## little programm that listens of /dev/myAruino and prints (nearly) everything to /ct3data/Slowdata/TEMP_YYYYMMDD.slow the FACT slow data format is used. the Filenames follow the agreed naming scheme. usage: ./listen_to_arduino end with: 'q'+'Enter' (sorry i did not manage to read single keystrokes) missing features: no one knows where each of the DALLAS Sensors sits. Neighther the order of the sent Temperature Data tells anything about the position of the Sensor or whether this is a temperature or a humidity. I plan to use a kind of config file, where the Sensor Positions and Sensor IDs are stored. This file is read, once ./listen is started. The user has to confirm, that nothing has changed. If a Sensor postion is changed, the user may change the data in this config file as well. This results in some new lines in a Slow Data File. Like this: DALLAS Sensorpositions 2009 08 22 10 47 43 957 1253609263 SensorID: 0x12 34 45 56 a3 moved from: Copperplate upper left corner to: backside of the camera Box So the movement of every Sensor can be tracked. Since the DALLAS Sensors can be orderes by their IDs, the Arduino does so, and prints first all Temperature Sensor values (DS18S20) and then all humidity Sensors (DS2438) (first TEMP then HUM) So one has to look into the Sensorpositions File to find out which Sensor sits in which postion right now, as well as to find out, which value in the String sent by the arduino belongs to which Sensor. This is quite supid work. So there are/will be some nice GUIs. The T72 Window, where the user can see the current sensor Data (including 6 Tempsensors an one Humidity Sensor) The 2nd humidity sensor is not included yet. The plot_temps_via_gnuplot command. Once it is ready the command: plot_temps_via_gnuplot -d 20090812 -s 1234 -e 1345 will open a gnuplot window which shows a temp vs. time plot. '-d' date in YYYYMMDD '-s' starttime in HHMM '-e' endtime in HHMM usually one will wish to print the last 20min e.g. this will be possible just by typing: plot_temps_via_gnuplot -s 1234 or //giving the startime plot_temps_via_gnuplot -l 20 // inorder to plot the last 20 min.