# # .cosyrc # Telescope: 1 # Software endswitch Az_Min[deg]: -295.0 Zd_Min[deg]: -104.9 Az_Max[deg]: 85.0 Zd_Max[deg]: 104.9 TPointLeds.File: leds_fact.txt TPointLeds.RadiusMin: 236.7 TPointLeds.RadiusMax: 237.1 TPointLeds.ArcsecPerPixel: 45.311 #TPointLeds.MinNumberLeds: 5 #TPointLeds.BoxSize: 19 #TPointLeds.CleaningLevel: 3.0 FindStar.SizeBox: 50 #FindStar.CleaningLevel: 3.0 StarguiderLeds.File: stargleds_magic1.txt StarguiderLeds.RadiusMin: 161 StarguiderLeds.RadiusMax: 164 #StarguiderLeds.ArcsecPerPixel: 48.9 StarguiderLeds.MinNumberLeds: 3 #StarguiderLeds.BoxSize: 19 #StarguiderLeds.CleaningLevel: 3.0 Starguider.Width: 225 Starguider.Height: 280 Starguider.X: 540 Starguider.Y: 292 # Default offset between the camera center and the corresponding point # on the sky. This value is just to make the starguider work. It has # once to be adjusted as good as possible... but NEVER EVER change # these values again! (Except you change the alignment of the ccd optics) # MAGIC II: Index Error from pointing model is +0.89 pix # MAGIC I: Index Error from pointing model is -0.86deg #Starguider.SkyOffsetX: 335 Starguider.SkyOffsetX: 335.86 # MAGIC II: Index Error from pointing model is -0.32 pix # MAGIC I: Index Error from pointing model is 14.67deg #Starguider.SkyOffsetY: 13.5 Starguider.SkyOffsetY: 28.17 Leds.Radius: 2000 Starguider.RotationAngle: -0.2 Starguider.CleaningLevel: 3.0 DefaultCameraChannel: 1 IpAddressSPS: #IpAddressSPS: xxx IpAddressCentralControl: xxx #PortCentralControlRX: 7414 #PortCentralControlTX: 7314 #IpAddressPowerSwitch: powerswitch5 PointingModel: bending_fact.txt FilePredefinedPositions: prepos.txt