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22 | <font size=+1><B>Magic Database</B></font><BR>
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34 | <p>
35 | Some useful queries:<p>
36 | <ul>
37 | <li><A HREF="runinfo-aio.php">Run Information</A></li>
38 | <li><A HREF="sequinfo-aio.php">Sequence Information</A> (including find-off-data functionalities)</li>
39 | <li><A HREF="queryrbk.php">Runbook Database</A></li>
40 | <li><A HREF="datasetinfo-aio.php">Dataset Information</A>
41 | (<A HREF="http://datacenter.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datasets/">dataset files</A>)</li>
42 | <li><A HREF="ganymed.php">Results of the Automatic Analysis</A> </li>
43 | <li><A HREF="sequence.php">Sequence(s)</A>: all information of one sequence in one table </li>
44 | <li><A HREF="sources.php">Sources - list of sources</A> (possibility to ex/include test- and off-sources)</li>
45 | <li><A HREF="statussbs.php">Sequence Build Status</A>: querying only the information from the table SequenceBuildStatus </li>
46 | <li><A HREF="builddatasets.php">Build Datasets</A>: webtool to build datasets for the automatic analysis
47 | (for more information mail to: <a href='mailto:datacenter@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de'>datacenter@a...</a>)</li>
48 | </li>
49 | </ul>
50 | <p>
51 | Plots:<p>
52 | <ul>
53 | <li><A HREF="http://datacenter.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacheck">Evolution of quality parameter</A>
54 | plots for quality parameter from callisto and star for all data since 21.8.2004</li>
55 | <li><A HREF="plotdb.php">Plots</A>: plot values from the database yourself online</li>
56 | <li><A HREF="showplots.php">All plots of one sequence</A>: click through all calib, signal and star plot of one sequence</li>
57 | <li><A HREF="showplots-ds.php">All plots of one dataset</A>: click through all sequences of one dataset (all plots of calib, signal and star can be viewed)</li>
58 | <li><A HREF="showplots-seq.php">All plots of one source / sequence range</A>: similar to the previous one, but the sequences are not given by a dataset, but by choosing a source and/or a sequence range. </li>
59 | </ul>
60 | <p>
61 | Documentation: <p>
62 | <ul>
63 | <li><a href="http://datacenter.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/instructions/intern/errorcoding.txt">error coding</a></li>
64 | <li><A HREF="http://datacenter.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/index.html#db">old documentation</A></li>
65 | </ul>
66 | <p>
67 | <br>
68 | <p>
69 | <u>Old websites:</u> <br>
70 | (remark: these websites are not supported anymore)<p>
71 | Some useful queries:<p>
72 | <ul>
73 | <li><A HREF="runinfo.php">Run Information</A></li>
74 | <li><A HREF="sequinfo.php">Sequence Information</A></li>
75 | <li><A HREF="queryrbk.php">Runbook Database</A></li>
76 | <li><A HREF="datasetinfo.php">Dataset Information</A>
77 | (<A HREF="http://datacenter.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datasets/">dataset files</A>)</li>
78 | <li><A HREF="ganymed.php">Results of the Automatic Analysis</A>
79 | </ul>
80 | Other queries:<p>
81 | <ul>
82 | <li><A HREF="culminating.php">Sequences with Culmination</A>
83 | (<A HREF="http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/results/culmination.html">information about 'culmination problem'</A>)</li>
84 | <li><A HREF="sequence.php">Sequence(s)</A>: all information of one sequence in one table </li>
85 | <li><A HREF="sources.php">Sources - list of sources</A> (possibility to ex/include test- and off-sources)</li>
86 | <li><A HREF="datacheck.php">DataCheck</A>: datacheck values from sinope </li>
87 | <li><A HREF="findoffdata.php">Find Offdata</A>: find appropriate (off)data </li>
88 | </ul>
89 | Query Status:<p>
90 | <ul>
91 | <li><A HREF="statussbs.php">Sequence Build Status</A>: querying only the information from the table SequenceBuildStatus </li>
92 | <li><A HREF="statusrps.php">Run Process Status</A>: querying only the information from the table RunProcessStatus </li>
93 | <li><A HREF="statussps.php">Sequence Process Status</A>: querying only the information from the table SequenceProcessStatus </li>
94 | <li><A HREF="printtable.php?fTable=MarsVersion">Mars Versions in the DC</A>: querying all information from the table MarsVersions </li>
95 | <li><A HREF="dbstatus.php?fAllFilesAvailStatus=0&fCallisto=On&fCallistoStatus=7&fStar=On&fStarStatus=7&fFillCallistoStatus=0&fFillStarStatus=0&fSourceName=On&fSourceKEY=0">Processing status</A> (a simplified version of sequinfo.php)</li>
96 | </ul>
97 | Some very simple queries:<p>
98 | <ul>
99 | <li><A HREF="index.php">Run Database</A>: querying only the information from the table RunData </li>
100 | <li><A HREF="queryseq.php">Sequence Database</A>: querying only the information from the table Sequences </li>
101 | <li><A HREF="querycal.php">Calibration Database</A>: querying only the information from the table Calibration </li>
102 | <li><A HREF="querystar.php">Star Database</A>: querying only the information from the table Star </li>
103 | </ul>
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112 | <hr NOSHADE WIDTH="80%"><i><font color="#000099"><font size=-1>This Web Site is
113 | hosted by Apache for OS/2 and done by <a href="mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de">Thomas Bretz</a> and <a href="mailto:dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de">Daniela Dorner</a> .</font></font></i><BR>
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