1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | ! $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $:$Id: MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.cc,v 1.67 2007-03-05 08:55:09 tbretz Exp $
3 | ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | !
5 | ! *
6 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
7 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
8 | ! * and timesaving tool in analyzing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
9 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
10 | ! *
11 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
12 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
13 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
14 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
15 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
16 | ! * or implied warranty.
17 | ! *
18 | !
19 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzbrug.de>
20 | ! Author(s): Markus Gaug 09/2004 <mailto:markus@ifae.es>
21 | !
22 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2002-2006
23 | !
24 | !
25 | \* ======================================================================== */
26 |
27 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28 | //
29 | // MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline
30 | //
31 | // Fast Spline extractor using a cubic spline algorithm, adapted from
32 | // Numerical Recipes in C++, 2nd edition, pp. 116-119.
33 | //
34 | // The coefficients "ya" are here denoted as "fHiGainSignal" and "fLoGainSignal"
35 | // which means the FADC value subtracted by the clock-noise corrected pedestal.
36 | //
37 | // The coefficients "y2a" get immediately divided 6. and are called here
38 | // "fHiGainSecondDeriv" and "fLoGainSecondDeriv" although they are now not exactly
39 | // the second derivative coefficients any more.
40 | //
41 | // The calculation of the cubic-spline interpolated value "y" on a point
42 | // "x" along the FADC-slices axis becomes:
43 | //
44 | // y = a*fHiGainSignal[klo] + b*fHiGainSignal[khi]
45 | // + (a*a*a-a)*fHiGainSecondDeriv[klo] + (b*b*b-b)*fHiGainSecondDeriv[khi]
46 | //
47 | // with:
48 | // a = (khi - x)
49 | // b = (x - klo)
50 | //
51 | // and "klo" being the lower bin edge FADC index and "khi" the upper bin edge FADC index.
52 | // fHiGainSignal[klo] and fHiGainSignal[khi] are the FADC values at "klo" and "khi".
53 | //
54 | // An analogues formula is used for the low-gain values.
55 | //
56 | // The coefficients fHiGainSecondDeriv and fLoGainSecondDeriv are calculated with the
57 | // following simplified algorithm:
58 | //
59 | // for (Int_t i=1;i<range-1;i++) {
60 | // pp = fHiGainSecondDeriv[i-1] + 4.;
61 | // fHiGainFirstDeriv[i] = fHiGainSignal[i+1] - 2.*fHiGainSignal[i] + fHiGainSignal[i-1]
62 | // fHiGainFirstDeriv[i] = (6.0*fHiGainFirstDeriv[i]-fHiGainFirstDeriv[i-1])/pp;
63 | // }
64 | //
65 | // for (Int_t k=range-2;k>=0;k--)
66 | // fHiGainSecondDeriv[k] = (fHiGainSecondDeriv[k]*fHiGainSecondDeriv[k+1] + fHiGainFirstDeriv[k])/6.;
67 | //
68 | //
69 | // This algorithm takes advantage of the fact that the x-values are all separated by exactly 1
70 | // which simplifies the Numerical Recipes algorithm.
71 | // (Note that the variables "fHiGainFirstDeriv" are not real first derivative coefficients.)
72 | //
73 | // The algorithm to search the time proceeds as follows:
74 | //
75 | // 1) Calculate all fHiGainSignal from fHiGainFirst to fHiGainLast
76 | // (note that an "overlap" to the low-gain arrays is possible: i.e. fHiGainLast>14 in the case of
77 | // the MAGIC FADCs).
78 | // 2) Remember the position of the slice with the highest content "fAbMax" at "fAbMaxPos".
79 | // 3) If one or more slices are saturated or fAbMaxPos is less than 2 slices from fHiGainFirst,
80 | // return fAbMaxPos as time and fAbMax as charge (note that the pedestal is subtracted here).
81 | // 4) Calculate all fHiGainSecondDeriv from the fHiGainSignal array
82 | // 5) Search for the maximum, starting in interval fAbMaxPos-1 in steps of 0.2 till fAbMaxPos-0.2.
83 | // If no maximum is found, go to interval fAbMaxPos+1.
84 | // --> 4 function evaluations
85 | // 6) Search for the absolute maximum from fAbMaxPos to fAbMaxPos+1 in steps of 0.2
86 | // --> 4 function evaluations
87 | // 7) Try a better precision searching from new max. position fAbMaxPos-0.2 to fAbMaxPos+0.2
88 | // in steps of 0.025 (83 psec. in the case of the MAGIC FADCs).
89 | // --> 14 function evaluations
90 | // 8) If Time Extraction Type kMaximum has been chosen, the position of the found maximum is
91 | // returned, else:
92 | // 9) The Half Maximum is calculated.
93 | // 10) fHiGainSignal is called beginning from fAbMaxPos-1 backwards until a value smaller than fHalfMax
94 | // is found at "klo".
95 | // 11) Then, the spline value between "klo" and "klo"+1 is halfed by means of bisection as long as
96 | // the difference between fHalfMax and spline evaluation is less than fResolution (default: 0.01).
97 | // --> maximum 12 interations.
98 | //
99 | // The algorithm to search the charge proceeds as follows:
100 | //
101 | // 1) If Charge Type: kAmplitude was chosen, return the Maximum of the spline, found during the
102 | // time search.
103 | // 2) If Charge Type: kIntegral was chosen, sum the fHiGainSignal between:
104 | // (Int_t)(fAbMaxPos - fRiseTimeHiGain) and
105 | // (Int_t)(fAbMaxPos + fFallTimeHiGain)
106 | // (default: fRiseTime: 1.5, fFallTime: 4.5)
107 | // sum the fLoGainSignal between:
108 | // (Int_t)(fAbMaxPos - fRiseTimeHiGain*fLoGainStretch) and
109 | // (Int_t)(fAbMaxPos + fFallTimeHiGain*fLoGainStretch)
110 | // (default: fLoGainStretch: 1.5)
111 | //
112 | // The values: fNumHiGainSamples and fNumLoGainSamples are set to:
113 | // 1) If Charge Type: kAmplitude was chosen: 1.
114 | // 2) If Charge Type: kIntegral was chosen: fRiseTimeHiGain + fFallTimeHiGain
115 | // or: fNumHiGainSamples*fLoGainStretch in the case of the low-gain
116 | //
117 | // Call: SetRange(fHiGainFirst, fHiGainLast, fLoGainFirst, fLoGainLast)
118 | // to modify the ranges.
119 | //
120 | // Defaults:
121 | // fHiGainFirst = 2
122 | // fHiGainLast = 14
123 | // fLoGainFirst = 2
124 | // fLoGainLast = 14
125 | //
126 | // Call: SetResolution() to define the resolution of the half-maximum search.
127 | // Default: 0.01
128 | //
129 | // Call: SetRiseTime() and SetFallTime() to define the integration ranges
130 | // for the case, the extraction type kIntegral has been chosen.
131 | //
132 | // Call: - SetChargeType(MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::kAmplitude) for the
133 | // computation of the amplitude at the maximum (default) and extraction
134 | // the position of the maximum (default)
135 | // --> no further function evaluation needed
136 | // - SetChargeType(MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::kIntegral) for the
137 | // computation of the integral beneith the spline between fRiseTimeHiGain
138 | // from the position of the maximum to fFallTimeHiGain after the position of
139 | // the maximum. The Low Gain is computed with half a slice more at the rising
140 | // edge and half a slice more at the falling edge.
141 | // The time of the half maximum is returned.
142 | // --> needs one function evaluations but is more precise
143 | //
144 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
145 | #include "MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.h"
146 |
147 | #include "MExtralgoSpline.h"
148 |
149 | #include "MPedestalPix.h"
150 |
151 | #include "MLog.h"
152 | #include "MLogManip.h"
153 |
154 | ClassImp(MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline);
155 |
156 | using namespace std;
157 |
158 | const Byte_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::fgHiGainFirst = 0;
159 | const Byte_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::fgHiGainLast = 14;
160 | const Int_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::fgLoGainFirst = 1;
161 | const Byte_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::fgLoGainLast = 14;
162 | const Float_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::fgResolution = 0.05;
163 | const Float_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::fgRiseTimeHiGain = 0.64;
164 | const Float_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::fgFallTimeHiGain = 0.76;
165 | const Float_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::fgLoGainStretch = 1.5;
166 | const Float_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::fgOffsetLoGain = 1.3;
167 |
168 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 | //
170 | // Default constructor.
171 | //
172 | // Calls:
173 | // - SetRange(fgHiGainFirst, fgHiGainLast, fgLoGainFirst, fgLoGainLast)
174 | //
175 | // Initializes:
176 | // - fResolution to fgResolution
177 | // - fRiseTimeHiGain to fgRiseTimeHiGain
178 | // - fFallTimeHiGain to fgFallTimeHiGain
179 | // - Charge Extraction Type to kAmplitude
180 | // - fLoGainStretch to fgLoGainStretch
181 | //
182 | MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline(const char *name, const char *title)
183 | : fExtractionType(kIntegral)
184 | {
185 |
186 | fName = name ? name : "MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline";
187 | fTitle = title ? title : "Calculate photons arrival time using a fast spline";
188 |
189 | SetResolution();
190 | SetLoGainStretch();
191 | SetOffsetLoGain(fgOffsetLoGain);
192 |
193 | SetRiseTimeHiGain();
194 | SetFallTimeHiGain();
195 |
196 | SetRange(fgHiGainFirst, fgHiGainLast, fgLoGainFirst, fgLoGainLast);
197 | }
198 |
199 |
200 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------
201 | //
202 | // Set the ranges
203 | // In order to set the fNum...Samples variables correctly for the case,
204 | // the integral is computed, have to overwrite this function and make an
205 | // explicit call to SetChargeType().
206 | //
207 | void MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::SetRange(Byte_t hifirst, Byte_t hilast, Int_t lofirst, Byte_t lolast)
208 | {
209 | MExtractor::SetRange(hifirst, hilast, lofirst, lolast);
210 |
211 | SetChargeType(fExtractionType);
212 | }
213 |
214 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------
215 | //
216 | // Set the Charge Extraction type. Possible are:
217 | // - kAmplitude: Search the value of the spline at the maximum
218 | // - kIntegral: Integral the spline from fHiGainFirst to fHiGainLast,
219 | // by counting the edge bins only half and setting the
220 | // second derivative to zero, there.
221 | //
222 | void MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::SetChargeType( ExtractionType_t typ )
223 | {
224 | fExtractionType = typ;
225 |
226 | InitArrays(fHiGainFirstDeriv.GetSize());
227 |
228 | switch (fExtractionType)
229 | {
230 | case kAmplitude:
231 | SetResolutionPerPheHiGain(0.053);
232 | SetResolutionPerPheLoGain(0.016);
233 | return;
234 |
235 | case kIntegral:
236 | switch (fWindowSizeHiGain)
237 | {
238 | case 1:
239 | SetResolutionPerPheHiGain(0.041);
240 | break;
241 | case 2:
242 | SetResolutionPerPheHiGain(0.064);
243 | break;
244 | case 3:
245 | case 4:
246 | SetResolutionPerPheHiGain(0.050);
247 | break;
248 | case 5:
249 | case 6:
250 | SetResolutionPerPheHiGain(0.030);
251 | break;
252 | default:
253 | *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor() << ": Could not set the high-gain extractor resolution per phe for window size "
254 | << fWindowSizeHiGain << "... using default!" << endl;
255 | SetResolutionPerPheHiGain(0.050);
256 | break;
257 | }
258 |
259 | switch (fWindowSizeLoGain)
260 | {
261 | case 1:
262 | case 2:
263 | SetResolutionPerPheLoGain(0.005);
264 | break;
265 | case 3:
266 | case 4:
267 | SetResolutionPerPheLoGain(0.017);
268 | break;
269 | case 5:
270 | case 6:
271 | case 7:
272 | SetResolutionPerPheLoGain(0.005);
273 | break;
274 | case 8:
275 | case 9:
276 | SetResolutionPerPheLoGain(0.005);
277 | break;
278 | default:
279 | *fLog << warn << "Could not set the low-gain extractor resolution per phe for window size "
280 | << fWindowSizeLoGain << "... using default!" << endl;
281 | SetResolutionPerPheLoGain(0.005);
282 | break;
283 | }
284 | }
285 | }
286 |
287 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
288 | //
289 | // InitArrays
290 | //
291 | // Gets called in the ReInit() and initialized the arrays
292 | //
293 | Bool_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::InitArrays(Int_t n)
294 | {
295 | // Initialize arrays to the maximum number of entries necessary
296 | fHiGainFirstDeriv .Set(n);
297 | fHiGainSecondDeriv.Set(n);
298 |
299 | fLoGainFirstDeriv .Set(n);
300 | fLoGainSecondDeriv.Set(n);
301 |
302 | fRiseTimeLoGain = fRiseTimeHiGain * fLoGainStretch;
303 | fFallTimeLoGain = fFallTimeHiGain * fLoGainStretch;
304 |
305 | switch (fExtractionType)
306 | {
307 | case kAmplitude:
308 | fNumHiGainSamples = 1.;
309 | fNumLoGainSamples = fLoGainLast ? 1. : 0.;
310 | fSqrtHiGainSamples = 1.;
311 | fSqrtLoGainSamples = 1.;
312 | fWindowSizeHiGain = 1;
313 | fWindowSizeLoGain = 1;
314 | fRiseTimeHiGain = 0.5;
315 | break;
316 |
317 | case kIntegral:
318 | fNumHiGainSamples = fRiseTimeHiGain + fFallTimeHiGain;
319 | fNumLoGainSamples = fLoGainLast ? fRiseTimeLoGain + fFallTimeLoGain : 0.;
320 | fSqrtHiGainSamples = TMath::Sqrt(fNumHiGainSamples);
321 | fSqrtLoGainSamples = TMath::Sqrt(fNumLoGainSamples);
322 | fWindowSizeHiGain = TMath::CeilNint(fRiseTimeHiGain + fFallTimeHiGain);
323 | fWindowSizeLoGain = TMath::CeilNint(fRiseTimeLoGain + fFallTimeLoGain);
324 | break;
325 | }
326 |
327 | return kTRUE;
328 | }
329 |
330 | void MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::FindTimeAndChargeHiGain2(const Float_t *ptr, Int_t num,
331 | Float_t &sum, Float_t &dsum,
332 | Float_t &time, Float_t &dtime,
333 | Byte_t sat, Int_t maxpos) const
334 | {
335 | // Do some handling if maxpos is last slice!
336 | MExtralgoSpline s(ptr, num, fHiGainFirstDeriv.GetArray(), fHiGainSecondDeriv.GetArray());
337 |
338 | s.SetRiseFallTime(fRiseTimeHiGain, fFallTimeHiGain);
339 |
340 | if (IsNoiseCalculation())
341 | {
342 | sum = s.ExtractNoise();
343 | return;
344 | }
345 |
346 | s.Extract(sat, maxpos);
347 | s.GetTime(time, dtime);
348 | s.GetSignal(sum, dsum);
349 |
350 | }
351 |
352 | void MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::FindTimeAndChargeLoGain2(const Float_t *ptr, Int_t num,
353 | Float_t &sum, Float_t &dsum,
354 | Float_t &time, Float_t &dtime,
355 | Byte_t sat, Int_t maxpos) const
356 | {
357 | MExtralgoSpline s(ptr, num, fLoGainFirstDeriv.GetArray(), fLoGainSecondDeriv.GetArray());
358 |
359 | s.SetRiseFallTime(fRiseTimeLoGain, fFallTimeLoGain);
360 |
361 | if (IsNoiseCalculation())
362 | {
363 | sum = s.ExtractNoise();
364 | return;
365 | }
366 |
367 | s.Extract(sat, maxpos);
368 | s.GetTime(time, dtime);
369 | s.GetSignal(sum, dsum);
370 | }
371 |
372 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
373 | //
374 | // In addition to the resources of the base-class MExtractor:
375 | // Resolution
376 | // RiseTimeHiGain
377 | // FallTimeHiGain
378 | // LoGainStretch
379 | // ExtractionType: amplitude, integral
380 | //
381 | Int_t MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print)
382 | {
383 |
384 | Bool_t rc = kFALSE;
385 |
386 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "Resolution", print))
387 | {
388 | SetResolution(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "Resolution",fResolution));
389 | rc = kTRUE;
390 | }
391 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "RiseTimeHiGain", print))
392 | {
393 | SetRiseTimeHiGain(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "RiseTimeHiGain", fRiseTimeHiGain));
394 | rc = kTRUE;
395 | }
396 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "FallTimeHiGain", print))
397 | {
398 | SetFallTimeHiGain(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "FallTimeHiGain", fFallTimeHiGain));
399 | rc = kTRUE;
400 | }
401 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "LoGainStretch", print))
402 | {
403 | SetLoGainStretch(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "LoGainStretch", fLoGainStretch));
404 | rc = kTRUE;
405 | }
406 |
407 | if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "ExtractionType", print))
408 | {
409 | TString type = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "ExtractionType", "");
410 | type.ToLower();
411 | type = type.Strip(TString::kBoth);
412 | if (type==(TString)"amplitude")
413 | SetChargeType(kAmplitude);
414 | if (type==(TString)"integral")
415 | SetChargeType(kIntegral);
416 | rc=kTRUE;
417 | }
418 |
419 | return MExtractTimeAndCharge::ReadEnv(env, prefix, print) ? kTRUE : rc;
420 | }