 | if (empty($_GET["fDataCheckDoneStatus"]))
286 | $_GET["fDataCheckDoneStatus"]="0";
287 |
288 | if (empty($_GET["fCCFileAvail"]))
289 | $_GET["fCCFileAvail"]=$first?"On":"";
290 |
291 | if (empty($_GET["fCCFileAvailStatus"]))
292 | $_GET["fCCFileAvailStatus"]="0";
293 |
294 | if (empty($_GET["fCaCoFileAvail"]))
295 | $_GET["fCaCoFileAvail"]=$first?"On":"";
296 |
297 | if (empty($_GET["fCaCoFileAvailStatus"]))
298 | $_GET["fCaCoFileAvailStatus"]="0";
299 |
300 | if (empty($_GET["fCaCoFileFound"]))
301 | $_GET["fCaCoFileFound"]="Off";
302 |
303 | if (empty($_GET["fCaCoFileFoundStatus"]))
304 | $_GET["fCaCoFileFoundStatus"]="0";
305 |
306 | if (empty($_GET["fRawFileAvail"]))
307 | $_GET["fRawFileAvail"]=$first?"On":"";
308 |
309 | if (empty($_GET["fRawFileAvailStatus"]))
310 | $_GET["fRawFileAvailStatus"]="0";
311 |
312 | if (empty($_GET["fTimingCorrection"]))
313 | $_GET["fTimingCorrection"]=$first?"On":"";
314 |
315 | if (empty($_GET["fTimingCorrectionStatus"]))
316 | $_GET["fTimingCorrectionStatus"]="0";
317 |
318 | }
319 |
320 | function PrintForm($_GET, $db)
321 | {
322 | printf("<center>\n");
323 | printf("<form action=\"runinfo.php\" METHOD=\"GET\">\n");
324 | printf(" <table>\n");
325 | printf(" <tr>\n");
326 |
327 | CheckBox("fRunStart", "Run start time");
328 | CheckBox("fL2RatePresc", "L2 presc Rate");
329 | CheckBox("fDaqStoreRate", "DAQ Storage Rate");
330 | CheckBox("fAzimuth", "Azimuth");
331 |
332 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
333 |
334 | CheckBox("fRunStop", "Run stop time");
335 | CheckBox("fL2RateUnpresc", "L2 unpresc Rate");
336 | CheckBox("fDaqTriggerRate", "DAQ Trigger Rate");
337 | CheckBox("fZenithDistance", "Zenith distance");
338 |
339 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
340 |
341 | // CheckBox("fFormatVersion", "File format");
342 | CheckBox("fNumEvents", "Num of events");
343 | CheckBox("fMeanTriggerRate", "Mean Trigger rate");
344 | CheckBox("fSequenceFirst", "Sequence Number");
345 | CheckBox("fTest", "incl. TestSources");
346 |
347 | printf(" </tr>\n");
348 | printf(" </table>\n");
349 | printf(" <table>\n");
350 | printf(" <tr><td>\n");
351 |
352 | PrintStatusMenu("fCCFileAvail", "CC File available");
353 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
354 | PrintStatusMenu("fCaCoFileAvail", "Caco File available");
355 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
356 | PrintStatusMenu("fRawFileAvail", "Rawfile available");
357 |
358 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
359 |
360 | PrintStatusMenu("fTimingCorrection", "Timing Correction");
361 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
362 | PrintStatusMenu("fCaCoFileFound", "Caco File");
363 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
364 | PrintStatusMenu("fDataCheckDone", "DataCheck");
365 |
366 | printf(" </td></tr></table>\n");
367 | printf(" <p>\n");
368 |
369 | // pull down boxes
370 |
371 | printf(" <table>\n");
372 | printf(" <tr><td>\n");
373 | PrintPullDown($db, "RunType", "fRunTypeName", "fRunTypeKEY", "Run type");
374 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
375 | PrintPullDown($db, "Source", "fSourceName", "fSourceKEY", "Source Name");
376 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
377 | PrintPullDown($db, "HvSettings", "fHvSettingsName", "fHvSettingsKEY", "HV Settings");
378 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
379 | PrintPullDown($db, "L1TriggerTable", "fL1TriggerTableName", "fL1TriggerTableKEY", "L1 Trigger Table");
380 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
381 | PrintPullDown($db, "TestFlag", "fTestFlagName", "fTestFlagKEY", "Test Flag");
382 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
383 | PrintPullDown($db, "Project", "fProjectName", "fProjectKEY", "Project Name");
384 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
385 | PrintPullDown($db, "DiscriminatorThresholdTable", "fDiscriminatorThresholdTableName", "fDiscriminatorThresholdTableKEY", "DT Table");
386 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
387 | PrintPullDown($db, "L2TriggerTable", "fL2TriggerTableName", "fL2TriggerTableKEY", "L2 Trigger Table");
388 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
389 | PrintPullDown($db, "ExcludedFDA", "fExcludedFDAName", "fExcludedFDAKEY", "Exclusions");
390 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
391 | PrintPullDown($db, "LightConditions", "fLightConditionsName", "fLightConditionsKEY", "Light Conditions");
392 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
393 | PrintPullDown($db, "CalibrationScript", "fCalibrationScriptName", "fCalibrationScriptKEY", "Cal Script");
394 | printf(" </td><td>\n");
395 | PrintPullDown($db, "TriggerDelayTable", "fTriggerDelayTableName", "fTriggerDelayTableKEY", "Trigger Delay Table");
396 | printf(" </td></tr><tr><td>\n");
397 | PrintPullDown($db, "MagicNumber", "fMagicNumberName", "fMagicNumberKEY", "Magic Number");
398 | printf(" </td></tr></table>\n");
399 |
400 | printf(" <p>\n");
401 |
402 | if (empty($_GET["fStartDate"]))
403 | $timemin = GetMin("fRunStart", "RunData", $db);
404 | else
405 | $timemin = $_GET["fStartDate"];
406 |
407 | if (empty($_GET["fStopDate"]))
408 | $timemax = GetMax("fRunStart", "RunData", $db);
409 | else
410 | $timemax = $_GET["fStopDate"];
411 |
412 | printf("Sequ# <input name=\"fSequenceNo\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"");
413 | if (!empty($_GET["fSequenceNo"]))
414 | printf("%s", $_GET["fSequenceNo"]);
415 | printf("\"> \n");
416 |
417 | printf("Night (yyyy-mm-dd) from <input name=\"fStartDate\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"%s\">\n", $timemin);
418 | printf("to <input name=\"fStopDate\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $timemax);
419 |
420 | /*
421 | printf("Date (yyyy-mm-dd) <input name=\"fDate\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"");
422 | if (!empty($_GET["fDate"]))
423 | printf("%s", $_GET["fDate"]);
424 | printf("\"> \n");
425 | */
426 |
427 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMin"]))
428 | $min = GetMin("fRunNumber", "RunData", $db);
429 | else
430 | $min = $_GET["fRunMin"];
431 |
432 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
433 | $max = GetMax("fRunNumber", "RunData", $db);
434 | else
435 | $max = $_GET["fRunMax"];
436 |
437 | printf("Runs from <input name=\"fRunMin\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\">\n", $min);
438 | printf("to <input name=\"fRunMax\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $max);
439 |
440 | printf(" <P>\n");
441 |
442 | printf("Source (<A HREF=\"regexp.html\">regexp</A>) <input name=\"fSourceN\" type=\"text\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"");
443 | if (!empty($_GET["fSourceN"]))
444 | printf("%s", $_GET["fSourceN"]);
445 | printf("\"> \n");
446 |
447 | printf(" Results:\n");
448 | printf(" <select name=\"fNumResults\">\n");
449 |
450 | $numres = array("10", "20", "50", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "2000");
451 | foreach ($numres as $element)
452 | {
453 | if ($element==$_GET["fNumResults"])
454 | printf("<option value=\"%s\" selected>%3s</option>\n", $element, $element);
455 | else
456 | printf("<option value=\"%s\">%3s</option>\n", $element, $element);
457 | }
458 | printf(" </select>\n");
459 | printf(" \n");
460 |
461 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
462 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
463 |
464 | printf("<input class='Width' type='submit' value='Query Table'> \n");
465 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Reset' onClick='self.location.href=\"runinfo.php\"'> \n");
466 | if (strchr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?')!=FALSE)
467 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Get .txt' onClick='self.location.href=\"%s&fSendTxt=1\"'> \n", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
468 | if (strchr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?')!=FALSE)
469 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Print' onClick='self.location.href=\"%s&fPrintTable=1\"'> \n", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
470 | printf("</form>\n");
471 | printf("</center>\n");
472 | printf("</td>\n");
473 | printf("</tr>\n");
474 | printf("<tr class='Block'>\n");
475 | printf("<td>\n");
476 | }
477 |
478 | function PrintPage($html, $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup)
479 | {
480 | $db_id = mysql_connect("hercules.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de", "MAGIC", "d99swMT!");
481 | if ($db_id==FALSE)
482 | {
483 | printf("mysql_connect returned the following error: %s\n", mysql_error());
484 | die("");
485 | }
486 | mysql_select_db($db);
487 | mysql_query("SET BIG_TABLES=1"); // necessary for mySQL <= 4
488 |
489 | $query0 = CreateQuery($_GET, $alias, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup);
490 |
491 | $result0 = mysql_query($query0, $db_id);
492 |
493 | if ($result0)
494 | {
495 | if ($html=="1" || $html=="2")
496 | PrintMagicTable($result0, $alias, $rightalign, "", "", $_GET);
497 | else
498 | PrintText($result0);
499 |
500 | mysql_free_result($result0);
501 | }
502 | mysql_close($db_id);
503 |
504 | if ($html=="1")
505 | printf("<U><B>submitted query:</B></U><BR>%s<BR>", htmlspecialchars($query0));
506 | }
507 |
508 | include ("include.php");
509 | include ("db.php");
510 | include ("magicdefs.php");
511 |
512 | ini_set("display_errors", "On");
513 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "On");
514 |
515 | if (!empty($_GET["fSendTxt"]))
516 | {
517 | header("Content-type: application/octet");
518 | header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=query-result.txt");
519 |
520 | PrintPage("0", $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup);
521 | }
522 | else
523 | {
524 | echo (file_get_contents("index-header.html"));
525 |
526 | $environment = sizeof($_GET);
527 |
528 | InitGet($_GET);
529 | if (empty($_GET["fPrintTable"]))
530 | PrintForm($_GET, $db);
531 |
532 | if ($environment==0)
533 | printf("No query submitted yet.<BR>");
534 | else
535 | {
536 | if (empty($_GET["fPrintTable"]))
537 | PrintPage("1", $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup);
538 | else
539 | PrintPage("2", $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup);
540 | }
541 |
542 | echo (file_get_contents("index-footer.html"));
543 | }
544 |
545 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
546 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
547 | }
548 | ?>