-*-*- END -*-*- 2004/09/05 - Robert Wagner (La Palma) * main/MStarguider.[cc,h] - Start commissioning of a star guider for MAGIC. - Display misspointing with an MGStarg object - Rename the two video channels to "Starfield Camera" and "TPoint Camera" - Swapped IDs of video channels, since a reset (errno=5) of video card changes to channel #0 - Rearranged menu structure, added starguider relevant items: Starguider LED finder, Starguider FindStar (FindStar analysis of star on curtain for crosschecks and calibration), Starguider Analysis (write relevant data to ROOT trees), Starguider (Starguider analysis of starfield picture) - Rearranged GUI displays, added displays to show misspointing, misspointing from FindStar algorithm, sky brightness - Acquisition of center of the PMT camera from applying Caos algorithm to the three LEDs visible in the starfield camera - Acquisition of sky brightness (average CCD pixel content in Starfield) and comparison to last sky brightness - MStarguider::TrackingError(): Modified histogram binning to enhance excess - MStarguider::FindStar(): Now returns position of found star as ZdAz - MStarguider::FindStar(): Cut and ROI box can now handed over as i parameters - MStarguider::FindStar(): Scale factor to compensate for different FOV (TPoint camera vs. Starfield camera) - MStarguider::ProcessFrame(): Modified structure to accomodate Starguider algorithm and tools: 1) Find Center of PMT camera, find Star (if activated) to obtain misspointing found from PMT camera. - Set ROI for starfield in space not occupied by the PMT camera in the starfield camera FOV - Calculate star positions and draw stars only in that ROI - fStatus variable contains status of starguider (Error, Monitoring, Standby) - Draw representation of MAGIC's FOV on starfield - Send STARG-REPORTS unconditionally by using MDriveCom::SendStargReport - Add Ra/Dec in filename when writing pictures - Introduced #define EXPERT to allow for debug output - tracking_*.txt is only produced in case of EXPERT mode * tcpip/MTcpIpIO.[h,cc], tcpip/MCeCoCom.[h,cc] - added option force to MTcpIp::Send() which forces sending of message * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc] - added MDriveCom::MSendStargReport() * stars.txt - added Albiero (3.08), Iota Pegasi (3.49), Tarazed (2.72), Unukalhay (2.65) - corrected wrong position of Capella (0.08) * gui/MGStarg.cc, gui/MGStarg.h gui/GuiLinkDef.h gui/Makefile - added GUI element similar to MGAccuracy to display misspointing. * stargleds.txt - List of location of LEDs visible in starfield camera picture * main/MStargHistograms.[cc,h], main/Makefile, main/MainLinkDef.h - Filling trees with Starguider analysis relevant data * caos/Led.h - added Setters SetX(), SetY() * main/MCosy.h - added *GetDriveCom(), returns pointer to MDriveCom object * starg.cc - corrected typo * prepos_magic.txt - changed Park and Camera Access position coordinates * caos/Rings.[cc,h] - minimum number of required LEDs can be set via SetMinNumberLeds(), default is 5 * main/MCaos.[cc,h] - possibility to set size of box and cut in MCaos::Run() - possibility to specify maximum and minimum acceptable ring radius * catalog/StarCatalog.[cc,h] - possibility to narrow field of view in CalcStars - possibility to offset origin of FOV in CalcStars - CalcStars and DrawStars flip the field in x direction defaultwise - CalcStars adds only stars visible in the chosen FOV to the star list * videodev/FilterLed.[cc,h] - Added possibility to return average brightness found in chosen FOV * videodev/Writer.[cc,h] - Ra/Dec in filename when writing pictures 2004/08/23 - Thomas Bretz * videodev/FilterLed.cc: - tried to fix a possible crash in FindStar. Maybe the edges exceeded the area of the image in memory 2004/08/16 - Thomas Bretz * tpoint/gui.C: - implemented TGFSFileDialog for reading and writing bending.txt - plot deviations vs Magnitude 2004/08/12 - Thomas Bretz * tpoint/gui.C: - implemented TGFSFileDialog for reading the star data 2004/08/05 - Thomas Bretz * main/MStarguider.cc: - on request of the shift-crew I have changed the find-star cut from 3.0 to 3.5 2004/06/28 - Thomas Bretz * caos/Ring.[h,cc]: - added magnitude fMag - added interpolation of magnitude * main/MStarguider.cc: - added output of magnitudes * tpoint/gui.C: - implemented comment lines - changed layout of output 2004/06/01 - Thomas Bretz * Makefile.conf.linux: - removed obsolete -Wtraditional and -Wnested-externs * caos/Leds.h: - added empty Add(TObject*) function for correct overload * main/MBending.cc: - added MAGIC1 as a hysteresis * main/MCosy.cc: - added header to drive report * main/MCosy.h: - added getter-function to GetOutRep (used in FindStar) * main/MStarguider.cc: - added Output to report file - added output of Star-Offset in pixels * main/MTracking.cc: - removed some 'unused variable' * tcpip/MTcpIpIO.cc: - removed nonsense setting of eGui when writing to the report file * tpoint/gui.C: - enhanced display 2004/05/15 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma) * Makefile: - added MGMenu links * bending_magic.txt: - last calculated pointing model (still has the hysteresis problem) * cosy.cc: - moved camera stuff to MStarguider - added channel selection * base/BaseLinkDef.h: - updated * base/MString.[h,cc]: - removed (now in Mars) * base/MThread.h, candrv/network.h, candrv/nodedrv.h, candrv/vmodican.h, devdrv/macs.h, videodev/Camera.h: - changed ifndef * base/Makefile: - updated * candrv/nodedrv.cc: - added cast to MTime * candrv/vmodican.cc: - changed priority from 10 to 1 * caos/Led.cc, caos/Ring.cc: - changed Form to MString * caos/Makefile: - added include base * caos/Ring.[h,cc]: - added arguments to constructor * catalog/CatalogLinkDef.h, catalog/Makefile: - removed SaoFile * catalog/Slalib.cc: - removed some obsolete code * catalog/StarCatalog.cc: - added a size check for the bitmap * devdrv/macs.cc: - no guarding for the moment * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]: - added code to communicate with the Macs * gui/GuiLinkDef.h, gui/Makefile: - removed MGVelocity * gui/MGCosy.[h,cc]: - added weather data to display - added image of the camera to window - removed velocity from window - replaced Form by MString * main/MBending.cc: - changed handling in GetAnAw - Hopefully correct??? the old handling gave problems * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - added SetTrackingPosRE - display interpolated position when tracking - added SetMotor calls * main/MStarguider.[h,cc]: - added code to find star in the display - added corresponding menus - added code to support more than one ccd channel * main/MTracking.[h,cc]: - complete change to the algorithm. The position which is send to CC need still some investigations. For more information look at the code. The main difference is that the motor encoders are taken better into account which fixes the SE handling on the elevation axis * main/MainLinkDef.h, main/Makefile: - added MPointing - added MTracking * tcpip/MCeCoCom.[h,cc]: - added alarm counter * tcpip/MTcpIpIO.cc: - do not write to output file if stream is locked * tpoint/gui.C: - fixed display so that it perfectly shows north, east, ... - added error for residual - simplified residual algorithm - read new files - changed displaying deviations a bit - display result in the display (preliminary) - set gIgnoreLevel to suppress strange color warnings * videodev/FilterLed.cc: - use MGMap for drawing... 2004/05/15 - Thomas Bretz (La Palma) * .cosyrc_magic: - updated with some comments * Makefile: - added many more links necessary for current make (should be replaced by libmars.so in the future) * Makefile.conf.general: - added GX11 and HistPainter * cosy.cc, starg.cc: - Moved initialization of Camera to MStarguider - added command line option to choose ccd channel * leds.txt: - replaced with new LED positions (OFFSETS MISSING) * stars.txt: - added many more stars * base/coord.h: - added operator/=(XY&) * base/msgqueue.cc, candrv/sdolist.cc: - added more output in case mutex is already locked by the same thread * candrv/vmodican.cc: - some changes to output * catalog/SlaStars.cc: - changed some comments * catalog/StarCatalog.[h,cc]: - replaced old algorithms by MAstroCatalog and new simplifications to calculate star-positions accuratly by combining slalib with MAstroCatalog * devdrv/macs.h: - added GetPosTime * devdrv/shaftencoder.[h,cc]: - added output to report file * gui/MGAccuracy.[h,cc]: - added time development curve (blue) * gui/MGEmbeddedCanvas.h, gui/MGSkyPosition.h, gui/MGVelocity.h: - changed ifndef define * gui/MGImage.[h,cc]: - enhancements in speed - enhancements in mutex locking mechanism * gui/MGPngReader.cc, gui/MGTPoint.cc: - changed meaning of PixSize * gui/MGVelocity.cc: - fixed units * main/MCaos.[h,cc]: - changed ring radius from 266/272 to 266,268 - moved drawing circles to MStarguider * main/MCosy.[h,cc]: - moved big parts of the code to MPointing and MTracking - removed old conversion constants (Se to RE, etc) and replaced by more meaningful ones - prepare displaying starguider image - added GetFileName to globally prepare correct file names * main/MPointing.cc: - fixed missing SetDecelaration - changed to new unit conversion constants - Use SendStatus instead of Send * main/MStarguider.cc: - added update and support of cosy-image display - added channel swicthing for the frame grabber - added algorithm to find star position FindStar - commented out starguider algorithms - draw support lines and grid stuff * main/MTracking.[h,cc]: - changed to new unit conversion constants - added output of RE stuff to report file - some simplification to tracking thread * base/MString.[h,cc]: - added as a thread safe replacement for Form() * tcpip/MCeCoCom.[h,cc]: - changed support for Weather information * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]: - changed output - added SendStatus * tcpip/MTcpIpIO.cc: - changed output - output reports to report file * tpoint/gui.C: - read new starg_* files * videodev/Camera.[h,cc]: - some enhancements to ioctl call - some changes to output - changes a bit the bahaviour of mutices - replaced fRunning by mutex - changes to ExitLoop and IsRunning - added support for several frame grabber channels * videodev/FilterLed.[h,cc] - added new algorithms to find star - small updates to star finding support * videodev/PixGetter.h: - added a virtual empty destructor (IMPORTANT)