source: tools/FAD/printdata/printdata.cpp@ 9232

Last change on this file since 9232 was 271, checked in by dneise, 15 years ago
added sclkon & sclkoff command to 'fad'
File size: 10.4 KB
2former Version of VIEWEVENT ist now called printdatay
4 print content of FAD raw-data in an Excel readable format :-)
5 dn, 08.06.10
7 should work with data format version no. 0x0100, 0x0101 and 0x0102
9 all 16 and 32 bit values must be converted from big to little endian!!! (ntohs (), ntohl ())
11 kw, 05.10
14#ifndef PATH_MAX
15#define PATH_MAX 1000
17#include <stdlib.h>
18#include <stdio.h>
19#include <string.h>
20#include <getopt.h>
21#include <arpa/inet.h>
24#include "printdata.h"
26int main(int argc, char **argv)
28 int opt, evnt_cnt;
29 int max_roi=0;
31 // static array to store data, for printing coloumn wise.
32 unsigned short evnt_data[36][1024];
33 for (int col=0; col<1024; col++)
34 {
35 for (int row=0; row<36; row++)
36 {
37 evnt_data[row][col]=0;
38 }
39 }
40 unsigned short ch_id[36];
41 unsigned short ch_start_cell[36];
42 unsigned short ch_roi[36];
44 const char *optstring = "h";
45 static struct option long_options[] =
46 {
47 {"no-data", 0, 0, 1},
48 {"dec",0,0,2},
49 {"offsbin",0,0,3},
50 {"twoscompl",0,0,4},
51 {0, 0, 0, 0}
52 };
54 char fname[PATH_MAX];
55 int print_data = 1; //1
56 int print_hex=1;
57 int print_dec=0; //2
58 int print_offsbin=0; //3
59 int print_twoscompl=0; //4
61 if (argc <= 1)
62 {
63 usage (argv[0]);
64 exit (1);
65 }
67 while ((opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, optstring, long_options, 0)) != -1)
68 {
69 switch (opt)
70 {
71 // no channel data
72 case 1:
73 print_data = 0;
74 break;
75 case 2:
76 print_hex = 0;
77 print_dec=1;
78 break;
79 case 3:
80 print_hex = 0;
81 print_offsbin=1;
82 break;
83 case 4:
84 print_hex = 0;
85 print_twoscompl=1;
86 break;
87 default:
88 usage (argv[0]);
89 exit (1);
90 break;
91 }
92 }
94 if (optind < argc)
95 {
96 strncpy (fname, argv[optind], PATH_MAX);
97 }
98 else
99 {
100 usage (argv[0]);
101 exit (1);
102 }
104 FILE *fhandle;
105 size_t fresult;
107 EVNT *evnt;
109 // open input file
110 if ((fhandle = fopen (fname, "r")) == NULL)
111 {
112 // Oops...
113 printf ("Error: File %s not found\n", fname);
114 exit (1);
115 }
116 else
117 {
118 for (evnt_cnt = 0;; evnt_cnt++)
119 {
120 // allocate memory for evnt structure
121 evnt =( EVNT*) calloc (1, sizeof (EVNT));
123 // read and print package header
124 if ((fresult = fread (&evnt->evnt_header.start_package_flag, sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.start_package_flag), 1, fhandle)) == 1)
125 {
126 printf ("--------------\nEvent No.: %d\n--------------\n", evnt_cnt);
128 printf ("Start Package Flag: 0x%.4X\n", ntohs (evnt->evnt_header.start_package_flag));
130 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.package_length, sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.package_length), 1, fhandle);
131 printf ("Package Length: 0x%.4X\n", ntohs (evnt->evnt_header.package_length));
133 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.version_no, sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.version_no), 1, fhandle);
134 printf ("Version Number: 0x%.4X\n", ntohs (evnt->evnt_header.version_no));
136 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.trigger_id, sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.trigger_id), 1, fhandle);
137 printf ("Trigger-ID: 0x%.8X\n", ntohl (evnt->evnt_header.trigger_id));
139 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.trigger_type, sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.trigger_type), 1, fhandle);
140 printf ("Trigger Type: 0x%.2X\n", evnt->evnt_header.trigger_type);
142 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.trigger_crc, sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.trigger_crc), 1, fhandle);
143 printf ("Trigger CRC: 0x%.2X\n", evnt->evnt_header.trigger_crc);
145 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.local_trigger_id, sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.local_trigger_id), 1, fhandle);
146 printf ("Local Trigger-ID: 0x%.8X\n", ntohl (evnt->evnt_header.local_trigger_id));
148 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.local_trigger_type, sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.local_trigger_type), 1, fhandle);
149 printf ("Local Trigger Type: 0x%.2X\n", evnt->evnt_header.local_trigger_type);
151 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.local_trigger_crc, sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.local_trigger_crc), 1, fhandle);
152 printf ("Local Trigger CRC: 0x%.2X\n", evnt->evnt_header.local_trigger_crc);
154 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.board_id, sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.board_id), 1, fhandle);
155 printf ("Board-ID: 0x%.4X\n", ntohs (evnt->evnt_header.board_id));
157 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
158 {
159 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.drs_temperature[i], sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.drs_temperature[i]), 1, fhandle);
160 if ((ntohs (evnt->evnt_header.drs_temperature[i]) & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
161 {
162 printf ("Temperature %d: %d\n", i, 0xE000 | (ntohs (evnt->evnt_header.drs_temperature[i])) >> 3);
163 }
164 else
165 {
166 printf ("Temperature %d: %d\n", i, ntohs (evnt->evnt_header.drs_temperature[i]) >> 3);
167 }
168 }
170 // DAC Values, only if version > 0x0101
171 if (ntohs (evnt->evnt_header.version_no) > 0x0101)
172 {
173 for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
174 {
175 fread (&evnt->evnt_header.dac[i], sizeof (evnt->evnt_header.dac[i]), 1, fhandle);
176 printf ("DAC %d: %d\n", i, ntohs (evnt->evnt_header.dac[i]));
177 }
178 }
180 // read channels, no error checking...
181 for (int i = 0; i < (4 * 9); i++)
182 {
183 // read channel header
184 fread (&ch_id[i], sizeof (evnt->channel[i].channel_id), 1, fhandle);
185 fread (&ch_start_cell[i], sizeof (evnt->channel[i].channel_start_cell), 1, fhandle);
186 fread (&ch_roi[i], sizeof (evnt->channel[i].channel_roi), 1, fhandle);
189 if (max_roi < ntohs (ch_roi[i]))
190 {max_roi = ntohs (ch_roi[i]);}
192 fread ((evnt_data[i]), sizeof (unsigned short), ntohs (ch_roi[i]), fhandle);
195 }
197 // loop over event_data to adjust endianess!
198 for (int row=0; row<36; row++)
199 {
200 ch_id[row]=ntohs(ch_id[row]);
201 ch_start_cell[row]=ntohs(ch_start_cell[row]);
202 ch_roi[row]=ntohs(ch_roi[row]);
203 for (int col=0; col<1024; col++)
204 {
205 evnt_data[row][col] = ntohs(evnt_data[row][col]);
206 }
207 }
209 printf("Channel IDs:\n");
210 for (int ch=0; ch<36; ch++){
211 printf("0x%.2X ",ch_id[ch]);
212 }
213 printf("\n");
215 printf("Channel Start Cells:\n");
216 for (int ch=0; ch<36; ch++){
217 printf("%4d ",ch_start_cell[ch]);
218 }
219 printf("\n");
221 printf("Channel ROIs:\n");
222 for (int ch=0; ch<36; ch++){
223 printf("%4d ",ch_roi[ch]);
224 }
225 printf("\n");
226 printf ("maximal ROI was %d \n\n", max_roi);
228 // print channel data in hex format
229 if (print_data && print_hex)
230 {
231 for (int col = 0; col < max_roi; col++)
232 {
233 for (int row = 0; row < 36; row++)
234 {
235 printf ("0x%.4X ", evnt_data[row][col] );
236 }
237 printf ("\n");
238 }
239 }
242 // print channel data in decimal format
243 if (print_data && print_dec)
244 {
245 for (int col = 0; col < max_roi; col++)
246 {
247 for (int row = 0; row < 36; row++)
248 {
249 printf ("%.4d ", evnt_data[row][col] );
250 }
251 printf ("\n");
252 }
253 }
255 // print channel data in ad9238 offset binary format
256 // only the first lowest 13bits should contain data,
257 // if this is not true and some data 1s sit in the upper 3positions
258 // strange things might happen
259 if (print_data && print_offsbin)
260 {
261 short sd; // just a dummy to calculate signed adc value
262 for (int col = 0; col < max_roi; col++)
263 {
264 for (int row = 0; row < 36; row++)
265 {
266 // the overflow bit is the 13th bit (when you say LSB = 1st bit)
267 // to shift a 1 to this position one has to use (1<<12), not (1<<13)
268 // 1<<0 is 0x0001
269 // 1<<1 is 0x0002
270 // 1<<12 is 0x1000 or 0001.0000.0000.0000
271 if ((evnt_data[row][col] & (1<<12))) // the overflow bit is set
272 {
273 if ((evnt_data[row][col] & ~(1<<12)) > 0 ) // this was an OVERflow
274 {
275 sd = 0x7FFF; // dec=32767 highest possible value of signed short!
276 }else { // this was an UNDERflow
277 sd = 0x8000; // dec=-32768 lowest possible value of signed short
278 }
279 }else{ // data is okay, no overflow or underflow
280 // since ADC data format is 12bit offset binary
281 // I shift the numbers from 0..4095 to -2048 .. +2047
282 sd = evnt_data[row][col] - (1<<11);
283 }
284 printf ("%.4d ", sd );
285 }
286 printf ("\n");
287 }
288 }
290 // print channel data in ad9238 in twos complement format
291 // only the first lowest 13bits should contain data,
292 // if this is not true and some data 1s sit in the upper 3positions
293 // strange things might happen
294 if (print_data && print_twoscompl)
295 {
296 short sd; // just a dummy to calculate signed adc value
297 for (int col = 0; col < max_roi; col++)
298 {
299 for (int row = 0; row < 36; row++)
300 {
301 // the overflow bit is the 13th bit (when you say LSB = 1st bit)
302 // to shift a 1 to this position one has to use (1<<12), not (1<<13)
303 // 1<<0 is 0x0001
304 // 1<<1 is 0x0002
305 // 1<<12 is 0x1000 or 0001.0000.0000.0000
306 if ((evnt_data[row][col] & (1<<12))) // the overflow bit is set
307 {
308 if ((evnt_data[row][col] & ~(1<<12)) > 0 ) // this was an OVERflow
309 {
310 sd = 0x7FFF; // dec=32767 highest possible value of signed short!
311 }else { // this was an UNDERflow
312 sd = 0x8000; // dec=-32768 lowest possible value of signed short
313 }
314 }else{ // data is okay, no overflow or underflow
315 // AD9238 twos complement
316 // positive numbers will look like: 0000.0xxx.xxxx.xxxx
317 // negative numbers will look like: 0000.1xxx.xxxx.xxxx
318 // the bit shift operators are smart for signed integer data types.
319 // shifting back and forth should do the trick.
321 sd = (evnt_data[row][col]<<4);
322 sd = (sd>>4);
323 }
324 printf ("%.4d ", sd );
325 }
326 printf ("\n");
327 }
328 }
329 // CRC, only if version > 0x0100
330 if (ntohs (evnt->evnt_header.version_no) > 0x0100)
331 {
332 fread (&evnt->package_crc, sizeof (evnt->package_crc), 1, fhandle);
333 printf ("\nPackage CRC: 0x%.4X\n", ntohs (evnt->package_crc));
334 }
336 // end package flag
337 fread (&evnt->end_package_flag, sizeof (evnt->end_package_flag), 1, fhandle);
338 printf ("\nEnd Package Flag: 0x%.4X\n\n", ntohs (evnt->end_package_flag));
340 }
341 else
342 {
343 // end of file reached ... or something else ...
344 printf ("\nCould not read event no.: %d (end of file?)\n", evnt_cnt);
345 return (1);
346 }
348 // free memory of evnt structure
349 free (evnt);
350 }
352 // close file
353 fclose (fhandle);
354 }
356 exit (0);
359void usage(char *argv)
361 printf ("\nUsage: %s [--no-data] FILE\n", argv);
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