1 | <?php
2 | {
3 | function CreateQuery($_GET, $alias, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $needs)
4 | {
5 | $fromtable="Sequences";
6 |
7 | $groups = 0;
8 | foreach ($checkgroup as $element)
9 | if ($element==-1)
10 | $groups++;
11 |
12 | $statusgroups = 0;
13 | foreach ($checkstatusgroup as $element)
14 | if ($element==-1)
15 | $statusgroups++;
16 |
17 | $query0 = "SELECT ";
18 |
19 | if ($groups>0)
20 | {
21 | foreach ($checkgroup as $key => $element)
22 | if ($element==-1)
23 | $query0 .= $key . " as '" . $alias[$key] . "' " . ", ";
24 | //--------------------------------------------------
25 | $query0 .= "SUM(fRunTime)/3600 as '" . $alias["SUM(fRunTime)/3600"] . "', ";
26 | //--------------------------------------------------
27 | $query0 .= " SUM(fNumEvents) as '" . $alias["SUM(fNumEvents)"] . "', ";
28 | $query0 .= " Min(fZenithDistanceMin) as '" . $alias["Min(fZenithDistanceMin)"] . "', ";
29 | $query0 .= " Max(fZenithDistanceMax) as '" . $alias["Max(fZenithDistanceMax)"] . "', ";
30 | $query0 .= " COUNT(*) as '# Sequ' ";
31 | }
32 | else
33 | {
34 | if ($statusgroups>0)
35 | {
36 | foreach ($checkstatusgroup as $key => $element)
37 | if ($element==-1)
38 | $query0 .= " (if(IsNull(" . $key . "), if(isnull(fStartTime), 'not done', if(isnull(fFailedTime),if(isnull(" . $needs[$key] . "),'not done',if(date_sub(Now(),interval 12 hour) < fStartTime,'running','crashed')),if(isnull(" . $needs[$key] . "),'not done','failed'))) ,if(" . $key . "='1970-01-01 00:00:00','dont do','done'))) as '" . $alias[$key] . "', ";
39 | // $query0 .= " (if(IsNull(" . $key . "), 'not done' ,if(" . $key . "='1970-01-01 00:00:00','dont do','done'))) as '" . $alias[$key] . "', ";
40 |
41 | $query0 .= " COUNT(*) as '# Sequ'";
42 |
43 | }
44 | else
45 | {
46 | $query0 .= " " . $fromtable . ".fSequenceFirst as '" . $alias["fSequenceFirst"] . "' ";
47 | if (!empty($_GET["fLinks"]))
48 | {
49 | $query0 .= ", CONCAT('<A&ws;HREF=\"runinfo-aio.php?', 'fRunStart=On', '&fZenithDistance=On', '&fRunMin=', Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '&fMeanTriggerRate=On', '&fTest=On', '&fRunTypeName=On', '&fRunMax=', fSequenceLast, '&fNumEvents=On', '&fSourceName=On&', 'fExcludedFDAKEY=1', '&fSequenceFirst=On', '&fRawFileAvail=On', '&fCCFileAvail=On', '&fCaCoFileAvail=On', '&fNumResults=500\">r</A>' ";
50 | // $query0 .= " as " . $alias["fSequenceFirst"];
51 | $query0 .= ", ' <A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/callisto/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), 'callisto', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.html'), 13,'0') , '\">cl</A>'";
52 | $query0 .= ", ' <A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/callisto/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), '\">c</A>'";
53 | $query0 .= ", ' <A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/star/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), 'star', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.html'), 13,'0') , '\">sl</A>'";
54 | $query0 .= ", ' <A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/star/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), '\">s</A>'";
55 | $query0 .= ", ' <A&ws;HREF=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/sequences/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/sequence', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.txt'), 12,'0') , '\">', 'f </A>' ";
56 | $query0 .= ", ' <A&ws;HREF=\"sequence.php?fSequenceNo=', Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '&fAll=On\">i</A>') ";
57 | $query0 .= " as 'Links'";
58 | }
59 |
60 | foreach ($_GET as $key => $element)
61 | if ($_GET[$key]=="On")
62 | if ($key!="fLinks" && $key!="fOff" && $key!="fOnlyOff")
63 | if (empty($checkwhere[$key]) || $checkwhere[$key]==0)
64 | $query0 .= ", " . $key . " as '" . $alias[$key] . "' ";
65 | }
66 | }
67 |
68 | $query0 .= " FROM " . $fromtable;
69 |
70 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN SequenceProcessStatus ON Sequences.fSequenceFirst=SequenceProcessStatus.fSequenceFirst ";
71 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN Calibration ON Sequences.fSequenceFirst=Calibration.fSequenceFirst ";
72 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN Star ON Sequences.fSequenceFirst=Star.fSequenceFirst ";
73 |
74 | foreach ($_GET as $key => $element)
75 | if (($_GET[$key]=="On" || $groups>0))// && !empty(GetJoin($fromtable,$key)))
76 | $query0 .= GetJoin($fromtable,$key);
77 |
78 | if ($_GET["fTest"]!="On")
79 | {
80 | if ($_GET["fSourceName"]!="On")
81 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN Source ON Sequences.fSourceKEY=Source.fSourceKEY ";
82 | $query0 .= " WHERE fTest='no'";
83 | }
84 |
85 | if ($_GET["fOff"]=="Off")
86 | {
87 | if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE)
88 | $query0 .= " WHERE ";
89 | else
90 | $query0 .= " AND ";
91 |
92 | $query0 .= " NOT (fSourceName like '%Off%')";
93 | }
94 |
95 | if ($_GET["fOnlyOff"]=="On")
96 | {
97 | if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE)
98 | $query0 .= " WHERE ";
99 | else
100 | $query0 .= " AND ";
101 |
102 | $query0 .= " fSourceName like '%Off%'";
103 | }
104 |
105 | foreach ($checkwhere as $key => $element)
106 | {
107 | if (empty($element) || $element<=0)
108 | continue;
109 |
110 | if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE)
111 | $query0 .= " WHERE ";
112 | else
113 | if ($element!=-1)
114 | if (strrpos($query0, " AND ")!=strlen($query0)-5)
115 | $query0 .= " AND ";
116 |
117 | if ($element!=-1)
118 | $query0 .= GetCheck($fromtable, $key) . "=" . $element;
119 | }
120 |
121 | if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE)
122 | $query0 .= " WHERE ";
123 | else
124 | $query0 .= " AND ";
125 |
126 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fSequenceFileWritten", $needs);
127 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fAllFilesAvail", $needs);
128 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fCallisto", $needs);
129 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fFillCallisto", $needs);
130 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fStar", $needs);
131 | $query0 .= StatusQuery("fFillStar", $needs);
132 |
133 | if (!empty($_GET["fRunMin"]) && !empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
134 | $query0 .= "Sequences.fSequenceFirst BETWEEN " . $_GET["fRunMin"] . " AND " . $_GET["fRunMax"] . " ";
135 | else
136 | $query0 = substr($query0, 0, -4);
137 |
138 | if (!empty($_GET["fZDMin"]) && !empty($_GET["fZDMax"]))
139 | $query0 .= "AND (fZenithDistanceMin > " . $_GET["fZDMin"] . " AND fZenithDistanceMax < " . $_GET["fZDMax"] . ") ";
140 |
141 | if (!empty($_GET["fSourceN"]))
142 | $query0 .= " AND fSourceName REGEXP \"^" . $_GET["fSourceN"] . "\" ";
143 |
144 | if (!empty($_GET["fStartDate"]))
145 | {
146 | if (strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA ")!=0 || !strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA "))
147 | $query0 .= " AND ";
148 |
149 | $startdate=substr($_GET["fStartDate"], 0, 10);
150 | if ($startdate=="0000-00-00")
151 | $query0 .=" fRunStart >= '" . $startdate . " 00:00:00' ";
152 | else
153 | $query0 .= " fRunStart >= ADDDATE('" . $startdate . " 13:00:00', INTERVAL -1 DAY) ";
154 | }
155 |
156 | if (!empty($_GET["fStopDate"]))
157 | {
158 | if (strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA ")!=0 || !strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA "))
159 | $query0 .= " AND ";
160 |
161 | $stopdate=substr($_GET["fStopDate"], 0, 10);
162 | $query0 .= " fRunStart < '" . $stopdate . " 13:00:00' ";
163 | }
164 |
165 | if (!empty($_GET["fStarStart"]))
166 | {
167 | if (strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA ")!=0 || !strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA "))
168 | $query0 .= " AND ";
169 |
170 | $starstart=substr($_GET["fStarStart"], 0, 10);
171 | $query0 .=" fStar >= '" . $starstart . " 00:00:00' ";
172 | }
173 |
174 | if (!empty($_GET["fStarStop"]))
175 | {
176 | if (strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA ")!=0 || !strpos(strrev($query0), " DNA "))
177 | $query0 .= " AND ";
178 |
179 | $starstop=substr($_GET["fStarStop"], 0, 10);
180 | $query0 .= " fStar < '" . $starstop . " 23:59:59' ";
181 | }
182 |
183 | if ($groups>0)
184 | {
185 | $query0 .= " GROUP BY ";
186 | $num = $groups;
187 | foreach ($checkgroup as $key => $element)
188 | if ($element==-1)
189 | {
190 | $query0 .= GetCheck($fromtable,$key);
191 | if ($num-->1)
192 | $query0 .= ", ";
193 | }
194 | }
195 |
196 | if ($statusgroups>0)
197 | {
198 | $query0 .= " GROUP BY ";
199 | $num = $statusgroups;
200 | foreach ($checkstatusgroup as $key => $element)
201 | if ($element==-1)
202 | {
203 | $query0 .= $alias[$key];
204 | if ($num-->1)
205 | $query0 .= ", ";
206 | }
207 | }
208 |
209 | if (!empty($_GET["fSortBy"]))
210 | {
211 | $val=substr($_GET["fSortBy"], 0, -1);
212 | $query0 .= " ORDER BY " . GetTable($fromtable,$val) . " ";
213 | if (substr($_GET["fSortBy"], -1)=="-")
214 | $query0 .= "DESC";
215 | }
216 |
217 | if (empty($_GET["fSortBy"]) && $groups==0 && $statusgroups==0)
218 | $query0 .= "ORDER BY Sequences.fSequenceFirst DESC ";
219 |
220 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStart"]))
221 | $_GET["fNumStart"]=0;
222 |
223 | if (empty($_GET["fSendTxt"]))
224 | $query0 .= " LIMIT " . $_GET["fNumStart"] . ", " . $_GET["fNumResults"];
225 |
226 | return $query0;
227 | }
228 |
229 | function InitGet($_GET)
230 | {
231 | // Find out whether it is the first call to the php script
232 | $first = empty($_GET["fRunMin"]) && empty($_GET["fRunMax"]);
233 |
234 | if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"]))
235 | $_GET["fNumResults"]="100";
236 |
237 | if (empty($_GET["fRunStart"]))
238 | $_GET["fRunStart"]=$first?"On":"";
239 |
240 | if (empty($_GET["fRunTime/60"]))
241 | $_GET["fRunTime/60"]=$first?"On":"";
242 |
243 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistanceMin"]))
244 | $_GET["fZenithDistanceMin"]=$first?"On":"";
245 |
246 | if (empty($_GET["fZenithDistanceMax"]))
247 | $_GET["fZenithDistanceMax"]=$first?"On":"";
248 |
249 | if (empty($_GET["fSourceName"]))
250 | $_GET["fSourceName"]=$first?"On":"";
251 |
252 | if (empty($_GET["fObservationModeName"]))
253 | $_GET["fObservationModeName"]=$first?"On":"";
254 |
255 | if (empty($_GET["fUnsuitableInner"]))
256 | $_GET["fUnsuitableInner"]=$first?"On":"";
257 |
258 | if (empty($_GET["fUnreliableInner"]))
259 | $_GET["fUnreliableInner"]=$first?"On":"";
260 |
261 | if (empty($_GET["fIsolatedInner"]))
262 | $_GET["fIsolatedInner"]=$first?"On":"";
263 |
264 | if (empty($_GET["fIsolatedMaxCluster"]))
265 | $_GET["fIsolatedMaxCluster"]=$first?"On":"";
266 |
267 | // if (empty($_GET["fArrTimeMeanInner"]))
268 | // $_GET["fArrTimeMeanInner"]=$first?"On":"";
269 |
270 | if (empty($_GET["fArrTimeRmsInner"]))
271 | $_GET["fArrTimeRmsInner"]=$first?"On":"";
272 |
273 | if (empty($_GET["fMeanPedRmsInner"]))
274 | $_GET["fMeanPedRmsInner"]=$first?"On":"";
275 |
276 | if (empty($_GET["fPulsePosMean"]))
277 | $_GET["fPulsePosMean"]=$first?"On":"";
278 |
279 | if (empty($_GET["fConvFactorInner"]))
280 | $_GET["fConvFactorInner"]=$first?"On":"";
281 |
282 | if (empty($_GET["fInhomogeneity"]))
283 | $_GET["fInhomogeneity"]=$first?"On":"";
284 |
285 | if (empty($_GET["fPSF"]))
286 | $_GET["fPSF"]=$first?"On":"";
287 |
288 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonNumber"]))
289 | $_GET["fMuonNumber"]=$first?"On":"";
290 |
291 | if (empty($_GET["fEffOnTime/fRunTime"]))
292 | $_GET["fEffOnTime/fRunTime"]=$first?"On":"";
293 |
294 | if (empty($_GET["fMuonRate"]))
295 | $_GET["fMuonRate"]=$first?"On":"";
296 |
297 | if (empty($_GET["fDataRate"]))
298 | $_GET["fDataRate"]=$first?"On":"";
299 |
300 | // if (empty($_GET["fMaxHumidity"]))
301 | // $_GET["fMaxHumidity"]=$first?"On":"";
302 |
303 | if (empty($_GET["fBrightnessMed"]))
304 | $_GET["fBrightnessMed"]=$first?"On":"";
305 |
306 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsMed"]))
307 | $_GET["fNumStarsMed"]=$first?"On":"";
308 |
309 | if (empty($_GET["fNumStarsCorMed"]))
310 | $_GET["fNumStarsCorMed"]=$first?"On":"";
311 |
312 | if (empty($_GET["fOff"]))
313 | $_GET["fOff"]=$first?"On":"";
314 |
315 | if (empty($_GET["fLinks"]))
316 | $_GET["fLinks"]=$first?"On":"";
317 |
318 | if (empty($_GET["fOnlyOff"]))
319 | $_GET["fOnlyOff"]=$first?"Off":"";
320 |
321 | InitFindOffData($_GET, $first);
322 | }
323 |
324 | function PrintForm($_GET, $host, $user, $pw, $db, $limitsmean, $limitsmin, $limitsmax, $alias)
325 | {
326 | printf("<center>\n");
327 | printf("<form action='builddatasets.php' METHOD='GET'>\n");
328 | printf("<input id='sh' type='hidden' name='fShowHide' value='");
329 | if (!empty($_GET["fShowHide"]))
330 | printf("%s", $_GET["fShowHide"]);
331 | else
332 | printf("1000000000");
333 | printf("'>\n");
334 | printf("<img id='allbutton' src='minus.png' alt='-' onclick='showhide(\"all\")'> <b>Menu</b> \n");
335 | printf(" <img id='infobutton' src='plus.png' alt='+' onClick='showhide(\"info\");showhide(\"info2\")'> SequInfo \n");
336 | printf(" <img id='statbutton' src='plus.png' alt='+' onClick='showhide(\"stat\");showhide(\"fail\")'> StatusInfo \n");
337 | printf(" <img id='calbutton' src='plus.png' alt='+' onClick='showhide(\"cal\")'> CalInfo \n");
338 | printf(" <img id='starbutton' src='plus.png' alt='+' onClick='showhide(\"star\")'> StarInfo \n");
339 | printf(" <img id='limitsbutton' src='plus.png' alt='+' onClick='showhide(\"limits\")'> Limits \n");
340 | printf(" <img id='rangesbutton' src='plus.png' alt='+' onClick='showhide(\"ranges\")'> Ranges \n");
341 |
342 | printf(" <div id='all' style='display:block'>");
343 |
344 | PrintSequInfo2Menu($host,$user,$pw,$db);
345 | PrintSequInfoMenu();
346 | PrintSequStatMenu();
347 | PrintFailMenu();
348 | PrintCalMenu();
349 | PrintStarMenu();
350 | PrintLimitsMenu($limitsmean, $limitsmin, $limitsmax, $alias, "");
351 |
352 | printf(" <div id='ranges' style='display:none'>");
353 | PrintZdRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db);
354 | PrintSequRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db);
355 | printf("<p>");
356 | PrintSourceMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db);
357 | PrintNightRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db, "Sequences");
358 | PrintStarRangeMenu($host,$user,$pw,$db);
359 | printf("<p>");
360 | printf("</div>");
361 |
362 | printf("</div>");
363 | printf(" <P>\n");
364 |
365 | PrintNumResPullDown();
366 |
367 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
368 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
369 |
370 | PrintButtons("builddatasets.php");
371 |
372 | $sequon=" ";
373 | $sequoff=" ";
374 | foreach($_POST as $key => $val)
375 | if ($val=="On")
376 | {
377 | if (ereg("ON$", $key))
378 | $sequon.=str_replace("ON", " ", $key);
379 | if (ereg("Off$", $key))
380 | $sequoff.=str_replace("Off", " ", $key);
381 | }
382 | printf("<input name='Set' type='hidden' value='%s'>\n", $sequon);
383 | printf("<input name='Set2' type='hidden' value='%s'>\n", $sequoff);
384 | printf("<input name='name' type='hidden' value='%s'>\n", $_POST["name"]);
385 | printf("<input name='comment' type='hidden' value='%s'>\n", $_POST["comment"]);
386 | printf("<input name='obsmode' type='hidden' value='%s'>\n", $_POST["fObservationModeKEY"]);
387 | printf("<input name='username' type='hidden' value='%s'>\n", $_POST["fUserKEY"]);
388 | printf("</form>\n");
389 | printf("</center>\n");
390 | printf("</td>\n");
391 | printf("</tr>\n");
392 | printf("<tr class='Block'>\n");
393 | printf("<td>\n");
394 | }
395 |
396 | function PrintPage($html, $host, $user, $pw, $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $limitsmean, $limitsmin, $limitsmax, $needs)
397 | {
398 | $db_id = mysql_pconnect($host, $user, $pw);
399 | if ($db_id==FALSE)
400 | {
401 | printf("mysql_connect returned the following error: %s\n", mysql_error());
402 | die("");
403 | }
404 | mysql_select_db($db);
405 |
406 | $query0 = CreateQuery($_GET, $alias, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $needs);
407 |
408 | $result0 = mysql_query($query0, $db_id);
409 |
410 | if ($result0)
411 | {
412 | if ($html=="1" || $html=="2")
413 | {
414 | PrintMagicTable($result0, $alias, $rightalign, $limitsmean, $limitsmin, $limitsmax, "yes", $_GET);
415 | foreach($_POST as $key => $val)
416 | if ($val=="On")
417 | {
418 | if (ereg("ON$", $key))
419 | $sequon.=str_replace("ON", " ", $key);
420 | if (ereg("Off$", $key))
421 | $sequoff.=str_replace("Off", " ", $key);
422 | }
423 |
424 | printf("<input type='submit' value='Get Dataset'><br><br>\n");
425 | printf("<input name='submit' type='hidden' value='post'>\n");
426 |
427 | $on=str_replace(" ", ",", trim($sequon));
428 | $off=str_replace(" ", ",", trim($sequoff));
429 |
430 | $values=array("Sum(fRunTime)/60" => $runtime,
431 | "Min(fRunTime)/60" => $runtimemin,
432 | "Max(fUnsuitableInner)" => $unsuitablemax,
433 | "Max(fUnreliableInner)" => $unreliablemax,
434 | "Max(fIsolatedInner)" => $isolatedmax,
435 | "Max(fIsolatedMaxCluster)" => $imcmax,
436 | "Max(fArrTimeMeanInner)" => $arrtimemax,
437 | "Min(fArrTimeMeanInner)" => $arrtimemin,
438 | "Max(fArrTimeRmsInner)" => $arrtimermsmax,
439 | "Avg(fMeanPedRmsInner)" => $pedrmsmean,
440 | "Std(fMeanPedRmsInner)" => $pedrmsrms,
441 | "Min(fMeanPedRmsInner)" => $pedrmsmin,
442 | "Max(fMeanPedRmsInner)" => $pedrmsmax,
443 | "Min(fPulsePosMean)" => $pulseposmin,
444 | "Max(fPulsePosMean)" => $pulseposmax,
445 | "Max(fPulsePosRms)" => $pulseposrmsmax,
446 | "Max(fMaxHumidity)" => $hummax,
447 | "Max(fInhomogeneity)" => $inhommax,
448 | "Avg(fInhomogeneity)" => $inhommean,
449 | "Std(fInhomogeneity)" => $inhomrms,
450 | "Min(fMeanNumberIslands)" => $numislmin,
451 | "Max(fMeanNumberIslands)" => $numislmax,
452 | "Min(fDataRate)" => $clratemin,
453 | "Max(fDataRate)" => $clratemax,
454 | "Min(fMuonRate)" => $muonratemin,
455 | "Max(fMuonRate)" => $muonratemax,
456 | "Min(fMuonNumber)" => $muonnumbermin,
457 | "Avg(fPSF)" => $psfmean,
458 | "Std(fPSF)" => $psfrms,
459 | "Min(fPSF)" => $psfmin,
460 | "Max(fPSF)" => $psfmax,
461 | "Min(fEffOnTime/fRunTime)" => $relontimemin,
462 | "Max(fEffOnTime/fRunTime)" => $relontimemax,
463 | "Min(fBrightnessMed)" => $brightmin,
464 | "Max(fBrightnessMed)" => $brightmax,
465 | "Min(fNumStarsMed)" => $idstarsmin,
466 | "Max(fNumStarsMed)" => $idstarsmax,
467 | "Min(fNumStarsCorMed)" => $corstarsmin,
468 | "Max(fNumStarsCorMed)" => $corstarsmax,
469 | "Min(fZenithDistanceMin)" => $zdmin,
470 | "Max(fZenithDistanceMax)" => $zdmax,
471 | "Min(fRunStart)" => $starttime,
472 | "Max(fRunStop)" => $stoptime,
473 | );
474 | //get runtimes of dataset
475 | function GetSequenceValues($db_id, $sequences, $txt, &$values)
476 | {
477 | $query="SELECT COUNT(*) ";
478 | foreach($values as $name => $varname)
479 | $query.=", " . $name;
480 | $query.=" FROM Sequences ";
481 | $query.=" LEFT JOIN Calibration ON Calibration.fSequenceFirst=Sequences.fSequenceFirst ";
482 | $query.=" LEFT JOIN Star ON Star.fSequenceFirst=Sequences.fSequenceFirst ";
483 | $query.=" WHERE Sequences.fSequenceFirst IN (" . $sequences . ")";
484 | $result = mysql_query($query, $db_id);
485 | $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
486 | foreach($values as $name => $varname)
487 | $values[$name][$txt]=$row[$name];
488 | mysql_free_result($result);
489 | }
490 |
491 | //get next dataset#
492 | $query="SELECT fDataSetNumber+1 FROM DataSets ORDER BY fDataSetNumber DESC LIMIT 0,1";
493 | $result = mysql_query($query, $db_id);
494 | $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
495 | $dataset=$row["fDataSetNumber+1"];
496 | if (empty($dataset))
497 | $dataset=1;
498 | mysql_free_result($result);
499 |
500 | //get sourcenames
501 | function GetSources($db_id, $sequences)
502 | {
503 | $query="SELECT fSourceName FROM Source LEFT JOIN Sequences ON Sequences.fSourceKEY=Source.fSourceKEY ";
504 | $query.="WHERE fSequenceFirst IN (" . $sequences . ") GROUP BY fSourceName";
505 | $result = mysql_query($query, $db_id);
506 | while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
507 | $sources.=" " . $row["fSourceName"];
508 | mysql_free_result($result);
509 | return $sources;
510 | }
511 | $sourceson=GetSources($db_id, $on);
512 | $sourcesoff=GetSources($db_id, $off);
513 |
514 | //get sourcename for dataset
515 | $son=str_replace(" ", "','", trim($sourceson));
516 | $query="SELECT fRealSourceKEY, Count(*) FROM Source where fSourcename IN ('" . $son . "') GROUP BY fRealSourceKEY";
517 | // printf("q: %s <br>", $query);
518 | $result = mysql_query($query, $db_id);
519 | $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
520 | $numsources=$row["Count(*)"];
521 | $numrealkeys=mysql_num_rows($result);
522 | $realsourcekey=$row["fRealSourceKEY"];
523 | mysql_free_result($result);
524 | // printf("found %s sources with real sourcekey %s", $numsources, $realsourcekey);
525 | // printf("found %s keys", $numrealkeys);
526 |
527 | //check observationmode for on-sequences
528 | $query="SELECT fObservationModeKEY FROM Sequences where fSequenceFirst IN (" . $on . ") GROUP BY fObservationModeKEY";
529 | $result = mysql_query($query, $db_id);
530 | $numobskeys=mysql_num_rows($result);
531 | mysql_free_result($result);
532 |
533 |
534 | $runtimelimit=5;
535 | $unsuitablemaxlimit=15;
536 | $isolatedlimit=0;
537 | $imclimit=0;
538 | $pedrmsrms=0.09;
539 | $scalelimit=1.3;
540 | $inhomlimit=13;
541 | $numstarslimit=20;
542 | $numstarscorlimit=10;
543 |
544 |
545 | $numerr=0;
546 | if (!empty($on))
547 | {
548 | $color=array("INFO" => "#000000",
549 | "WARN" => "#FF9900",
550 | "ERROR" => "#FF0000");
551 | printf("<div align='left'><font><ul>\n");
552 | $vals=array("on", "off");
553 | foreach($vals as $num => $val)
554 | {
555 | if (empty(${$val}))
556 | continue;
557 | GetSequenceValues($db_id, ${$val}, $val, $values);
558 |
559 | if ($values["Min(fNumStarsCorMed)"][$val]<$numstarscorlimit)
560 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: one of your %s-sequences has less than %s correlated stars (%s)</li>",
561 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", $val, $numstarscorlimit, $values["Min(fNumStarsCorMed)"][$val]);
562 | if ($values["Min(fNumStarsMed)"][$val]<$numstarslimit)
563 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: one of your %s-sequences has less than %s identified stars (%s)</li>",
564 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", $val, $numstarslimit, $values["Min(fNumStarsMed)"][$val]);
565 | if ($values["Min(fRunTime)/60"][$val]<$runtimelimit)
566 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: one of your %s-sequences is shorter than %s min (%s min)</li>",
567 | $color["INFO"], "INFO", $val, $runtimelimit, $values["Min(fRunTime)/60"][$val]);
568 | if ($values["Max(fInhomogeneity)"][$val]>$inhomlimit)
569 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: one of your %s-sequences has an inhomogeneity larger than %s (%s)</li>",
570 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", $val, $inhomlimit, $values["Max(fInhomogeneity)"][$val]);
571 | if ($values["Max(fUnsuitableInner)"][$val]>$unsuitablemaxlimit)
572 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: one of your %s-sequences has more than %s unsuitable inner pixel (%s)</li>",
573 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", $val, $unsuitablemaxlimit, $values["Max(fUnsuitableInner)"][$val]);
574 | if ($values["Max(fIsolatedInner)"][$val]>$isolatedlimit)
575 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: one of your %s-sequences has more than %s isolated inner pixel (%s)</li>",
576 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", $val, $isolatedlimit, $values["Max(fIsolatedInner)"][$val]);
577 | if ($values["Max(fIsolatedMaxCluster)"][$val]>$imclimit)
578 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: one of your %s-sequences has more than %s isolated max cluster (%s)</li>",
579 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", $val, $imclimit, $values["Max(fIsolatedMaxCluster)"][$val]);
580 | }
581 | if (!empty($on) && $values["Max(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["on"]>$values["Avg(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["on"]+$pedrmsrms)
582 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: one of your on-sequences has a PedRms larger than %s (%s)</li>",
583 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", $values["Avg(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["on"]+$pedrmsrms, $values["Max(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["on"]);
584 | if (!empty($off) && $values["Max(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["off"]>$values["Avg(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["on"]+$pedrmsrms)
585 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: one of your off-sequences has a PedRms larger than %s (%s)</li>",
586 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", $values["Avg(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["on"]+$pedrmsrms, $values["Max(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["off"]);
587 | if (!empty($off) && $values["Min(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["off"]<$values["Avg(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["on"]-$pedrmsrms)
588 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: one of your off-sequences has a PedRms smaller than %s (%s)</li>",
589 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", $values["Avg(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["on"]-$pedrmsrms, $values["Min(fMeanPedRmsInner)"]["off"]);
590 | $scale=$values["Sum(fRunTime)/60"]["on"]/$values["Sum(fRunTime)/60"]["off"];
591 | if ($scale > $scalelimit)
592 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: Your scale factor is larger than %s (%0.2f). Try to find more offdata!",
593 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", $scalelimit, $scale);
594 | /*
595 | if (str_word_count($sourceson) > 1)
596 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: You have selected more than one (%s) on source",
597 | $color["WARN"], "WARN", str_word_count($sourceson));
598 | */
599 | $doubleseq=0;
600 | // printf("finding: %s<br>", $sequon);
601 | foreach(explode(" ", $sequon) as $n => $s)
602 | {
603 | // printf("finding %s in %s <br>", $s, $sequoff);
604 | if (ereg($s, $sequoff))
605 | $doubleseq++;
606 | }
607 | if ($doubleseq>0)
608 | {
609 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: You have selected sequences (%s) as On AND Off",
610 | $color["ERROR"], "ERROR", $doubleseq);
611 | $numerr=$numerr+1;
612 | }
613 | if ($numrealkeys>1)
614 | {
615 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: You have selected more than one (%s) on source",
616 | $color["ERROR"], "ERROR", $numrealkeys);
617 | $numerr=$numerr+1;
618 | }
619 | if ($numobskeys>1)
620 | {
621 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: You have selected more than one (%s) different observation modes for your on sequences",
622 | $color["ERROR"], "WARN", $numobskeys);
623 | // $numerr=$numerr+1;
624 | }
625 | if (empty($_POST["fObservationModeKEY"]) && !empty($_GET["obsmode"]))
626 | $_POST["fObservationModeKEY"]=$_GET["obsmode"];
627 | if ($_POST["fObservationModeKEY"]==3 && empty($off))
628 | {
629 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: You have selected on/off mode, but you haven't chosen any off sequences.",
630 | $color["ERROR"], "WARN");
631 | // $numerr=$numerr+1;
632 | }
633 | if (empty($realsourcekey))
634 | {
635 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: The source you selected doesn't have a real sourcekey yet. Please insert fRealSourceKEY in the DB for %s",
636 | $color["ERROR"], "ERROR", $sourceson);
637 | $numerr=$numerr+1;
638 | }
639 | if (empty($_POST["fObservationModeKEY"]))
640 | {
641 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: You have to choose an observation mode.",
642 | $color["ERROR"], "ERROR");
643 | $numerr=$numerr+1;
644 | }
645 | if (empty($_POST["fUserKEY"]))
646 | {
647 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: You have to choose your username.",
648 | $color["ERROR"], "ERROR");
649 | $numerr=$numerr+1;
650 | }
651 | if (empty($_POST["name"]))
652 | {
653 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: You have to choose a name.",
654 | $color["ERROR"], "ERROR");
655 | $numerr=$numerr+1;
656 | }
657 | if (empty($_POST["comment"]))
658 | {
659 | printf("<li style='color:%s'>%s: You have to comment your dataset.",
660 | $color["ERROR"], "ERROR");
661 | $numerr=$numerr+1;
662 | }
663 | // printf("<li></li>");
664 | printf("</ul></font>\n");
665 |
666 | printf("<div align='left'>");
667 | printf("SequencesOn: %s<br>", $sequon);
668 | printf("SequencesOff: %s<br>", $sequoff);
669 | $insquery[0]="INSERT DataSets SET fDataSetNumber=" . $dataset . ", fUserKEY=" . $_POST["fUserKEY"];
670 | $insquery[0].=", fComment='" . $_POST["comment"] . "', fObservationModeKEY=" . $_POST["fObservationModeKEY"];
671 | $insquery[0].=", fDataSetName='" . $_POST["name"] . "', fSourceKEY= " . $realsourcekey;
672 | $insquery[0].=", fRunStart='" . $values["Min(fRunStart)"]["on"];
673 | $insquery[0].="', fRunStop='" . $values["Max(fRunStop)"]["on"];
674 | $insquery[0].="', fZenithDistanceMin=" . $values["Min(fZenithDistanceMin)"]["on"];
675 | $insquery[0].=", fZenithDistanceMax=" . $values["Max(fZenithDistanceMax)"]["on"];
676 | $insquery[0].=", fRunTime=" . $values["Sum(fRunTime)/60"]["on"];
677 | $insquery[1]="INSERT DataSetProcessStatus SET fDataSetNumber=" . $dataset . ", fDataSetInserted=Now()";
678 | $i=2;
679 | foreach(explode(" ", trim($sequon)) as $key => $sequ)
680 | {
681 | $insquery[$i]="INSERT DataSetSequenceMapping SET fDataSetNumber=" . $dataset;
682 | $insquery[$i].=", fSequenceFirst=" . $sequ . ", fOnOff=1";
683 | $i=$i+1;
684 | }
685 | if (!empty($off))
686 | {
687 | foreach(explode(" ", trim($sequoff)) as $key => $sequ)
688 | {
689 | $insquery[$i]="INSERT DataSetSequenceMapping SET fDataSetNumber=" . $dataset;
690 | $insquery[$i].=", fSequenceFirst=" . $sequ . ", fOnOff=2";
691 | $i=$i+1;
692 | }
693 | }
694 | foreach($insquery as $num => $q)
695 | {
696 | if (!empty($_POST["insert"]) && $numerr==0)
697 | {
698 | printf("Inserted Query #%s: %s<br>", $num, $q);
699 | $insresult=mysql_query($q);
700 | if (mysql_errno()>0)
701 | printf(" Errorno: %s <br>", mysql_errno());
702 | if (mysql_error()!="")
703 | printf(" Errormsg: %s <br>", mysql_error());
704 | if (mysql_info()!="")
705 | printf(" Info: %s <br>", mysql_info());
706 | printf(" Affected Rows: %s <br>", mysql_affected_rows());
707 | mysql_free_result($insresult);
708 | if (mysql_errno()>0)
709 | {
710 | printf("ERROR => stop inserting");
711 | break;
712 | }
713 | }
714 | }
715 | printf("</div>");
716 | if (empty($_POST["name"]) && !empty($_GET["name"]))
717 | $_POST["name"]=$_GET["name"];
718 | if (empty($_POST["comment"]) && !empty($_GET["comment"]))
719 | $_POST["comment"]=$_GET["comment"];
720 | if (empty($_POST["fUserKEY"]) && !empty($_GET["username"]))
721 | $_POST["fUserKEY"]=$_GET["username"];
722 | printf("Name: <input name='name' type='text' size='20' maxlength='20' value='%s'><br>\n", $_POST["name"]);
723 | printf("Comment: <input name='comment' type='text' size='50' maxlength='255' value='%s'><br>\n", $_POST["comment"]);
724 |
725 | $query = "SELECT fObservationModeKEY, fObservationModeName FROM ObservationMode ORDER BY fObservationModeName";
726 | $result = mysql_query($query);
727 | if (!$result)
728 | printf("-N/A-");
729 |
730 | $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
731 |
732 | printf("ObservationMode <select name='fObservationModeKEY' size='1' class='Width'>\n");
733 | while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
734 | {
735 | if (!empty($_POST["fObservationModeKEY"]) && $_POST["fObservationModeKEY"]==$row[0])
736 | printf("<option value='%s' selected>%s</option>\n", $row[0], $row[1]);
737 | else
738 | printf("<option value='%s'>%s</option>\n", $row[0], $row[1]);
739 | }
740 | printf("</select><br>\n");
741 | mysql_free_result($result);
742 |
743 | $query = "SELECT fUserKEY, fUserName FROM User ORDER BY fUserKEY";
744 | $result = mysql_query($query);
745 | if (!$result)
746 | printf("-N/A-");
747 |
748 | $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
749 |
750 | printf("UserName <select name='fUserKEY' size='1' class='Width'>\n");
751 | while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
752 | {
753 | if (!empty($_POST["fUserKEY"]) && $_POST["fUserKEY"]==$row[0])
754 | printf("<option value='%s' selected>%s</option>\n", $row[0], $row[1]);
755 | else
756 | printf("<option value='%s'>%s</option>\n", $row[0], $row[1]);
757 | }
758 | printf("</select><br>\n");
759 | mysql_free_result($result);
760 |
761 | printf("Remark: only datasets without errors can be inserted.<br>");
762 | if ($numerr!=0)
763 | printf("Your dataset has %s error(s).<br>", $numerr);
764 | printf("<input type='checkbox' name='insert' value='On'>insert\n");
765 |
766 | printf("<table><tr><td colspan='2' align='center'>Dataset</td></tr>");
767 | printf("<tr><td>proposed DataSet#: </td><td>%s</td></tr>", $dataset);
768 | printf("<tr><td valign='top'>SequencesOn:</td><td> %s</td></tr>", $sequon);
769 | if (!empty($sequoff))
770 | printf("<tr><td valign='top'>SequencesOff:</td><td> %s</td></tr>", $sequoff);
771 | printf("<tr><td>Scale: </td><td>%0.2f</td></tr>", $scale);
772 | printf("<tr><td>SourcenamesOn[%s]: </td><td>%s</td></tr>", str_word_count($sourceson), $sourceson);
773 | printf("<tr><td>SourcenamesOff[%s]: </td><td>%s</td></tr>", str_word_count($sourcesoff), $sourcesoff);
774 | printf("</table>\n");
775 |
776 | printf("<table border='1'>\n");
777 | printf("<tr><td>Value</td><td>On</td>");
778 | if (!empty($off))
779 | printf("<td>Off</td></tr>\n");
780 | foreach($values as $name => $varname)
781 | {
782 | printf("<tr><td>%s</td>\n", $name);
783 | foreach($vals as $num => $val)
784 | if (!empty(${$val}))
785 | printf("<td>%s</td>\n", $varname[$val]);
786 | printf("</tr>\n");
787 | }
788 | printf("</table>\n");
789 | }
790 |
791 | printf("</div>\n");
792 | /*
793 | printf("<table border='1'><tr>\n");
794 | printf("<td>--</td>\n");
795 | foreach($values as $name => $varname)
796 | printf("<td>%s</td>\n", $name);
797 | $vals=array("on", "off");
798 | foreach($vals as $num => $val)
799 | {
800 | GetSequenceValues($db_id, ${$val}, $val, $values);
801 | printf("</tr><tr>\n");
802 | printf("<td>On</td>\n");
803 | foreach($values as $name => $varname)
804 | printf("<td>%s</td>\n", $varname[$val]);
805 | }
806 | printf("</tr></table>\n");
807 | */
808 |
809 | printf("</center>\n");
810 | printf("</td>\n");
811 | printf("</tr>\n");
812 |
813 | printf("</form>\n");
814 | }
815 | else
816 | PrintText($result0);
817 |
818 | mysql_free_result($result0);
819 | }
820 | mysql_close($db_id);
821 |
822 | PrintSubmittedQuery($query0, $html, $db, "");
823 | }
824 |
825 | include ("include.php");
826 | include ("menu.php");
827 | include ("db.php");
828 | include ("magicdefs.php");
829 |
830 | ini_set("display_errors", "On");
831 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "On");
832 |
833 | $sitepw="\$1\$ml/Gld67\$zOvhC4vFrLCkbAzQs2swo1";
834 | $siteuser="dcdb";
835 |
836 |
837 | if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || crypt($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'], $sitepw)!=$sitepw || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']!=$siteuser)
838 | {
839 | header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Build Datasets"');
840 | header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
841 | echo 'Cancelled.';
842 | return;
843 | }
844 | else
845 | {
846 | // echo "<p>Hello {$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']}.</p>";
847 | // echo "<p>You entered {$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']} as your password.</p>";
848 | // printf("pw: %s", crypt($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']));
849 |
850 | if (crypt($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'], $sitepw)!=$sitepw || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']!=$siteuser)
851 | {
852 | printf("<br>pw or user incorrect<br>");
853 | return;
854 | }
855 | }
856 |
857 | if (!empty($_GET["fSendTxt"]))
858 | {
859 | header("Content-type: application/octet");
860 | header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=query-result.txt");
861 |
862 | PrintPage("0", $host, $user, $pw, $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $limitsmean, $limitsmin, $limitsmax, $needs);
863 | }
864 | else
865 | {
866 | echo (file_get_contents("index-header.html"));
867 |
868 | $environment = sizeof($_GET);
869 |
870 | InitGet($_GET);
871 | if (empty($_GET["fPrintTable"]))
872 | PrintForm($_GET, $host, $user, $pw, $db, $limitsmean, $limitsmin, $limitsmax, $alias);
873 |
874 | if ($environment==0)
875 | printf("No query submitted yet.<BR>");
876 | else
877 | {
878 | if (empty($_GET["fPrintTable"]))
879 | PrintPage("1", $host, $user, $pw, $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $limitsmean, $limitsmin, $limitsmax, $needs);
880 | else
881 | PrintPage("2", $host, $user, $pw, $db, $alias, $rightalign, $checkwhere, $checkgroup, $checkstatusgroup, $limitsmean, $limitsmin, $limitsmax, $needs);
882 | }
883 |
884 | echo (file_get_contents("index-footer.html"));
885 | }
886 |
887 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
888 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
889 | }
890 | ?>