1 | <?php
2 | {
3 | function CreateQuery($_GET, $alias, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $needs)
4 | {
5 | $fromtable="DataSets";
6 |
7 | $groups = 0;
8 | foreach ($checkgroup as $element)
9 | if ($element==-1)
10 | $groups++;
11 |
12 | $statusgroups = 0;
13 | foreach ($checkstatusgroup as $element)
14 | if ($element==-1)
15 | $statusgroups++;
16 |
17 | $query0 = "SELECT ";
18 |
19 | if ($groups>0)
20 | {
21 | foreach ($checkgroup as $key => $element)
22 | if ($element==-1)
23 | $query0 .= $key . " as '" . $alias[$key] . "' " . ", ";
24 | $query0 .= " COUNT(*) as '# Datasets' ";
25 | }
26 | else
27 | {
28 | if ($statusgroups>0)
29 | {
30 | foreach ($checkstatusgroup as $key => $element)
31 | if ($element==-1)
32 | $query0 .= " (if(IsNull(" . $key . "), if(isnull(fStartTime), 'not done', if(isnull(fFailedTime),if(isnull(" . $needs[$key] . "),'not done',if(date_sub(Now(),interval 12 hour) < fStartTime,'running','crashed')),if(isnull(" . $needs[$key] . "),'not done','failed'))) ,if(" . $key . "='1970-01-01 00:00:00','dont do','done'))) as '" . $alias[$key] . "', ";
33 | // $query0 .= " (if(IsNull(" . $key . "), 'not done' ,if(" . $key . "='1970-01-01 00:00:00','dont do','done'))) as '" . $alias[$key] . "', ";
34 |
35 | $query0 .= " COUNT(*) as '# Datasets'";
36 |
37 | }
38 | else
39 | {
40 | $query0 .= " " . $fromtable . ".fDataSetNumber as '" . $alias["fDataSetNumber"] . "' ";
41 | if (!empty($_GET["fLinks"]))
42 | {
43 | $query0 .= ", CONCAT('<A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/datasets/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '.'), 9,'0'),5), '/dataset', LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber , '.txt'), 12,'0') , '\">f</A>' ";
44 | $query0 .= ", ' <A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/ganymed/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '.'), 9,'0'),5), '/', LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '.'), 9,'0'), 8), '\">g</A>'";
45 | $query0 .= ", ' <A&ws;HREF=\"ganymed.php?fDataSetNo=', DataSets.fDataSetNumber, '\">i</A>') ";
46 | $query0 .= " as 'Links'";
47 | }
48 |
49 | foreach ($_GET as $key => $element)
50 | if ($_GET[$key]=="On")
51 | if ($key!="fLinks")
52 | if (empty($checkwhere[$key]) || $checkwhere[$key]==0)
53 | $query0 .= ", " . $key . " as '" . $alias[$key] . "' ";
54 | }
55 | }
56 |
57 | $query0 .= " FROM " . $fromtable;
58 |
59 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN DataSetProcessStatus ON " . $fromtable . ".fDataSetNumber=DataSetProcessStatus.fDataSetNumber ";
60 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN Ganymed ON " . $fromtable . ".fDataSetNumber=Ganymed.fDataSetNumber ";
61 |
62 | foreach ($_GET as $key => $element)
63 | if (($_GET[$key]=="On" || $groups>0))// && !empty($joins[$key]))
64 | $query0 .= GetJoin($fromtable,$key);
65 |
66 | foreach ($checkwhere as $key => $element)
67 | {
68 | if (empty($element) || $element<=0)
69 | continue;
70 |
71 | if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE)
72 | $query0 .= " WHERE ";
73 | else
74 | if ($element!=-1)
75 | if (strrpos($query0, " AND ")!=strlen($query0)-5)
76 | $query0 .= " AND ";
77 |
78 | if ($element!=-1)
79 | $query0 .= GetCheck($fromtable, $key) . "=" . $element;
80 | }
81 |
82 | if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE)
83 | $query0 .= " WHERE ";
84 | else
85 | $query0 .= " AND ";
86 |
87 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fDataSetInserted", $needs);
88 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fStarFilesAvail", $needs);
89 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fGanymed", $needs);
90 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fFillGanymed", $needs);
91 |
92 | if (!empty($_GET["fRunMin"]) && !empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
93 | $query0 .= "DataSets.fDataSetNumber BETWEEN " . $_GET["fRunMin"] . " AND " . $_GET["fRunMax"] . " ";
94 |
95 | /*
96 | if (!empty($_GET["fDate"]))
97 | $query0 .= " AND fRunStart REGEXP \"^" . $_GET["fDate"] . "\" ";
98 | */
99 |
100 | if (!empty($_GET["fSourceN"]))
101 | $query0 .= " AND fSourceName REGEXP \"^" . $_GET["fSourceN"] . "\" ";
102 |
103 | if ($groups>0)
104 | {
105 | $query0 .= " GROUP BY ";
106 | $num = $groups;
107 | foreach ($checkgroup as $key => $element)
108 | if ($element==-1)
109 | {
110 | $query0 .= GetCheck($fromtable,$key);
111 | if ($num-->1)
112 | $query0 .= ", ";
113 | }
114 | }
115 |
116 | if ($statusgroups>0)
117 | {
118 | $query0 .= " GROUP BY ";
119 | $num = $statusgroups;
120 | foreach ($checkstatusgroup as $key => $element)
121 | if ($element==-1)
122 | {
123 | $query0 .= $alias[$key];
124 | if ($num-->1)
125 | $query0 .= ", ";
126 | }
127 | }
128 |
129 | if (!empty($_GET["fSortBy"]))
130 | {
131 | $val=substr($_GET["fSortBy"], 0, -1);
132 | $query0 .= " ORDER BY " . GetTable($fromtable, $val) . " ";
133 | if (substr($_GET["fSortBy"], -1)=="-")
134 | $query0 .= "DESC";
135 | }
136 |
137 | if (empty($_GET["fSortBy"]) && $groups==0 && $statusgroups==0)
138 | $query0 .= "ORDER BY DataSets.fDataSetNumber ASC ";
139 |
140 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStart"]))
141 | $_GET["fNumStart"]=0;
142 |
143 | if (empty($_GET["fSendTxt"]))
144 | $query0 .= " LIMIT " . $_GET["fNumStart"] . ", " . $_GET["fNumResults"];
145 |
146 | return $query0;
147 | }
148 |
149 | function InitGet($_GET)
150 | {
151 | // Find out whether it is the first call to the php script
152 | $first = empty($_GET["fRunMin"]) && empty($_GET["fRunMax"]);
153 |
154 | if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"]))
155 | $_GET["fNumResults"]="50";
156 |
157 | InitDataSetInfo($_GET, $first);
158 | }
159 |
160 | function PrintForm($_GET, $host, $user, $pw, $db)
161 | {
162 | printf("<center>\n");
163 | printf("<form action=\"datasetinfo-aio.php\" METHOD=\"GET\">\n");
164 |
165 | printf("<input id='sh' type='hidden' name='fShowHide' value='");
166 | if (!empty($_GET["fShowHide"]))
167 | printf("%s", $_GET["fShowHide"]);
168 | else
169 | printf("1000000000");
170 | printf("'>\n");
171 | printf("<img id='allbutton' src='minus.png' alt='-' onclick=showhide('all')> <b>Menu</b> \n");
172 | printf(" <img id='infobutton' src='plus.png' alt='+' onClick=showhide('info');showhide('info2')> DataSetInfo\n");
173 | printf(" <img id='statbutton' src='plus.png' alt='+' onClick=showhide('stat');showhide('fail')> StatusInfo \n");
174 | printf(" <img id='rangesbutton' src='plus.png' alt='+' onClick=showhide('ranges')> Ranges \n");
175 |
176 | printf(" <div id='all' style='display:block'>");
177 | PrintDataSetInfoMenu($host, $user, $pw, $db);
178 | PrintDataSetInfoMenu2($host, $user, $pw, $db);
179 | printf(" <p>\n");
180 | PrintFailMenu($host, $user, $pw, $db);
181 | PrintDataSetStatMenu($host, $user, $pw, $db);
182 |
183 | printf(" <p>\n");
184 | printf(" <div id='ranges' style='display:none'>");
185 | PrintSourceMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db);
186 | PrintDataSetRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db);
187 | printf("</div>");
188 | printf("</div>");
189 | printf(" <P>\n");
190 |
191 | PrintNumResPullDown();
192 |
193 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
194 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
195 |
196 | PrintButtons("datasetinfo-aio.php");
197 |
198 | printf("</form>\n");
199 | printf("</center>\n");
200 | printf("</td>\n");
201 | printf("</tr>\n");
202 | printf("<tr class='Block'>\n");
203 | printf("<td>\n");
204 | }
205 |
206 | function PrintPage($html, $host, $user, $pw, $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $needs)
207 | {
208 | $db_id = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw);
209 | if ($db_id==FALSE)
210 | {
211 | printf("mysql_connect returned the following error: %s\n", mysql_error());
212 | die("");
213 | }
214 | mysql_select_db($db);
215 |
216 | $query0 = CreateQuery($_GET, $alias, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $needs);
217 |
218 | $result0 = mysql_query($query0, $db_id);
219 |
220 | if ($result0)
221 | {
222 | if ($html=="1" || $html=="2")
223 | PrintMagicTable($result0, $alias, $rightalign, "", "", "", "", $_GET);
224 | else
225 | PrintText($result0);
226 |
227 | mysql_free_result($result0);
228 | }
229 | mysql_close($db_id);
230 |
231 | PrintSubmittedQuery($query0, $html, $db, "");
232 | }
233 |
234 | include ("include.php");
235 | include ("db.php");
236 | include ("menu.php");
237 | include ("magicdefs.php");
238 |
239 | ini_set("display_errors", "On");
240 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "On");
241 |
242 | if (!empty($_GET["fSendTxt"]))
243 | {
244 | header("Content-type: application/octet");
245 | header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=query-result.txt");
246 |
247 | PrintPage("0", $host, $user, $pw, $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup);
248 | }
249 | else
250 | {
251 | echo (file_get_contents("index-header.html"));
252 |
253 | $environment = sizeof($_GET);
254 |
255 | InitGet($_GET);
256 | if (empty($_GET["fPrintTable"]))
257 | PrintForm($_GET, $host, $user, $pw, $db);
258 |
259 | if ($environment==0)
260 | printf("No query submitted yet.<BR>");
261 | else
262 | {
263 | if (empty($_GET["fPrintTable"]))
264 | PrintPage("1", $host, $user, $pw, $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $needs);
265 | else
266 | PrintPage("2", $host, $user, $pw, $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $needs);
267 | }
268 |
269 | echo (file_get_contents("index-footer.html"));
270 | }
271 |
272 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
273 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
274 | }
275 | ?>