1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | #
3 | # ========================================================================
4 | #
5 | # *
6 | # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
7 | # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
8 | # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
9 | # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
10 | # *
11 | # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
12 | # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
13 | # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
14 | # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
15 | # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
16 | # * or implied warranty.
17 | # *
18 | #
19 | #
20 | # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 10/2006 <mailto:dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
21 | #
22 | # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2007
23 | #
24 | #
25 | # ========================================================================
26 | #
27 | #
28 | #
29 | ##############################################################################
30 | #
31 | # This script can be used to run the following steps for one sequence:
32 | # - callisto
33 | # - merppupdate
34 | # - star
35 | #
36 | # You have to set the path, where your Mars version can be found, the outpath,
37 | # where you want to store the output and the sequencenumber of the sequence
38 | # you want to process
39 | #
40 | ##############################################################################
41 |
42 | #to be set by the user (if you don't use the command-line options)
43 | #path of your output directory
44 | #outpath=/home/dorner/ToO
45 | outpath=
46 | #give either sequence number or sequence file (including path)
47 | sequence=
48 | sequfile=""
49 |
50 | function usage()
51 | {
52 | echo "Usage: $0 [options]"
53 | echo "options:"
54 | echo -n " --sequ sequence# "
55 | echo " giving number of sequence which shall be processed "
56 | echo -n " --sequ-file sequfile "
57 | echo " giving sequencfile (including path) of sequence which shall be processed "
58 | echo -n " --out outpath "
59 | echo " giving the path where all outputfiles are stored "
60 | echo -n " -cal "
61 | echo " running only calibration"
62 | echo -n " -b "
63 | echo " running in non-interactive mode (i.e. you are not asked if the paths are ok)"
64 | echo -n " -star "
65 | echo " running only star"
66 | echo ""
67 | echo "Remarks: "
68 | echo " - you can set the needed variables also in the script "
69 | echo " - you have to set the outpath and either the sequence number or the sequence "
70 | echo " file (if both is set, the sequence given by the sequencefile is processed)"
71 | echo " - you have to execute the script from your mars directory"
72 | echo " - in your outpath a calibration directory (callisto/sequencenumber), a "
73 | echo " directory for the image fiels (star/sequencenumber) and a directory for "
74 | echo " the merpplogs in the calibration directory are created. "
75 | echo ""
76 | exit
77 | }
78 |
79 | function checkreturncode()
80 | {
81 | case $check in
82 | 0) echo "$program finished sucessfully"
83 | echo ""
84 | ;;
85 | [1-9]|[0-9][0-9]|1[0-1][0-9]|12[0-7])
86 | echo -n "ERROR@$HOSTNAME: $program returned $check - please check the logfile $logfile"
87 | if [ "$program" == "callisto" ]
88 | then
89 | echo -n " - for more details see http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/instructions/intern/errorcoding.txt"
90 | fi
91 | echo " you executed the following command: "$command
92 | exit
93 | ;;
94 | *) echo -n "ERROR@$HOSTNAME: $program returned $check - please check the logfile $logfile"
95 | echo -n " $program returned a signal > 127 ($check)"
96 | echo " you executed the following command: "$command
97 | exit;;
98 | esac
99 | }
100 |
101 | subsystempath=/magic/subsystemdata
102 |
103 | interactive="yes"
104 |
105 | while [ "$1" ]
106 | do
107 | case $1 in
108 | --sequ) shift
109 | sequence=$1
110 | ;;
111 | --out) shift
112 | outpath=$1
113 | ;;
114 | -b) interactive='no'
115 | ;;
116 | -cal) cal='yes'
117 | ;;
118 | -star) star='yes'
119 | ;;
120 | --sequ-file) shift
121 | sequfile=$1
122 | ;;
123 | -h) usage
124 | ;;
125 | *) echo "unknown option $1 "
126 | usage
127 | exit
128 | ;;
129 | esac
130 | shift
131 | done
132 |
133 | if [ "$outpath" = "" ]
134 | then
135 | echo "WARNING outpath has not been set"
136 | echo ""
137 | usage
138 | fi
139 |
140 | if [ "$sequence" = "" ] && [ "$sequfile" = "" ]
141 | then
142 | echo "WARNING neither sequ nor sequfile has been set"
143 | echo ""
144 | usage
145 | fi
146 |
147 | echo ""
148 | echo "You have set the variables to: "
149 | echo " outpath: "$outpath
150 |
151 | if [ "$sequfile" = "" ]
152 | then
153 | if ! n8=`printf %08d $sequence`
154 | then
155 | echo "your sequence number is not valid"
156 | usage
157 | exit
158 | fi
159 | no=`echo $n8 | cut -c 1-4`
160 | sequfile="/magic/sequences/"$no"/sequence$n8.txt"
161 | echo " sequence: "$sequence
162 | echo " sequfile: "$sequfile
163 | # if ! [ "$star" = "yes" ] || [ "$cal" = "yes" ]
164 | # then
165 | calpath=$outpath"/callisto/$n8"
166 | echo " path where calibration files are stored : "$calpath
167 | # fi
168 | if ! [ "$cal" = "yes" ] || [ "$star" = "yes" ]
169 | then
170 | starpath=$outpath"/star/$n8"
171 | echo " path where star files are stored : "$starpath
172 | fi
173 | else
174 | echo " sequfile: "$sequfile
175 | # if ! [ "$star" = "yes" ] || [ "$cal" = "yes" ]
176 | # then
177 | calpath=$outpath"/callisto"
178 | echo " path where calibration files are stored : "$calpath
179 | # fi
180 | if ! [ "$cal" = "yes" ] || [ "$star" = "yes" ]
181 | then
182 | starpath=$outpath"/star"
183 | echo " path where star files are stored : "$starpath
184 | fi
185 | fi
186 |
187 |
188 | if [ "$interactive" = "yes" ]
189 | then
190 | echo ""
191 | echo "paths ok? continue?"
192 | echo "please insert y, if you want continue"
193 | echo " n, if you want quit"
194 |
195 | answer=`head -n 1`
196 | case $answer in
197 | y) echo "continue processing sequence"
198 | ;;
199 | n) exit
200 | ;;
201 | *) echo "your answer is not clear -> exit"
202 | exit
203 | ;;
204 | esac
205 | fi
206 |
207 |
208 | if ! [ "$star" = "yes" ] || [ "$cal" = "yes" ]
209 | then
210 | mkdir -pv $calpath
211 |
212 | program=callisto
213 | echo "run $program..."
214 | logfile=$calpath/$program$sequence.log
215 | command="./$program -b -q -f --log=$logfile --out=$calpath $sequfile "
216 | echo $command
217 | $command
218 | check=$?
219 | checkreturncode
220 |
221 | calfiles=`find $calpath -name 20[0-2][0-9][01][0-9][0-3][0-9]_*_Y_*.root`
222 |
223 | echo "run merpp update for calibrated files..."
224 | echo "calibrated data files: "$calfiles
225 |
226 | for calfile in ${calfiles[@]}
227 | do
228 | echo "calfile: "$calfile
229 | outpath=`dirname $calfile`
230 |
231 | runno=`echo $calfile | cut -d_ -f2 | sed -e 's/^0//' | sed -e 's/^0//' | sed -e 's/^0//' `
232 | echo "finding cc and cacofile for run $runno..."
233 | date=`date --date \`basename $calfile | cut -d_ -f1\` +%Y/%m/%d`
234 | ccpath=$subsystempath/cc/$date
235 | cacopath=$subsystempath/caco/$date
236 | ccfile=`find $ccpath -name 20[0-2][0-9][01][0-9][0-3][0-9]_*${runno}_[PDCS]_*_S.rep`
237 | source=`echo $ccfile | cut -d_ -f4`
238 | cacofile=`find $cacopath -name dc_20[0-2][0-9]_[01][0-9]_[0-3][0-9]_*${runno}_${source}.txt`
239 | if [ "$cacofile" = "" ]
240 | then
241 | echo "no cacofile found for run "$runno
242 | echo "finding cacofile..."
243 | for (( i = 0; i <= 10; i++ ))
244 | do
245 | newrun=`echo $runno - $i | bc`
246 | cacofile=`find $cacopath -name *$newrun*`
247 | if [ "$cacofile" = "" ]
248 | then
249 | continue
250 | else
251 | break
252 | fi
253 | done
254 | fi
255 | if [ "$ccfile" = "" ]
256 | then
257 | echo "no ccfile found for run "$runno
258 | exit
259 | fi
260 | if [ "$cacofile" = "" ]
261 | then
262 | echo "no cacofile found for run "$runno
263 | exit
264 | fi
265 | echo "ccfile: "$ccfile
266 | echo "cacofile: "$cacofile
267 |
268 | merpplogpath=$outpath"/merpplogs"
269 | mkdir -pv $merpplogpath
270 |
271 | program=merppccupdate
272 | logfile=$merpplogpath/$program$runno.log
273 | command="./merpp -u --log=$logfile --runfile=$runno $ccfile $calfile "
274 | echo $command
275 | $command
276 | check=$?
277 | checkreturncode
278 |
279 | program=merppcacoupdate
280 | logfile=$merpplogpath/$program$runno.log
281 | command="./merpp -u --log=$logfile --auto-time $cacofile $calfile"
282 | echo $command
283 | $command
284 | check=$?
285 | checkreturncode
286 |
287 | done
288 | echo "merppupdate is finished"
289 | echo ""
290 | fi
291 |
292 | if ! [ "$cal" = "yes" ] || [ "$star" = "yes" ]
293 | then
294 | mkdir -pv $starpath
295 |
296 | program=star
297 | echo "run $program..."
298 | logfile=$starpath/$program$sequence.log
299 | if ! ls $calpath
300 | then
301 | echo "couldn't find $calpath => taking standard inpath for $program"
302 | command="./$program -b -q -f --log=$logfile --out=$starpath $sequfile"
303 | echo $command
304 | $command
305 | else
306 | command="./$program -b -q -f --log=$logfile --ind=$calpath --out=$starpath $sequfile"
307 | echo $command
308 | $command
309 | fi
310 | check=$?
311 | checkreturncode
312 | fi
313 |